Convention Hall_April 1964CONVENTION HALL 110
Book Page
Minimum guarantee in connection
with Pan American Hotel and Restaurant
Exposition for their show in October,
1964, reduced from $5,000 to $4,000
with no alteration in sq.ft. rate as
established. Mr. Duffield to check as to
whether or not direct sales to public
were involved. 4-15-64 47 5
Res. #11200 authorizing agreement with
Fla. Gift, Jewelry,Handbag and Novelty
Assn for use of Conv.Hall Lobby
forift showsAuq. 29-Sept.3 1964
and Jan. 2-6,1965 4-15-64 47 6
RQs. #11202 authorizing agreement
with Southern Apparel Exhibitors
for 3 apparel shows - Oct. 2-8, 1964,
Feb. 5 - 10, 1965; May 28 -June 2, 1965 or
June 4 - 5, 1965. 4-15-64 47 6
Res. #11203 authorizing lease agreement
with Grand Lodge Convention Committee
IBPOE of W., Inc. for Grand Ball on
Aug. 27, 1964. City Mgr. to call attention
to proper parties, the Council's remarks
re. use of Auditorium or Convention Hall
by conventions headquartered outside of
Miami.(This convention headquartered in
Miami) 4-15-64 47 7
Book Page
Book Page
Res. 411221 authorizing Auditorium and
Convention Hall agreement with U of M
for use of Auditorium and Convention Hall
for 1964-65 Winter Concert Series.
5-6-64 47 43
Conference to be set up with Mr. Ritter and
Mr. Smith regarding use of Auditorium and
Convention Hall by conventions not head-
quartered in Miami Beach. 5-6-64 47 44
Action deferred on use of Convention Hall
by Temple Israel for High Holy Day services
until full Council present. 5-6-64 47 44
Book Page
Res. *11235 authorizing lease agreement
with International Trade Show Promotions
for Graphic Arts Equipment and Supply Show
on April 19-24, 1965.
6-3-64 47 70
Res. *11236 authorizing lease agreement
with Pan American Hotel & Restaurant
Exposition on Oct. 10-15, 1964 for
exposition and convention 6-3-64 47 70
Res. *11238 authorizing lease agreement
with Temple Israel of Greater Miami for
High Holy Day Services on Sept. 6, 7, 15,
and 16, 1964; Sept. 26,27, Oct. 5,6, 1965;
Sept, 14 15 ,23 and 24, 1966; Oct. 4,5,13
andp 14,1'367 6-3-64 47 71
Book Page
Council to call meeting with Mr. Smith
and Mr. Ritter on Wed. July 8, 1964
to discuss use of Auditorium and Cony. Hall
facilities and golf course facilities by
convention delegates quartered inside and
outside City of M.B. City Clerk to invite
representatives of 4 hotel groups and
hotels now participating in 5% hotel tax
plan. )v)4.• .�,�,�,,/ ,�,�;� 7-1-64 47 105
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Res. #$11255 authorizing lease agreement
with Holiday on Ice Shows, Inc. for
show on March 25 - April 5, 1965
7-1-64 47 111
Book Page
RQs. #11261 authorizing lease agreement
with Men's and Boys' Apparel Club of Fla.
for apparel show on Sept. 24 - 30, 1964
7-15-64 47 135
Res. #11267 authorizing lease agreement
with The Coca Cola Co. , Nov. 26, 1965 -
Dec. 5, 1965 for convention.
8-5-64 47 155
Res. # 11268 authorizing lease agreement
_with Southern Apparel Exhibitors for
7 apparel shows. 8-5-64 47 156
Res. #11270 authorizing lease agreement
with National Rural Electric Coo era a i'�.:
Assn for convention on Jan. 21-2 , 1V .
8-5-64 47 156
Book Page
Request made that City provide area in
front of Convention Hall for erection
of Memorial monument to be dedicated to
the martyrs who perished in Nazi holocaust
during World War II; that committee will
pay for monument. No action taken.
8-19-64 47 176
Rev. Tedford Johnson asks Council if so.e
relief could be given in connection with
payment for use of Convention Hall on
Aug. 10, 1964, for their recent presentation
of the Gospel Caravan. No action.
8-19-64 47 181
Book Page
Res. 411279 authorizing lease agreement
with Greater Miami Crusade for Voters
for Gospel Caravan on Aug.- 10, 1964
8-19-64 47 189
Knights of Pythias granted use of Cony. Hall
March 8 & 9, 1965 for flat rate of $3,000. ,:;"6
for shows to raise funds for children's
camp; also to pay cost of seating set-up
on basis of 10c per seat on the flat and S
15 per seat on the-raised.e
9-2-64 47 201
Mr. Ritter advises that the Board received
a request from"Lady's Fair" to cancel dates sx'o�'
of Feb,q5-22,1965 in Convention Hallll and eV
that $500. deposit bG.ap llea to a nature r�
sh that teoaa ed this request.
on 5s eco enda io u approves. 9/2/64
Book Page
Council approves use of Cypress Room
of Convention Hall, Nov. 2 and Nov. 3, 1964
for Network Election Service.
9-2-64 47 201
Res. #11292 authorizing Aud. & Conv. Hall
lease agreement with U of M for 8 basket-
ball games (3 at Aud. and 5 at Conv. Hall)
Dec, 1964, Jan, Feb. March 1, 1965)
9-17-64 47 221
Res. #11293 authorizing lease agreement
with U of M for annual Hurricane Basketball
Classic Dec. 28 & 29, 1964 9-17-64 47 222
Book Cage
Leage agreement with Helen Brett Enterprises,
Inc for gift shows each Sept. and Jan. for
5 year period beginning Jan. 2, 1965
authorized. Res. #11301. 10-7-64 47 262
Res. #11303 authorizing lease agreement
with U. S. Savings & Loan League for
convention on Nov. 4-17, 1964.
10-7-64 47 263
Res. #11311 authorizing lease agreement
for Hubert Humphrey political rally on
Oct. 19, 1964. (event cancelled)
10-21-64 47 286
Book Page
Res. 11313 authorizing lease agreement
with Jarrett Associates forPythian Youth
Camp Jamboree Mar. 8 & 9, 1965.
11-4-64 47 295
Res. #11315 authorizing lease agreement
with The American Bankers Association
for Convention Show on Oct. 27, 1964
11-4-64 47 301
Request approved of Nat'l Rural Electric
Cooperative Assn for use of Auditorium for
meetings on Jan. 26 & 27, 1964, from 8:00A.M.
to noon, rental of $100. each morning - these
meetings in addn to period contracted for in
CQ venion Hall lease approved by Council
8/5/64 11-18-64 47 344
Book Page
Res. #11331 authorizing lease agreement
with American Motors Corp. for use of
Auditorium and Convention Hall for
New Car showing, Aug. 30 - noon Sept. 3,1965
12-2-64 47 362
Res. #11341 authorizing agreement with
Haydon Burns Scholarship Foundation
for use of Convention Hall on Jan. 9, 1965
for Inaugural Ball 12-16-64 47 385
Contract with Stuart Blumberg, Asst.
Conv. Hall Mgr. renewed for 1 year,
$9,200, commencing Feb. 11, 1965.
12-16-64 47 388
Book Page
Action tabled on Councilman Englander's
motion to provide for $2,000. salary increase
for Claude Ritter, Convention Hall Manager.
12-16-64 47 388
Refund of $425.00 deposit authorized to
Lyndon B. Johnson Campaign Committee
for use of Convention Hall on Oct. 19,
1964, for political rally which was
cancelled. 12-16-64 47 389
Res. #11343 authorizing lease agreement
with National Auto Dealers Assn. for use
of Auditorium and Convention Hall for
Convention Jan. 19 thru 28, 1966.
12-16-64 47 390
Book Page
Asst City Mgr. requested to report
on "move in" "move out" dates at Auditorium
and Convention Hall. 12-16-64 47 390
Permission granted Chris Dundee for use
of Convention Hall at Auditorium rates
for closed circuit TV fight -- Floyd
Patterson -George Chuvalo, on Feb. 1, 1965.
1-6-65 48 293
Res. *11351 authorizing agreement with
Asst. Auditorium & Convention Hall Mgr.
Stuart Blumberg, for 1 yr., commencing
Feb. 11, 1965, ending midnight Feb. 10,
1966, annual salary $9,200.
1-6-65 48 312
Book Page
Res. x#11352 authorizing lease agreement
with the Miami Committee for Baptist
World Alliance Congress, Inc. for use
of Auditorium and Convention Hall on
June 23 -July 1, 1965 for convention.
1-6-65 48 313
Res. x#11353 authorizing lease agreement
with Ringling Bros. Barnum & Baily Combined
Shows on Jan. 12 thru 17, 1965.
1-6-65 48 314
City Mgr. presents copy of Asst. City
Mgr. Duffield's report on Auditorium
and Convention Hall "move -in, move -out"
dates. 1-6-65 48
- Book Page
Res. #11364 authorizing lease agreement
with Men's and Boys' Apparel Club of Fla.
for 10 Apparel Shows 1965-1969.
1-20-65 48 333
Res. #11368 authorizing lease agreement
with American Bottlers of Carbonated
Beverages for purpose of convention
Nove. 2 thru Nov. 16, 1965. (auditorium
and convention hall) 1-20-65 48 334
Res. #11370 authorizing agreement with
Chris Dundee for Louis Armstrong concert
on Feb. 13, 1965, and Al Hirt on, March 20,
1965. 1-20-65 48 335
Book Page
Res. 411382 authorizing lease agreement
with Showmakers, Inc. for use of Convention
Hall March 5 thru March 7, 1965 for
Harlem Globetrotters - Pro Basketball.
2-17-65 48 369
Use of Convention Hall for 1 addl day
by Supreme Session, Order of White Shrine
of Jerusalem, May 3, 1965 approved.
2-17-65 48 369
Charge for use of Convention Hall by
Pythian Youth Camp, Inc. changed to $1,500.
for night of March 9, 1965. 3-3-65 48 394
Book Page
NAACP VARIETY Show being moved to
Convention Hall on Feb. 28, 1965
as Auditorium is needed for Ed Sullivan
Show. Council approves waiving of
10% clause for use of Convention Hall.
2-17-65 48 370
Res. #11388 authorizing agreement with
Chris Dundee for use of Convention Hall
for presentation of Al Hirt and his All
Stars Sextette on March 20, 1965
3-3-65 48 396
Use of Convention Hall without charge
for Community Appreciation Luncheon sponsored
by M.B. C of c, celebrating 50th Anniversary,
nn Mar _ 7'1 _ 1(1c *1-1 7—Aci AA ana
Book Page
Contract with Commission on Youth Activities
Lutheran Church in America amended, eliminating
any reference to use of Auditorium.
3-24-65 48 420r.'
scneculedt ofoorvAuciitoriumShow originally
1-28-66 thru
2-3-66 to Convention Hall due to Jackie
Gleason show at Auditorium, approved.
4-7-65 48 518
Res. #11459 authorizing agreement with
Knave Productions, Inc. for use of Conv.
Hall Apr. 15, 1965 for "Beach Boys" show.
4-7-65 48 519
Res. 411460 authorizing lease agreemenntk Page
with Y.R. 1965 Convention, Inc. on
June 16, 1965, for Convention Meeting.
4-7-65 48 519
Res. 411461 authorizing lease agreement
with Oldsmobile Div. of General Motors
Corp. for use of Cony. Hall Sept. 22 to
Sept. 24, 1965 for a Show, Car Display
and Luncheon. 4-7-65 48 520
Res. 411502 authorizing lease agreement
with Snowmakers, Inc. for Harlem Globetrotters
March 4, 5, 6, 1966 4-21-65 49 37
wNVtlI Tt6N HALL 16
Book Page
Addition of 4 Move -In days to contract
with Coca Cola Co. for use of Conv. Hall.
approved Nov. 22-30, 1965.
4-21-65 49 39
Res. 411513 authorizing lease agreement
with American Bowling Congress for use
of Conv. Hall on Febr. 13, 1967 - May 14,
1967. 5-5-65 49 70
Action deferred on recommendation from
Aud./Conv. Hall Adv. Board re. rates for
use of Aud. & Conv. Hall 5-5-65 49 71
_.,,N v ELATION HALL 1 1
Res. 411526 authorizing lease Book Page
agreement with Independent Housewares
Exhibit for exhibit on Feb. 15-21, 1966
5-19-65 49 91
Action deferred on request from Pan Am
Hotel and Restaurant Exposition for
reduction in minum guarantee from $5,000
to $4,00 for show on Oct. 24-29,1965.
More information requested.
5-19-65 49 92
Res. #11549 authorizing lease agree -Book Page
ment with Nat'l Education Assn of U. S.
for use of Auditorium & Conv. Hall
June 22 - July 1, 1966 for convention.
6-16-65 49 135
Res. #11550 changing dates of Nat'l Auto
Dealers Assn for use of Aud. & Conv. Hall
Jan. 12-20, 1966 for convention. (Replaces
contract approved 12/16/65) 6-16-65 49 135
Council declines request for reduction in
rent of Aud. and Conv. Hall for Miss Universe
& Miss USA contests. 6-16-65 49 135
Change of dates for one of Southern Book Page
Apparel Exhibitors shows in Cony. Hall
from June 10-15, 1966 to May 13-18, 1966.
6-16-65 49 135
Request for reduction rates for Pan American
Hotel & Restaurant Exposition Show approved.
6-23-65 49 143
Res. 411566 authorizing lease agreement
with Three Oaks Productions, Inc. for
concert Herman's Hermits and Wayne Fontana,
on July 30, 1965. 7-7-65 49 167
_..,,,vr]NTION HALL .134
3Res. #11587 authorizing lease agreemen_ Page
with Pan Amer. Hotel & Restaurant Exposition
for Exposition and Convention on Oct. 24-29,
1965. 8-11-65 49 217
Res. #11593 authorizing lease agreement with
Holiday on Ice, Inc. for Shows on March 24
thru April 4, 1966. 8-18-65 49 227
Res. #11609 authorizing lease agreement with
U of M for 6 basketball games.
9-1-65 49 265
Res. #11610 authorizing lease agreement with
U of M for Hurricane Classic Dec. 27 and 28,
1965. 9-1-65 49 265