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Convention Center Leases_May 1977
CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 125 Date Memo #6337, Res. #77-15329 adopted, Leroy 5/18/77 Jenkins Evangelistic Assn. meeting 6/26/77, So. Hall. Memo #6338, Res. #77-15330 adopted, M.B. Chapter 5/18/77 Hadassah Membership Rally 10/17/77, TOPA. Memo #6339, Res. #77-15331 adopted, National 5/18/77 Solid Wastes Management Assn. Convention 5/1- 9/78, No. Hall. Memo #6340, Res. #77-15332 adopted, M.B. Music 5/18/77 & Arts League Concerts & Rehea-rs,^il s; 10/30/77, 11/27/77, 12/19/77, 12/2-0/77 1 /1-5/-78, 2/8/ 78__. 3/14/78, 4/6/78, TOPA. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 7711771-777) Memo #6341, Res. #77-15333 ado ted, Frank Cox Shows --Gem and Mineral Shows/78, No. Hall, Rm. 100. t26 Date 5/7 Memo #6354, Res. #77-15339 adopted, American 6/1/77 Heart Assn. Cony. 11/22/77 to 12/2/77, entire complex. Memo #6355, Res. #77-15340 adopted, Alpha Kappa 6/1/77 Alpha Sorority, Inc. Ebony Fash'ion, Fair 2/10/78, TOPA. Memo #6356, Res. #77-15341 adopted, Dade Co. 6/1/77 School Brd. High School Graduation Exercises and Rehearsals June 9,10,13,14,15,16,1977, So. Hall. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 127 Date Memo #6357, Res. #77-15342 ado ted Antioch 6/1/77 Baptist Church Country Western /77, So. Hall. Memo #6358 ,Res.#77a 5343 adopted, United Cerebral 6/1/77 Palsy Assn. Telethon 4/22-23/78, TOPA. Memo #6359, Res. #77-15344 adopted, Karel Expo- 6/1/77 sition Management Two Gift Shows: 12/29/77 to 1/4/78; 8/34-31/78, No. Hall. Memo #6381, Res. #77-15362 adopted, amendment, American Dental Assn. 10/10/77, to use Theatre in addition to North and South Halls. 6/22/77 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 128 Date Memo #6382, Res. #77-15363 adopted, Ballet 6/22/77 Concerto Co. of Miami, Concerto 9/23-24/77, TOPA. Memo #6383, Res. #77-15364 adopted, Greater 6/22/77 Miami Philharmonic Society, Inc. 12 concerts: 10/24/77; 11/14/77; 12/1/77; 12/14/77; 1/9/78; 2/5/78; 2/27/78; 3/16/78; 4/4/78; 4/19/78; 5/1/78; 5/14/78, TOPA. Memo #6384, Res. #77-15365 adopted, Action 6/22/77 Sports Industry Buying Show, Inc. Buying Show 7/21-28/77, So. Hall. Memo #6385, Res. #77-15366 adopted, electrical 6/22/77 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 129 (continued) Date contract, Edlen Elec. Exhibition Services, Inc. for Action Sports industry Buying Show, 7/24 -26/77. 6/22/77 Memo #6393, Res. #77-15371 adopted, amendment, 6/22/77 Helen Brett Enterprises, Inc. Gift Show 1/5- 1/11/78, to use So. Hall instead of No. Hall. Memo #6402, Res. #77-15376 adopted, Financial 7/6/77 Federal Savings & Loan Assn. Concert 10/16/77, TOPA. Memo #6403, Res. #77-15377 adopted, electrical 7/6/77 contract, Edlen Elec. Exhibition Services, Inc., for Gift Show 8/28-31/77, So. Hall. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 130 Date Memo #6404, Res. #77-15378 add, Chris Dundee 7/6/77 Enterprises TV Boxing 7/17 , Room 100, No. Hall. Memo #6413, Res. #77-15382 adopted, National 7/20/77 Recreation & Park Assn. Congress 10/15-19/78, So. Hall & No. and So. Meeting Rooms. Memo #6414, Res. #77-15383 adopted, amendment 7/20/77 to above to use Oct. 13-19, 1978 instead. Memo #6415, Res. #77-15384 adopted, J & R 7/20/77 Productions for So. Fla. Interior Design Show 2/9-14/78, No. Hall. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 13.1.. Date Memo #6416, Res. #77-15385 adopted, Eddy 7/20/77 Martinez Latin Dance 8/27-28/77 No. Hall. Memo #6417, Res. #77-15386 adopted, amendment, 7/20/77 Chris Dundee Enterprises TV Boxing 7/17/77, to release Room 100 and use So. Hall instead, with rate increase. (AFTER the Fact). Memo #6418, Res. #77-15387 adopted, Opera Guild 7/20/77 of Greater Miami, Inc. 8 Operas: 1/21-22/78; 2/18-19/78; 3/11-12/78; 4/15-16/78. Rehearsals: 1/19-20-78; 2/16-17-/78; 3/9-10/78; 4/13-14/78, TOPA. Memo #6419, Res. #77-15388 adopted, Temple 7/20/77 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 13.2 (continued) Date Israel of Greater Miami High Holy Day Services, Oct. 1,2, 10, 11, 1978; Sept. 21,22,30, Oct. 1, 1979; Sept. 10,11,19, 20, 1980; Sept. 28,29, Oct. 7,8, 1981; Sept. 17,18,26,27, 1982. 7/20/77 Memo #6420, Res. #77-15389 adopted, Divine 7/20/77 Light Mission Church Spiritual Meetings 7/29-31/77, No. Hall. Memo #6433, Res. #77-15397 adopted, American 8/3/77 Chemical Society Convention 9/7-15/78, South Hall and North and South Meeting Rooms. Memo #6449, Res. #77-15402 adopted, amendment, 8/3/77 National Baptist Convention: to release date CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 134 Date Memo #6455, Res. #77-15404 adopted, electrical 8/17/77 contract: F.M. Morgan, Inc. for Gift & Jewelry Show 9/15-20/77, No. Hall. Memo #6456, Res. #77-15405 adopted, Miami -Dade 8/17/77 Community College Commencement Exercises 5/13/78, So. Hall. Memo #6457, Res. #77-15406 adopted, amendment, 8/17/77 Eventos, Inc. Argentina Trade Show, No. Hall; to change dates from 7/1-20/77 to 12/12-28/77. Memo #6458, Res. #77-15407 adopted, Chase Fed. 8/17/77 S&L Assn., U.S. Marine Corps Band 10/12/77, TnPA_ CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 133 (continued) Date of 9/11/77 and change 9/6/77 from meeting to move -in day at So. Hall. 8/3/77 Memo #6450, Res. #77-15403 adopted, Edlen Elec. 8/3/77 Exhibition Services, Inc. for 9/5-11/77 Conven- tion in So. Hall, for National Baptist Convention. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 135 Date Memo #6459, Res. #77-15408 ado ted, Dade Co. 8/17/77 School Board Meetings 8/25-TOPA, (lease subject to receipt of deposit). Memo #6469, Res. #77-15412 adopted, Eddy 8/17/77 Martinez Latin Show 9/18/77, TOPA. Memo #6479, Res. #77-15418 adopted, Miguel 9/7/77 Alverez - Amaury Fraginals Chinese Circus 9/8-11/77, TOPA. Memo #6480, Res. #77-15419 adopted, National 9/7/77 Assn. of Realtors Convention 11/10-17/77, No. and So. Halls and Meeting Rooms. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 136 Date Memo #6481, Res. #77-15420 ado ted, F.I.U. 9/7/77 Commencement Exercises 12/1o. Hall. Memo #6482, Res. #77-15421 adopted, Promo- 9/7/77 tions,Ipc., 1978 International World of Wheels, 3/9-13/78, So. Hall. Memo #6483, Res. #77-15422 adopted, U. of Miami 9/7/77 Commencement Exercises 5/7/78, So. Hall. Memo #6484, Res. #77-15423 adopted, American 9/7/77 Zionist Federation 30th Anniversary Israel Independence Day 5/11/78, So. Hall. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 137 Date Memo #6511, Res. #77-15436 adopted, ABA Enter- 9/21/77 prises Latin Folk Show 10/22/77, TOPA. Memo #6512, Res. #77-15437 adopted,195 Broadway 9/21/77 Corp. annual shareholders meeting of AT&T, N. and S. Halls and all meeting rooms, 4/14/-20/78. Memo #6524, Res. #77-15452 adopted, electrical 10/5/77 contract: M.B. Elec. Exhibition Services, Inc. for American Dental Assn. Convention 10/5-15/77, No. and So. Halls. Memo #6525, Res. #77-15453 adopted, Larry M. 10/5/77 .$ORff, Inc., Bugs Bunny Follies, 10/27-30/77, CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo #6526, Res. #77-15454 adopted, Community Concert Assn. Concerts: 10/25/77; 11/7/77; 12/13/77; 1/17/78; 2/15/78; 3/15/78; 4/12/78; 4/17/78; TOPA. 138 Date 10/5/77 Memo #6527, Res. #77-15455 adopted, Temple King 10/5/77 Solomon Concerts, 11/6/77; 12/17/77; 1/14/78; 2/11/78; 3/18/78; TOPA. Memo #6528, Res. #77-15456 adopted,Kiwanis 10/5/77 International Convention 6/21-30/78, TOPA: No. & So. Halls Memo #6529, Res. #77-15457 adopted, Tennis 10/5/77 Industry's National Buying Show Seminars and CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 139 (continued) Date Show, 1/5-12/78, No. Hall and all North Hall Meeting Rooms. 10/5/77 Memo #6530, Res. #77-15458 adopted, Southern 10/5/77 Hospitality, Inc. New Brubeck Quartet, 10/20/77, TOPA.. Memo #6548, Res. #77-15460 adopted, electrical 10/19/77 contract: M.B. Elec. Exhibition Services, Inc., for So. Florida Auto Show 10/24-11/28/77, Conv. Center. Memo #6549, Res. #77-15461, adopted, amending 10/19/77 Res. #77-15364, Greater Miami Philharmonic Society, Inc., Concerts,to change name of CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 140. (continued) Date lessee to Florida Philharmonic, Inc. 10/19/77 Memo #6550, Res. #77-15462 adopted, Bethel 10/19/77 Assembly Church David Wilkers Crusade 12/5/77, TOPA. Memo #6551, Res. #77-15463 adopted, Temple Beth 10/19/77 Sholom Concerts: 11/20/77; 12/21/77; 1/18/78; 2/6/78; 2/13/78; 3/6/78; TOPA. Memo #6552, Res. #77-15464 adopted, Discount 10/19/77 Management, Inc. 2 Trade Shows, 3/28-4/3/78, So. Hall; 10/3-9/78, No. Hall. Memo #6553, Res. #77-15465 adopted, 10/19/77 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 141 (continued) Date Footlighters Foundation Fund, Inc. "Night of Stars" 3/13/78, TOPA. 10/19/77 Memo #6554, Res. #77-15466 adopted, electrical 10/19/77 contract, Edlen Elec. Exhibition Services,Inc., for American Heart Assn. 11/25-12/2/77, Conven- tion Center. Memo #6555, Res. #77-15467 adopted, Teldio 10/19/77 Corp. Peppy Fields House Party 1/29/78; TOPA. Memo #6562, Res. #77-15468 adopted, M.B. 10/19/77 Symphony Orchestra, 8 concerts: 11/13/77; 12/18/77; 1/8/78; 2/12/78; 3/5/78; 3/7/78; 4/9/78; 5/7/78, TOPA. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo #6561, Res. #77-15469 adopted, M.B. Philosophical Assn., Cultural F'rogram & Invitation to debate between candidates for Mayor of Miami Beach; 10/26/77, TOPA. 142 Date 10/19/77 Memo #6566, Res. #77-15473 adopted, Holiday On 11/2/77 Ice Show 3/17-28/78, No. Hall. Memo #6567, Res. #77-15474 adopted, American 11/2/77 Medical Assn. Convention 12/7-15/77, So. Hall and So. Meeting Rooms. Memo #6568, Res. #15475 adopted, electrical 11/2/77 contract, M.B. Elec. Exhibition Services, Inc., for National Assn. of Realtors 11/10-17/77. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo #6580, Res. #77-15482 adopted, electrical contract; Ponderosa Elec. Corp. North Hall, 12/8-10/77. Memo #6581, Res. #77-15483 adopted, M.B. Senior Hi. Community School Share Program, 12/15/77, TO PA . Memo #6582, Res. #77-15484 adopted, D.S. Clarke Nautical Auction, 2/11-12/78, So. Hall Meeting Rooms. Memo #6609, Res. #77-15493 adopted, electrical contract with Edlen Electrical Exhibition Ser- vices, Inc., North Hall, 12/29/77 to 1/4/78. 143 Date 1177777 11/16/77 11/16/77 12/21/77 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo #6610, Res. #77-15494 adopted, electrical contract with Edlen Electrical Exhibition Ser- vices, Inc. North Hall, Rm. 100, 1/11-15/78. 144 Date 12/21/77 Memo #6611, Res. #77-15495 adopted, Edimart 12/21/77 Productions, Inc., New Years Eve Dance, So. Hall, 12/31/77 to 1/1/78. Memo #6612, Res. #77-15496 adopted, Exposition 12/21/77 Corp. of America Miami Home Show, 5/24-6/1/78, So. Hall. Memo #6614, Res. #77-15497 adopted, Coconut 12/21/77 Grove Cares, Inc., Golden Gloves Amateur Boxing 2/1-4/78, Rm 100, No. Hall. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 145 Date Memo #6615, Res. #77-15498 adopted, Delta Sigma 12/21/77 Theta Sorority Debutante Ball, 4/22/78, So. Hall. Memo #6616, Res. #77-15499 adopted, Inter- 12/21/77 national Ladies Garment Workers Union Concert, 2/9/78, TOPA. Memo #6617, Res. #77-15500 adopted, Institute 12/21/77 in Basic Youth Conflicts, Inc., Seminar, 12/4-9/78, No. Hall. Memo #6650, Res. #78-15516 adopted, electrical 1/4/78 contract, Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., 1/5-12/78, No. Hall. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 1.46. Date Memo #6651, Res. #78-15517 adopted, lease amend- 1/4/78 ment, Discount Management, Inc., to change show days for Spring Show: 3/27-4/2/78, instead of 3/28-4/3/78. Memo #6653, Res. #78-15518 adopted, B'nai B'rith 1/4/78 of Miami Beach #1591 Concerts: 1/1.0/78; 3/19/78; 4/10/78, TOPA. Memo #6654, Res. #78-15519 adopted, Chris 1/4/78 Dundee Enterprises, Inc., for Harlem Globe- trotters 3/31/-4/1/78, No. Hall. Memo #6668, Res. #78-15523 adopted,, electrical 1/18/78 contract: F.M.. Morgan;°1nc. for Helen Brett CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 1.47 (continued) Date Gift Show, 1/5/-11/78, So. Hall (after the fact). 1/18/78 Memo #6669, Res. #78-15524 adopted, electrical 1/18/78 contract: Miami Beach Elec. Exhibition Services, Inc., for Antique Show 2/1-10/78, So. Hall. Memo #6670, Res. #78-15525 adopted, Church 1/18/78 Universal Triumphant, Inc. religious services 3/9-12/78, Room 100 of No. Hall. Memo #6671, Res. #78-15526 adopted, Temple 1/18/78 Emanu-el High Holy Day Services 1981 thru 1985: 9/28-30/81, and 10/7-8/81; 9/17-19/82 and 9/26-27/82; 9/7-9/83 and 9/16-17/83; 9/26-28/84 and 10/5-6/84; 9/15-17/85 and 9/24-25/85,TOPA. CONVENTION CE.NTE.R LEASES 148 Date Memo #6686, Res. #78-15529 adopted, M.B. Com- 2/1/78 munity Singers Concert 2/9%78, OPA. Memo #6687, Res. #78-15530 adopted, So. Fla. 2/1/78 Automobile Dealers Assn., Inc., Auto Show 10/29-11/13/79, No. and So. Halls. Memo #6688, Res. #78-15531 adopted, amendment 2/1/78 So. Fla. Automobile Dealers Assn. Inc. Show 11/6-21/78, re: escrow deposit. Memo #6699, Res. #78-15541 adopted, amendment: 2/15/78 MiB:-Music and Arts League to add rehearsal and set-up on Feb. 7, 1978. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 149. Date Memo #6700, Res. #78-15542 adopted, electrical 2/15/78 contract, Edlen Elec. Exhibition Services, Inc. for World of Wheels 3/9-13/78, So. Hall. Memo #6701, Res. #78-15543 adopted, amendment, 2/15/78 Helen Brett Gift Shows, to release date of 9/1-6/78, and use dates of 9/7-13/78 instead. Memo #6702, Res. #78-15544 adopted, amendment, 2/15/78 National Solid Wastes Management Assn. Conven- tion 5/1-9/78; to use dates of 4/30-5/8/78, in- stead of 5/1-9/78. Memo #6703, Res. #78-15545 adopted, Helen Brett 2/15/78 Enterprises, Inc. Gift Shows 1/4-10/79, So. Hall,