Convention Hall_July 1967185 CONVENTION HALL Book Page Res. #12188 authorizing execution of agreement with M.B. Chamber of Commerce for use of Conv. Hall for luncheon. 7-25-67 52 140 Res. #12199 authorizing execution of agreement with Southern Apparel Exhibitors for Conv. Hall for five Apparel Shows in 1968. 8-9-67 52 173 Rea.#12200 authorizing execution of agreement with Southern Apparel Exhibitors for Conv. Hall for five Apparel Shows in 1969. 8-9-67 52 173 Res. #12201 authorizing execution of agreement with Epsilon Chapter, Gamma Phi Delta, Inc. for Conv. Hall for dance, Aug. 3, 1967. 8-9-67 52 173 186 CONVENTION HALL Book Page Approval of amendment to existing contract with Pan American Hotel and Restaurant Exposition for use of Conv. Hall, Oct. 23 through Oct. 29 so as to include an admission charge. 8-9-67 52 181 Res. #12217 - lease agreement with U S. League Convention Services, Inc. for use of Conv. Hall, Nov. 8-15, 1968, for Exhibits, General Sessions and Variety Show. request 8 30-67 52 221A Men's & Boys' Apparel Club/Contracts for 1970 & 1971 deferred to 9/20/67 (Co.Memo 770). 9/6/67 52 257 187. CONVENTION HALL BOOK PAGE Request of Men's & Boys' Apparel Club for contracts for 1970/71 approved. 9-13-67 Report re. continued use of student ushers during events at Auditorium & Convention Hall presented. 9-20-67 Res. 12254 authorizing lease agreement with Miami International Boat Show, 2/18/69- 3/5/69 with 4 -year option. 10-4-67 Res. #12258 adopted authorizing lease, Andy Williams Show, 11/3/67. 10-18-67 52 267 52 303 52 325 52 349 CONVENTION HALL 188 BOOK PAGE Res. #12211 extending expiration date of contract for food and beverage concession at Auditorium & Convention Hall for 3 years with no further bids with Oscar Markovich to 10/31/71. 8-9-67 52 184 Mayor Dermer discussed his earlier refusal to sign the amendment to the food and beverage concession contract at the Auditorium and Convention Hall (approved by Council 8/9/67 extending term for 3 years from 11/1/68). Mr. Edward Bramson, external auditor for the City, discussed his recommendations as to CONVENTION HALL auditing this concession and procedures currently being followed. Mr. Markovich's offer accepted - through his attorney, Mr. Burnett Roth - to send Mr. Bramson to New York City at Markovich's expense to examine centralized records. Mr. Bramson to report recommendations to City Manager for transmittal to Council. At conclusion of dis- cussion, Mayor Dermer executed the agreements. 10-18-67 Change of days in Men's and Boys' Apparel Club approved from May 4-8, 1968 to April 18-22, 1968 (Convention Hall contract) 10-18-67 189 BOOK PAGE 52 352 52 365 CONVENTION HALL Res.#12266 adopted authorizing lease, University of Miami basketball games, 1967- 1968. 11-1-67 Res. #12267 adopted authorizing lease for University of Miami Hurricane Classic, 12/27 and 28, 1967. 11-1-67 Resolutions #12268 and #12269 adopted authorizing Norman Litz, Assistant Manager, to sign checks of M.B. Auditorium and Convention Hall Trust Account and Payroll Account. 11-1-67 190-- BOOK 90 -BOOK PAGE 52 386 52 386 52 387 CONVENTION HALL Res. #12286 authorizing lease for South Florida Council, Inc. #84, Boy Scouts of America for Exposition, Nov. 21-23, 1968. 12-6-67 Request for change of date by Men's and Boys' Apparel Club to 5/4/68 through -5/8/68 approved. 12-6-67 Res. #12295, B'nai B'rith Hotel Executives Hospitality Lodge #2690 for Dade County Fun -in - the -Sun Program, 12/10/67 lease. 12-6-67 Res. #12301, American Productions, Beach Boys Show, 4/14/68. 12-20-67 191 BOOK PAGE 52 428 52 445 52 449 52 464 CONVENTION HALL 192 BOOK PAGE Res. #12311, Cypress Room lease, First Hanover Corp., 1/9/68. 1-3-68 52 480 Action re. telescopic platforms deferred to 1/17/68. 1-3-68 52 484 Res. #12324, Florida Furniture Mart, furniture show, 8/21-27/68 approved. 1-17-68 52 513 Res. #12332, United States Independent Telephone Ass'n., 12/4-12, 1968. 2-7-68 52 530 CONVENTION HALL ...193 BOOK PAGE City Manager to hire acoustical consulting engi- neer re. feasibility, cost and time factor of converting portion of Convention Hall for cultural programs subject to telephone approval of Council. Res. #12345 adopted expressing City's policy on use of Auditorium & Convention Hall for cultural activities re. Marvin Marx request to use for weekly television show. Mr. Marx and associates to return 2/21/68 for Council's deci- sion. 2-7-68 52 535 Request of Chris Dundee to use Convention Hall 3/4/68 for closed circuit TV showing of two boxing events approved. 2-7-68 52 552 CONVENTION HALL BOOK PAGE Res. #12348, HOLIDAY ON ICE, INC. show, 3/8-18, 1968. 2-21-68 53 2 Motion for employment of acoustical engineer to determine cost of converting portion of Convention Hall for cultural purposes failed of passage. Mr. Breeskin suggested Auditorium and Convention Hall Manager be empowered to make firm date com- mitments for concerts, etc., one year in advance. 2-21-68 53 17 Change in rates for use of Cypress Room denied to Presidents' Council for Town Hall Forum. City Manager to notify president. 2-21-68 53 30 195 CONVENTION HALL BOOK PAGE Res. #12364 adopted, South Fla Council Boy Scouts, Cypress Room, 5/23/68. 3-6-68 53 54 Res. #12365, D. S. Clarke Antique Show, 1/31/69-2/6/69. 3-6-68 53 55 Motion approved --Auditorium & Convention Hall to issue passes to TDA members to inspect facilities. 3-6-68 53 59 City Manager to submit recommendations on 3/6/68 re. request of M. B. Chamber of Commerce to employ traffic engineering consultant to assist in traffic engineering re. GOP Convention. 2-21-68 53 1 CONVENTION HALL 196 BOOK PAGE Action deferred to 3/6/68 re. appropriation of $50,000 from Resort Tax -Convention Hall Expan- sion Funds for installation of additional toilet facilities in Convention Hall addition for Republican National Convention. 2-21-68 53 36 City Manager's recommendation adopted re. in- stallation of permanent fixtures, water and sewer installations, permanent floor with metal type roof and wall for about $45,000. City Manager to discuss with Senator Knowles, GOP representative and Chairman of TDA re. con- tributions to defray some of the expense. 3-6-68 53 56 CONVENTION HALL 198 BOOK PAGE Ciment's request to consider vote re. permanent toilet facilities instead of semi-permanent failed. 3-6-68 53 59 Memo re. request of M. B. Chamber of Commerce to employ traffic engineering consultant for GOP Convention denied. City currently using Robert Dunivan, Dade County Traffic Engineer, to perform whatever functions required. Shuttle -bus system mentioned between hotels & Convention Hall. 3-6-68 53 60 CONVENTION HALL 199 BOOK PAGE Res. #12372, Miami Dade Junior College graduation exercises, 4/28/68. 3-20-68 53 66 Res. #12374, Independent Housewares, Inc., exhibit, 2/7-13, 1969. 3-20-68 53 67 Res. #12375, University of Miami Homecoming Dance, 11/15/68. 3-20-68 53 67 Res. #12376, Men's and Boys' Apparel Club, shows 4/4-8, 1970 and 9/19-24, 1970. 3-20-68 53 67 CONVENTION HALL Request that City sponsor 2nd World -Wide Orchid Show referred to TDA and Auditorium & Convention Hall. 3-20-68 Date changes approved for Helen Brett Enter- prises Gift Shows for 1968 thru' 1971. 3-20-68 200 BOOK PAGE 53 84 53 84 Report re. GOP contribution to defray cost of additional restroom facilities not given. 3-20-68 53 85 201 CONVENTION HALL Book Page City Atty. to review requirements for City to obtain liquor license at Convention Hall and report on 4/17/68. 4-3-68 Res. #12396, National Exhibits, Inc. for Senior Citizens Trade Fair, Mar. 20-26, 1969. 4-3-68 Res. #12397,Expositions Internat'l. Sport Shows for 2-yr. period, (Mar. 12-25, 1969 and Mar. 11-24, 1970), no option. 4-3-68 All future agreements, where applicable, for use of Conv. Hall, to contain provision for payment by lessee for traffic control required, (Policemen or Firemen). City Mgr. reported this procedure currently being fol oieg8 53 111 53 111 53 112 53 112 CONVENTION HALL 202 BOOK PAGE Recommendation of Auditorium & Convention Hall Advisory Board for additional rehearsal charges to be added to rate schedule authorized. 4-3-68 53 Res. #12407, Dade County Board of Public for festival 5/11, 12, 1968. Res. #12409, Helen Brett Enterprises for shows, 1/6-11, 1973 & 9/8-13, 1973. Instruction 4-17-68 53 1973 gift 4-17-68 53 City Attorney reported meeting with State Beverage Department re. liquor license for Hall. He will take steps to secure license. 4-17-68 116 147 148 53 150 CONVENTION HALL 203 BOOK PAGE Action deferred to 5/15/68 re. lease, Water & Wastewater Mfg. Assoc., at request of Auditorium & Convention Hall Manager. 5-1-68 53 159 Res. #12412, American Sports Enterprises for Mr. Universe Pageant 1968 & Miss Americana pageant, 9/26-30, 1968. 5-1-68 53 159 Res. #12413, approving lease agreement with Expositions International, Sport Show, 3/12-25, 1969. 5-1-68 53 159 Res. #12415, University of Miami commencement exercises, 6/8/69. 5-1-68 53 160 CONVENTION HALL Res. #12417, Boy Scouts Council, 1969 & 1971 scouting arenas & Expositions 1970 & 1972. 5-1-68 X04 BOOK PAGE Southern Apparel Exhibitors' request for change of date in 1969 contract approved. 5-1-68 Change in date for use of Hall approved for Miami International Boat Show --new dates: 2/17/69- 3/1/69. 5-15-68 53 203 Lease agreement change in dates by American Dental Association of Auditorium & Convention Hall approved --new overall dates 10/24/68- 11/2/68. 5-15-68 53 53 160 53 171 204 CONVENTION HALL 205 BOOK PAGE Recommendation approved for $350 rental rate charge for use of Hall lobby by TDA for free dances on 6/1, 6/8 & 7/6/68. 5-15-68 53 206 Recommendation approved to authorize Millman Construction Co. to construct additional toilet facilities at cost of $56,539 ($25,000 previously committed by TDA & $31,439 as committed by Administration. City Manager again requested to write Senator Knowles re. GOP bearing their portion of cost of additional facilities. 5-27-68 53 208 CONVENTION HALL 206 BOOK PAGE Res. #12441 adopted, Pan American Hospitality Exposition, Inc. for Hotel & Restaurant Exposition & Convention, 10/4/68-10/9/68. 6-5-68 53 221 Res. #12442 adopted, Wilding, Inc. for 1969 Ford Introduction Activity, 9/1-4, 1968 & 9/3-5, 1968. 6-5-68 53 221 Request for rental consideration by Greater Miami International Auto Show, February, 1969 denied. 6-5-68 53 235 Dermer's motion re. all payments to architect be withheld until acoustics problem corrected failed. Manager not to make final payment uONVENTION HALL 207 BOOK PAGE to architect without prior notification with Council. $70,000 appropriation from resort tax funds for correcting acoustics problem authorized. Burris -Meyer, acoustics expert employed by architect, requested to place recommendations in writing. Manager reported steps taken by City forces to overcome air conditioning noise problem. Re. use of Hall addition by University of Miami for its commencement exercises, Malek expressed willingness to refund fee paid or give future date. University notified & action ratified at this meeting. 6-26-68 53 243 208 CONVENTION HALL BOOK PAGE Res. #12454, Southeastern Hospital Conference, 5/3-8, 1969. 6-26-68 53 260 Action on request by American Basketball Assoc. for rental of Hall by new professional basketball team for 30 -game schedule for 1st season 1968-69 deferred to 8/7/68. 7-3-68 53 276 City Manager to contact bond attorneys to get opinion whether City can use surplus meter money for completion of Convention Hall. 7-3-68 53 287 CONVENTION HALL 209 BOOK PAGE Recommendation of Manager accepted for retention of payment to Gilbert Fein until such time as acoustic & sound values of Expansion have been ascertained --deferred to 7/17/68. 7-3-68 53 291 Request for use of Hall for University of Miami Basketball games at Auditorium rental rates during 1968-69 deferred until 7/17/68. Manager to furnish information as to how much return previously there was per game to City. 7-3-68 $9,000 worth of lumber emergency purchase approved to build box seats & stairways to Hall seating, funds to be appropriated from Goods & Services portion of GOP commitment. 7-3-68 53 294 53 293