20170426 AM2MIAMIBEACH City Commission Meeting ADDENDUM MATERTAL 2 (4t25t2017) City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3'o Floor, 1700 Convention Genter Drive April26,2017 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem5n Commissioner Ricky Arriola Commissioner Michael Grieco Comm issioner Joy Malakoff Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visft us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article Vll, Division 3 of the Gity Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk priorto engaging in any lobbying activitywith the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Gode sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. ADDENDUM AGENDA G7 - Resolution C7 AD A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE FOLLOWING IN CONNECTION WITH THE 2017 WORLD OUTGAMES, TO BE HELD IN MIAMI BEACH, FROM MAY26,2017 THROUGH JUNE 4,2017 (THE ''EVENT''): THE WAIVER OF RENTAL FEES FOR HALLS A AND B AT THE MIAMI BEACH CONVENTION CENTER, lN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $143,000.00; THE WAIVER OF FLAMINGO PARK RENTAL/USER FEES, lN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $3,750.00; THE WAIVER OF SPECIAL EVENT PERMITAPPLICATION, PERMIT, AND SQUARE FOOTAGE FEES, lN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $30,000.00;AND FURTHER, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 2014-28492, TO ELIMINATE THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE MIAMI BEACH - MIAMI LGBT SPORTS AND CULTURAL LEAGUE, INC., THE EVENT ORGANIZER, TO REIMBURSE THE CITY $50,000.00, wtTH RESPECT TO THE C|TY'S PRTOR $100,000.00 GRANT TO THE EVENT ORGANIZER, IN SUPPORT OF THE EVENT. Tourism, Culture and Economic Development Addendum added on 412512017 1 Addendum 2, April 26,2017 R7 - Resolution R7 Y A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, OPPOSING SENATE BILL 1312, AND RELATED HOUSE BILL 1021, AND URGING FLORIDA GOVERNOR RICK SCOTT TO VETO ANY SUCH LEGISLATION WITH REGARD TO pRovtstoNS THAT A) RETROACTTVELY PREEMPT LOCAL GOVERNMENTS FROM IMPOSING REGULATIONS ON CERTAIN BUILDING, CONSTRUCTION, OR AESTHETIC REQUIREMENTS THAT CONFLICT WITH OR IMPAIR CORPORATE TRADEMARKS, LOGOS, AND OTHER FEATURES OF CORPORATE BRANDING IDENTITY; B) REQUIRE LOCAL GOVERNMENTS TO CALCULATE THE COST SAVINGS TO OWNERS AND CONTRACTORS WHEN USING PRIVATE PROVIDERS FOR PLANS REVIEWS AND BUILDING INSPECTIONS, AND TO CALCULATE AND REDUCE PERMIT FEES ACCORDINGLY; C) PREEMPT LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND PUBLIC OR PRIVATE UTILITIES FROM CHARGING HIGHER WATER AND SEWER RATES TO A ONE- FAMILY OR TWO-FAMILY DWELLING THAT REQUIRES A LARGER WATER METER DUE TO THE INSTALLATION OF FIRE SPRINKLERS THAN THE RATES CHARGED TO SUCH DWELLINGS WITH A BASE METER; AND THAT D) PREEMPT LOCAL GOVERNMENTS FROM REQUIRING OWNERS TO OBTAIN PERMITS TO PAINT ONE-FAMILY AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS. Office of the City Attorney Commissioner Ricky Arriola Addendum added on 412512017 R7 Z A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, STRONGLY OPPOSING SENATE BILL 8 AND RE.AFFIRMING THE CITY'S LONG- STANDING POLICY AGAINST CASINO GAMBLING. Office of the City Attorney Commissioner Ricky Arriola Addendum added on 412512017 R9 - New Business and Commission Requests R9 AP PRESENTATION BYTHE MIAMI-DADE COUNTYCOMMISSION ON ETHICSAND PUBLICTRUST ON THE FINDINGS OF THE 2016 ETHICS QUESTIONNAIREADMINISTERED TO CITYOF MIAMI BEACH EMPLOYEES. Mayor Philip Levine Addendum added on 412512017 R9 AQ DISCUSSION REGARDING THE INSTALLATION OF CAMERAS ON UPPER NORTH BAY ROAD, DUE TO RECENT INCIDENTS OF BURGLARIES/ROBBERIES IN THE AREA. Vice-Mayor Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Addendum added on 412512017 2 Resolutions - G7 AD COMMISSION MEMORANDUM Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Jirnmy L. Morales, City Manager April 26,2017 AAIAAAI BEACH TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE FOLLOWING IN CONNECTION WITH THE 2017 WORLD OUTGAMES, TO BE HELD IN MtAMt BEACH, FROM MAy 26, 2017 THROUGH JUNE 4, 2017 (THE,EVENT,): THE WAIVER OF RENTAL FEES FOR HALLS A AND B AT THE MIAMI BEACH CONVENTION CENTER, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $143,000.00; THE WAIVER OF FLAMINGO PARK RENTAL/USER FEES, lN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $3,750.00; THE WAIVER OF SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT APPLICATION, PERMIT, AND SQUARE FOOTAGE FEES, lN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $30,000.00; AND FURTHER, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 2014-28492,TO ELIMINATE THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE MIAMI BEACH _ M]AMI LGBT SPORTS AND CULTURAL LEAGUE, INC., THE EVENT ORGANIZER, TO REIMBURSE THE CITY $5O,OOO.OO, WITH RESPECT TO THE CITYS PRIOR $1OO,OOO.OO GRANT TO THE EVENT ORGANIZER, IN SUPPORT OF THE EVENT. RECOMMENDATION Administration has been working with World OutGanes leadership to support the successful execution of this significant event with multiple footprints in Miami Beach from May 26-June 4,2017. ln light of recent fundraising challenges, and the City's wish to support and collaborate on this event, it is recommended that the City of Miami Beach waive the special event and park rental fees for activations in Lummus Park and Flamingo Park. Additionally, Administration is working to relocate at no cost or low cost any and all events slated to take place in the Miami Beach Convention Center. However, in an over abundance of caution, it is also recomnended to waive any rentalfees in the Miami Beach Convention Center as well. ANALYSIS The Miami Beach - Miami LGBT Sports & Cultural League, lnc. is a Florida non-profit organization which was formed to bid on the World OutGames. They are agroup of active community leaders involved in Human Rights, Culture or Sports throughout our LGTBQ community. The League was formed to insure that a competitive and organized bid be delivered to Gay Lesbian lnternational Sports Association (GLISA) for the World OutGames 2017. Page 803 of 1840 3 The Gay and Lesbian lntemational Sports Association was established in 2004 as a Gay and Lesbian lnternational Sport Association democratically govemed, international association of sport, culture and human rights organizations that work for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. GLISAs mandate is to support and grow an intemational LGBT movement by organizing continental associations, continental OutGames, and global World. The World OutGames is an intemational sporting event that is organized to help advance gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender human rights around the world. The firct World OutGames urias held in 2006 in Montreal and attracted more than 12,000 participants. The event was based on three components: Sport, Culture and Human Rights. The second World OutGames was held in Copenhagen in 2009. The World OutGames are held every four years in a global city. Hosts have included Copenhagen, Denmark; and Montreal. Antwerp, Belgium is hosting the 2013 World OutGames. The 2017 WorJd OutGames is slated to take place in Miamiand Miami Beach with more than a dozen sporting, culture, and human rights activities programmed. The City of Miami Beach is a major presenting sponsor of the OutGames; having made $200,000 in donations to supportthis eventto-date. The first $100,000 sponsorship funding was made in 2014, with the stipulation that $50,000 would be repaid to the City upon the OutGames receipt of VCA grant funds. This money has not yet been repaid. The second installment, concurrent with the sponsorship agreement, was made in the amount of $100,000 this fiscal year. There are two remaining donations which would be triggered should the organization meet outstanding fundraising goals. Should the organization meet the fundraising goal of $1,100,000, this would trigger a third donation in the amount of $100,000. Should the organization meet the fundraising goal of $2,200,000 this would trigger a fourth and final donation in the amount of $100,000. Each fundraising goalwould need to be substantiated with sponsorship agreements, proof of payment, and fully detailed fundraising reports. As of April 20, 2017, the event producers are reporting $394,721 in received support; and just under $63,000 on their cash balance sheet. Legislative Tracking Tourism, Culture and Economic Development ATTAGHMENTS: Description n Resolution Page 804 of 1840 4 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEAGH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE FOLLOWING IN CONNEGTION WITH THE2A17 woRLD OUTGAMES, TO BE HELD tN M|AMI BEACH, FROM MAY 26, 2017 THROUGH JUNE 4,2017 (THE "EVENT"): THE WAIVER OF RENTAL FEES FOR HALLS A AND B AT THE MIAMI BEACH CONVENTION CENTER, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $143,000.00; THE WAIVER OF FLAMINGO PARK RENTAUUSER FEES, lN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $3,750.00; THE WAMR OF SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT AppLtcATloN, PERM|T, AND SQUARE FOOTAGE FEES, lN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXC EED $30,000.00; AN D FURTH ER, AME N Dl NG RESOLUTION NO. 201 4-28492, T O ELIMINATE THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE MIAMI BEACH - MIAMI LGBT SPORTS AND CULTURAL LEAGUE, INC., THE EVENT ORGANIZER, TO REIMBURSE THE CIW $5O,OOO.OO, WITH RESPECT TO THE CITY'S PRIOR $1OO,OOO.OO GRANT TO THE EVENT ORGANIZER, IN SUPPORT OF THE EVENT. WHEREAS, the World Outgames is an annualsports and culturalevent, Iicensed by the Gay Lesbian lnternational Sports Association ("GL|SA"), that attracts thousands of athletes and spectators in a celebration of diversity; and VIIHEREAS, the Miami Beach - Miami LGBT Sports & Cultural League, lnc. (the "Event Organizer"), is a Florida non-profit organization formed to bid on the World Outgames and to insure that a competitive and organized bid was delivered to the GLTSA for the 2017 World Outgames; and WHEREAS, in 2013, the GLISA announced that the 2017 World Outgames would be hosted in Miami-Dade County, with the events to take place at various locations in Miami Beach and Miami-Dade County, from May 26,2017 through June 4, 2017 {the "Event"); and WHEREAS, in Resolution No. 2014-28492, the Mayor and City Commission approved a grant to the Event Organizer in support of the Event, in the amount of $100,000, with $50,000 to be repaid once separate grant funding from the Miami Beach Visitor and Convention Authority was disbursed to the Event Organizer; and WHEREAS, the Event Organizer has requested, and the Administration recommends, that the Mayor and City Commission waive the rent of the Miami Beach Convention Center's Halls A and B, in an amount not to exceed $143,000, for the Event; waive Flarningo Park rental/user fees, in an amount not to exceed $3,750.00; waive the special event permit application, permit, and square footage fees, in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00; and WHEREAS, the Administration further recommends that the Mayor and City Commission amend Resolution No. 2014-28492, to eliminate the requirement forthe Event Organizer to reimburse the City $S0,000, with respect to the City's prior $100,000 grant made in support of the event. Page 805 of 1840 5 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CIry COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby approve the following in connection with the2017 World Outgames, to be held in Miami Beach, from May 26,2017 through June 4, 2017 (the "Event"):the waiver of rental fees for Halls A and B at the Miami Beach Convention Center, in an amount not to exceed $143,000.00; the waiver of Flamingo Park rental/user fees, in an amount not to exceed $3,750,00; the waiver of special event permit application, permit, and square footage fees, in an arnount notto exceed $30,000.00; and further, amende Resolution No. 2014:28492, to eliminate the requirement for the Miami Beach - Miami LGBT Sports and Cultural League, lnc., the Event Organizer, to reimburse the City $50,000, with respect to the City's prior $100,000 grant to the Event Organizer, in support of the Event. PASSED and ADOPTED this AfiEST: day of April,2017. Philip Levine Mayor Rafael E. Granado City Clerk "TPPBOVED AS TO FOI]M & LANGUAGE & FOR E(ECUTION \-- t-24- 11 q h----rl6f Dato Page 806 of 1840 6 Resolutions - R7 Y MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Raul J. Aguila, CityAttorney DATE: April 26,2017 SUBJECT:A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, OPPOSING SENATE BILL 1312, AND RELATED HOUSE BILL 1021, AND URGING FLORIDA GOVERNOR RICK SCOTT TO VETO ANY SUCH LEGISLATION WITH REGARD TO PROVTSTONS THAT A) RETROACTTVELY PREEMPT LOCAL GOVERNMENTS FROM IMPOSING REGULATIONS ON CERTAIN BUILDING, CONSTRUCTION, OR AESTHETIC REQU]REMENTS THAT CONFLICT WITH OR IMPAIR CORPORATE TRADEMARKS, LOGOS, AND OTHER FEATURES OF CORPORATE BRANDING IDENTITY B) REQUIRE LOCAL GOVERNMENTS TO CALCULATE THE COST SAVINGS TO OWNERS AND CONTRACTORS WHEN USING PRIVATE PROVIDERS FOR PLANS REVIEWS AND BUILDING INSPECTIONS, AND TO CALCULATE AND REDUCE PERMIT FEES ACCORDINGLY C) PREEMPT LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND PUBLIC OR PRIVATE UTILITIES FROM CHARGING HIGHER WATER AND SEWER RATES TO A ONE-FAMILY OR TWO-FAMILY DWELLING THAT REQUIRES A LARGER WATER METER DUE TO THE INSTALLATION OF FIRE SPR]NKLERS THAN THE RATES CHARGED TO SUCH DWELLINGS WITH A BASE METER; AND THAT D) PREEMPT LOCAL GOVERNMENTS FROM REQUIRING OWNERS TO OBTAIN PERMITS TO PAINT ONE-FAMILY AND TWO.FAMILY DWELLINGS. RECOMMENDATION Pursuant to the request of Comm{ssioner Ricky Arriola, the attached Resolution is submitted for consideration by the Mayor and City Commission at the April 26,2017 Commission neeting. Legislative Tracking Office of the CityAttorney Sponsor Page 1560 of 1852 7 Commissioner Ricky Aniola ATTAGHMENTS: Description n Reso opposing SB 1312AND HB 1021 2017 F.A.4.25.2016 Page 1561 of 1852 8 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORID,A, OPPOSING SENATE BILL ' 1312, AND RELATED HOUSE B|LL 1021, AND URGTNG FLORTDA GOVERNOR RICK SCOTT TO VETO ANY SUGH LEGISLATION wTH REGARD TO PROVISIONS THAT A) RETROACTIVELY PREEMPT LOCAL GOVERNMENTS FROM IMPOSING REGULATIONS ON CERTAIN BUILDING, CONSTRUCTION, OR AESTHETIC REQUIREMENTS THAT GONFLICT WITH OR IMPAIR CORPORATE TRADEMARKS, LOGOS, AND OTHER FEATURES oF CORPORATE BRA,NDING IDENTITY; B) REQUIRE LOCAL GOVERNMENTS TO CALCULATE THE COST SAVINGS TO OWNERS AND CONTRACTORS WHEN USING PRIVATE PROVIDERS FOR PLANS REVIEWS AND BUILDING INSPECTIONS, AND TO CALCULATE AND REDUCE PERMIT FEES ACCORDINGLY; c) PREEMPT LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND PUBLIC OR PRIVA,TE UTILITIES FROM CHARGING HIGHER WATER AND SEWER RATES TO A ONE.FAMILY OR TWO- FAMILY DWELLING THAT REQUIRES ,q. LARGER WATER METER DUE TO THE INSTALLATION OF FIRE SPRINKLERS THAN THE RATES CHARGED TO SUCH DWELLINGS WITH A BASE METER; AND THAT D) PREEMPT LOCAL GOVERNMENTS FROM REQUIRING OWNERS TO OBTAIN PERMITS TO PAINT ONE- FAMILY AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS. WHEREAS, pending Florida Senate Bill 1312, as amended by committee substitute (CSISB 1312), and Florida House Bill 1021, as amended by two corirmittee substitutes and which passed by a unanimous vote of the House of Representatives on April 19,2017 (CS/CSIHB11021), contain numerous provisions which will preempt the authority of local governments and which will have far-reaching and devastating effects on the operation of local governments; and WHEREAS, specifically, these Bills contain provisions that a) retroactively preempt local governments from imposlng regulations on certain building, construction or aesthetic requirements that conflict with or impair corporate trademarks, logos, and other features of corporate branding identity; b) require local governments to calculate the cost savings to owners and contractors when using private providers for plans reviews and building inspections, and to calculate and reduce permit fees accordingly; c) preempt local governments and public or private utilities from charging higher water and sewer rates to a one-family or two-family dwelling that requires a larger water meter due to the installation of fire sprinklers than the rates charged to such dwellings with a base meter; and that d) preempt local governments from requiring owners to obtain permits to paint one-family and two-family dwellings; and Page 1562 of 1852 9 WHEREAS, the provisions in the Bills that require local govemments to provide cost savings to owners and contractors using private providers for building inspections and plans reviews will result in a substantial reduction in the budget of City of Miami Beach (City) because an estimated 90% of commercial permits are handled by private providers; and WHEREAS, this impact on the City's Building Department would result in a 75o/o decrease in personnel and will significantly increase permit fees for single family homeowners and those not using private providers in order to balance the Cit/s Enterprise Fund; and WHEREAS, furthermore, the inability of local governments to require permits for painiing certain residential dwellings would detract from the character of neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, in addition, the retroactive prohibition on Iocal design review criteria relating to corporate trademarks, logos, and other features of corporate branding would have harmful and sweeping aesthetic impacts within the City, especially with the nationally recognized Art Deco Historic District and throughout the many historically designated areas of the City which attract a significant amount of tourists and visitors to the City annually. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED EY THE MAYOR AND GIry COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby oppose Senate Bill 1312, and related House Bill 1021, and urge Florida Governor Rick Scott to veto any such legislation with regard to provisions that a) retroactively preempt local governments from imposing regulations on certain building, construction, or aesthetic requirements that conflict with or impair corporate trademarks, logos, and otherfeatures of corporate branding identity; b) require local governments to calculate the cost savings to owners and contractors when using private providers for plans reviews and building inspections, and to calculate and reduce permit fees accordingly; c) preempt local governments and public or private utilities from charging higher water and sewer rates to a one-family or two-family dwelling that requires a larger water meter due to the installation of fire sprinklers than the rates charged to such dwellings wiih a base meter; and that d) preempt local governments from requiring owners to obtain permlts to paint one-family and two-family dwellings. PASSED AND ADOPTED this .--.----- day of Aprfi,2017. ATTEST: @ Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk F:\ATTO\TURN\RESOS\Reso opposlng SB 1312 AND HB fi212017.doc APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION Page 1563 of 1852*ib Dole 10 Resolutions - R7 Z MIAAAI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Raul J. Aguila, CityAttorney DATE: April 26,2017 SUBJECT:A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, STRONGLY OPPOSING SENATE BILL 8 AND RE-AFFI RMI NG THE CITY'S LONG.STANDING POLICYAGAI NST CASI NO GAMBLI NG. RECOMMENDATION Pursuant to the request of Comndssioner Ricky Aniola, the attached Resolution is submitted for consideration by the Mayor and City Commission at the April 26,2017 Commission meeting. Legislative Tracking Office of the CityAttomey Sponsor Commissioner Ricky Aniola ATTACHMENTS: Description a RESQ Opposing SB I20'17 F.A.4.25.2016 Page 1564 of 1852 11 f l p$,tnq:l*'" *r''nqBE:{ :l-lf r,'li''18:t't"' RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, STRONGLY OPPOSING SENATE BILL 8 AND RE.AFFIRMING THE CITY'S LONG- STANDING POLICY AGAINST CASINO GAMBLING. WHEREAS, Senate Bill 8 is currently pending consideration in the 2A17 Florida Legislative Session; and WHEREAS, this Bill would allow the expansions of slot machlnes and casino gambling, and would continue to provide certain exclusive gaming rights to the Seminole Tribe throughout the State of Florida; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach has a long-standing policy against casino gambling in Florida as evidenced by Resolution Nos. 2014-28529,2011-27812,2A08- 26927, and 2008-26925, which are attached hereto as Composite Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach continues to be firmly committed to opposing all measures that would expand casino gambling in the State of Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby strongly oppose Senate Bill 8 and hereby re-affirm the City's long- standing policy against casino gambling. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 'day of April, 2017. ATTEST: @ Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk APPROVED ASTO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION I>*-rnqg.* Cily Attorney r--r{ yhrlrt Dote F:\ATTO\TURN\RESOS\RESO Opposing SB I 2017.doc Page 1565 of 1852 12 j I ' RESOLUTTON NO.l 2014-28529 I l.-__t A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF . THE CITY : OF MTAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, STRONGLY REAFFIRMING RESOLUTION NO. 2011.27812 WHICH URGED THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO REJECT ANY AND ALL EXPANSTONS OF GAMBLTNG tN FLORIDA, |NCLUD|NG LEGISLATION THAT WOULD LEGALIZE "DESTINATION cAStNOS." WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature is currently considering various measures that would substantially expand gambling in the State of Florida; and WHEREAS, on December 14, 2011, the Mayor and City Commission passed and adopted Resolution No. 2011-278'12 which urged the Florida Legislature to reject any and all expansions of gambling, includihg legislation to legalize 'destination casinos," in the State of Florida; and WHEREAS, the Maybr and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach strongly reaftirm the position expressed in Resolution No. 2011-27812, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and wish to maintain Resolution No. 201 1-27812 in full force and effect. NOW, THEREFORE, BE tT DULY RESOLVED By THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that, by a unanimous 7-0 vote, the Mayor and City Commission hereby strongly reafiirm Resolution No. 2011-27812 which urged the Florida Legislature to reject any and all expansions of gambling in Florida, including legislation that would legalize'destination casinos.' PASSED AND ADOPTED this ftt day of March, 2014. Ralph fl Granado,APPROVED AS TO FOBM & IANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION F:\ATTO\TURN\RESOS\Cas|no Gambling March 2014.docx Composite Exhibit A Page 1566 of 1852 13 RESOLUTTON NO. 2Ot1-27812 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, URGING THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO REJECT ANY AND ALL EXPANSIONS OF GAMBLING, INCLUDING LEGISLATION TO LEGALIZE "DESTINATION CASINOS" IN FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature is currently considering various measures that would substantially expand gambling in the State, and WHEREAS, the legislation being considered would allow for casino operations that rival in size and scope the gambling operations existing in Las Vegas and Atlantic City; and WHEREAS, notwithstanding the assurances of gambling promoters, historically, large scale casino operations cannibalize non-gambling businesses and have caused, for instance, the shuttering of forty percent of all restaurants and one{hird of all retail businesses in Atlantic City; and WHEREAS, our community will bear the severe and painful economic and social costs that always accompany expansive gambling, including the misery of individuals and families touched by problem gambling as they are at higher risk of divorce, bankruptcy, child abuse, domestic violence, crime, and suicide, and WHEREAS, expanded gambling promotes corruption of the governmental process as immensely wealthy gambling companies from all over the world seek to receive benefits from state governmental entities that regulate their existence and profits, and WHEREAS, if gambling interests are allowed to obtain major casino expansion, full scale casino and gambling operations will became commonplace throughout our community and our State, and WHEREAS, inward facing mega-developments will privatize pubhc streets, destroy the pedestrian experience of downtown neighborhoods, exacerbate trafflc, and denigrate the quality of life in our community; and WHEREAS, the false promises of increased revenue and jobs, like the broken promises that accompanied the lottery and other gambling expansions, are intended to convince Floridians to make a fool's gamble with their future, and WHEREAS, based upon the foregoing concerns, the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, hereby urge the Florida Legislature to reject any and all expansions of gambling in the State of Florida, including any legislation which would legalize so called "destination casinos j Page 1567 of 1852 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CIry COMMISSTON OF THE Clry OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Florida Legislature is hereby urged to reject any and all expansions of gambling, including legislation to legalize so called "destination casinos' in Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED this (A day of December, 2011 ATTEST: urSs+x L! v -.lli-\. : ^ irNcoRpl oRnreoj * fu,Y Robert Parcher, City APPROVED AS TO F \ATTO\TURN\RESOS\Casino Gambling.docx Page 1568 of 1852 15 RE$BLUTIONHO. 2oo8-26e27 A RESOLUTION SF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAilIII BEACH, FLORIDA, SUPPORTHG THE RIGHT OF THE CITY TO DECIDE AND TO EXERCISE LOCAL CONTROL IITIITH REGARB TO CASINO GAMBLING IfiIITHII'{ ITS JURISDICTION. YUHEREA$, [n response to news arlicles reporting that a commitlee, financed by local developers, raras investigating the possibility of a proposed amendment to the Florida Constitution to allow fir Class lll ganrbling at various- gite1 within Miarni-Dade County, including in the City of ftr{iami Beach, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resotution No. 2008-26S?5 on October B, 2008, opposing rasino garnbling in the City; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach support the right of tlre City to decide and to exercise local control with regard to casino gambling within its jurisdiction. NOW THEREFORE, EE IT DULY RESOLYED BY THE II'AYOR ANO CITY COililrfiltStOH OF THE CITY OF MlAtlltl BEACH, FLORIDA, that, in addition to opposing casino garnbling in the City of Miami Beach, the Mayor and City Comrnission support ine rigfrt of the City to decide and to exercise local control wlth regard to casino gambling in the City of Miami Beach. PASSED and,4OOPTEB this Tttrday of 0ctober 2008. ATTEST: APTNSryHD AS TI} FORf'rt & [ANAUAGE lt FOir Ju Ir{\,r r-ffir F:\attoITURN\RESOS\Casino Gavnbling 8nd $upp6ning Right sl Loeal Gsv t! ChoDie'dnc Mayor Rotiert Parcher Page 1569 of 1852 16 RESOLUT]ON NO.2008-e6925 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND GITY COMMISSION OF Tt"tE clTy oF MtAMt BEACH, FLOR|D^I., OppOstHG ANy INITIATIVE TO AITIEND FLORIDA'S COHSTITUTIOH TO ALLOW CA$INO GAIIIBLIHG IN ITII.AMI BEACH. WHERHA$, local news adictes have reported that a cornrnittee, financed b-y lo*al developers, [s investlgating the possibility of writing an initiative for a proposed casino amendment ts the Florida Consfftution to allow for Class lll gambling at various sites within Miami-Dade, including in the Cig of Miami Beach; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission are opposed to casino gambling in the City of Miami Eeach and oppose any efforts to bring casino gambling to the City of Miami Beach; and WHERHAS, in view of the concern of the Mayor and City Commission with regard to the prospect of casins gambling in Miami-Dade County, the City Manager and City .&ttorney's Office are hereby direcled to inuestigate and research any and all methsds to oppose and prevent casino gambling in the City of Miami Beach. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY C0llllttflls$l0N OF THE CITY OF MLAftill BEACH, FLORID.A, that the Mayor and City Gomrnission sppose ca$ino gambling in the City of Alliami Beach and the City lvlanager and City Attorney are herehy directed to research and investigate any and all rnethods to oppose caslno gambling in the City of Miami Beach. PASSED ANd ADOPTED this 7th .day of 0ctaber 2008- ATTEST: in*r-f"C-- Robert Far'cher eity Olerk APrffilEDr$]U FSFSfr E L*NSUABE & Mayor F:bfiotTURN\RESOSl0a6ino in $outh Florida-doc Page 1570 of 1852 17 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 18 New Business and Commission Requests - R9 AP AAIAAAI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Mayor Philip Levine DATE: April 26,2017 SUBJECT: PRESENTATION BY THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY COMMISSION ON ETHICS AND PUBLIC TRUST ON THE FINDINGS OF THE 2016 ETHICS QUESTIONNAIRE ADMINISTERED TO CITY OF MIAMI BEACH EMPLOYEES. ANALYSIS Attached please find the Executive Summary of the 2016 Ethics Questionnaire administered to City of Miami Beach employees by the Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust. Mr. Joseph M. Centorino, Executive Director of the Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust, will be presenting an overview of the results, followed by questions. Leoislative Trackino Mayor Philip Levine ATTACHMENTS: Description o Executive Sumnary - Survey Findings Page 181 1 of 1840 19 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Findings of 2A16 ethics questionnaire administered to City of Miami Beach employees Introduction During a seven-month period during 2013, the Miami-Dade Ethics Commission Staff presented an intensive ethics training program to approximately 250 City of Miami Beach employees, consisting of nine steps and more than twelve hours of classroom presentations and interaction. This unusual "bootcamp" approach to ethics training for public employees was arranged through an interlocal agreement between the City of Miami Beach and Miami-Dade County, paid for by the City. The employees were from "regulatoq/" departments dealing directly with the public regarding enforcement and related issues, including the Building, Code Compliance, Finance, Fire Prevention, Parking, Planning, and Procurement. The program was prompted by a request from former City Manager Jorge Gonzalez, due to significant problems generated by a number of individuals from among those departments who had been prosecuted for comrption- related crimes, as well as by his assessment of the ethics and comrption risks to the City from those departments. The program, conducted during the first year of the administration of City Manager Jimmy Morales, was provided explicit approval and support by Manager Morales as well as the Mayor and City Commission. The program was also video-recorded by employees of the City for its continued use in the training of new employees in those departments, which has been done on a regular basis since 20L3. The final step of the program consisted of personal interviews by Ethics Commission staff with 203 of the employees from those departments, and the administration of a questionnaire to those employees, which included an assessment of their attitudes on a number of ethics and comrption- related issues in the City government. The results of the questionnaire were included in a Final Report issued by the Ethics Commission staff to Manager Morales, in February 2014. During December, 2016, Miami-Dade Ethics Commission staff, with the cooperation of City Manager Morales and his staff, re-administered two sections of the original questionnaire to 218 current City of Miami Beach employees within the same departments that had been the subject of the original ethics training. This group included many of those who personally participated in the original program, as well as a substantial number of employees hired in those departments since 2013, who received the video-recorded version of the training as part of their orientation. The purpose of the second questionnaire was to provide a basis for assessing whether the attitudes of the employees in the participating departments had measurably changed during the three years since the completion of the original program. The questions selected were identical to questions from the original questionnaire administered in December 2013. The methodology used to administer and record the answers was identical to that used in 2013-personal interviews of City employees by Ethics Commission staff. The results are summarized below through a comparison of the average responses to those questions included on both questionnaires. The tabulation of the responses was done by COE Forensic Accountant/Investigator Karl Ross. Attached to this summary are copies of the original program outline as proposed and conducted in 2013, as well as the questionnaires used in both 2013 and 20i6. Page 1812 of 1840 20 Comparison of 2013 results to 2016 results: Part I o In response to Question #1, overall job satisfaction was slightly higher n2016 at 8.2 on a scale of 1 to 10, compared to 8 for the survey conducted in December 2013. o In response to Question #2, employees said working conditions improved fromT .4 in 2013 to a rating of 8.1 in 2016 - a nearly 10 percent increase. o In response to Question #3, employees rated the quality of their supervision at 8.3 in 2016 as compared to 7 .7 in 201 3 - an increase of 8 percent. o In response to Question #4, employees rated the quality of their training n 2016 as 7 .5 versus 7 n 2013 - a 7 percent improvement. o In response to Question #5, employees rated the morale of their fellow co-workers as 7.1 in 2016, registering a 16 percent improvement over the 6.1 assigned in 2013. o In response to Question #6, employees again gave their supervisors higher marks in2016, rating their ethical standards at 8.6 compared to 8.1 in 2013. r In response to Question #7, employees also reported a more favorable view of their co-workers' ethics in 2016 at 8.6 when compared to20t3 al8.2. o In response to Question #8, employees rated the City's overall ethical standards at 8 in 2016 as opposed to 7.1 in 2013 - or a 13 percent increase over that period. Comparison of 2013 results to 2016 results: Part II o In response to Question #9,22 percent of employees reported having been offered a bribe at some point in their careers - down from27 percent in20l3. o In response to Question #10, 13 percent of employees said they were aware of bribery or comrption in CMB government. The percentage is unchanged over 2013. o ln response to Question #11, 90 percent of employees said they felt they received enough training to identify and avoid ethical pitfalls - slightly lower than the 92 percent that expressed having received adequate training in 2013. o In response to Question #12,77 percent of employees said they felt adequate safeguards were in place to thwart comrption compared to just 60 percent in2013. o In response to Question #13, 80 percent of employees expressed that adequate measurers were in place to report comrption - up significantly from the 64 percent in 2013. o In response to Question #14,81percent of employees viewed CMB Govemment to be ethical compared to 65 percent in 2013 - an overall improvement of 25 percent. o In response to Question #15, 67 percent of employees said they felt there were adequate protections against retaliation for reporting ethical misconduct. This is more than double the 33 percent of employees who responded affirmatively in2013. Other findings and highlights among departments: o Based on the 2016 results, Procurement showed the highest level ofjob satisfaction at 9.3 out of 10 and co-worker morale, also 9.3 out of 10, while Parking seemed to be the most problematic department with job satisfaction of 7.4 and co-worker morale of 4.4. o The departments with the highest percentage of employees stating they had been offered bribes were Fire Prevention at 36 percent followed by Parking at 35 percent and Code Compliance at 30 percent. Finance Page 1813 of 1840 21 and Procurement employees reported no such overtures while Planning reported 8 percent affrrmative response. . The reduction in the percent of employees offered a bribe fromZ7 to 22 percent is likely more significant than it may seem. 30 percent of employees taking the survey in 2013 reported having been offered a bribe at some point. This contrasts with just 9.4 percent of employees joining the regulatory ranks since that time. This suggests that the incidence of bribery may be declining due to increased awareness by regulatory employees as well as reduced expectations of the receptivity of employees to bribes by potential bribers. Conclusion Overall, the above findings suggest that City of Miami Beach employees from the regulatory departments surveyed are more satisfied with the City's ethical standards than they were at the time of the initial ethics survey in 2013. The recent questionnaires highlighted a number of positive trends, such as double-digit improvements with respect to the City's overall ethics and ethical standards, as well as co-worker morale. The findings further signal that management is doing a better job at finding ways to report and prevent comrption while making employees who report misconduct feel safer against retaliation. The favorable trend in employee attitudes documented in this comparison cannot be attributed to any single factor, but is likely related to both the intensive ethics training that the employees have received over the past three years, as well as appropriate follow-up actions by administrators, supervisors and the employees themselves. The original questionnaire was administered at the end of the 2013 live version of the ethics training. Because the employees were not interviewed prior to the commencement of that training, we are unable to determine the impact of the original training apart from the follow-up video training. Assuming that the original live presentation would have left a positive impact on those attitudes following that seven-month program and prior to the first suryey, it is probable that the impact of the original training, plus the continued use of the video version of that training, would have shown an even greater improvement in attitudes toward ethics than what was concluded from the available data. ## Page 1814 of 1840 22 New Business and Commission Reouests - R9 AQ MIAAAI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Vce-Mayor Kristen Rosen Gonzalez DATE: April 26,2017 SUBJECT: DISCUSSION REGARDING THE INSTALLATION OF CAMERAS ON UPPER NORTH BAY ROAD, DUE TO RECENT INCIDENTS OF BURGLARIESIROBBERIES IN THE AREA. ANALYS!S Please place a discussion item on the April 26, 2017 Commission Agenda, regarding the installation of cameras on Upper North Bay Road, due to recent incidents of burglaries/robberies in the area. Leoislative Trackino Vice-Mayor Kristen Rosen Gorzalez Page 1826 of 1852 23 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 24