Convention Center Leases_February 1978CONVENTION CENTER LEASES (continued) and 9/6-12/79, North Hall Memo #6704, Res. #78-15546 adopted, National Council of Decorators and Designers, Inc., Show 8/1-15/78, North Hall. Memo #6705, Res. #78-15547 adopted, electrical 2/15/78 F.M. Morgan Inc. for Miami International Boat Show, 2/17-3/4/78. 150 Date 2/15/78 2/15/78 Memo #6706, Res. #78-15547A adopted, request 2/15/78 by M.B. Symphony to delete 3/7/78 concert from contract. Memo #6707, Res. #78-15548 adopted, Florida 2/15/78 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 151. (continued) Date Board of Bar Examiners Bar Examination, 7/24-27/78, North Hall. 2/15/78 Memo #6720, Res.- #78-15554. adoptOd,,-M,B. - 3/1/78 Symphony_Orchestra Concerts 3/6-7/78, TOPA. Memo #6756, Res. #78-15565 adopted, electrical 3/15/78 contract, Edlen Elec. Exhibition Services Inc., for Merchant's Buying Show 3/27-4/2/78. Memo #6757, Res. #78-15566 adopted, amendment 3/15/78 Kiwanis International Convention (TOPA 6/25-27/78; NO. & SO. HALLS 6/21-30/78), addition of Rooms 208 & 210 SO. HALL for office use and providing air conditioning. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 152 Date Memo #6758, Res. #78-15567 adopted, amendment 3/15/78 Karel Exposition Management Gift Show, North Hall, to change show days from 8/27-30/78 to 8/27-29/78 (1 less show day). Memo #6759, Res. #78-15568 adopted, Karel 3/15/78 Exposition Management Gift Show 12/28/78- 1/3/79, 8/23-30/79, No. Hall. Memo #6760, Res. #78-15569 adopted, amendment 3/15/78 Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows, Inc. (1977 to 1981, No. Hall). To change 1981 dates from 1/28-2/9/81 to 1/20-2/2/81. Memo #6761, Res. #78-15570 adopted, amendment- 3/15/78 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 153. (continued) Date Holiday on Ice 3/17-28/78, No. Hall. Change in percentage from 12% to 10% (approved 2/15/78) . 3/15/78 Memo #6762, Res. #78-15571 adopted, Israeli 3/15/78 Jubilee Committee, Inc. 3/30/78, No. Hall, (advance copy). Memo #6769, appearance of Mr. Mel Ziegler, 3/15/78 Chairman of Boxing Commission, and Promoter, Chris Dundee, to request reduction of rental rate for So. Hall, Convention Center for Amateur Boxing Show on March 21, 1978 (re- quested by Mayor Haber). Commission approved rental fee of $800, or 12% of gross, whichever is greater, on a one-time basis only. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 154 (continued) Date Res. #15582 adopted, authorizing execution of lease agreement. (See Convention Center Com- plex and Boxing Commission) 3/15/78 Mr. Wheatley's objections heard re: authoriz- 3/15/78 ing addendum to existing lease agreement be- tween CMB and D.S.Clarke, Memo #6768. Res. #78-15577 adopted, authorizing addendum to existing lease agreement, providing a 160 -day protection clause (80 days before and 80 days after the event). Memo #6784, Res. #78-15583 adopted, Church of 4/5/78 Reformation, Inc. Concert 11/7/78, TOPA. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 155 Date Memo #6785, Res. #78-15584 adopted, electrical 4/5/78 4on ract, F.M. Morgan, Inc. tor AT&T meeting, /14/-20/78, Convention Center. Memo #6786, Res. #78-15585 adopted, Fla. 4/5/78 Restaurant Assn. Food, Equipme `— nt and Educa- tional Trade Show, 9/20-27-78, No. Hall, Convention Center. Memo #6787, Res. #78-15586 adopted, Hebrew 4/5/78 Academy of Greater Miami Auction, 4/26/78, Rm. 100, No. Hall. Memo #6788, Res. #78-15587 adotamed, Divine 4/5/78 Light Mission Church Spiritual Meetings, CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 156 (continued) Date 4/4-10/78, No. Hall and N. Hall Wraparound; 4/6-9/78, So. Hall Wraparound. 4/5/78 Memo 116789, Res. #78-15588 adopted, Hineni of 4/5/78 Fla. Inc., Miami Choir Boys, 4/24/78, Rm. 100, N. Hall, Convention Center. Memo #6790 and.#6808, Res. #78-15589 adopted, 4/5/78 Temple Beth Sholom rehearsal andconcert, 1/13-14/79, TOPA. Recommendations of Conven- tion Center Advisory Brd. and Administration, as contained in Memo #6808, approved, as follows: 1) use of TOPA by Temple Beth Sholem, on 1/14/79, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. for Vladimir Horowitz recital; 2) $500 reduction in TOPA CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 15.7 (continued) Date rental rate to M.B. Symphony Orchestra on 1/14/79, because of inconvenience to orches- tra to reschedule rehearsal from afternoon to the morning of the event date. 4/5/78 Memo #6791, Res. #78-15590 adopted, National 4/5/78 Recreation and Park Assn., 1978 Congress for Recreation and Parks, amending show dates to: N. Hall - 10/12-18/78; S. Hall - 10/14-18/78; N. and S. Hall Meetings Rooms - 10/15-18/78. Memo #6814, Res. #78-15599 adopted, electrical 4/19/78 contract, F.M. Morgan, Inc. for National Solid Wastes Convention, 4/30-5/8/78, No. Hall, Conv. Center. CONVENTION tENTER LEASES 158 Date Memo #6815, Res. #78-15600 adopted, So. Fla. 4/7§778 Council, Inc. No. 84, Boy Scouts of America Exposition, 11/30-12/2/78, No. Hall, Conv. Center. Memo #6816, Res. #78-15601 adopted, amendment- 4/19/78 Divine Light Mission Church Spiritual Meetings, to change dates to 4/4-10/78 (2 additional days) after the fact for additional sum of $1,200. Memo #6817, Res. #78-15602 adopted, amendment- 4/19/78 195 Broadway Corp. annual meeting of AT&T Shareholders changing 4/18/78 to open house day for additional sum of $1,000.00. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 159 Date Memo #6840, Res. #78-15608 adopted Concert 5/3/78 Express, Mrle Haggard Show, 4/30/78, So. Hall. (After the fact) Memo #6841, Res. #78-15609 adopted, Pablo R. 5/3/78 Capote, Latin Concert, 5/14/78, So. Hall, After the fact. Memo #6842, Res. #78-15610 adopted, American 5/3/78 Farm Bureau Federation Convention, 1/15-16/79, So. Hall and So. Hall Meeting Rooms. Memo #6843, Res. #78-15611 adopted, St. Joseph's 5/3/78 Catholic Church, Music from Outer Space with Florida Philharmonic, 5/20/78, No. Hall. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo #6867, Res. #78-15615 adopted, Chris Dundee Enterprises, Inc., Boxing Events, 5/2/78 (after the fact) and 5/9/78, East Lobby, So. Hall. I,bU Date 5/3/78. Memo #6878, Res. #78-15618 adopted, amendment- 5/17/78 American College of Cardiology Convention, to change date to: No. Hall -3/7-17/79; S. Hall - 3/8-16/79; No. and So. Hall Meeting Rooms - 3/7 -16/79; TOPA-3/12-15/79. Memo #6879, Res. #78-15619 adopted,amendment 5/17/78 Temple Beth Sholom Concert, to change rehearsal time to: 1/13/79 - 2:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M., TOPA. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo #6880, Res. #78-15620 adopted, amendment, Discount Management, Inc., Merchant's Buying Syndicated Trade Show, to change dates to: 10/2-8/78, No. Hall. 16.1 Date 5/17/78 Memo #6881, Res. #78-15621 adopted, Florida 5/17/78 International University Commencement Exercises, 6/10/78, So. Hall. Memo #6882, Res. #78-15622 adopted, Chris Dundee 5/17/78 Enterprises, Inc., Boxing Events, 5/16/78 (After the Fact) and 5/23/78, East Lobby, So. Hall. Memo #6883, Res. #78-15623 adopted, amendment, 5/17/78 Chris Dundee Enterprises, Inc., Boxing Events, CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 162 (continued) Date date contracted 5/9/78, new date: 5/30/78, East Lobby, So. Hall. 5/17/78 Memo #6908, Res. #78-15625 adopted, electrical 6/7/78 contract - Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., for Kiwanis International, No. Hall, 6/21-30/78. Memo #6909, Res. #78-15626 adopted, electrical 6/7/78 contract - Lind Electric for Miami Home Show, So. Hall, 5/24-6/1/78 (AFTER THE FACT). Memo #6911, Res. #78-15627 adopted, Tennis 6/7/78 Industry's National Buying Show, U.S. Tennis Assn. and Executive/Management Seminars, CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 163 (continued) Date No. Hall, 1/4-11/79. 6/7/78 Memo #6912, Res. #78-15628 adopted, Discount 6/7/78 Management, Inc., Two Merchant's Buying Syndi- cate Trade Shows, So. Hall -- 4/2-8/79, No. Hall -- 10/1-7/79. Memo #6913, Res. #78-15629 adopted, Dade Co. 6/7/78 School Brd., High School Graduation Exercises and Rehearsals, TOPA, rehearsals: 6/7,9 and 12/78; Graduations: 6/13-15/78. Memo #6914, Res. #78-15630 adopted, M.B. 6/7/78 Chapter of Hadassah, Membership Rally, TOPA, 11/6/78. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 164 Date Memo #6915 (REVISED), Res. #78-15631 adopted 6/777g second lease amendment, Chris Dundee Enter- prises, Inc., Boxing Event, No. Hall, to change date to 6/20/78. Memo #6917, Res. #78-15632 adopted, Frank Cox 6/7/78 Shows, Gem and Mineral Show, Rm. 100, No. Hall, 1/11-14/79. Memo #6918, Res. #78-15633 adopted, B'nai B'rith 6/7/78 of M.B. #1591, Free Concert, TOPA, 6/18/78. Memo #6943, Res. #78-15648 adopted, Alpha Kappa 6/28/78 Alpha Sorority, Inc., Ebony Fashion Fair, Theater, 2/9/79. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 165 Date Memo #6944, Res. #78-15649 ado ted, D.S.Clarke, 6/28/79 Antique Show, S. Hall, 2/5-1 O. Memo #6945, Res. #78-15650 adopted, M.B. Music 6/28/78 and Arts League, 6 concerts, Theater, 12/12/78, 1/10/79, 2/7/79, 3/7/79, 4/2/79 and 4/10/79. Memo #6946, Res. #78-15651 adopted, M.B. Sym- 6/28/78 phony, 6 Pops Concerts, Theater, 7/9/78, 7/16/78, 7/23/78, 7/30/78, 8/6/78 and 8/13/78. Memo #6947, Res. #78-15652 adopted, J & J 6/28/78 Productions, Disco Dance, No. Hall, 7/29 and 7/30/78. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 166 Date Memo #6980, Res. #78-15659 adopted, Temple Beth 7/19/78 Sholom, eleven concerts, TOPA; 11/19/78, 11/26/78, 12/11/78, 2/4/79, 2/6/79, 2/13/79, 3/25/79, 4/3/79, 4/4/79-'(2,performances),4/29/79. Memo #6981, Res. #78-15660 adopted, Society of 7/19/78 Manufacturing Engineers, Convention, S. Hall, 12/6-15/79. Memoranda A6982 & #6983, Res. #78-15661 adopted, %7/19/78 approval of rental rate and contract for Pro- motions, Inc., 1979 International World of Wheels, S. Hall, 1/25-29/79. Rental rate of $6,000 mini- mum guarantee, plus 10% of grass receipts over CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 167 (continued) Date $50,000, after taxes, approved for Jan. 25-29, 7/19/78 1979 event. Memo #6984, Res. #78-15662 adopted, lease 7/19/78 amendment - National Recreation and Park Assn., The 1978 Congress for Recreation and Parks, No. Hall, 10/12-18/78; So. Hall, 10/14-18/78, No. and So. Hall meeting rooms, 10/15-18/78, new date: No. Hall, 10/12-19/78. Memo #6985, Res. #78-15663 adopted, National 7/19/78 School Boards Assn., Convention and Exhibits, N. Hall, S. Hall and wraparound meeting rooms, 4/18-26/79. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 168 Date Memo #6986, Res. #78-15664 ado ted, electrical 7/19/78 contract - Edlen Electrical x 1 ition Services, Inc., Interior Design Show, N. Hall, 8/1-15/78. Memo #6987, Res. #78-15665 adopted, Opera Guild 7/19/78 of Greater Miami, Inc. d/b/a Greater Miami Opera Assn. 8 operas, TOPA, 1/20-21/79, 2/17-18/79, 3/10-11/79 and 4/7-8/79. Memo #6988, Res. #78-15666 adopted, WQBA Radio, 7/19/78 Latin Dance, N. Hall, 7/22-23/78. Memo #6989, Res. #78-15667 adopted, Oral Roberts 7/19/78 Evangelistic Assn. meeting, N. Hall, 12/17/78, CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 169 Date Memo #7010, Res. #78-15678 adopted, Community 8/2/78 Concert Assn., Inc., 8 concerts, TOPA, 10/16/78, 11/9/78, 12/7/78, 1/9/79, 1/29/79, 2/14/79, 3/14/79, and 4/9/79. Memo #7011, Res. #78-15679 adopted, electrical 8/2/78 contract - Edten Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc.Karel Gift and Decorative Accessories Show, No. Hall, 8/24-31/78. Memo #7012, Res. #78-15680 adopted, lease 8/2/78 amendment, MB Music and Arts League, 6 con- certs, TOPA 12/12/78, 1/10/79, 2/7/79, 3/7/79, 4/2/79 and 4/10/79. New date: 12/9/78 instead of 12/12/78. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 170 Date Memo #7013, Res. #78-15681 adopted, electrical - 8/2/78 contract - F. M. Morgan, Inc., Helen Brett Gift Show, No. Hall, 9/7-13/78. Memo #7014, Res. #78-15682 adopted, Exposition 8/2/78 Corp. of America, Miami Home Show, South Hall, 5/21/79 thru 6/1/79. Memo #7015, Res. #78-15683 adopted, Chris 8/2/78 Dundee Enterprises, Inc., Boxing, Rm. 100 of North Hall, 7/18/78. Memo #7016, use of Convention Hall South, instead of Rm100 approved. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 171 Date Memo #7049, Res. #78-15693 adopted, Financial 9/6/78 Federal S & L Assoc. Concert, TOPA, 10/15/78. Memo #7050, Res. #78-15694 adopted, electrical 9/6/78 contract - Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., Florida Restaurant Show, N. Hall, 9/20-27/78. Memo #7051, Res. #78-15695 adopted,electrical 9/6/78 contract- Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., American Chemical Society, S. Hall, 9/7-15/78. Memo #7052, Res. #78-15696 adopted, Fla. Phil- 9/6/78 harmonic, Inc., 10 concerts, TOPA, 10/23/78; CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 172 (continued) Date 11/8/78, 11/20/78, 12/4/78, 2/5/79, 2/26/79, 3/15/79, 4/23/79, 5/14/79, and 5/20/79. 9/6/78 Memo #7053, Res. #78-15697 adopted, Holiday On 9/6/78 Ice, N. Hall, 3/23-4/3/79. Memo #7054, Res. #78-15698 adopted, electrical 9/6/78 contract- Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., Merchant's Buying Syndicate Show, 10/2-8/78, N. Hall. Memo #7055, Res. #78-15699 adopted, Don King 9/6/78 Productions, Inc., Boxing, So. Hall, 9/26/78. Memo #7056, Res. #78-15700 adopted, Artists 9/6/78 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 172,9 (continued) Date Consultants, Gordon Lightfoot Concert, TOPA, 10/7/78. 9/6/78 Memo #7057, Res. #78-15701 adopted, Helen 9/6/78 Brett Enterprises, Inc., Two Gift Shows, S. Hall -1/3-9/80, N. Hall -9/4-10/80. Memo #7089, Res. #78-15715 adopted, Tenants 9/20/78 Assoc. of Fla., Inc., Political Rally, TOPA, 9/10/78 (AFTER THE FACT). Memo #7090, Res. #78-15716 adopted, Hebrew 9/20/78 Academy of Greater Miami, Concert, TOPA, 3/5/79. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 173 Date Memo #7091, Res. #78-15717 adopted, Mack Gym 9/20/78 Equipment and Smith Health Studio, Mr. Atlantic States Contest, S. Hall, 12/2/78. Memo #7092, Res. #78-15718 adopted, amendment 9/20/78 to agreement, American Chemical Society Con- vention, original dates: S. Hall- 9/7-15/78; N. & S. Hall Meeting Rooms -9/11-15/78; amend- ment to add 9/10/78 for use of S. Hall (AFTER THE FACT). Memo #7112, Res. #78-15728 adopted, Greater 10/4/78 Miami Film Festival, Greater Miami Interna- tional Film Festival, TOPA, 11/10/78 and 11/11/78. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 174 Date Memo #7113, Res. #78-15729 adopted, M.B. 1078 Symphony Orchestra, 7 concerts, TOPA, 11/12/78, 12/10/78, 1/14/79, 2/11/79, 3/4/79, 4/15/79 and 5/6/79. Memo #7114, Res. #78-15730 adopted, Dade Co. 10/4/78 Council for Senior Citizens, Inc., Senator Edward Kennedy Speech, TOPA, 10/12/78. Memo #7133, Res. #78-15738 adopted, electrical 10/18/78 contract - M.B. Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., National Recreation and Parks Association Convention, No. Hall, 10/12-19/78. Memo #7134, Res. #78-15739 adopted, electrical 10/18/78