Contractors Estimates Ordered Paid_December 1929CONTRACTORS' ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID 1st Estimate 2nd Estimate 2nd. Estimate 3rd Estimate 3rd Estimate 4th Estimate 1st Estimate 4th Estimate - 25-H W. T. Price - 31 -SR W. S. Lockman - 24 --SK W. M. Dabney - BP -2 G. O. Reed, Inc. - 4-B R. G. Lassiter & - 4-B R. G. Lassiter & - '"roynes: 39th & 41st Eats G. 0. Reed, Inc. 12-4-29 - .BP -2 G. C. Reed, Inc. 1. BOOK , PAG] Co. Co. 9, 386 9, 386 9, 386 9, 386 9, 386 9, 391 9, 399 9,399 CONTRACTORS' ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID 5th Estimate 1st 1st lst Estimate Estimate Estimate lst Estimate 1st Estimate 3rd Estimate R. y�r . w 'l . G. Lassiter & Co. +--B T. T. T. Price, Price, Price, Inc. H-105 Inc—H-106 Inc. Ocean D Extension 2. ROOK,PA E r. 9, 9, 9, 9, 399 399 399 -goo — Central Station Equip. "' " 9, 399 — CentrEl Station Equip. 7'2.-12 " — W. S. Lockman Const. SR -126 9, 399 399 CONTRACTORS' ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID 3. BOOK, PAGE 1st Estimate - Landers Const.Ap. 4-B 9,426 1st Estimate - W. T. Price, Inc. SK-61 9,426 2nd Estimate - W. T. Price, Inc. H-105 9,426 2nd Estimate - W. T. Price, Inc. H-106 9,426 2nd. Estimate - W. T. Price, Inc. Oc.Dr.Ext 9,426 2nd Estimate - W. T. Price, Inc. SK-6th St 9,426 2nd Estimate - Central Station Eq. WAN--12 9,426 2nd Estimate - G. 0. Reed, Inc.Groynes at 9,426 39th & 41st CONTRACTORS' ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID 5th Estimate 4th Estimate 1st Estimate 6th Estimate 2nd Estimate 1st Estimate 7th Estimate 4. BOOK, PAGE - G. 0. Reed, Inc. BP -2 9,42.6_ - W. S. Lockman Co. SR -126 9,426 - W. S. Lockman Co. 51st St. 9,426 Pumping Station - R. G. Lassiter & Co. 4-B 9,426 - Central Station Eouipment Ocean Drive Ext. 6-ww 9,439 Central Station Equip. Co. - 7-WW,41st St.Bridge Approach", 456 - 41st Street Bridge 4-B R. G. Lassiter & 00.2-5-30 ", 456 CONTRACTORS' ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID 5• BOOK,PAGE 2nd Estimate - Landers Const. Co. 26-H 9, 456 2nd Estimate - W.S.Lockma.n Co. 51st St. Pumping Station. 9, 456 3rd & Semi -Final Estimate - Landers Con- struction Co. 26-H 10, 15 2nd Estimate - Central Station Equipment Co. 7 -WW 10, 15 8th Estimate - R. G. Lassiter - 4-B 10, 76 9th Estimate - R. G. Lassiter - 4-B 10, 123 RACTOESTIMATI-LS ORDERZ=D PAID lst Estimate - G.O. Reed, lst Estimate - lst Estimate - 2nd Estimate - 2nd Estimate - 2nd Estimate - lst Estimate - lst Estimate - 3rd Estimate 3rd Estimate Inc. 3 -BP 6. BOOK, PAG 30,219 Everglades Const. Coro.27-H " 219 Everglades Const. Corp.27-H " 219 G. O. Reed, Inc. 3 -BP Everglades Const, H-111 Everglades Const. H-112 R. G. Lassiter 32 -SR Wagner Electric 8 -WW - Everglades Const. H-111 - Everglades Const H-112 10,258 10,258 10,258 10,258 10,258 10,282 10,282 CONTRACTORS' ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID 7. B00K,PAGE 1st Estimate - G. 0. Reed BP-4 10-1-30 10,282 3rd Estimate - G. 0. Reed BP-3 10-1-30 10,282 1st Estimate - Bay Dredging " 10-1-30 104_282 2nd Estimate - Wagner Elec. 8-WW 10-1-30 10,282 lst Estimate - R.G.Lassiter SR-127 " 10,282 2nd Estimate R. G. Lassiter SR-14-0 " 10, 2P 2 1st Estimate - Burr Comet. Co. R-120 " 10,282 Final Estimate-E.O. Smith, Flamingo Park SK 10,297_ 2nd Estimate - Bay Dredging BP-3 10-22-30 10,303 1rd Estimate - R.G.Lassiter 32-SR " 10,303 CONTRACTORS' ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID S`® BOOK PAG. 4th Estimate -G.0 . Reed BP -3 11-5-30 10, 312 2nd Estimate-G.O.Reed BP -4 11-5-30 10, 312 2nd Estimate -Burr Const. H-120 11-5-30 10, 312 2nd Estimate-R.G.Lassiter SR -127 11-5-30 101 312 lst Estimate-R.G.Lassiter BR -143 11-5-30 10, 312 3rd Estimate -Burr Const. H-120 12-3-30 10, 404 3rd Estimate-G.O.Reed BP -4 12-3-30 10, 404 5th Estimate-G.O.Reed BP -3 12-3-30 10, 404 1st.Estimate-G.E.Bunnell BH -6 1-7-31 10, 431 CONTRACTORS" ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID g. BOOK, PAW 2nd Estimate -Geo. E. Bunnell BH -6 1-21-31 10, 453 1st Estimate -Everglades Const.H-121 2-4-31 " 461 2nd. Estimate -Everglades Const.H-121 3-4--31 if 477 3,rd Estimate -Everglades Ooast.H-121 4-1-31 11, 4 lst Estimate-J.C.Gaffney-Flamingo Park Comfort Station 6-3-31 11, 70 tad Estimate -Berry___& Son Ine.-Flamingo-- Park Sidewalk 6-3-31 11, 70 let Estimate -Louis A. Wessel Golf Course Comfort Stations 6-17-31 11, Sir CONTRACTORS' ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID 10. BOOK, PAGE tad Estimate -J. Cs Gaffney -Flamingo Park Comfort Station - 7-1-31 11, g9 1st Estimates®Ebsary Foundation Company Bridges: W.63rd Street, 47th Street -over Btaoayne" Waterway, Alton Road over " AND Surprise Waterway 7®1731 11, 93 1st Estimate -Joan BerryA_SoIL27-SK 7-!15" " 106 - let Estimate-Ebsary Foundation Company Pine Tree Drive Bridge 11,114 over Flamingo Waterway 5-5-31 CONTRACTORS, ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID 11. BOOK,PAGE *2nd Estimates-Ebsary Foundation Company Bridges47th & lr.:63rd Streets over Biscayne Waterway; Alton Road over Biscayne Waterway; Alton Road over Surprise Water- way 875731 11, 114 1st Estimate -M. F. Comer: Delivering & Piling Sand 8-5-31 11, 114 *3rd Estimates-Ebsary Foundation Company 1, 154 "1s. Estimate R. G. Lassiter & Co. Oiling part of 30-H 972731 ` NTaCTOR$a ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID- 12. BOOK, PAGIa rd Estimate-M... F. Comer-8aad 30-H 972.31 114'154 I.st Estimate-Southern Asphalt " 9-22731 11,15+ 1st Estimate-Berry & Son Tennis Co121$-31 11,192 2nd " " 11=16.731 11,227 1st Estimate-Ebsary Foundation Co. Dock 11,288 Final Estimate to " 0 Co.for repairs to Star Island Bridge 10-5-3 _.---- __- --- - -- - -__. 2 _- 11,377 1st Estimates on Star Island _-.Bridge Eppinger & Russell & Ebsary Fnd.Oo.FS`/16/33 12,1411 2nd Esti.on Star Island Bridge t6__._--..-; Eppinger & Russell & Ebsary Fnd.Co.9j6/33 12441._ CONTRACTORS ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID 13. Book, Page 3rd Estimates to Eppinger & Russell % Ebsary Fnd. Co. on Star Island Bridge 10/4/33 12 155 4th Estimates to Eppinger & Russell_____ & Ebsary Fnd. Co. on Star Island^ Bridge - 11/1/33 12 16g 5th & Final Estimate to Ebsary Fnd.Co. approved for payment 12/6/33 12 206 Final Estimate to Ep ir & Russell authorized paid_ 1/3-l3r�,,gg4 12, 225 CONTRACTORS' ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID 14. Book, Page lst Estimates on 63rd Street bridges ordered paid to Ebsary Foundation Co., Maule Ojus Rock Co. & Ep Inger & Russell Co. 7/5/34 12 481 2nd Estimates on 63rd St.Bridges ordered paid to Ebsary Foundation Co. & Maule Ojus Rock Co. 8/1/34 13, 29 Estimates on 63rd St.bridge ordered paid to Ebsary Foundation Co.Eppin er-& Russell and Maule Ojus Rock Co. 9/5/3+ 13 71 4th Estimate to Ebsary Foundation Co. on 63rd St.Bridge 10/12/34 13 97 CONTRACTORS ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID_ Book, Page 15. Ebsary Found.Co. 5th Estimate on 63rd_ St. Bridges ® $943.00 11/7/34 13 136 Maule Ojus Rock Co. 4th & Final esti- mate on 63rd St. Bridges 11-7-34 13 136 Eppinger & Russell Co., 3rd & Final estimates on 63rd St. Bridges 11/7/34 13, 136 Ebsary Found.Co. Final estimate on 63rd St.Bridges ordered paid 12/13/34 13, 196 W. T. PriceInc. Estimate on Oaving in Mi,ch. Ave. from 12th to 15th St. - $1,063.44 2/6/35 13 286 CONTRACTOR'S ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID 16 Book Page__ Final Estimate to R. T. Price, Inc. Michigan Ave. paving - $118.16 2/20/35 13 310 1st & Final Estimate to Belcher Oil Company for street oiling under their contract 31-H ordered paid 46,598.69 14 38 8/14/35 let Estimate to Geo.E,Bunneli,Inc. for beach protection work south of 22nd St. ordered paid 12/4/35 14 227 1st Estimate on 20th St.bulkhead ordered paid to G.O.Reed 12/23/35 14 251 CONTRACTORS ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID 17 Book Page 2nd Estimate to Geo.Bunnell ordered paid on -beach proteion work 12-/3x75 T 252 Estimate to Burford,Hall & Smith for work done on pump at llth St.Pumping Station , ordered paid 2/19/36 14 --- 2nd -2nd --E s t i -mate -to- G,0 -.-Reed-- r --bulkhead -- at 20th St. ordered paid 3/4/36 14 326 3rd Estimate to Geo.Bunnell ordered paid on beach protection work 3/4/36 14 326 CONTRACTORS ESTIMIATES ORDERED PAID 1g. Book Page Geo.E.Bunnell-Extension of Beach Pro- tection work south from 22nd,St. 4th & final est if t36 14 379 G. 0. Reed, Inca, 1st and final esti- and extending 22nd St. groyne 4/8/36 14 379 1st Esti.to Cameron & Barkley for materials furnished on 47th St.Bridge ordered paid, $1615.82 7-1-36 14 501 --niaa—TardArer tg R.P.Partrid e'or oiling streets 3792.005-3b 5 61 CONTRACTORS ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID Final Estimate to Eppinger & Russell on -47th St. Bridge ordered paid - 43632.77— 8-19-36 19. Book Page Final estimate to Cameron & Barkley for steel'on 47th St. Bridge ordered paid- - 4206.18 H5 -I9-36 15 -71 1st7gstimate toT.17."Pearce on Block M Atlantic- Heights—Bulkhead-12-9-36 286 2nd Estimate ta_J_01.Pearce an_Blk.M, Atlantic Heights -Bulkhead 1-6-37 15 333 CONTRACTORS ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID 20 Book Page 3rd nd final estimate on Blk.M. bulkhead to J.W.Pearce ordered paid 1-20-37 15 3-52 1st Estimate to Geo.E.Bunnell for seawall in Collins Canal ordered paid 1-25-37 15 359 . . ' - nnoll for Collins Canal seawa]1 ordered paid 2-17-37 15 4+01 1st estimate to M. C. Gryzmish in connection with I. OfN. Golf -Co red paid 6/7/37 128 CONTRACTORS ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID 21. Book Page 1st estimate to Hubbard Const. Co. on Collina Ave. Imp. ordered paid 6/7/37 16 128 7/1 estimate to U.S.Pipe & Foundry 16 177 " " " Amer. C.I. Pipe Co. 16 177 1e ee le iHubbard Const. Co. (4) 1g 177 11 �s e Ebsary F' do . Co. 1 1 Langston & Murphy 16 177 Merritt -Chap. & Scott 16 177 Aug. 16th estimate toM.C.Gryzmish on Normandy Isle Golf Courserdered. paid $�-20-37 16 239 CONTRACTORS ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID Book Page g-1-37 estimate to Merritt -Chapman -Scott 16,21.0 " "Hubbard Const.Go.(4) 16 210 " " Langston & -Murphy (2) 16 210 11 °' U.S.Pipe & Foundry Co. 16 210 " American Cast Iron Pipe 16 210 11 " Ebsary Foundation Co. 16 210 9-1-37 estimate -Langston & Murphy (3) 16 250 " " U.S.Pipe & Foundry Co. 16 250 " " Florence Pipe & " 4 a a " " American Cast Iron Pipe a a Ebsary Foundation Co. a a " " Hubbard Const. Co. (4) a a " Merritt -Chapman -Scott a a CONTRACTORS ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID 23. Book Page Two estimates to J.C.Horning,Inc. on Police Station and Library ordered paid 9-16-37 16 264 .BSC . Gryzmish estimated dated Sept. -2nd ordered Jaid -$32-28M00---9 =-1- -6 37 —16 264 estimates to sou asteriConst.Co. Ordered paid on 69th St. Fire Station and Add°ns to Golf Course - 9-22-37 16 27g Estimates ordered. paid 10-6-37 16 293 J. C.HornTri --(2300, .Cons Langston & E rp1y3) Hubbard onst . (4) W.T.Price,U.S.Pipe Co.American Cast Iron ,G+�,o� r►v ta.,-,i--448 Mei►ritt-Chaaman Scott 16 293 uUNTRACTORS ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID 24 Book Page M. C. Gryzmish-estimates for fill on Isle of Normandy anis. for labor and mat eri ordered. paid 10-20-37 16 333 __M-C.Gryzmish--work on Normandy Isle Bridge 10-20-37 16 334 Southeastern Construction Co. egiti mat a on Fire Station 10-20-37 i6 334 --Estimates ordered. paid. 11-3-37 16 346 J_O.Horning.,Inc. (2) Southeastern Const. Co. W.T.Price (3) Hubbard. Const. Co. Ebsary Fou. ,_. • • • 111- = * :Z • f : Pi•e Merritt --Chapman & Soott,Langston & Murphy (3 CONTRACTORS ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID 25 Book Page 2 estimates t o i r_yzmish for bulkhead and fill on North Normandy Isle ordered pa�,i�,d 11r10-37 16 Esti.to S.E.Const.Co. ire 8ta.11/1'/37 16,3J Nov.estimate to M.C.Gryzmish for fill on North Normandy Isle ordered paid 12-1-37 16 1406 Estimates ordered paid 12-1-37 16 106 Ebsary Foundation Co.,J.W.Pearee, —Merritt-Chapma , gston & Murphy (3) W.T.Prioe Dredging Corp.(?) Estimate to J.C.Horning for Library Additions ordered paid 12-3-37 16 435 CONTRACTORS ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID 26 Book Page Estimate to U.S.Pipe and Foundry Co. and M.C.Gryzmish ordered paid 12-15-37 16 454 Contractors estimates ordered paid- t.W.Peerce, W. T. Price Dretiging Con). - Con).7 estimates) and Florence Pipe, Fours . -- - - • . Contraot's Estimates ordered paid - Southea-stern-Canat„Co J.C.Horning (2)Library & Police Sta.” igtgg - --.--C Gryzmish Normandy Isle Fill Merritt-Chepman-Scott-Outfall Is 16 486 Ebsary Fouhdation Co. Wash.Aye.Bridgep 16 486 CONTRACTORS ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID Southeastern Const. Co. estimate on Golf Uotr se Additions ordered paid $2,876.39 1-19-38 27 Book Page 16 501 M.C.Gryzmish estimate on North Normandy Isle fill ordered. paid 1-19-38 16 501 Estimates ordered paid 2-2-3g 17 16 Southeastern Const.Co. 69th St.Fire Sta.$193L. J.C.Horning,Ino. M.B.Public Library 1500.00 Police Station 9g5$475 Ebsary Foundation Co. Wash.Ave.Bridge 5975.37 Merritt -Chapman -Scott Outfall 7629.52 CONTRACTORS ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID 28 Book Page American Cast Iron Pipe Co. Force Main and Outfall - $16,215.17 Southeastern Const. Co. • M.C.Gryzmish 17 38 T.1,958.65 -17_--38 North Normandy Isle Fill a Bulkhead n n Bridges 5,390.20 3,01-0-.02 1,958.65 17 38 Estimates ordered paid 3-2-38 17 61 1erri Vt=Chapma -Sao - 3, 79-.79 J.W.Pearce Seawall on North Normandy Isle 1,179''i81 CONTRACTORS ESTIMATES ORDERED PAID Book Page 29. Estimates or eyed paid: 3.163.E 17 g0 ,1.C.Horning M..B.Public _Library n n Police Station M. C. Gry pm1dh Normandy-lsle Bridges No.Normandy Ial e Merritt- Chapman -Scott request Cites to wait until final payment before maks-ng -deductions- ori , . —Southeaste-r-n-Ceres ti --- mate on 69th St.Fire Station ordered paid when building accepted 4-6-3g 17 93 -Fi-n a' Estimate to J-.W.Pearse-an--- Normandy Isle Seawall 4-20-3g 17 12g