Convention Center Leases_August 1980CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 275 (continued) Date fineewelry trade show (a closed to public event)' in facilities for a period of 120 days 30 days before event and 90 days after event, to wit: Jan. 7-13, 1982 in N. Hall of M.B. Con- vention Center. 8/6/80 Memo #8407, Res. #80-16353 adopted, M.B. Region 8/20/80 of Hadassah, Membership Rally (No admission charge), TOPA, 10/27/80. Memo #8408, Res. #80-16354 adopted, Region 9- 8/20/80 Sweet Adelines, Inc., Convention, TOPA, 3/12 13/82. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 276 Date Memo #8409, Res, #80-16355 adopted, electrical 8/20/80 contract - F.M. Morgan, Inc., Helen Brett Gift Show, N. Hall, 9/4-9/80. Memo #8410, Res. #80-16356 adopted, electrical 8/20/80 contract - Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., International Association of Fire Chiefs Convention, North and South Halls, 9/25-10/3/80. Memo #8435, Res. #80-16366 adopted, Chris Dundee 9/3/80 Enterprises, Inc., Boxing, S. Hall, 8/19/80, (AFTER THE FACT). CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo #8436, Res. #80-16367 adopted, Muhammad Ali Professional Sports, Inc., Boxing - Jorge Lujan vs Julian Solis, S. Hall, 8/29/80, (AFTER THE FACT). 277 Date 9/3/80 Memo #8437, Res, #80-16368 adopted, World 9/3/80 Travel Expo Ltd., Travel and Vacation Show, S. Hall, 3/24-31/81. Memo #8438, Res, #80-16369 adopted, electrical 9/3/80 contract - Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., Merchants Buying Show, 10/6-12/80. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 278 Date Memo #8561, Res. #80-16376 adopted, Community 9/24/80 Concert Assn., 7 concerts; TOPA; 20/27/80-0 11/10/80, 12/10/80, 1/13/81, 2/10/81, 3/11/81 4/12/81. Memo 8562, Res. 80-16377 adopted, M.B. Cultural 9/24/80 Soc., 2 concerts, TOPA, 1/19/81 and 4/1/81. Memo #8563, Res. 80-16378 adopted, lease amend- 9/24/80 ment, Anheuser-Busch Ind. Show, TOPA, 2 addl. days, 9/29-30/80 + adding Rms. 102 and 103 in South Hall. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 279 Date Memo #8564, Res. 80-16379 adopted, electrical 9/24/80 contract - Ramad Enterprises, Fla. Restaurant Assn., North Hall, 10/7-14/80. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 280 DATE Memo #8455, Res. #80-16393 adopted, Temple Beth Sholom, American Ballet Theater, TOPA, 1/5/-10/81. 10/1/80 Memo #8456, Res. #80-16394 adopted, Temple Beth Sholom, 8 concerts, TOPA, 10/18/80, 11/3/80, 12/11/80, 12/22/80, 1/12/81, 2/11/81, 3/10/81, 3/31/81. 10/1/80 Memo #8457, Res. #80-16395 adopted, North Shore Optimist Club, "Shower of Stars:, TOPA, 4/4/81. 10/1/80 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 281 DATE Memo #8458, Res. #80-16396 adopted, Baron Antique Shows, Inc., 2 Antique Shows, South Hall-5/81/Show, North Hall - 10/81 Show, 4/30 -5/3/81 -South Hall, 10/22 -26/81 -North Hall. 10/1/80 Memo $8459, Res. #80-16397 adopted, South Florida Culinary Fair, Inc., South Florida Culinary Fair, South Hall, 4/22/-28/81. 10/1/80 Memo #8460, Res. #80-16398 adopted, D.S. Clarke , Antique Show, South Hall, 2/2-11/82. 10/1/80 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 282 DATE Memo #8461, Res. #80-16399 adopted, electrical contract- Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., Anheuser- Busch Industrial Show, South Hall, 9/29-10/9/80. (AFTER THE FACT). 10/1/8C Memo #8462, Res. #80-16400 adopted, electrical contract- Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., American Heart Assoc., North & South Halls, 11/13-21/80. 10/1/80 Memo #8487, Res. #80-16419 adopted, Chris Dundee Enter- prises, Inc., Kick Boxing -Karate, South Hall, 10/16/80 16/15/80 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES D2 Memo #8488, Res.#80-16420 adopted, Manuel Garcia & Castor Candiani, Latin Dance, Room 100, North Hall, 10/25 and 10/26/80. 10/15/80 Memo #8489, Res. #80-16421 adopted, Chris Dundee Enter- prises, Inc., Harlem Globetrotters, South Hall, 12/27 & 12/28/80. 10/15/80 Memo #8490, Res. #80-16422 adopted, Teldio Corp., Peppy Fields House Party, TOPA, 1/11/81. 10/15/80 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 284 DATE Memo #8491, Res. #80-16423 adopted, Opera Guild of Greater Miami, Inc.D/B/A Greater Miami Opera Assoc. 8 operas & rehearsals, TOPA. Rehearsel Dates:1/22-23/81, 2/12-13/81, 3/12-13/81, 4/9-10/81; Opera Dates: 1/24-25/81, 2/14-15/ 81, 3/14-15/81, 4/11-12/81. 10/15/80 Memo #8492, Res. #80-16424 adopted, Miami Beach Community Singers, Concert, TOPA, 3/5/81. 10/15/80 Memo #8493, Res. #80-16425 adopted, I.B.S. Flea Markets, Inc., World's Largest Indoor Flea Market, North Hall, 6/7/-15/81. 10/15/80 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo #8494, Res. #80-16426 adopted, Electrical Exhibition Services, North Hall, 10/16-19/80. 285 DATE electrical contract- ., Baron Antique Show, 10/15/80 Memo #8518, Res. #80-16434 adopted, Miami Beach Symphony Orchestra, 7 concerts, TOPA, 11/23/80, 12/14/80, 1/18/81, 2/8/81, 3/8/81, 4/5/81, 5/3/81. Memo #8519, Res. #80-16435 adopted, Smith Youth Foundation Inc., The Manhattans with Evelyn "Champayne" King -paid admission, TOPA, 11/28-11/29/80 (2 performances).10/15/80 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 286 Memo #8520, Res. #80-16436 adopted, Jewish DATE National Fund, Anniversary Concert Honoring Maestro Shmuel Fershko, TOPA, 1/21/81. 11/5/80 Memo #8521, Res. #80-16437 adopted, Footlighters Foundation Fund, "Night of Stars", TOPA, 3/9/81. 11/5/80 Memo #8522, Res. #80-16438 adopted, Southern Expo- sitions, Inc., Energy Conservation Show, North Hall, 3/17-23/81. 11/5/80 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 287 Memo #8523, Res. #80-16439 adopted, Tennis DATE Industry's National Buying Show, Tennis Industry's National Buying Show -U.S. Tennis Assoc. & Executive/ Management Seminars, North Hall, 12/30/81-1/6/82. 11/5/80 Memo #8524, Res. #80-16440, Tennis Industry's National Buying Show -U.S. Tennis Assoc. & Executive/Management Seminars, North Hall, 1/6-13/83. 11/5/80 Memo #8525, Res. #80-16441 adopted, Exposition Corp. of America, Miami Home Show, North Hal1,5/24-6/4/82. 11/5/80 Memo #8526, Res. #80-16442 adopted, Electrical Contract - Electrical Exhibition Service, South Fla. Auto Show, North & South Hall, 10/27-11/11/80. (AFTER THE FACT). 11/5/80 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 288 Memo #8590, Res. #80-16460 adopted, United DATE Teachers of Dade, Meeting, South Hall and South Hall Meeting Rooms, 11/24/80. 11/19/80 Memo #8591, Res. #80-16461 adopted, Miami Beach Senior High, Share Program (No Admission Charge), TOPA, 12/9/80. 11/19/80 Memo #8592, Res. #80-16462 adopted, Arie Kaduri Agency, Inc., Hagashash Hachiver-Israeli Show, TOPA, 12/13/80. 11/19/80 Memo #8593, Res. #80-16463 adopted, Temple King Solomon, 2 concerts, TOPA, 1/17/81 & 3/7/81. 11/19/80 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo #8594, Res. #80-16464 adopted, International Ladies' Garmet Workers Union, Concert, TOPA, 2/9/81. 289 DATE 11/19/80 Memo #8595, Res. #80-16465 adopted, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Debutante Ball (No Admission Charge) South Hall, 4/11/81. 11/19/80 Memo #8596, Res. #80-16466 adopted,S&L Productions, World Trade Fair '81, North Hall, 7/6-13/81. 11/19/80 Memo #8597, Res. #80-16467 adopted, Fla. Furniture Ex- hibitor Show, North & South Halls, 8/19-26/81. 11/19/80 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 290 DATE Memo #8598, Request of Miami Intl. Boat Show, 11/19/80 Inc., to lease North & South Halls for 10 yrs., from 1984 to 1993. Convention Ctr. Dir. appeared & reiterated Administration's rec. for extension of lease with MIBS. Victor Logan, producer of Miami Boat Show, appeared & expressed opposition to MIBS being given right of first refusal to put on summer shows, alleging granting of such would be in violation of the anti-trust law. C. Att. advised that it would be within the City's rights to grant the MIBS the lease w/options as set forth. Comm. Daoud requested the C. Atte to provide a memorandum of law on the subject. Matter deferred to 12/3/80. Admin. & C. Att. to submit additional backup material as requested by CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 291 (continued) DATE the Commission. (see CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX) 11/19/80 Memo #8599, Res. #80-16468 adopted, electrical 11/19/80 contract, Edlen Electrical Exhibition Serv., Inc., Jewelers Intl. Showcase, South Hall, 1/8-13/81. Memo #8600, Res. #80-16469 adopted, electrical 11/19/80 contract, Edlen Electrical Exhibition Serv., Inc., Tennis Industry's National Buying Show, North Hall, 1/8-15/81. Memo 8604 - Res. 80-16473 adopted, Classic Prod.,l1/19/80 Ltd., closed circuit boxing (Duran -Leonard), North & South Halls, 11/25/80. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 292 DATE Memo 8627, Request frm. Tennis Industry's Natl. 12/3/80 Buying Show for A.C. rate during 1982 & 1983 trade shows. Rec. of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Brd., as concurred in by the Conv. Ctr. Dir., that Tennis Ind. Natl. Buying Show be chrgd. $1,000 for A.C. on seminar days of 1/2-3/82 & Buying Shows should ret. at a later date to request an A.C. rate for the 1983 show, approved. (see CONVENTION CTR. COMPLEX) CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo #8620, Res. #80-16479 adopted, Foundation, Inc., Diana Ross, South 12/20/80. Memo #8621, Res. #80-16480 adopted, Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc Flea Market, North & South Halls, 1 (AFTER THE FACT). 292. Smith Youth DATE Hall, 12/3/80 electrical contract, ., World's Largest 1/30-12/8/80. 12/3/80 Memo #8622, Res. #80-16481 adopted, Church Inc., 7 concerts, TOPA, 12/12/80, 2/15/81, 3/30/81, 4/3/81, 4/7/81. of Reformation, 3/4/81, 3/6/81, 12/3/a1, Memo #8623, Res. #80-16482 adopted, Divine Light Mission CHURCH, Spiritual Meeting, North Hall, 12/10/80. 12/3/80 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 293 Memo #8634, Res. #80-16483 adopted,Lease Amend- DATE ment, Classic Sports Productions, Ltd., Closes Circuit Boxing, North & South Halls, 11/25/80. 12/3/80 Memo #8647, Res. #80-16490 adopted, Chris Dundee Enter- prises, Inc., Boxing, South Hall, 12/16/80. 12/17/80 Memo #8648, Res. #80-16491 adopted, University of Miami/ Jackson Memorial Center, North Hall -Dance, South Hall - Hall & Oates Concert, North & South Halls, 12/19-20-80. 12/17/80 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 294 Memo #8649, Res. #80-16492 adopted, Inter DATE national Condominium Show, Inc., International Condominium Show, North Hall, 3/25-30/81. 12/17/80 Memo #8650, Res. #80-16493 adopted, National Fisherman Exposition, Inc., National Fisherman Exposition, North Hall, 4/18-26/82. 12/17/80 Memo #8651, Res. #80-16494 adopted, Smith Youth Founda- tion, Inc., The Manhattans with Evelyn "Champayne" King, TOPA, 11/28-29/80. (AFTER THE FACT). Amendment Purpose: The Manhattans originally scheduled could not make this engagement, therefore the new acts were McFadden & White- head, Rivage & Evelyn "Champayne" King. 12/17/80 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 295 Memo #8652, Res. #80-16495 adopted, electrical DATE contract, Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., International World of Wheels, North Hall, 1/15-19/81. 12/17/80 Memo #8695, Res. #81-16506 adopted, FIU for and on behalf of the Fla. Board of Regents, Commencement Exercises, South Hall, 6/12/81. 1/7/81 Memo #8696, Res. #81-16507 adopted, The Office Show, Inc., The Office Show, South Hall, 12/1-8/81. 1/7/81