42Nd Street Closing_July 1953 to May 1954,? 2ND.. STREET_ CLOSING 1. Book Page No action on request of Bdard of Public Instruction to close 42nd St. between Chase & Ptairie Aves. due to expansion of facilities No. Beach Elementary School 7-15-53 34 404 Asst. Supt. of Board of Pub. Instruction advises he expects to be present at Council meeting June 2, when request of School Board for closing 42nd St. will be considered. Meeting to be -held with School Board prior to June 2. 5-19-54 35 482 :_42ND STREET CLOSING Book Page Hearing re. proposed closing of 42nd St. bet. Prairie Ave. and Chase Ave. Action deferred until later meeting 6-2-54 36 10 2.