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Convention Center Leases_May to June 1975
CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo #5158, Res. #75-14719 adopted, Neptune Productions, Latin and American Dance for Youngsters 7/12-13/75, Conv. Hall So., Meeting Room #103. 50 Date 5/21/75 Memo #5179, Res. #75-14729 adopted, M.B. Chamber 6/4/75 of Commerce installation dinner 6/2/75, Conv. Hall So., after the fact. Memo #5180, Res. #75-14730 adopted, Rochstein & 6/4/75 McLaughlin Show Productions, M.B. Annual Health, Diet & Physical Fitness Exposition, Feb. 6-8,1976, Conv. Hall No. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 51 Date Memo #5181, Res. #75-14731 adopted, American 6/4/75 Assoc. for Respiratory Therapy Convention Nov. 6-9, 1976, Conv. Hall So., Wraparound & Aud. Meo #5182, Res. #75-14732 adopted, Dade Co. 6/4/75 School Brd. Hi School Graduation Exercises, June 15-17, 1975, Conv. Hall No. Memo #5183, Res. #75-14733 adopted, K.G.K. 6/4/75 Enterprises, Women's Expo '76, April 7-12, 1976, Conv. Hall So. Memo #5198, Res. #75-14739 adopted, lease 6/18/75 amendment, So. Baptist CONVENTION CENTER LEASES -52- (cont'd) Date Convention, June 6-14, 1975, to use 6/8/75 as a meeting day instead of move -in -day, approved, after the fact. 6/18/75 Memo #5199, Electrical Contract, MB Electrical 6/18/75 Exhibition Services, Inc. U.S. Jaycees Conven- tion, June 23-27, 1975, Conv. Center, Res. #75-14740 adopted. Memo #5200, Res. #75-14741 adopted, Miami 6/18/75 Dancing Club, Latin Show featuring Roberto Carlos, 10/3/75, Conv. Hall So. Memo #5214, Res. #75-14746 adopted, Tennis 6/18/75 Industr,y''s National Buying Show, Inc., CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 53 (cont'd) Date Buying Show and Seminars, Jan. 4-6, 1976, Conv. 6/18/75 Hall So. and Conv. Hall So. meeting rooms. Memo #5226, Res. #75.14754 adopted, M.B. Elec- 7/16/75 trical Exhibition Services, Inc., electrical contract for Fla. Furniture Mart, Aug. 6-12, 1975, Conv. Center. Memo #5227, Res. #75-14755 adopted, Promar, Inc., 7/16/75 Miami Singles Show, Oct. 30 -Nov. 2, 1975 Conv. Hall No. Memo #5228, Res. #75-14756 adopted, Gehazel 7/16/75 Productions Bohannon Show with Jimmy Castor, 8/1/75, Conv. Hall So. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 54 Date Memo #5229, Res. #75-14757 adopted, MB Cultural 7/16/75 Society & Chase Federal S & L Assn. Concert, 10/25/75, Conv. Hall So. Memo #5246, Res. #75-14770 adopted, Jewish Com- 8/6/75 munity Centers of S. Fla. Jewish World's Fair, 8/14/75, Conv. Hall So. Memo #5247, Res. #75-14771 adopted,lease amend- 8/6/75 ment, Assoc. for Supervision and Curriculum Development Convention, March 10-18, 1976, Conv. Hall So. to use North Hall March 13-15 and No. and So. Hall Meeting Rooms, March 13-17, 1976. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 55 Date Memo #5248, Res. #75-14772 adopted, Electrical 8/6/75 contract, M.B. Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., Helen Brett Gift Show Aug. 31 - Sept. 3, 1975, Conv. Center. Memo #5249, Res. #75-14773 adopted, Bi -Centennial 8/6/75 Ball Assoc., New Year's Eve Dance, Dec. 31, 1975 and Jan. 1, 1976, Conv. Hall No. Memo #5273, Res. #75-14790 adopted, electrical 8/21/75 contract Edlin Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., for American Supersports Show, Aug.18-25, 1975, Conv. Hall No. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 56 Date Memo #5290, Res. #75-14800 adopted, National 9/3/75 Assoc. of College Admissions Counselors, Na- tional College Fair, April 27-28, 1976, Conv. Hall So. Memo #5291, Res. #75-14801 adopted, Promotions 9/3/75 Inc., 1976 International World of Wheels, Conv Hall So., Jan. 9-11,1976. Memo #5292, Res. #75-14802 adopted,23rd Fla. 9/3/75 State Square & Round Dance Conv., May 29-30, 1976,Conv. Hall So. Memo #5293, Res. #75-14803 adopted, lease 9/3/75 amendment, Tennis Industry's National Buying CONVENTION CENTER LEASES (cont'd) Show, Inc., Show and Seminars, Dec. 31, 1975 to Jan. 7, 1976, Conv. Hall So. and Conv. Hall So. Meeting Rooms - to change show dates from Jan. 4-6, 1976 to Jan. 5-7,1976. Memo #5294, Res. #75-14804 adopted,lease amendment, Temple Emanu-el High Holy Day Ser- vices, Sept.1975 - to release Aud. and use Conv. Hall No. instead. 57 Date 9/3/75 9/3/75 Memo #5312, Res. #75-14813 adopted, lease amend- 9/17/75 ment Association of Operating Room Nurses Con- vention at Conv. Hall No. March 8-12, 1976. To add Convl Hall So. Meeting Rooms, March 8-11,1976. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo #5313, Res. #75-14814ado ted, So. Dade Hebrew Academy Concerts 1 112/20/75, Conv. Hall So. 58 Date 9/17/75 Electrical Contracts: M.B. Electrical Exhibition 9/17/75 Services, Inc.: Memo #5314, Res. #75-14815 adopted, National Funeral Directors Conv. Oct. 15-25, 1975, Conv. Hall No. Memo #5315, Res. #75-14816 adopted, Water Pol- lution Control Federation Conv., Oct. 1-11, 1975, Conv. Center. Memo #5316, Res. #75-14817 adopted, Miami Singles Show, Oct. 30 -Nov. 2, 1975, Conv. Hall No. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 59 Date Memo #5328, Res. #75-14831 adopted, amendment, 10/1/75 National Assoc., of College Admissions Coun- selors, National College Fair, to change dates 4/26-29/76 to 4/25-28/76. Memo #5329, Res. #75-14832 adopted, So. Fla. 10/1/75 Automobile Dealers Assn., Auto Show 10/23-31/76, No. and So. Halls. Memo #5330, Res. #75-14833 ado ted, H. Mc Donald 10/1/75 Pro -Am Karate Tournament 12 So. Hall. Memo #5331, Res. #75-14834 adoeted, Fla. Inter- 10/1/75 national U. Commencement exercises 12/13/75, So. Hall. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 60 Date Memo #5347, Res. #75-14840 adopted, Electrical 10/15/75 contract Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., for So. Fla. Auto Show 11/10-25/75, Complex. Memo #5348, Res. #75-14841 adopted, Electrical 10/15/75 contract, F. M. Morgan, Inc., for U. S. League Cony. Services, So. Hall, Nov. 7-14,1975. Memo #5349, Res. #75-14842 adopted, General 10/15/75 Ice Shows, Inc., Holiday on Ice, 4/13-18/76, No. Hall. Memo #5350, Res. #75-14853 adopted, Fla. Brd. 10/15/75 of Bar Examiners Bar Exam.rnation 7/27-28/76, So. Hall. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 61. Date Memo #5351, Res. #75-14844 adopted, Country 10/15/75 Shindig, Conway Twitty and Loretta Lynn, 11/2/75, So. Hall. Memo #5345, Res. #75-14845 adopted, TDA, Assoc. 10/15/75 of British Travel Agents 11/3/75. So. Hall. Memo #5367, Res. #75-14847 adopted, American 11/5/75 Public Health Assn. Convention 10/17-21/76, Complex. Memo #5368, Res. #75-14848 adopted, Country 11/5/75 Shindig Conway Twitty Concert 11/2/75; to add another concert on same date. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 62 Date Memo #5369, Res. #75-14849 ado ted, Skylake 11/5/75 Synagogue Hineni Revival 12 3 75, South Hall. Memo #5370, Res. #75-14850 adopted, Greater 11/5/75 Miami Jewish Federation Inauguration 1/19/76, South Hall. Memo #5384, Res. #75-14859 adopted, National 11/19/75 League of Cities Convention, Nov. 30 to Dec. 4, 1975, Conv. Center Complex. Memo #5385, Res. #75-14860 adopted, M.B. Hi 11/19/75 School "Share Program" 12/16/75, So. Hall. Memo #5386, Res. #75-14861 adopted, Coach's 11/19/75 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 63 (coned) Date Corner Inc., Camp Ocala Reunion 1975, Rm.102, So. Hall, Dec. 21, 1975. 11/19/75 Memo #5387, Res. #75-14862 adopted, National 11/19/75 Education Assn. Convention 6/25-7/1/76, Complex. Memo #5388, Res. #75-14863 adopted, Helen Brett 11/19/75 Enterprises, Inc., Gift Show, 1/9/to 12/77, No. Hall. Memo #5389, Res. #75-14864, adopted, Electrical 11/19/75 Contract, M.B. Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., National League of Cities 11/26-11/30/75, So. Hall. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 64 Date Memo #5409, Res. #75-14874 adopted, True Elec- 12/10/75 tric Inc., for Miami Singles Show, 10/27/75 to 11/3/75, No. Hall. Memo #5410, Res. #75-14875 adopted, Ponderosa 12/10/75 Electric Corp. for Boy Scout Expo 12/4 to 12/6/75, No. Hall. Memo #5411, Res. #75-14876 adopted, Edlen 12/10/75 Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., for Tennis Industries Show 12/31/75 to 1/8/76, So. Hall. Memo #5412, Res. #75-14877 adopted, Edlen 12/10/75 Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., for CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 65. (continued) Date 1976 International World of Wheels, Jan. 8-12, 127T-5775 1976. Memo #5417, Res. #75-14882 adopted, Ringling 12/10/75 Bros. & Barnum and Bailey Combined Shows, Inc., Circus, Jan. 21-27, 1976, No. Hall. Memo # 5418 addendum to agreement. Memo #5419, Res. #75-14883 adopted, Assn. for 12/10/75 Educational Communications and Technology Con- vention April 25-28, 1977, No. Hall and Theater. Memo #5420, Res. #75-14884 adopted, Zionist 12/10/75 Organization of America "Here is Israel" Con- cert 12/14/75, So. Hall. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo #5421, Res. #75-14885 adopted, Pierre Cossette, Inc., Superbowl TV Special 1/17/76, No. Hall, Room 100. 66 Date 12/10/75 Memo #5440, Res. #75-14897 adopted, Electrical 12/17/75 contract; M.B. Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc. for Helen Brett Gift Show, Jan. 4-7,1976, No. Hall. Memo #5441, Res. #75-14898 adopted, Electrical 12/17/75 contract; M.B. Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., for Antique Show, Jan. 31 - Feb. 5, 1976, So. Hall. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 67 Date Memo #5442, Res. #75-14899 adopted, American 12/17/75 Psychiatric Assn. Convention May 10-14, 1976, No. and So. Halls and Meeting Rooms. Memo #5455, Res. #76-14906 adopted, Fla. State 1/7/76 Brd. of Accountancy Testing May 5-7, 1976, So. Hall. Memo #5456, Res. #76-14907 adopted, Fla. State 1/7/76 Brd. of Accountancy Testing Nov. 3-5,1976, So. Hall. Memo #5457, Res. #76-14908 adopted, So. Fla. 1/7/76 Council No. 84, Boy Scouts of America Expo- sition, Dec. 2-4, 1976, So. Hall. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 68 Date Memo #5458, Res. #76-14909ado ted, Teldio Corp. 1/7/76 Peppy Fields House Party 1 /Theatre of Performing Arts. Memo #5459, Res. #76-14910 adopted, Landow 1/7/76 Yeshivah Center Jewish Chassidic Show 2/7/76, Theatre of Performing Arts. Memo # 5460, Res. #76-14911 adopted, M.B. Symphony Orchestra, 9 concerts: 1/18/76;2/1/76; 2/22/76; 3/7/76; 3/21/76 (2 concerts); 3/22/76; 4/18/76; 5/2/76, Theatre of Per- forming Arts. 1/7/76 Memo #5461, Res. #76-14912 adopted, M.B. 1/7/76 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 69 (continued) Date Music and Arts League, 7 concerts: 1/22/76; 2/16/76; 2/29/76; 3/16/76; 3/28/76; 4/11/76; 4/26/76; Theatre of Performing Arts. 1/7/76 Memo #5462, Res. #76-14913 adopted, Community 1/7/76 Concert Assn. Inc. 16 concerts: 1/23/76; 1/24/76; 2/5/76; 2/6/76; 2/23/76; 2/24/76; 3/8/76; 3/11/76; 3/17/76; 3/18/76; 3/30/76; 4/1/76; 4/12/76; 4/13/76/ 4/28/76; 4/29/76; Theater of Performing Arts. Memo #5463, Res. #76-14914 adopted, Torah 1/7/76 Academy of So. Fla. Festival of Cantorial, Israeli and Jewish Folk Songs 1/26/76, Theatre of Performing Arts. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 70 Date Memo #5464, Res. #76-14915 adopted, M.B. 1/7/76 Cultural Society, 3 concerts: 1/28/76; 4/3/76; 5/1/76; Theatre of Performing Arts. Memo #5465, Res. #76-14916 adopted, electrical 1/7/76 contract: M.B. Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc. for Metal Building Dealers Assn. Conv. So. Hall, Jan. 22-28/76 Memo #5482, Res. #76-14922 adopted, Helen Brett 1/21/76 Enterprises, Inc. Gift Show, Sept. 23-28,1977, North Hall. Memo #5483, Res. #76-14923 adopted, North Shore 1/21/76 Optimist Club 7th Annual Music Festival, CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 71 (continued) Date 2/4/76, Theatre of P.A. 1/21/•76 Memo #5484, Res. #76-14924 adopted, Opera Guild 1/21/76 of Greater Miami, Inc., 4 operas, 1/19-21/76; 2/17-18/76; 3/9-10/76; 4/6-7/76; Theatre of P.A. Memo #5485, Res. #76-14925 adopted,M.B. Police 1/21/76 and Firemen's Benevolent Assn, All Star Charity Show 2/8/76, Theatre of P.A. Memo #5486, Res. #76-14926 adopted, Inter- 1/21/76 national Ladies Garment Workers Union Concert 2/24/76, Theatre of P.A. Memo #5487, Res. #76-14927 adopted, Danny Deeds 1/21/76 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 72 (continued) Date Productions, Valery and Galina Panov and Ballet Co, 3/25/76, Theatre of P. A. 1/21/76 Memo #5488, Res. ##76-14928 adopted, Alfi1 En- 1/21/76 terprises, Inc., Latin Show - Emillo Jose, 1/31/76, Theatre of P.A. Memo #5489, Res. #76-14929 adopted, Temple 1/21/76 Beth Sholom, 4 concerts; 2/2/76; 2/19/76; 2/26/763/247/76; Theatre of P. -A. Memo #5490, Res: #76-14930 adopted, Greater 1/21/76 Miami Philharmonic 5 concerts, 1/27/76; 2/3/76; 2/25/76; 3/23/76; 4/27/76, Theatre of P. A. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 73 Date Memo #5491 Res. #76-14931 adopted, Electrical 1/21/76 Contract, F. M. Morgan, Inc., for M.B. Annual Health, Diet, and Physical Fitness Exposition Feb. 3 to 9, 1976, North Hall. Memo #5506, Res. #76-14940 adopted, Hope School 1/21/76 for mentally retarded children' and young adults, M.B. Symphony Concert - Ballet, 3/20/76, Theatre of P. A. Memo #5507, Res. #76-14941 adopted, lease amend- 1/21/76 , ment, International Health,Diet and Physical Fit- ness Exposition, Inc., No. Hall,to release move -in date of 2/3/76. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 74 Date Memo #5520, Res. #76-14943 aadoted, Governor 2/4/76 Wallace Campaign - Rally, 3/4/76, So. Hall. Memo #5521, Res. #76-14944 adopted, Chris 2/4/76 Dundee Enterprises, Inc., Harlem Globetrotters 3/6/76, So. Hall. Memo #5522, Res. #76-14945 adopted, United 2/4/76 Cerebral Palsy Assn. of Miami, Inc. Telethon 3/13-14/76, Theatre of P. A. Memo #5523, Res. #76-14946 adopted, Footlighters 2/4/76 Fund, Inc., Night of Stars, 3/15/76, Theatre of P.A.