Convention Hall_July 1968 to February 1969CONVENTION HALL Res. #12476 adopted, International Expositions, for International Auto Show, Feb. 5-14, 1969. 7-17-68 210 BOOK PAGE 53 312 Res. #12477 adopted, National Swimming Pool Exposition for convention, Jan. 20-27, 1971. 7-17-68 53 312 Res. #12478 adopted, Hall Addition, Spotlight Productions, Inc., Liberace concert, 11/23/68. 7-17-68 53 312 Res. #12479 adopted, Spotlight Productions for Bill Cosby & Nancy Sinatra concerts, 12/29-30, 1968. 7-17-68 53 313 CONVENTION HALL Res. #12480 adopted, National Shows, Inc. for "The Association Show", October 19, 1968. 7-17-68 211 BOOK PAGE 53 313 Request of University of Miami re. basketball games not approved and regular Auditorium and Convention Hall rates apply, for 1968-1969 games in Convention Hall. Council further voted, upon application of University of Miami Athletic Dept., consideration would be given for provision of subsidy in future budgets for difference between normal rental providing transfer of facilities was requested by City. 7-17-68 53 316 CONVENTION HALL 212 BOOK PAGE Action deferred to 7/24/68 on new Dundee 317 & agreement. 7-17-68 53 330 Informal approval ratified of Administration's recommendation for $14,310.00 expenditure re. modifications to air conditioning necessitated by TV lighting. City Manager to explore this further with networks. 7-17-68 53 329 Res. #12485 adopted authorizing execution of agreement with Chris Dundee for 12/1/68- 11/30/71. 7-24-68 53 333 213 CONVENTION HALL BOOK PAGE Res. #12495, National Shows, Inc. for "Eddy Arnold" Show, 11/8/68. 8-21-68 53 352 Res. #12496, D. S. Clarke for Antique Show, 1/30/70 - 2/5/70. 8-21-68 53 353 Res. #12497, National Shows & Dick Clark Productions for "Motown Four Tops", 11/9/68. 8-21-68 53 353 Auditorium & Convention Hall Manager to investigate possibility of holding free concerts at Hall instead of Auditorium (Miami Beach Cultural Society, Inc., 4 concerts: 9/15, 11/11/68 & 1/6, 3/10/69) in order to accommodate more people. 8-21-68 53 353 CONVENTION HALL Res. #12499 requesting The Pressprich Corp. to submit proposal re. methods of financing improvements to Hall & construction of Theatre of Performing Arts, etc. 8-21-68 53 354 Flat rental rate of $700 per game for 30 -game schedule of American Basketball Association's Miami Floridians for 1968-69 in Hall conditioned upon City's participation in radio & TV rights, clause to be incorporated in agreement & payment of all extras required. 8-21-68 53 355 214 BOOK PAGE CONVENTION HALL 215 BOOK PAGE Amendment to lease agreement with U. S. Independent Telephone Association for Dec. 4-12, 1968 to include Auditorium on Dec. 9, 1968 approved; rental rate, based on negotiations, to be "out of pocket" ex- penses. 8-21-68 Res. #12509, University of Miami, 7 basketball Jan. 4,16,31; Feb. 1,4,15; Mar. 1, 1969. 9-4-68 games, 53 386 53 417 Motion to reconsider rental of Hall at $700 per game for Miami Floridians Basketball games failed of passage. 9-4-68 53 427 CONVENTION HALL 216 BOOK PAGE Res. #12510, University of Miami, 2 Hurricane Classic Basketball Games, Dec. 27 & 28, 1968. 9-4-68 53 438 Pressprich Corporation proposal re. methods of financing improvements to Convention Hall, construction of Theatre of Performing Arts, etc., deferred to 10/9/68. 9-18-68 53 448 Action deferred to 10/9/68 re. execution of agree- ment with Miami Floridians for use of Hall for basketball games. Attorney Kastenbaum requested to meet with Administration re. City's participa- tion in radio & TV rights. 9-18-68 'J 53 455 CONVENTION HALL 217 BOOK PAGE Change of building from Convention Hall to Auditorium approved: Mr. Universe Pageant 1968 & Miss Americana from September 26-30, 1968 to September 27-28, 1968. 9-18-68 53 459 "National Shows, Inc. - The Association Show" Oct. 19, 1968, change from Convention Hall to Auditorium approved. 9-18-68 53 459 Additional expenditure to Slurry Asphalt, Inc. approved for $6,508.69 for oiling & sanding parking areas in immediate vicinity of Hall. (Original contract awarded on 5/1/68 for $3,118.50). 9-18-68 53 459 CONVENTION HALL Consideration of proposals from Pressprich Corp. & Victor Gruen & Assoc. re. financing improve- ments to Convention Hall deferred to 11/13/68 pending meeting with these companies' repre- sentatives. 10-9-68 Res. #12533, Florida Conference Board of Lay Activities of Methodist Church, Jan. 17, 1969. 10-9-68 Res. #12542 adopted, as amended, authorizing execution of agreement with Florida Professional Sports, Inc. (Miami Floridians) for 30 basketball games in Halls North & South --Nov. 6, 1968 through Apr. 2, 1969 (possibly Apr. 6 through Apr. 8, 1969)-- 218 BOOK PAGE 53 475 53 478 CONVENTION HALL 219 BOOK PAGE for national television shows, lessee will return to City 12% of rights derived by Florida Profes- sional Sports; lessee to submit to City Manager sum total figure to be included in contract for specific expenses to be deducted from gross amount of local radio & television rights; specific amount to be approved by City Council. 10-9-68 53 487 Cancellation of Spotlight Productions contract for Liberace Concert, November 23, 1968 approved, and $500 deposit authorized to be applied to Spotlight Productions concerts to be held on December 29 and/or December 30. 1968. 10-9-68 53 502 CONVENTION HALL 220 BOOK PAGE Request denied for refund of 1968 deposit of Southern Apparel Exhibitors --Convention Hall contract --and approved recommendation that $1,000 deposit on 1969 contract be retained and applied to any future contract with same lessee. 10-9-68 53 502 Request of American Public Works Association approved for aid of $6,000 representing one- half of their rental of Convention Hall, such amount to come from 1968-1969 TDA budget allot- ment. 10-9-68 53 503 CONVENTION HALL 221 BOOK PAGE Resolution #12551 adopted, Hall North lease, Miami International Hobby Show, April 23 - May 1, 1969. 10-11-68 53 538 Resolution #12552 adopted, Hall North lease, Albert Grossman Management for "Psychedelic" Concert, November 24, 1968. 10-11-68 53 539 Resolution #12555 adopted, Hall South, Miami Beach Board of Realtors for forum on Educational Complex in Cypress Room on October 23, 1968. 10-16-68 53 543 CONVENTION HALL 222 BOOK PAGE City Attorney to report best possible quotation on insurance for Convention Hall which expires November 20, 1968. 11-4-68 53 54+7 Resolution #12561 adopted, Hall North, Gerald W. Purcell Associates for "Eddy Arnold" Show on November 9, 1968. 11-6-68 53 558 Resolution #12562 adopted, Hall North, United Christian Evangelistic Association, religious services, November 22 and 29, 1968. 11-6-68 53 558 CONVENTION HALL Resolution #12564 adopted, Hall South, Florida Education Association for exhibits, etc., April 22-27, 1969. 11-6-68 Resolution #12565, Hall North, "Holiday on Ice" Show, March 28 -April 8, 1969. 11-6-68 223 BOOK PAGE 53 559 53 560 Resolution #12566, Hall North and South, National School Boards Association for convention and exhibits: North --April 9-17, 1968; South --April 11- 16, 1969. 11-6-68 53 560 CONVENTION HALL Resolution #12568, National Exhibits, Inc., Hall Lobby, Florida Franchise and Business Opportunity Show, March 13 through 18, 1969. 11-6-68 Radio and television charges, etc., presented re. agreement with Miami Floridians. Southern Bell Telephone Manager to secure information whether costs are accurate. 11-6-68 Radio and television charges accurate, per Mr. Gilstrap (Bell Telephone Manager), and City Attorney to prepare resolution and agree- ment re. Miami Floridians. 11-6-68 224 BOOK PAGE 53 561 53 567 53 572 CONVENTION HALL 225 BOOK PAGE Resolution #12580, American Apparel Manufacturers Association, Convention and Exhibits, June 13-24, 1969. 11-20-68 54 14 Return of $1,000 deposit to Southern Apparel Exhibitors approved since definite contract for dates in August, 1969 received from Florida Furniture Mart. 11-20-68 54 18 City Attorney advised fire and extended insurance coverage expiring on November 21, 1968. In nego- tiating for coverage, three companies agreed to tax maximum of 20% of total coverage sought (little over $6,000,000), and one company would CONVENTION HALL 226 BOOK PAGE take maximum coverage but on a $250,000 deductible. City Attorney to continue to negotiate and advise Council. 11-20-68 54 34 City Manager and City Attorney to take steps for preparation of resolutions, etc., to get under- way recommendations of Victor Gruen and financial consultants on expansion of Convention Hall in- cluding Theater of Performing Arts; also to go to New York City to consult with bond attorneys. Ernest Silverman expressed disapproval of certain cultural groups at their not being part of com- mittee re. proposed Theater of Performing Arts. CONVENTION HALL Councilman Seiderman expressed intent in future to submit resolution for formation of Committee on above Theater. 12-4-68 227 BOOK PAGE 54 38 Per announcement by City Manager, request for use of Hall for showing of Beatle Film cancelled. 12-4-68 54 51 Re. Spotlight Productions, Inc. request for refund of $1,500 deposit paid to City for December 29 and 30 for Bill Cosby and Nancy Sinatra at Convention Hall --Administration's recommendation approved by Council to deny request and hold same in escrow. 12-4-68 54 57 CONVENTION HALL 228 BOOK PAGE City Attorney reported on present insurance coverage for Convention Hall and Convention Hall North, slightly under $4,000,000 carried partly by Aetna Insurance Company, U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty, Phoenix of Hartford and Lititz Mutual Insurance Company. American Insurance Agency sending out inspectors for Great American & Employers Liability Insurance Company to bring insurance up to $6,000,000 coverage. Ben Wolf failed to appear at time called. 12-4-68 54 62 CONVENTION HALL Resolution #12599 adopted, Miami Dade Junior College for use of Hall North on May 4, 1969 for graduation exercises. 12-18-68 229 BOOK PAGE 54 97 Resolution #12600 adopted, Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows, Inc. for Hall South, January 14-22, 1969 for Circus. 12-18-68 54 97 $6,500 authorized from Contingency Funds for roof repairs to Convention Hall South ($6,000 for repairs and $500 for incidentals). City Manager to take bids and proceed with necessary work. 12-18-68 54 101 CONVENTION HALL 230 BOOK PAGE Council authorized payment to American Insurance Agency, Inc. in total amount of $20,189.00 for coverage on Convention Hall amounting to $6,156.00 for one year (fire, extended coverage, etc.). Method of payment to be determined (lump sum or in thirds) with full payment to be made 90 days from November 21, 1968. 12-18-68 Development Corporation for Israel's request approved to lease Hall North instead of Auditorium for Chanukah Festival on December 22, 1968 with payment of additional rent. 12-18-68 54 101 54 102 231 CONVENTION HALL BOOK PAGE City Manager, City Attorney and other affected members to go to New York City on December 27, 1968 re. Convention Hall, etc., revenue bonding. 12-18-68 54 102 Miami Floridians withdrew request at this time for reduction of box office rental re. their use of Convention Hall. 1-2-69 54 132 Resolution # 12617, Convention Hall South lease, Florida Furn. Mart 8-13- 8/19/69. 2/5/69 54 166 CONVENTION HALL UniteduCeoreb1a16 N 1syAteiethonm3/2Itb9. Resolution #12619, Auditorium lease, M.B. Symphony concert 3/16/69. Resolution #12620, Auditorium lease, Society for Young Performers concert, 3/29/69. 232 BOOK PAGE 2/5/69 54 167 2/5/69 54 167 2/5/69 54 167 Resolution #12621, Convention Hall South lease, American Prods. for Beach Boys show, 4/5/69. 2/5/69 54 168 CONVENTION HALL Res. No. 12622, Auditorium lease for 1969 with Miss USA -Miss Universe Pageants. 233 BOOK PAG'. 2/5/69 54 168 Housewares Exh. & Sr. Citizens Trade Fair. Request for waiver of Conv. Hall min. guarantee for shows, approved for 1969 shows only - Jules Karel. 2/5/69 54 176 Reports from City Atty. Payment of additional invoice in amt. $1,197 authorized in connection with Convention Hall coverage, American Assurance of Wausau. 2/5/69 54 180 CONVENTION HALL Res. #12631 -Convention Hall No. lease - 11/26 -30/69, Chris Dundee- Royal Lippizan stallions. 2/13/69 Res. #12632 - Convention Hall No. lease - 5/31-6/1/69, Radio Show WGMA Country music. 2/13/69 234 BOOK PAGE 54 184 54 185 Res. #12644 -Convention Hall So. agreement - Chris Dundeefor Harlem Globetrotters (3/7-8/69 54 213 2/25/69 Res. #12645 - Cony. Hall So. agreement, National Shows, Inc. Sergio Mendez & Brazil 66, 3/9/69. 2/25/69 54 214