City Council_July 1939 to May 1941FRINK,-HERBERT A. (Councilman) �1 Book ' Page Elected. to fill vacancy left by Mr. Childers retirement from -Council 7-5-39 It 135 - Appointed to serve on Pension Board 9-20-39 18 279 Suggests the buying of a bay front hotel and converting same into municipal hospital 5/7/41 20 197 Asks Council to- withdraw -from-Stat-e-- Legislature proposed bill to permit engaging of out of town man for 1i -ea -Chief 5/14/41 20---------22-0---- 'RINIt, , HERBERT A. (Councilman Book Page Elected 4 year term Jule 3,1941 See minutes of June 4,1941 20 257 Appointed Vice -Pres.& Acting Mayor during absence or inabili- ty of Mayor Cleary to act 6/4/41 20 266 Councilman Frink - states he is 100% in favor of hospital 6/5/41 20 268 Councilman Frink asks that Polo Club be kept closed for 2 weeks 6/18/41 20 308 FRINK HERBERT A. (Councilman) 3 BOOK Page Elected Vice -Chairman and Acting Mayor by Council, June 2, 1943.(Wolfson 's 22 128 term- as Mayor) CI ARY VAL C. Elected Tax Assessor 1922. First elected MayOr in 1930.✓ Elected to Four Year Term in Council in 1934. _ REELECTED n a a if 11 a 1939 Elected as Mayor - June 4,1941 Bk.20,Pg 266 Re --elected Councilman -2 fir. term -6/1/43 24125_ 2r} CLEARY - COUNC ILMAN VAL C. Book Page Urges adoption of sani10/4/39-- ary code -and a-Healtl Dept. 16/ /39- - 1$ 296 CLEARY,VAL C. Book Page • Elected Mayor 6/5/41 20 266 Goes on record as not being in favor of open gambling 6/5/41 20 267 Explains his stand on municipal hospital issue Mayor Cleary reports on Blood Bank 12/16/42 21 485 Mr. Cleary suggests and nominates Mitchell Wolfson for Mayor 2/6/43 22 127 Res.#5672 honoring Val C. Cleary passed 6/2/43 22 128 CLEARY, VAL C. BOOK PAGE Nominates Henry Williams for Council- man to fill vacancy of Mr. Wolfson 11/3/43 22 211 Nominates Harold B. Spaet for office of Associate Municipal Judge 1/19/44 22 250 Suggests that empty taxicabs carry servicemen 2/16/44 22 278 Receives congratulations of Council upon taking office as County Commissioner 1/4/45 22 464 CLEARYJ VA C. (COUNCILMAN) Res. #5834 commending Mr. Cleary on the occasion of his retirement from office of Councilman 6/6/45 23 116 Book Page Mr. Cleary, now County Commissioner, visits Council and explains various county improvements contemplated 10/2/46 24 326 HALPERIN, SAMUEL J. (COUNCILMAN) Book Page Elected to 2 -year term. 6-8-55 37 196 Suggests investigation be made as to what effect the construction of the Interama will have on the future of Miami Beach.( Proposed City Plan will take this into consideration) 12-14-55 37 491 HARRY M. • First 1=-111--192 . Reelected. in 1926.. r .� //- /9021 N N 1928. Elected to a Four Year Term in 1930. Elected in 134. N 0 1937. N N 1939. HARRY It HICE COUNCILMAN %14 Book Page Suggests public hearinfr, on pro- posed Charter Changes 4/3/35 13 340 Appointed with City Mgr. Renshaw to investigate damage to Deauville Filling Atation. 11/17/35 14 181 City Mgr. & Councilman Bice order Deauville Filling Station condemned. 11/15/35 14 192 Mr.Hice expresses view on night club licenses 1/S/36 14 265 COUNCILMAN HARRY M. MICE 2 Book Page Mr xice to make inppecticn trip to see and hear operation of frul pac ng houses 6%I974-0 19 162 only way to han• e: the matter of a Municipal hospital is by a bond issue 5715/41 Councilman Hice given rising vote of thanks for 18 years service on the Council 5/21/41 ResolutioAi -onoring Covacilman Hice, Retired 6%4741 20- 224- 20 22 20 256 i3O N 1,gAN HARRY M. HIVE 3. Book Page Mr. Hice thanks Council for expression of confidence and retires from chair 6/4/41 20 257 .Resolution commending Mr. Hice on his many years of service 20 373 Death Jan. 31, 191+7 Res. #6165 to his memory8 2/5/47 21+ 1+68 RICE, HARRY M. BOOK PAGE Appointed member of Dade County Health Unit 10/20/43 22 203 Death Jan. 31, 1947 Res. #6165 to his memory 2/5/47 24 468 1 month's accumulated vacation salary paid to widow of Mr. Hice 2/19/47 24 540 HICE, HARRY M. DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL ASST. CITY MANAGER Book I RAR rRF�CpREATI OR Mr. Hice appoin e ec o Personnel 11/20/41 21 6o Mr. Hice appointed Assistant City Manager 11/20/41 21 60 1st and 2nd readings of Ordinance combining offices of Director of Personnel and Asst.CityManager 11-24-1 21 69 Mr. Hice appointed as Director of Recreation 7/22/42 21 410 Mr.Hice re -appointed Director of Personnel 6/2/,43 22 129 Page Leyi, mayor John H. I.rst elected Councilman Oct. 24, 1918. Electfid to Four Year Term in 1920. a x n u 0 0 1924. n n n n 1928. 11 a n n 0 to 1932. n n n n n 19374 Eleited by Council to Mayor's office in 1937 to Council -2 yr.term-6/3/41 " 11" 2 yr. term — �t/43 JOHN H. LEVI Elected Alderman Oct.215 01918 Received 34 votes (4th highest in election) Nov] Rt., 192, 2 an, op anted Pres. of Council _Served as PrPHfdent until Dec.30,1930 fElec.ted President again Dee.27,1932. Elected Mayor 6/7437_____ 16 1 —111Mayor 20-39 1g 1941- 6/4/41rm-Jrd' 20 255' Res.#5279 thanking Mr.Levi for his untiring services with City 6/5/41 20 267 JOHN H. LEVI 3 Book Page Resolution commending Mr. Levi on his many years of service 20 373 Council accepts offer of Mr.Levi to deed to City the Water Tower and Central park on Star Island 4/1/42 21 258 Mr. Levi advises he will not vote for any new beer andL winelicenses Councilman Levi asks Council why the1 they 301 issued Douglas It pkg.good license in preference to other applicant 12/16/42 21 479 .6,tivi, JOHN H. 3, = Book Page_ Re-elected age- Re-elected to Council for two year term -- June 1st, 1943 6/2/43 22 125 LEVI, JOHN H. 4 Book Page Mr. Levi advises he Is not in favor of zoning change on east end of Lincoln Road 12/16/42 21 480 Mr. Levi suggests that Army be asked to handle own garbage 12/21/42 21 493 Mr. Levi expresses himself as to Ordinance amending Ord.#391 in re: no new liquor, beer or wine licenses for 41st St, & Lincoln Rd. 1/15/43 22 2 Nominates Marcie Liberman for vacancy on Council 11/3/43 22 211 JOHN H. LEVI 3 Book Page John H. Levi elected Mayor by unanimous vote of Council 1/5/44 22 241 Thanks Councilman Frink for his work as Acting Mayor 1/5/44 22 248 Appointed on committee to investigate possibilities of purchasing property for bathing beach 3/1/44 22 288 Urges ramp for fishermen under Causeway viaduct 2/7/45 22 474 Elected to Council for 2 year term 6/6/45 23 1o6 .,uHN H. LEVI (COUNCILMAN) 6 Book Page Res. #6083 is passed, commending Mr. Levi upon his long service with City 8/7/1+6 24 249 Calls attention to bad drainage condition on Alton Road at 9th St. 1/15/47 24 1+67 Council pays respect to him 5/21/1+7 25 173 Res. #6320, to John H. Levi, upon his retirement as Councilman 6/4/47 25 200 LEVI (COUNCILMAN) 7 Book Page Council is advised that Mr. Levi will receive pension from City under state law Res. #6512 to the memory of John H. Levi 7/2/47 25 248 1/28/48 26 152