Convention Center Leases_June 1979CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 201 (continued) Date Western Show with Dickey Lee and Charley McClain, S. Hall, Aug 17, 1979. 6/6/79 Memo #7522, Res. #79-15930 adopted, lease 6/6/79 amendment, Karel Expoisition Management, Gift and Decorative Accessories Market/Florida Mer- chandise Show (excluding Souvenir Exhibitors), N. Hall, Aug. 23-30, 1979. Amendment purpose: another lessee is coming in and Karel Exposition was asked to release move -out date of Aug. 30, 1979, new dates: Aug. 23-29, 1979. Memo #7523, Res. #79-15931 adopted, Rose -Wells 6/6/79 Associates, concert starring Misha Reitzin of CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 202 (continued) Date Metropolitan Opera, TOPA, March 3, 1980. 6/6/79 Memo #7524, Res. #79-15932 adopted, lease 6/6/79 amendment, National Assoc. of Elementary School Principals, Convention, dates contracted: N. Hall - April 16-23,1980, S. Hall - April 19- 22, 1980. Amendment purpose: lessee is re- leasing S. Hall only, April 19-22, 1980 and instead will use S. Hall wraparound meeting rooms, April 20-22, 1980, of M.B. Convention Center, new dates:N. Hall - April 16-23, 1980; S. Hall Meeting Rooms - April 20-22, 1980. Memo #7525, Res. #79-15933 adopted, National 6/6/79 Fisherman Exposition, Inc., National Fisherman CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 203 (continued) Date Exposition, N. Hall, April 28 - May 5, 1980. 6/6/79 Memo #7547, Res. #79-15946 adopted, Tennis 6/20/79 Industry's National Buying Show, Inc., Tennis Industry's National Buying Show, U. S. Tennis Assoc. a,d Executive/Management Seminars, N. Hall and N. Hall Meeting Rooms, Jan. 3-8,1980. Memo #7549, Res. #79-15947 adopted, M.B. Region 6/20/79 of Hadassah, Membership Rally, TOPA, Nov. 5, 1979. Memo #7550, Res. #79-15948 adopted, M. B. 6/20/79 Symphony, Four Pops Concerts, TOPA, July 15, 1979; July 22, 1979; July 29, 1979 and CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 2.04 (continued) Date August 5, 1979. 6/2779 Memo #7551, Res. #79-15949 adopted, Music 6/20/79 Educators National Conference, Convention, N. Hall, April 10-11, 1980; South Hall, April 7-14, 1980. North and South Hall Meeting Rooms - April 9-12, 1980; Theater April 9-12, 1980. Memo #7578, Res. #79-15941 adopted, WQBA AM/FM 7/18/79 Radio, Four Coca Cola Dances, July 28, 1979, N. Hall; Sept. 8, 1979 - S. Hall; Oct. 27, 1979 - N. Hall and Dec. 15, 1979 - N. Hall. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 20S Date Memo #7579, Res. #79-15952 adopted, Arie Kadurie 7/18/79 Agency, Inc., Chinese Circus, TOPA, Sept. 14-16, 1979. Memo #7580, Res. #79-15953 adopted, Temple 7/18/79 King Solomon, High Holy Day Services, Rm-100 - N. Hall, Sept. 21, 22, 23, 30 and Oct. 1, 1979. Memo #7581, Res. #79-15954 adopted, electrical 7/18/79 contract - Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., Florida Furniture Show, N. Hall, Aug. 16-22, 1979. Memo #7582, Res. #79-15955 adopted, National 7/18/79 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 206 (continued) Date Association of Secondary School Principals, Convention and Exhibits, Jan. 9-16, 1980 - N. Hall; Jan. 11-15, 1980 - N. & S. Hall meeting rooms. 7/18/79 Memo #7583, Res. #79-15956 adopted, Frank Cox 7/18/79 Shows, Gem and Mineral Show, Room 100 in N. Hall, Jan. 16-21, 1980. Memo #7584, Res. #79-15957 adopted, Exposition 7/18/79 Corp. of America, Miami Home Show, S. Hall, May 19-30, 1980 and May 18-29, 1981. Memo #7585, Res. #79-15958 adopted, Discount 7/18/79 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 2.07. (continued) Date Management, Inc., Two Merchant's Buying Syndicate Trade Shows, S. Hall, March 24-30, 1980 and Oct. 6-12, 1980. 7/18/79 Memo #7586, Res. #79-15959 adopted, electrical 7/18/79 contract - Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., Gift and Decorative Accessories Show, N. Hall, Aug. 16-22, 1979. Memo #7587, Res. #79-15960 adopted, Baron 7/18/79 Antique Shows, Inc., Antique Show, N. Hall, Oct. 11-15, 1979. Memo #7588, Res. #79-15961 adopted, Promotions, 7/18/79 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 208 (continued) Date Inc., 1980 and 1981 International World of Wheels, S. Hall, Jan. 24-28, 1980 and Jan. 15-19, 1981. 7/18/79 Memo #7616, Res. #79-15978 adopted, electri- 8/1/79 cal contract - Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., Safety and Security Show, S. Hall, Sept. 13-17, 1979. Memo #7617, Res. #79-15979 adopted, Karel 8/1/79 Exposition Management, two Florida Gift and Variety Merchandise Shows, N. Hall, Dec. 27, 1979 -Jan. 2, 1S8O, and Aug. 21-27, 1980. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo #7618, Res. #79-15980 adopted, Divine Light Mission Church, Spiritual meetings, N. Hall and N. and S. Hall Meeting rooms, Aug. 30 -Sept. 4, 1979. 209 Date 8/1/79 Memo #7619, Res. #79-15981 adopted, electrical 8/1/79 contract - Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., Gift and Decorative Accessories Show, N. Hall, Aug. 23-29, 1979. (Rescinds Res. #79-15959 passed 7/18/79 which contained incorrect dates.) Memo #7620, Res. #79-15982 adopted, Fla. 8/1/79 Restaurant Assoc., Food, Equipment and Edu- cational Show (Trade Show) N. Hall, Oct. 7-14, 1980. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 210. Date Memo #7663, Res. #79-15992 adopted, Church of 9/5/79 Reformation, Inc. - Maryland Ballet, TOPA, Oct. 13, 1979. Memo #7664, Braman Motors, Inc. and Braman 9/5/79 Cadillac, Inc., Private New Car Presentation, S. Hall, Oct. 6-8, 1979, withdrawn by Admini- stration. Memo #7665, Res. #79-15993 adopted, electrical 9/5/79 contract - Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., Merchants Buying Syndicate, N. Hall, Oct. 1-7, 1979. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 211 Date Memo #7666, Res. #79-15994 adopted, Miami 9/5/79 Beach Music and Arts League, 5 Concerts,TOPA, 12/10/79 - Ruggiero Ricci - violinist; 1/8/80 - The Tamberrys; 2/5/80 - Florida Gulf Symphony Orchestra;3/6/80 - Ohio Ballet; 4/3/80 - Talent Showcase. Memo #7667, Res. #79-15995 adopted, Community 9/5/79 Concert Assoc., Inc., 7 Concerts, TOPA: 11/12/79 - Prague Chamber Orchestra; 12/13/79 Gold and Fizdale; 1/14/80 - Peter Zazofsky; 1/28/80 - The New York Philharmonic; 2/11/80 - Les Grands Ballets Canadiens; 3/11/80 - Yehudi Menuhin; 4/14/80 - Virginia Alonso. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 212 Date Meme -#7668, Res.#79-15996 adopted, lease 9/5/79 amendment, Exposition Corporation of America, Miami Home Show, S. Hall, dates: May 19-30, 1980; May 18-29, 1981; amendment purpose: to release S. Hall, and will use N. Hall instead. Memo #7669, Res. #79-15997 adopted, Financial Federal S&L Assoc. Concert (no admission charge), TOPA, Oct. 14, 1979. Memo #7664, Res. #79-16013 adopted, Braman 9/19/79 Motors, Inc., and Braman Cadillac, Inc., Private new car presentation, S. Hall, 10/6-8, 1979. (Withdrawn by Administration on 9/5/79) 9/5/79 ..ONVI'NTION CENTER LXAM 11_3. Date Memo #7725, Res. #79-16014 adopted, Jeweler's 9/7779 International Showcase, Inc., Pine Jewelry and Diamond Show, S. Hall, Jan. 15-22, 1980. Memo #7726, Res. #79-16015 adopted, The Miami 9/19/79 Beach Cultural Society, 2 concerts, (no admis- sion charge), TOPA, Nov. 6, 1979 and Jan. 9, 1980. Memo #7727, Res. #79-16016 adopted, Miami Beach 9/19/79 Cares, Inc., boxing, N. Hall, Sept. 25, 1979. Memo #7728, Res. #79-16017 adopted, Digital 9/19/79 Equipment Computer Users Society, Decus Meet- ings and Exhibits, S. Hall, May 15-22, 1981. cONVUTION CENTCR LEASES 214. Date Memo #7729, Res. #79-16018 adopted, Divine 9/19/79 Light Mission Church, Spiritual Meeting, TOPA, Sept. 9, 1979, (AFTER THE FACT). Memo #7751, Res. #79-16034 adopted, electrical 10/3/79 contract, F. M. Morgan, Inc., M.B. Closeout Show, N. Hall, Oct. 18-24, 1979. Memo #7752, Res. #79-16035 adopted, Miami 10/3/79 Beach Cares, Inc., boxing, S. Hall, Oct. 23, 1979. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 21.5 Date Memo #7753, Res. #79-16036 adopted, Temple 10/3/79 Beth Sholom, TOPA, 11 concerts: 11/7/79 - Mstilav Rostropovich 12/11/79 - Roberta Peters & Robert Merrill 1/12/80 - Rehearsal: Vladimir Horowitz 1/13/80 - Vladimir Horowitz 1/15/80 - Leontyne Price 2/4/80 Royal Winnepeg Ballet 2/6/80 - Istomin, Rose, Stern 2/13/80 - Jean Pierre Rampal & Alexander Lagoya 2/17/80 - Montserrat Caballe 3/4/80 - Rehearsal: 11 Trovatore 3/5/80 - 11 Trovatore 3/8/80 - Mirella Freni oiNVENTION CENTER LEASES 216 continued Date 4/16/80 - Shirley Verrett 10/3/79 Memo #7754, Res. #79-16037 adopted, electrical 10/3/79 contract, Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., 6th Annual International World of Wheels, S. Hall, Jan. 25-27, 1980. Memo #7755, Res. #79-16038 adopted, M.B. 10/3/79 Symphony Orchestra, TOPA, 7 concerts: 11/11/79 - Ursula Oppens, Pianist 12/16/79 - Shmuel Ashkenasi, Violinist 1/13/80 - Boris Bloch, Pianist 2/10/80 - Steven Degrotte, Pianist 3/9/80 - Joey Swensen, Violinist 4/6/80 - Ted Joselson, Pianist .uivvENTION CENTER LEASES 417 (continued) Date 5/4/80 - A Night at the Opera 109 Memo #7756, Res. #79-16039 adopted, electrical 10/3/79 contract, M.B. Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., Baron's Antique Show, N.Hall, Oct. 11-15, 1979. Memo #7757, Res. #79-16040 adopted, American 10/3/79 Society for Microbiology, Convention and Exhibits, N. and S. Halls, May 9-16, 1980, N. and S. Hall Meeting Rooms - May 10-16,1980. Memo #7769, Res. #79-16041+ adopted, National 10/17/79 Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Convention, N. Hall, June 30 -July 4, CENTER LEASES =A1a6 (continued) Date 1980; S. Hall, June 26 -July 5, 1980. 10/17/79 Memo #7770, Res. #79-16045 adopted, lease 10/17/79 amendment, Braman Motors, Inc., and Braman Cadillac, Inc., Private New Car Presentation, S. Hall. Dates contracted: Oct. 6-8, 1979. New dates: Oct. 5-8, 1979 (AFTER THE FACT). Memo #7771, Kappa Alpha Fair, TOPA, Res. #79-16046 adopted, Alpha Sorority, Inc., Ebony Fashion Feb. 8, 1980. 10/17/79 Memo #7803, Chris Dundee Enterprises, Inc., 11/7/79 Boxing, S. Hall, Jan. 29, 1980. Deferred to Nov. 21, 1979. ..uNvENfION CrNTER LAS -11.9 Date .Memo #7804, lease amendment, Miami Beach Cares, 11/7/79 Inc., Boxing, S. Hall, date contracted: Oct. 23, 1979, new date: Nov. 20, 1979. Deferred to Nov. 21, 1979. Memo #7805, electrical contract, M.B. Electri- 11/7/79 cal Exhibition Services, Inc., South Florida Auto Show, N.and S. Halls, Nov. 3-11, 1979 (AFTER THE FACT). Deferred to Nov. 21, 1979. Memo #7806, Biscayne College, Commencement 11/7/79 Exercises, TOPA, Jan. 11, 1980. Deferred to Nov. 21, 1979. _,,vcNTION CrNY.R LEASES -126 Date Memo #7807, Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts, 11/7/79 Inc., Educational Seminar, S. Hall.. Dates con- tracted: Oct. 15-20, 1979, new dates: Oct. 13-20, 1979. (AFTER THE FACT) Deferred to Nov. 21, 1979. Memo #7808, American Heart Assoc., Convention, 11/7/79 N. Hall, S. Hall, and Wraparound Meeting Rooms - Nov. 13-21, 1980; TOPA - Nov. 17-20, 1980. Deferred to Nov. 21, 1979. Memo #7809, Major Events, Inc., 1980 Woman's 11/7/79 "A -Fair" Exposition, N. Hall, March 3-11, 1980. Deferred to Nov. 21, 1980. _.,,vtNTION CENTER LEASES 421 Date Memo #7810, Chris Dundee Enterprises, Inc., 11/9 Harlem Globetrotters, S. Hall, Dec. 29-30, 979. Deferred to Nov. 21, 1979. Memo #7811, Teldio Corp., Peppy Fields House 11/7/79 Part, TOPA, Jan. 27, 1980. Deferred to Nov. 21, 1979. Memo #7812, S. Florida Council, Inc., No. 84, 11/7/79 Boy Scouts of America, Boy Scouts Exposition, N. Hall, Dec. 6-8, 1979. Deferred to Nov. 21, 1979. CENTER LEASES 422 Date -Memo #7813, International -Ladies' Garment 119 Workers Union, Concert, TOPA, Jan. 7, 1980. Deferred to Nov. 21, 1979. Memo #7814, Chris Dundee Enterprises, Inc., 11/7/79 Boxing, S. Hall, Nov. 27, 1979. Deferred to Nov. 21, 1979. Memo #7815, M.B. Senior High Community School, 11/7/79 Share Program (No admission charge), TOPA, Dec. 13, 1979. Deferred to Nov. 21, 1979. Memo #7816, Children's Television Project, 11/7/79 funded by Dept. of H.E.W., A Tribute to Lana Turner, TOPA, Nov. 10, 1979. Deferred .,,.,,cNTION CEW1TR LEAS5S 4/1 Icont i nue D Date to Nov. 21 1979. 11/7/79 Memo #7817, S. Florida Culinary Fair, Inc., 11/7/79 S. Florida Culinary Fair, South Hall, April 23-29, 1980. Deferred to Nov. 21, 1979. Memo #7818, Florida Philharmonic, Inc., Seven 11/7/79 Concerts, TOPA: Oct. 29, 1979, Nov. 8, 1979, Dec. 12, 1979, Jan.16, 1980, Feb. 12, 1980, March 12, 1980, and April 8, 1980. Deferred to Nov. 21, 1979. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 224 Date Memo #7803, Res. #79-16061 adopted, Chris 11/21/79 Dundee Enterprises, Inc., Boxing, S. Hall, Jan. 29, 1980. Memo #7804, Res. #79-16062 adopted, lease 11/21/79 amendment, M. B. Cares, Inc., Boxing, S. Hall, date contracted: Oct. 23, 1979; new date: Nov. 20, 1979. Memo #7805, Res. #79-16063 adopted, electrical 11/21/79 contract, M.B. Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., S. Florida Auto Show, North and South Halls, Nov. 3-11, 1979. (AFTER THE FACT)