City Boards or Commissions_March to June 1981 (2)CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 101 (continued) Date deferred to 3/18/81. 3/4/81 Memo 8897 - deferred to 4/1/81. 3/18/81 Memo 8932 - deferred to 4/15/81. 4/1/81 Memo 8961 - deferred to 5/6/81. 4/15/81 Memo 9000 - deferred to 5/20/81. 5/6/81 Memo 9036 - deftrred to 6/3/81. 5/20/81 Memo 9055 - deferred to 6/17/81. 6/3/81 3o 6/. x'5'0 / CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 102 Date Memo 9098 - deferred to 7/8/81 for full Commission. 6/17/81 Memo 9118, not reached - deferred to 7/15/81. 7/8/81 Request of Comm. Falk to discuss proposed Charter 7/8/81 Amendment eliminating Bd. & Com. appts. for 90 days prior to an election; referred to C. Att. for review & recommendation. (see CHARTER AMENDMENTS) Memo 9149 - deferred to 9/2/81 for full Comm. 7/15/81 Comm. Falk reiterated her suggestion expressed at 7/15/0 the 7/8/81 mtg. regarding adoption of a Charter Amendment to change the termination date of any .3 0 6-7 '9?"—Zo CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 103 (Cont'd) Date board & com. appts. which presently occurs during 7/15/81 the last 90 days bef. an election, to immediately following the election. Matter was deferred to 9/2/81 for a full Comm. (see CHARTER AMENDMENTS) Motion for adoption of emergency ord. imposing moratorium on Comm. appts. to municipal boards, agencies, and committees for 90 days prior -to any City election; providing exceptions; providing an effective date, died for lack of 2nd. 9/2/81 Memo 9207 - remaining appts. deferred to 9/16/81. 9/2/81 (see Housing Authority, Boxing Commission, Civil Service[Personnel Board], Latin Am. Comm. Adv. Board, & Beautification Comm. for ind. appts.) o 6--/- -`7/.(5-0� CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 104 Date Memo 9236 - not reached - deferred to 10/14/81. 9/16/81 Memo 9313, Bd. & Com. appts. motion, made by 11/4/81 Comm. Fromberg, was adopted to effect that action on any existing at -large bd. & cam. appts. be deferred for 30 days; that in interim, those bds. not fully constituted, shall conduct only bus. deemed absolutely necessary; further that there be a lapse of at least 1 Comm. mtg. bet. announcement of pending bd. appts. & filling of same by Comm., so all interested persons may submit resumes to members of Comm. for rev. bef. Comm. votes. C. Clerk advised that her office was updating list of bds. & coms. as well as memo of present & upcoming vacancies, which will be furnished ,?r7 CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 105 (Cont'd) Date to Comm. as expeditiously as possible. Mayor 11/4/81 Ciment suggested that as a pub. serv., the local newspaper print a list of pres. & upcoming vacancies w/qualification requirements & invite all interested cits. to submit written resumes to members of Comm. Comm. Singer requested that Admin. prepare list of nonfunctioning bds. for Comm. consideration of possible abolishment, & to pl. item on 11/18/81 agenda. Memo 9347, discussion of Comm. policy on bd. & 11/18/81 com. appts. & abolition of certain nonfunctioning bds. & coms.; not reached - deferred to 11/25/81 cont'd. mtg. Z6-7 -$,' / CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 106 Date Rep. on legal status of seats of expired bd. & 11/18/81 com. members not reached — deferred to 11/25/81. VM Dr. Haber advised that he will submit, for , Comms consideration, written recommendation to est. a policy whereby, if a seat is not filled within 45 days of expiration of term, it will be deemed to be vacant, so that Comm. will have to consider filling the vacancy in ord. for the bd./com. to be able to function properly. Memo 9347, discussion of Comm. policy on bd. & 11/25/81 com. appts. & abolition of certain nonfunctioning bds. & comas. Comm. clarified actions taken at 11/4/81 mtg. regarding bd. & com. appts. Discussion held. Comm. Daoud requested that prior to �d6—/. •6-e/ CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 107 (Cont'd) Date 12/2/81, C. Mgr. send all Comms. an alphabetical 11/25/81 list of resumes circulated thus far for considera- tion for appt. to specific bds. Comm, est. policy that no vote will be taken on any nominee until that indiv's resume is circulated to ea. Comm. at least 7 days bef. such vote; C. Mgr. is to det. circulation pattern & advise Comm. Comm. Fromberg requested that if Comms. are so inclined, they announce their anticipated forthcoming nominations 1 mtg. prior to such nomination. Item to be repld. on 12/2/81 agenda for Comm. to rev. any existing bds. they desire. (see M.B. YOUTH CONGRESS, LANDLORD - TENANT ARBITRATION BOARD, SOLICITATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3067 • -9'45-e/ CITY' BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 108 Date Memo 9347, Soc. Serv. Adv. Bd. - Comm. Singer 11/25/81 advised that at 12/2/81 mtg., he will offer suggestions regarding Bd's comp. in effort to make it more effective w/quality appts. C. Att. Memo 9375, terms of office of City Bd. 11/25/81 & Comm. members. C. Att. rev'd. memo. Discussion held. Matter deferred to 12/2/81 for rev. by C. Att. of ques's. raised by Comm. Memo 9347, discussion of Comm. policy on Bd. & 12/2/81 Com. appts. & abolition of certain nonfunctioning bds. & coms., deferred to 12/16/81. Discussion held regarding term of appointees to Social 3 0 7 CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 109 (Cont'd) Date Serv. Adv. Bd.; C. Att. advised that appointees 12/2/81 serve at will of Mayor. Motion to chg. apptg. auth. from Mayor to Comms. w/ea. having 2 appts., failed of passage. Motion to limit Bd. size to 15 appointees, failed of passage. C. Att. Memo 9375, rep. on legal status of seats 12/2/81 of expired bd. & com. members; not reached - deferred to 12/16/81. Memo 9347 - see Bd. of Adj., Boxing Comm., 12/16/83 MB Visitor & Conv. Authority for indiv. appts. Remaining appts. deferred to 12/29/81 cont'd mtg. CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 110 (Cont'd) Date C. Att. Memo 9375, rep. on legal status of seats 12/16/81 of expired bd. & com. members. 1) Ord. amending Code Chap. 2, Sec. 2--1,3 adding Secs. 2-1.3.1 through 2-1.3.4 governing terms of office of all & com. members; repealing all ords. in conflict; & providing for an effective date; passed on 1st reading. Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 1/20/82 commencing at 2 p.m. In reply to Mayor Ciment's inquiry, C. Att. advised proposed ord. would not affect Federally - (Housing Authority, Redevelopment Agcy), St. - (Bd. of Adj., Firemen & Policemen Pension Fund Bd., Personnel Bd.), or County-created bds. 2) Res. governing expiration of terms of City bd. & com. members. C. Att. advised that w/adoption CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 111 (Cont'd) Date of above ord., res. was not necessary. No action 12/16/81 taken. Discussion on Comm. policy on bd. & com. appts. & 12/29/81 abolition of certain nonfunctioning bds. & coms. Consideration of abolishment of bds. & coms. L.T.C. 77-81, Memo 9347 as amended, deferred to 1/6/82. (see ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, FINE ARTS BOARD, PLANNING BOARD) Discussion on Comm. policy on bd. & com. appts. & 1/6/82 abolition of certain nonfunctioning bds. & coms. Consideration of abolishment of bds. & coins. LTC 77-81, Demo 9347 as amended, not reached ,-e5-e7) CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 112 (Cont'd) Date deferred to 1/20/82. (see HOUSING AUTHORITY, 1/6/82 BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE, BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE, COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN, PLANNING COMMISSION, CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT, GOLF ADVISORY COMMITTEE) Ord. governing terms of office of all City Bd. & 1/20/82 Com. members. Hrg, held & concluded. Ord. 82-2293 adopted, amdg, Code Chap, 2, Memo 9347, as amd'd, discussion of Comm. policy on 1/20/82 Bd. & Com. appts. & abolition of certain nonfunctioning bds. & cams.; not reached - deferred to 2/3/82. (see BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE, BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE. CITIZENS ADV. COMMITTED FOR COMM. IMPROVEMENT. 3o CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS (Cont'd) M.B. CONVENTION CENTER ADV COMMITTEE, PLANNING COMM., COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMM.) 113 Date . BOARD, HURRICANEDEFENSE 1/20/82 M.B., CMB LATIN AMERICAN Memo 9347, as amdfd, discussion of Comm. policy on 2/3/82 bd. & com. appts. & abolition --of certain nonfunctioning bds. & cams.; not reached- deferred to 2/17/82. Remaining appts, not reached deferred to 2/17/82. (see HOUSING AUTHORITY, CMB BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE, CITIZENS ADV. COMITTEE FOR COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT, CMB -JUVENILE PROBLEMS, CMB LATIN AM. COMM. AFFAIRS ADV. BD., RECREATIONAL CTRS. & PKS. FACILITIES BD., SOCIAL SERVICES) 6-/ -6-01(/ CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 114 Date Memo 9347, as amd'd., discussion of Comm. policy 2/17/82 on bd. & com. appts. & abolition of certain non- functioning bds. & cons., removed from agenda at request of Couuu. Singer. Remaining appts. deferred to 3/3/82. (see PLAQUES & MEMORIAL COMMITTEE [COMMISSIONERS], CMB LATIN AM. COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, SOCIAL SERVICES, BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE, CMB) Ord. prohibiting appt. of any per. to serve on any 3/3/82 City Bd. or Com. which supervises, has responsibility for, or makes recommendations w/respect to, any City Dept., Div., or Admin. function in which that person'F spouse, child, parent, brother, or sister is 3 05-7 CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 115 (Cont'd) Date employed; providing for exemption, severability, 3/3/82 codification, & effective date, passed on 1st reading as amd'd. Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 3/17/82 at 2 p.m. Memo 118-82, bd. vacancies, deferred to 3/17/82 for 3/3/82 full Comm; to be scheduled at 11 a.m. Time Certain. C. Clerk to provide revised Bds. & Coms. booklet as requested. (see CMB BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE, CMB FINE ARTS BOARD, HURRICANE DEFENSE COMMITTEE, JUVENILE PROBLEMS, RECREATIONAL CENTERS & PARKS FACILITIES BD., COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN) 3 0Ss/ - -5�,sr� CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 116 Date Kemo 148-82, (see COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN, 3/17/82 BUDGET ADV. COME., CMB FINE ARTS BOARD, CITIZENS ADV. COMMITTEE FOR COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT, MB CONVENTION CTR. ADV. BD., RECREATIONAL CTRS. & PARKS FACILITIES BD., SOLICITATIONS) remaining appts. deferred to 4/6/82. Ord. prohibiting appt. of any pers. or City employee 3/17/82 to serve on any City bd. or com. which supervises, has responsibility for, or makes recommendations with respect to, any City Dept. Div., or adm. function in which that person or person's spouse, child, parent, brother, or sister is employed; providing exemption; providing severability; providing an effective date; (Cont'd) 3�2C--/ -`?•'_) / CITY BOARDS"OR COMMISSIONS 117- (Cont'd) Date providing for codification as Sec. 2-1.4. Hrg. 3/17/82 held & concluded. Ord. 82-2302 adopted as amended, to become effective 4/6/82. Memo 204-82, bd. vacancies. Discussion held re. 4/6/82 possibility of adopting provision requiring all bds. to meet min. of 4 times per yr. (qr.) & est'g policy re. calling of 1st mtg. of bds to elect chm. & set mtg. procedure/schedule. Mayor Ciment advised he will discuss matter w/Asst. C. Mgr. before 4/21/82 mtg. Mayor Ciment requested Comrs. to expedite their ind. appts. to various committees. (see MARINE AUTHORITY, COMMITTEE RE: GUN CONTROL LAW, JUVENILE PROBLEMS, RECREATIONAL CTRS. & PKS. FACILITIES BD., CMB LATIN AM. COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, MIN. HOUSING & 3J-/. -�-) :3 CITY BOARDS 012 COMMISSIONS ,118 (Cont'd) Date COMMERCIAL PROP. STANDARDS BD., REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR 4/6/82 AGENCY, MB, REAL ESTATE BD. OF EXAMINERS, SAFETY COMMITTEE, CITS. ADV. COM. FOR COMMUNITY IMPROVE- MENT, CMB FINE ARTS BD., MB CONV. CTR. ADV. BD., SOCIAL SERVICES, SOLICITATIONS) remaining appts. deferred to 4/21/82. Memo 243-82, bd. vacancies. C. Clerk advised that 4/21/82 most urgent ind. Comm. appts. have been made to cams. Mayor Ciment urged that Comrs. complete their remaining ind. appts. a.s.a.p. (see LANDLORD -TENANT ARBITRATION BD., COMMITTEE RE: GUN CONTROL LAW, MB YOUTH CONGRESS, REC. CTRS. & PKS. FACILITIES BD., SCHOOLS - PUBLIC, SAFETY COMMITTEE, MB GOLF ADV. COM,, MD CONY. 7 06-7. -v5-.) / CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 119 (Cont'd) Date CTR. ADV. BD., SOLICITATIONS, CITIZENS ADV. COM. 4/21/82 FOR COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT, BEAUTIFICATION COM.,CMB, JUVENILE PROBLEMS, SOCIAL SERVICES) Res. 82-16988 adopted, amdg. Res. 13248 to req. 4/21/82 City bds. & comms. to meet at least once ea. cal. qr. & to hold at least 4 mtgs. a yr. Memo 280-82, bd. vacancies, not reached - deferred 5/5/82 to 5/19/82. (see LANDLORD - TENANT ARBITRATION BD., CMB FINE ARTS BD., MINIMUM HOUSING & COML. PROP. STDS. BD., CODE ENFORCEMENT BD., CMB LATIN AM. COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COM., JUVENILE PROBLEMS, REC. CTR. & PARKS FACILITIES BD., SAFETY COMMITTEE) -5 -y• -o/