Convention Center Leases_November 1979CONVENTION CENTER LEASES -225 Date Memo #7806, Res. #79-16064 adopted, Biscayne 1177779 College, Commencement Exercises, TOPA, Jan. 11, 1980. Memo #7807, Res. #79-16065 adopted, Institute 11/21/79 in Basic Youth Conflicts, Inc., Educational Seminar, S. Hall, dates contracted: Oct. 15-20, 1979; new dates: Oct. 13-20, 1979. (AFTER THE FACT) Memo #7808, Res. #79-16066 adopted, American 11/21/79 Heart Assoc., Convention, N. Hall, S. Hall, and Wraparound Meeting Rooms - Nov. 13-21, 1980; TOPA - Nov. 17-20, 1980. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo #7809, Res. #79-16067 adopted, Major Events, Inc., 1980 Womans "A-F�alr" Exposition, N. Hall, March 3-11, 1980. Memo #7810, Res. #79-16068 adopted, Chris Dundee Enterprises, Inc., Harlem Globetrotters, S. Hall, Dec. 29-30, 1979. 226. Date 11721/79 11/21/79 Memo #7811, Res. #79-16069 adopted, Teldio 11/21/79 Corp., Peppy Fields House Party, TOPA, Jan. 27, 1980. Memo #7812, Res. #79-16070 adopted, S. Fla. 11/21/79 Council, Inc. No. 84, Boy Scouts_ of America, Boy Scouts Exposition, N. Hall, Dec. 6-8, 1979. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo #7813, Res. #79-16071 adopted, Inter- national Ladies' Garment Workers Union, Concert, TOPA, Jan. 7, 1980. _227 Date 11/21/79 Memo #7814, Res. #79-16072 adopted, Chris 11/21/79 Dundee Enterprises, Inc., Boxing, S. Hall, Nov. 27, 1979. Memo #7815, Res. #79-16073 adopted, M.B. 11/21/79 Senior High Community School, Share Program (NO ADMISSION CHARGE), TOPA, Dec. 13, 1979. Memo #7816, Res. #79-16074 adopted, Children's 11/21/79 Television Project - funded by Dept. of Health, CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 228 (continued) Date Education and Welfare, A Tribute to Lana Turner, TOPA, Nov. 10, 1979. 11/21/79 Memo #7817, Res. #79-16075 adopted, S. Fla. 11/21/79 Culinary Fair, Inc., S. Fla. Culinary Fair, S. Hall, April 23¢29, 1980. Memo #7818, Res. #79-16076 adopted, Fla. 11/21/79 Philharmonic, Inc., 7 concerts, TOPA: Oct. 29, 1979, Nov. 8, 1979, Dec. 12, 1979, Jan. 16, 1980, Feb. 12, 1980, March 12, 1980 and April 8, 1980. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 229 Date Memo #7857, Res. #79-16087 adopted, electrical 11/21/79 contract, M.B. Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., IBS Flea Market, N. Hall, 11/25--12/3/790 Memo #7858, Res. #79-16088 adopted, M.B. Cares, 11/21/79 Inc., Boxing event, S. Hall, Dec. 4, 1979. Memo #7859, Res. #79-16089 adopted, M.B. Com- 11/21/79 munity Singers, Concert, TOPA, Feb. 7, 1980. Memo #7860, Res. #79-16090 adopted, Mental 11/21/79 Health Assoc. of Dade Co., meetings, S. Hall Wraparound Meeting Rooms, April 15 , 1980. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo #7861, Res. #79-16091 adopted, Banla International Sales Corp., Import, U.S.A., (Trade show), N and S Halls, Aug. 1-12,1980. 23.0 Date 117'1/79 Memo #7862, Res. #79-16092 adopted, Eden Roc 11/21/79 Hotel, Dance - Florida A & M, S Hall -- Room 102, Nov. 10 and 11, 1979 (AFTER THE FACT). Memo #7873, Res. #79-16093 adopted, Delta 11/21/79 Sigma Theta Sorority, Debutante Ball, S Hall, April 19, 1980. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES -/St Date Memo #7886, Res. #79-16102 adopted, Florida 129 Furniture Exhibitors, Inc., Florida Furni- ture Show, N. Hall, Aug. 13-20, 1980. Memo #7887, Res. #79-16103 adopted, electrical 12/5/79 contract, F. M. Morgan, Inc., Helen Brett Gift Show, S. Hall, Jan. 3-9, 1980. Memo #7888, Res. #79-16104 adopted, electrical 12/5/79 contract, Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., Tennis Industry's National Buying Show, N. Hall, Jan. 6-8, 1980. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES -2.12 Date Memo #7889, Res. #79-16105 adopted, electrical 12/5/79 contract, Honderoea.Electric7C.rp., Boy Scout Memo #7890, Res. #79-16106 adopted, lease 12/5/79 agreement, I.B.S. Flea Markets, Inc., World's Largest Indoor Flea Market, N. Hall, Nov. 30 - Dec. 8, 1980. Memo #7891, Res. #79-16107 adopted, lease 12/5/79 agreement, Footlighters Foundation Fund, Inc., "Night of Stars", TOPA, March 10, 1980. Memo #7892, Res. #79-16108 adopted, lease 12/5/79 agreement, Divine Light Mission Church, CONVENTION CENTER LEASES -111 (continued) Date Spiritual Meeting, N. Hall, Dec. 9 & 10, 1979. 12/5/79 Memo #7893, Res. #79-16109 adopted, electrical 12/5/79 contract, Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services, Gift and Decorative Accessories Show, N. Hall, Dec. 27 -Jan. 2, 1980. Memo #7894, Res. #79-16160 adopted, lease 12/5/79 agreement, National Theme Party, Banquet for National Assoc. of Secondary School Principals, S. Hall, Jan. 12, 1980. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES -234 Date Memo #7915, Res. #79-16119 ado ted, electrical 12/19/79 contract, Edlen ElectricalExhib ition Services, Inc., Fine Jewelry and Diamond Show, S. Hall, Jan. 15-22, 1980. Memo #7916, Res. #79-16120 adopted, electrical 12/19/79 contract, Ramad Enterprises, Society of Manu- facturing Engineers, S. Hall, Dec. 6-15, 1979, (AFTER THE FACT) Memo #7917, Res. #79-16121 adopted, North 12/19/79 Shore Optimist Club, "Shower of Stars", TOPA, April 7, 1980. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo #7918, Res. #79-16122 adopted, Divine Light Mission Church, Spiritual Meetings, N. Hall and N. & S. Hall Wraparound Meeting Rooms. Dates: July 14-22, 1980 - N. Hall and N. Hall Wraparound Meeting Rooms; July 17-22, 1980 - S. Hall Meeting Rooms (Wrap- around). -11,5 Date 1279 Memo #7919, Res. #79-16123 adopted, Chris 12/19/79 Dundee Enterprises, Inc., 6777177 -S. Hall, Dec. 18, 1979, (AFTER THE FACT). Memo #7920, Res. #79-16124 adopted, Anheuser- 12/19/79 Busch, Industrial Show Meeting, TOPA, Oct. 1-9, 1980. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES .236 Date Memo #7921, Res. #79-16125 adopted, City of 12/19/79 Miami City of Miami Kwanza Festival - 3rd. yr., S. Hall, Dec. 31, 1979 and Jan. 1, 1980. Memo #7922, Res. #79-16126 adopted, Baron 12/19/79 Antique Shows, Inc., Two Antique Shows, S. and N. Halls, Dates: S. Hall - May 22-26, 1980; N. Hall - Oct. 16-20, 1980. Memo #7923, Res. #79-16127 adopted, I.B.S. 12/19/79 Flea Markets, Inc., World's Largest Indoor Flea Market, N. Hall, June 8-16, 1980. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES .231 Date Memo #7936, Res. #80-16137 adopted, Opera Guild 1/2/80 of Greater Miami, Inc., D/B/A Greater Miami Opera Assoc., 8 operas and rehearsals, TOPA. Tales of Hoffman - rehearsal : 1/17-18/80 opera : 1/19-20/80 Mefistofele rehearsal : 2/14-15/80 opera : 2/16-17/80 Die Fledermaus rehearsal : 3/13-14/80 opera : 3/15-16/80 Manon Lescaut rehearsal : 4/17-18/80 opera : 4/19-20/80 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 2313 Date Memo #7937, Res. #80-16138 adopted, electrical 1/2 80 contract - M.B. Electrical "Exhibition Services, Inc., National Assoc. of Secondary School Principals, S. Hall, 1/9-16/80. Memo #7938, Res. #80-16139 adopted, Chris 1/2/80 Dundee Enterprises, Inc., Boxing, N. Hall, Feb. 12, 1980. Memo #7939, Res. #80-16140 adopted U. of 1/2/80 Miami, Commencement Exercises,S. Hall, 5/4/80. Memo #7940, Res. #80-16141 adopted, Helen 1/2/80 Brett Enterprises, Inc., Two Gift Shows, CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 21g (continued) Date dates contracted: S. Hall - 1/3-9/80; N. Hall 94-1Q/80; D9/80.s: S. Hall - 1/3-8/80; Ha 1 - 9�w-ate1/2/80 Memo #7960, Res. #80-16152 adopted, lease 1/16/80 amendment, Florida Philharmonic, Inc., 7 concerts, TOPA, dates contracted: 10/29/79, 11/8/79, 12/12/79, 1/16/80, 2/12/80, 3/12/80, and 4/8/80. New dates: lessee will add 2 concerts to 7 already stipulated: 2/25/80, and 3/24/80. (See Convention Center Complex) Memo #7961, Res. #80-16153 adopted, U. of 1/16/80 Miami-- School of Medicine, Commencement Exercises, TOPA, 6/1/80. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES Memo #7962, Res. #80-16154 adopted, M.B. Symphony Orchestra, 2 Childrens Concerts, TOPA, 3/10/80 and 3/12/80. 240 Date 1/178.b Memo #7963, Res. #80-16155 adopted, Church 1/16/80 of God in Christ, Convention, N. Hall, 7/7-13/80. Memo #7964, Res. #80-16156 adopted, Jeweler's 1/16/80 International Showcase, Inc., Fine Jewelry and Diamond Show, S. Hall, 1/8-14/81. Event to be held on April 13, 1980 at TOPA 2/6/80 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 241 (continued) Date commemorating The Holocaust. Appearances by Rabbi Solomon Schiff and Rabbi Mayer Abramowitz. Rabbi Abramowitz advised that per Commission's suggestion at 1/16/80 meeting, VCA was asked to participate in funding this project, but that request had been denied on basis that this was not a tourist-related subject. Allocation of $2,500 from Contingency Funds, authorized for this event. Commissioner Weinstein suggested that Administration advise V.C.A. that when a matter of such importance is referred to it by Commission for funding, the request should be given consideration. (See M.B. V.C.A.) 2/6/80 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 242 Date Memo #7997, Res. #80-16162 adopted, lease 2/6/80 amendment, Temple Beth Sholom, 11 concerts, 2 rehearsals, TOPA. Dates contracted: 11/7/79, 12/11/79, 1/12/80, 1/13/80, 1/15/80, 2/4/80, 2/6/80, 2/13/80, 2/17/80, 3/4/80, 3/5/80, 3/8/80, and 4/16/80. NEW DATES: 12/11/79, 1/15/80, 2/4/80, 2/6/80, 2/13/80, 2/17/80, 3/4/80, 3/5/80, 3/8/8o, AND 4/16/80. Amendment purpose: lessee releasing 2 con- certs and 1 rehearsal date, to wit: 11/7/79, 1/12/80 and 1/13/80. Memo #7998, Res. #80-16163 adopted, electrical 2/6/80 contract - M.B. Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., Antique Show, S. Hall, 2/5-14/80 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 243 (continued) Date (AFTER THE FACT) 2/6/80 Memo #7999, Res. #80-16164 adopted, Church of 2/6/80 Reformation, Inc., Ballet Gala or substitute, TOPA, 4/5/80. Memo #8000, Res. #80-16165 adopted, lease 2/6/80 amendment, Frank Cox Shows, Gem and Mineral Show, N. Hall - Rm. 100, dates contracted: 1/16-21/80. New dates: 1/16-20/80. Amend- ment purpose: to eliminate the move out date of Jan. 21, 1980. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 244 Date Memo #8001, Res. #80-16166 adopted, District 2/;75 Council #37 - AFSCME, Meeting for Retirees, N. Hall - Rm. 100, 2/12/80. Memo #8002, Res. #80-16167 adopted, Chris 2/6/80 Dundee Enterprises, Inc., Boxing, S. Hall, 3/4/80. Memo #8003, Res. #80-16168,adopted, Arch- 2/6/80 bishop Curley High School and High School of Notre Dame, Symphony Orchestra, TOPA, 4/15/80. Memo #8004, Res. #80-16169 adopted, American Zionist Federation, Israel Independence Day, 2/6/80 CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 245. (continued) Date S. Hall, 4/20/80. 2/6/80 Memo #8005, Res. #80-16170 adopted, Inter- 2/6/80 national Assoc. of Fire Chiefs, Convention, N. and S. Halls, 9/25-10/3/80. Memo #8006, Res. #80-16171 adopted, Major 2/6/80 Events, Inc., The International Home Show, S. Hall, 1/26-2/2/81. Memo #8007, Res. #80-16172 adopted, Helen 2/6/80 Brett Enterprises, Inc., Two Gift Shows, N. Hall - Winter Show - 1/2-6/81; S. Hall - Summer Show - 9/18-22/81. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 246 Date Memo #8008, Res. #80-16173 adopted, Karel 2/6/80 Exposition Management, Two Florida Gift and Variety Merchandise Shows, S. Hall - Winter Show - 1/2-7/81; N. Hall - Summer Show - 8/27-9/2/81. Memo #8009, Res. #80-16174 adopted, Don King 2/6/80 Productions, Inc., T.U. Boxing, N. Hall, Feb. 10,1980. Memo #8036, Res. #80-16186 adopted, electrical 2/20/80 contract - F.M. Morgan, Inc., Miami International Boat Show, Convention Center, 2/21-27/80. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 247 Date Memo #8037, Res. #80-16187 adoeted, Ernest 2/20/80 Angley Crusade, Religious Services, TOPA, 3/7/80. Memo #8038, Res. #80-16188 adopted, The 2/20/80 Foundation for Music and the Public Good, Inc., Concert - Ginetta Labianca - Coloratura Soprano, TOPA, 4/13/80. Memo #8039, Res. #80-16189 adopted, Biscayne 2/20/80 College, Commencement Exercises, S. Hall, Rm. 102, 5/3/80. Memo #8040, Res. #80-16190 adopted, electrical 2/20/80 ..._iiION CENTER LEASES (continued) contract - F.M. Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., Data Communications Interface '80 Trade Show, North and South Halls, 3/17-20/80. 248 Date 2/20/80 Memo #8068, Res. #80-16200 adopted, electrical 3/5/80 contract - Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., Gem and Mineral Show, N. Hall - Rm 100, 1/16-20/80 (AFTER THE FACT). Memo #8069, Res. #80-16201 adopted, electrical 3/5/80 contract - Miami Beach Electrical Exhibition Services, Inc., Womans "A -Fair" Exposition N. Hall, 3/5-9/80. CONVENTION CENTER LEASES 249 Date Memo #8070, Res. #80-16202 adopted, Tropicana 3/577 Social Club, Latin Dance, S. HaII - Rooms 102 and 103, 3/8-9/80. Memo #8071, Res. #80-16203 adopted, Luis 3/5/80 Izquierdo, Boxing, S. Hall, 3/11/80. Memo #8072, Res. #80-16204 adopted, lease 3/5/80 addendum, Datacomm Interface, Inc., a Massa- chusetts Corp., doing business as "Data Com- munications Interface "80", Convention. Dates contracted: North and South Halls and Meeting Rooms - 3/13-22/80. New Dates: releasing Meet- ing Room 100 on 3/21/ and 3/22 only.