City Properties Subdivisions_March 1945Ordinance No. 730 reclassified
From RE to BAA, the following property
Lots 1,2,3, 18, 19, 20 Blk 29; Lots 7-12,
Blk 55, Fisher 1st Sub.
Lots 1 - 3, inc., Blk 53; Lots 1 - 10, inc.
Blk 58, Pine Ridge.
Lots 11 to 2Q, inc. Blk 57, and all that
portion of that certain strip of land 20 ft
wide (formerlly platted as an alley but
now vacated) lying North of and Adjacent
to the West 165 ft of Lot 17, Blk 54; and
the W 165 ft of Lots 17 and 18, Blk 54; All
2. all
of Lots 19 - 22, inc. Blk 54, and that portion
of that certain strip of land 70' wide
(formerly platted at 16th St but now vacated)
lying south of and adjacent to said Lot 22;
Lots 3, 4, 5 Blk 76,and all that portion of
that certain strip of land 70' wide (formerly
platted as 15th St. but now vacated) lying
north of and adjacent to said lots 3, 4,
and 5, all in Fisher's 1st Sub of Alton Beach
Lots 4 8, inc. and E Lots 1-3, inc. Pratts
Amend plat of resub of Blk 21 of 0.B.#3;
0136 and Ei of Lots 1 - 5, inc. blk 22,
D From RD to BAA
Lot 45, Block 8, Nautilus Addn (Northeast
corner Merid and 41st St)
From RE to BAA
Lot 29, Bik 2, Garden Sub (s/e corner
Merid and 41st St)
From RD to RE
Lots 6 to 19; Blk 39, Miami View Sec
Part 1, Isle of Normandy
All that portion of the C.H. Lum property
lying west of the west line of Jefferson
Ave. extended southerly, as shown on S.B.
Including in BF:
All of Harbor Terminal Island commonly
known as Fisher's Island.
From RDD to RE.
All of Lenox Manor Subdivision
From RE to RD
All of Tracts 3, Ll, and 5; Tract 7, less that
prtion thereof lying opposite Tract 6; Tract
8, less that por thereof extending 955.69'
tallorthwesterly from Normandy Waterway.
All of Tracts 9, 10, 11 and 12, as shown on
Plat of North Isle of Normandy.
From BB to RD
All of Blocks 11 and 12, Biscayne Point
From RDE to RD
Lots 1 - 17, Block 5, Sunset Lake Extension
From RB to RC
Lot 5, Block 31, Lakeview Subdivision.
From Area D to A D
and 2, blk C; Lots 1 and 7, Bik D
Lots 1 and 2, Blk 2; Lot 1, Blk 3; East
60 ft of wireless sta property in Bik 3
E 60 ft of Lot 12, Bik 3, E 60 ft of
that por of tot Blk 12 lying North of
said Lot 12, all in M.B. Imp Co. 0.F.
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