Convention Center Complex_September 1972CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX RES. 13734, Holiday on Ice of 1973, Apr. 17-22, 1973 RES.No. 13735, Chris Dundee Enterprises for 2 Harlem Globetrotters Mar. 9 & 10,'73. RES. No. 13736 amending lease with U. S. League Convention Services to provide for North Hall in addition to South Hall for show 11/12-16, 1972. 100 Meeting Date 9/20/72 9/20/72 RES. NO. 13737 for execution of electrical contract with F. M. Morgan/Pan Amer. Hospitality Expo. 10/8-14,72. 9/20/72 9/20/72 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 101 Meeting Date RES. NO. 13738, Shalom "25" Concert, 12/9/72 9/20/72 RES. NO. 13739, M.B.Police & Firemen's Benevolent Assn. "ALL STAR" Charity Show 2/18/73. 9/20/72 RES. 13740, electrical contract with M.B. Electrical Exhibition Services Inc./United Pentecostal Church, Convention Halls, Sept. 27 -Oct. 3, 1972 9/20/72 RES. 13741, No. Shore Optimist Club, Inc. for Music Festival 12/7/72 9/20/72 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 102 Meeting Date RES. 13742 Zionist Organization of America for Nat'l. Israeli Song Festival 11/4/72. 9/20/72 RES. 13743, amending lease with Chris Dundee Enterprises by using Auditorium instead of Conv. Hall., closed circuit boxing 9/20/72 9/20/72 RES. 13744, Leas Campbell Adventures, Inc. for Incredible String Band, 9/23/72 9/20/72 RES. 13745 adopted for contract with Chris Dundee Enterprises Inc. exclusive boxing and wrestling promotion with additional amendments:(5Yr. period 10/1/72 to 9/30/77) 1. Par. 1(e) Occupancy by the promoter subject to 60 days notice to vacate by City 9/20/72 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX Par. 41 (g) Change word "Complimentary" to "Employee" Insert provision that"Press and City passes shall not exceed 100" and that it shall be illegal to sell these passes. 103 Meeting Date 9/20/72 9/20/72 Par. 33 Change to specify that promoter shall hold a minimum of 55 boxing and wrestling shows annually and the numbers of each type of event shall be subject to review and the City may require promoter to promote specific number of each type of show during the following year 9/20/72 and insert City intends a balance of types of shows. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 104 Meeting date Request for free use of Auditorium for Rally of Jewish Youth on 10/8/72 withdrawn. 9/20/72 Waiver of Fee for TDA-sponsored Mike Douglas Show, approved by Council. 11/1-17, 1972. Return of $5,000 security deposit to Allied Sports, Inc. deposited in connection with 9/20/72 bid for exclusive boxing & wrestling shows approved. City Atty. recommended Litigation in this matter be avoided, if possible, and matter be settled or compromised on equitable basis to both. City Mgr. said $5,000. security deposit be forfeited to City. 9/20/72 9/20/72 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 105 Meetinq date RES. 13761, Howard Stein Enterprises Concert 11/4/72. 10/4/72 RES. 13762, Cantors Assoc. of Gr. Miami for musical festival 3/24/73 10/4/72 RES. 13763 Conv. National Audio -Visual Assoc. 1/2-9/74 10/4/72 RES. 13764 amending Miami Universal Festival adding two days, changing 2 days in Auditorium to Convention Hall No. for Miami Intl Song Festival May, 1973. 10/4/72 RES. 13766, Conv.Hall, Country Shindig for concert on 10/28/72. 10/4/72 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX RES. 13765, Airline Maintenance Lodge #702, Int'l Assoc. of Machinists, 10/5/6/72 RES. 13767 M.B.Electrical Exhibition Inc.- Auto Show 10/28/ to 11/5/1972 Services 106 Meeting Date RES. 13768, Greater Miami Jewish Fed. 10/8/72 Waiver of catering fees, temporary liquor permit for M.B. Police & Firemen's Benevolent Show approved - 2/18/73. Council approved two 5 -day liquor permits re: So. Fla. Auto Show 10/27-11/5/72 10/4/72 10/4/72 10/4/72 10/4/72 10/4/72 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 107 Meeting Date City Atty. asked by Councilman Manes to investigate possibility of moving Bayshore Golf Course liquor license to Auditorium and Convention Hall and securing new "club" license for Bayshore Golf Course. 10/4/72 Res. 13780, amending Auditorium agreement with No. Shore Optimist, changing date from Dec. 7, 1972 to Dec. 3, 1972. 10/18/72 Res. No. 13781, Convention Halls NO.& So. National Solid Wastes Mgm. Assoc. May 24-27, 1973. 10/18/72 Res. No. 13782, Nat'l. Shows, Cat Steven Concert, Oct. 26-27, 1972. 10/18/72 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX Res. 13783, Farband Labor Zionist Orgn. 2/24/73. Elimination of rental rates for Cypress Room from Convention Hall rent schedule approved.l0/18/72 Council approved recommendation of Auditorium & Convention Hall Advisory Bd. and Convention Hall Mgr. that 10% charge be waived and the Boy Scouts be charged minimum guarantee for use of Hall Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, 1973. 10/18/72 Council approved request of Miami Herald Publishing Co. for 5 -day liquor permit to allow dispensing of beverages free of charge, Mar. 15-19 , 1973. 10/18/72 108 Meeting Date 10/18/72 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 109 Meeting Date Re: Convention Hall Wraparound, presentation made by Edward Durell Stone & Assoc. and Watson, Deutschman, Kruse & Lyon. Council accepted recommendation of City Mgr. to adopt final plans and specs as presented by architect and approved by City Admin., and directed same be put to public bidding. 10/18/72 Mr. Mike Deutschman stated bids would be return- able by 11/28 so contract can be made before year end. 10/18/72 Councilman Greene suggested Adminis. pay close attention to bookings for facilities while construction under way. 10/18/72 Mr. Deutschman advised Auditorium & Conven.Hall Mgr. and contractor will work closely. 10/18/72 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 110 Meeting Date Res. No. 13787 M.B.High School Share Program, 12/14/72 and Honor Assembly 6/1 11/1/72 Res. No. 13788, Westinghouse Bdcstg. Co. Mike Douglas Show 11/6-17, 1972 11/1/72 Res. No. 13789, Mickey Katz Production variety show 2/3/73. 11/1/72 Res. No. 13790, Anheuser-Busch,Inc. Conven- tion 1/14-15/75 11/1/72 Res. 13791 Pan American Hospitality Exp. from 10/15-20 to 10/7-13/73 11/1/72 Res. No. 13792, D.S.Clarke, adding dates of 1/31 and 2/1/73 for Antique Show. 11/1/72 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 111 Meeting Date Res. No. 13793, M.B.Electrical Exhibition Services for Convention 11/10-17, 1972. 11/1/72 Res. No. 13794, M.B.Electrical Exhibition Services/Nat'l. Solid Wastes Mgmt. Assoc. 5-22-30/73. 11/1/72 Res. 13795 M.B.Electrical Exhib. Sery/So Florida Council Boy Scouts of Amer. 11/1/72 Res. 13796 Teldio Corp., Peppy Fields House Party 1/28/73 11/1/72 Res. 13797, Fla. for McGovern for Pres. Comm., 11/3/72 11/1/72 Miami Intl. Boat show for 2 five-day liquor permits in Hall, 2/23-28/73 11/1/72 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX Zionist Organization charge not to exceed $75. for rehearsal on Nov. 3, 1972. RES. No. 13815 adopted, Jewish National Fund for "Israelis are Coming" concert. Jan. 13, 1973. RES. No. 13816, adopted, Leas Campbell Adventurers, Concert Nov. 25, 1972. Council accepted recommendation of Aud. & C.H. Advis. Bd. & Mgr. that request by Harlem Jokers Basketball team to lease Hall 12/22-23 be denied. 112 Meeting Date 11/1/72 11/15/72 11/15/72 11/15/72 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX City Mgr. advised of request of Chris Dundee for video taping of boxing event 11/28 on Channel 51. City Manager's recommendation that the request be approved to permit Mr. Dundee and Channel 51 to tape, subject to their certifying as to ex- tent of revenues or profits and proper return to City. Councilman Weinstein requested that all future requests be accompanied by a written recommenda- tion. Councilman Greene proposed there be an auditing procedure before 11/28, to assure City's re- ceiving its compensation from taping of eve 113 Meeting Dat( 11/15/72 11/15/72 11/15/72 11/15/72 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 114 Meeting Date City Mgr. advised of request for rental of Convention Center on New Year's Eve and reminded Council of its long-standing policy not to rent Halls on New Year's and Christmas Eve. Following short discussion Council advised there was no reason to change existing policy. 11/15/72 CONSTRUCTION -approved Gust K. Newberg Const. Co. as follows: Base bid $10,652,000. Deduct Alternate Item 3 for $12,600; Add alternates Items 6,7,8,10 and 13 for $357,800 - Total award $10,997,200. 12/6/72 Funding: $9,897,200 from 1969 Twelve Million Resort Tax Bond Fund; $500,000 to be appropriated from 1.5 million LuNVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 115 Meeting Date dollar bond issue for landscaping and road development for Civic Center; $600,000 to be budgeted for next two years in Operating Budget at $300,000 per yr. 12/6/72 Res. 13817.,M.B.Cultural Society, Inc. for two concerts, Apr 15 and May 13, 1973. 12/6/72 Res. 13818, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority for Debutante Ball, 5/12/73. 12/6/72 Res. 13819, Fla. Sports Meet, Inc. 1/18 & 19, 1974. 12/6/72 LUNVENTION CENTER COMPLEX Rm/7820, H.B.S.Productions for concert, Res. No. 13821, Camp Gan Israel of Fla. for song festival, 3/10/73 Res. 13822, Varnell Enterprises for Lawrence Welk Show, 3/8/73 Res. 13823 H.B.S.Productions, for Blood, Sweat and Tears Concert 1/12/73 116 Meeting Date Res. 13824 Eddy Martinez for Cuban Dance 12/23/72 Requests of Chris Dundee Enterprises for changes 12/6/72 12/6/72 12/6/72 12/6/72 12/6/72 L.uNVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 117 Meeting Date in contract to permit issuance of unlimited passesinstead of present 100 passes, and providing that percentages to be paid for privilege of promoting exhibitions shall be based upon gross receipts, after deduction of taxes, were not acted on, as applicants were not present when subject called. 12/6/72 City Mgr. will place on 12/20/72 agenda. 12/6/72 RES. 13834, adopted. Johnny Limbo and Gary Posner, 12/22/72 12/20/72 RES. 13835, Nat'l. Childrens Cardian Hosptal 3/4/73 12/20/72 CENTER COMPLEX 113 Meeting Date RES. 13836 adopted. Auditorium, Hialeah High School Band concert 2/23/73 12/20/72 RES. 13837 adopted. M.B.Symphony, free children's concert. 3/12/73 12/20/72 RES. 13838 adopted. Country Shindig Co. Merle Haggard concert. 1/4/73. 12/20/72 RES. 13839 adopted. Marc Lemkin Enterprises, Beach Boys concert 4/21/73 12/20/72 RES. 13840 adopted. Miami Int'1. Boat Show 2/19- 3/6/73 12/20/72 RES. 13841 adopted, M.B.E1er.trtcai Ezshibition services, Inc. Helen Brett Gift Show 1/6-11/73 12/20/72 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 119 Meeting Date RES. 13842, adopted, Footlighters Fund Night of Stars, 2/5/73 12/20/72 RES. 13843 adopted, Royal Lipizzan Stallion Show 1/20/21/72 City Mgr. advised that he & City Clerk were going to State Beverage Department on 12/21 to be fingerprinted, etc. in connection with the application for liquor license for Convention Center Complex. Re: improvements and parking of above, City Mgr. authorized to negotiate with Mr. John Beyer on costs of updating report previously given Council in 1967 and to report back to Council. 12/20/72 12/20/72 12/20/72