41 St Street_December 194641ST STREET Witt' approval of 41st St. Ass'n. Council votes to install parking meters on 41st St. 12/4/46 24 415 41st St. Assn. approves application of Samuel Jamison for boat dock at 41st St. & Biscayne Waterway 12/18/40 24 426 41st St. Ass'n. is given permission to put up Christmas sign at east end of 41st St. 12/18/46 24 427 9 Book Page 41ST STREET 10 Book Page Kenneth Oka urges the Council to rescind its action in deny- ing application for permit for boat dock at 41st Street & Biscayne Waterway 1/15/47 24 458 Council refers the matter to Mr. Hice for investigation 1/15/47 24 459 41st St. Ass'n. asks for additional policemen for 41st St. - it is referred to City Manager 1/15/47 24 467 41ST STREET 11 Book Page Council refers 41st St. Ass'n. request for neon sign at east end of 41st St. to Mr. Renshaw 3/5/47 25 31 Petition presented asking widening of East 41st Street bridge and approach 4/16/47 25 113 Russell Pancoast asks for ordinance permitting construc- tion of permanent concrete canopies on west end of 41st Street - Council asks City Attorney to prepare ordinance 7/2/47 25 248 41ST STREET Council votes authority to Building Dept. to issue permit for construction of posts on west end of 41st St. to support conceete awning 12 Book Page 7/16/47 25 294 41st Street business people ask Council to acquire parking property in 41st Street section 11/19/47 25 467 V. W. Silas to be paid $11000 for designing 41st St. bridge 3/17/48 26 • 269 41STSTREET 13 Book Page 41st St. Assn. asks for rezoning of both sides of 41st St. from Biscayne Waterway to Sheridan Ave. to BAA - zoning hearing on proposal called for Aug. 4, 1948 7/7/48 26 428 Zoning hearing conducted but action deferred until full Council is presnet 8/4/48 27 2 41st St. Ass'n. flavors 36th St. Causeway term- inating at 41st St. 11/3/48 27 183 41ST STREET _ 14 Book Page Irvin Pollak asks for sign over 41st St. bridge at Indian Creek indicating 41st Street business district 12/1/48 27 231 Irvin Pollak again asks for City to put up sign over bridge at Indian Creek, indicating 41st Street business section - Council asks that preliminary drawings be submitted after City Attorney's opinion that sign would violate Ord. #+60 12/8/48 27 236 41ST STREET 15 Book Page Petition of merchants asking that name be changed to Roosevelt Road - action deferred until Jan. 5 3300.00 appropriated for Christmas decorations 12/8/48 27 238 12/8/48 27 238 City Attorney's opinion is that the City is without authority to permit sign as requested over 41st St. bridge at Indian Creek 12/15/48 27 245 41ST STREET 16 Book Page 41st Street Association asks for remodeling and improve- ment of the bridge over Indian Creek - it is referred to committee consisting of Councilmen Powell and Turk and Mr. Thompson 12/15/48 27 255 No action taken on request that name of street be changed to Roosevelt Road 1/5/49 27 273 41ST STREET 17 Book Page No action taken on petition for change of name to Roosevelt Road 1/12/49 27 333 Request for change of name to Roosevelt Road held up for further consideration 1/19/49 27 336 Mr. Burbridge favors temporary walk on south side of 41st St. bridge over Indian Creek 4/6/49 28 24 41ST STREET 18 Book Page Council authorizes removal of trees from City property in front of Singer's Buildings on 41st St. 11/2/49 29 20 Objections filed to removal of trees in front of theatre - Council takes no action 11/9/49 29 37 41st Street Association re- quests financial appropri- ation in connection with decorating street for Xmas - refened to PRAC 11/23/49 29 69 41st Street 19 Book Page Council appropriates '$1,500. for construction of neon signs on 41st St. bridge over Indian Creek indicating business district 12/7/49 29 70 Council appropriates $200. for ChriAmas decorations 12/7/49 29 72 After objections are made work is halted on 41st St. bridge signs 12-14-49 29 85 Dr. Walters objects to signs on bridge 12-21-49 29 107 41ST STREET 20 Book Page Russell Pancoast asks (1) for widening of 41st St. bridge over Indian Creek; (2) that off- street parking property be acquired on south side of 41st St. west of Biscayne Waterway; (3) that +1st St. west of Biscayne Waterway be renamed Sunset Strip 1-4--50 29 111 Request for traffic light at 41st and Alton referred to Traffic Planner 1--4-50 29 111 41ST STREET Hearing conducted on proposed neon signs on bridge over Indian Creek (Action deferred) City Engineer directed to draw plans for 41st St. bridge over Indian Creek Traffic light to be installed at 41st & Alton Council grants permit for neon signs on 41st St. bridge over Indian Creek 21 Book Page 1-11.50 29 126 1-11-50 29 134 1-11-50 29 135 1-18-50 138 41ST STREET 22 Book Page .Arnold Levy asks that name of west end of street be changed to "Sunset Strip" - no action 1-18-50 29 138 Objec'-ions +o red neon signs on 41s+ S+. bridge over Indian Creek Red neon signs on bridge over Indian Creek approved - to be turned off at 10:30 each night 2-15-50 29 169 2-16-50 29 186 41ST STREET 23 Book Page Realighment of curbs and SIDEwalks at west end of street authorized 3-1-50 29 195 City Manager and City Engineer to negotiate for additional right- of-way on 41st St. 5-3-50 29 322 Mr. Renshaw reports on negotiations in con- nection with acquisition of right-of-way 11-1-50 30 139 1+1ST S` RtET Book Page 21+ Res. #?346! authorizing purchase of portion of Lot 28, Block 3, Flamingo Terr Sub - treet widening 11-15-50 30 191 Council advises 41st St. Association that funds are not available for cost of Xmas decorations on 41st Street 12-13-50 30 248 41ST STREET 25 Book Page Resolution authorizing insti- tution of condemnation. pro- ceedings to acquire 7i feet of Walters property - defeated Mr. Link to contact Mrs. Walters relative to selling property to City 3-7-51 30 440 Col. Gimbel advises he will not sell 7* feet of property for widening purposes unless his lot is rezoned for busi- ness purposesraa 3-21-51 3Q 466 Dpurchasing Ulmbe eproperty 3-21-51 39 466 purchasing action taken 41st STRgIgT 26 Book Page Mr. Link advises that 1)r. and Mrs. Walters are agreeable to selling 7i feet of their property for widening purposes at City's appraisal figure - agreement to be prepared 3-26-51 30 480 Res. #7515 authorizing pur- chase of N. 7' Lot 29, Block 3. Flamingo Terr. Sub for street widening '11s1o1"l0 iie dd 4-11-51 31 4 coude 3 o tproce cm�greto ac proper Lo 1, Flam. ay 4-11-51 31 5 4Ist STREET 27 Book Page Res. 7 rn522 authorizing con- denatt. on proceedings to acquire S. 15' Lot 1, Flamingo Bay Sub. for 41st Street widening 4-18-51 31 14 41st Street establishments ask for alley in block where new post office will be built. Committee to -investigate possi- bility of acquiring lot south of Sheridan Theatre 5-16-51 31 184 41ST STREET 28 Book Page Erection of neon sign (41st St. Business District) on new 41st Street bridge authorized 12-30-53 35 270 41st Street Assn asks Council to appropriate $4,000.00 for beautification of 41st St. from Sheridan Ave. to Biscayne Waterway by planting. To be included in 1955-56 budget. 11-17-54 35 340 41st Street Business Associat.on asks Council to rename 41st Street'Arthur Godfrey Road . Ordinance tobe38 32 prepared. 41ST STREET 29 Book Page 1st reading ordinance changing name of 41st Street to ARTHUR GODFREY ROAD 2-1-56 38 44 3rd reading ordinance renaming 41st Street Arthur Godfrey Road, Ord. #1201 2-15-56 38 66 �o Z Ftrt t E P R Z" NC E Ager/1&< ,v