Council Meetings_January 1933 to September 1935uUUNCIL 1ZETINGS let Reading changing time of meetings 1-5-33 Book, Page 11, . 476 ---3rd_Reading above Ordinance 1-18-33---1,`x:8$ let & 2nd Reading Ord.chang- ing time from 9:00 A.M.to 3:30 P.M.ist & 3rd Wednesday of each month 6/5/35 13,.__ 3rd Reading Ord,#387 changing time of Council meetings E/19/35 13, 449 1$tk& 211 a g Ord h ing time COUNCIL MEETINGS 2. Book Page Ord.changing time of Council meetings to 9:00 A.M.,lost on 3rd reading 10/2135- ----14---- 122 1st and 2nd Readings ordinance chang- -ing time of Council -meetings to 10100 Asl 12/4/35 14 227 ----3rd- Reading-* ovve--ordinance 4(71t-3 __.1 8/36 14 265 Minutes a..roved -1 8 thru 3--uut ns approncd'I/6/3 thru 17 99 May 18th, 1938 6 -g -3g 17 17' COUNCIL MEETINGS 3 Book Page Minutes approved from May 25th through July 6th, 1938 8-3-3g 17 239 Minutes approved from August 3rd, 1938 thru and ending with Nov.30th, 1938 12/21/38 17 414 Minutes approved from Dec. lst, 1938 through May 4th, 1939 l 18 85 Minutes approved from Mayl38th thru Oct. 5th, 1939 11-3-39 18 372 Minutes approved from Oct.18th thru. Nov.lst,1939 11/29/39 18 397 COUNCn' MBETINOE 4. Book Page Minutes of meetings from Nov.3, 1939, through March 6th, 1940 approved 3/20/40 19 40 Minutes of meetings from March 7, 1940 to May lst,19L1-0 approved 5/29/40 19 131 Minutes of meetings from May7th through July 6,1940 7-26-0 19 212 Meetings to be held every Wednesday 1/7/48 26 44 COUNCIL MEETINGS 5 Book Page Melvin Richard objects to "Star Chamber" sessions 12/1/48 27 217 Request for privilege of broadcasting meetings referred to City Manager 6/15/49 28 228 No action taken on Councilman Richards request that City Attorney Shepard file a suit for declaratory judgement re. "secret" sessions 8/3/49 28 294 COUNCIL MEETINGS Council authorizes installation of microphones in Council Chambers for use at Council meetings 11/2/49 29 19 City Attorney instructed to appeal from decision of Circuit Court in suit of Richard vs. Turk - Secret sessions of Council 11/9/+9 29 41 6 Book Page COUNCIL MEETINGS 7 Book Page Council to follow as nearly as possible recommendations of Public Relations Director Meyer in regard to shortening and simplifying Councilmeeting pro- cedure 11/23/49 29 66 City Manager's and City Clerk's files to be taken up first on Council agenda 1-18-50 29 139 City Mgr. +o advertise for bids for sound equip. ment for meetings 2-15-50 29 166 COUNCIL MEETINGS 8. Book Page Proposal of Hill Sound System accepted for public address system for Council Chambers 3-1-50 29 198 Councilman Richard objects to recording of council meetings by radio station. Motion to remove wiring fails. 12-5-51 32 221 Discussion re. recording of votes in Council meetings 12-5-51 32 235 COUNCIL MEETINGS 9. Book Page City Mgr. to look into possibility of using present equipment or buying new mechanical device to record Council meetings so that all members would have benefit of the recording 3-26-52 32 449 Mr. Lipp submits report on machines to record council meetings 4-16-52 32 498 Space to be reserved on Drexel Ave. when Council is in session, for Councilmen's cars 2-4-53 33 515 COUNCIL MEETINGS 10. Bock Page Res. #8330 permitting newspapers, radio, televison stations, members of City Council or others to make telephone or other records of public meetings of Council 4-8-53 34 155 Councilman Richard objects to Councilman Roth's recording of m'nutes. Councilman'Roth's telephone lines coming into Council Chambers, permitting recordings into his office through Radio Sta. WINZ to re�maln. 314 156 COUNCIL MEETINGS 11. BOOK PAGE Mayor Shapiro establishes order of agenda 6-1053 34 300 Discussion regarding matters brought before the Council not on agenda 7-8-53 34 378 City Clerk requested by Council to acknowledge receipt of miscellaneous communications, such as commending letters, etc., and to send copies of same to Council rather than reading them at Council meetings, 8-5-53 34 1430 COUNCIL MEETINGS 12. Book Page Statement of Councilman Roth regarding precedents set at this meeting 8-18-54 36 135 Radio Station WAHR asks for permission to broadcast Council meetings. Present lines to be eliminated. Mr. Renshaw to study matter. 6-15-55 37 211 Radio Station WAHR Again asks permission to broadcast Council meetings. Not granted 7-6-55 37 238 City Mgr. to work o procedure to be followed for Council Agen a 9_7_55 37 349 COUNCIL MEETINGS 13 Book Page League of Women Voters advise that their official observers at Council meetings would be Mra. Abraham Haiduck and Mrs. Herbert Bromberg 10-3-56 38 444 Clerk is instructed to notify all parties whenever possible, when contro- versial subject is placed on the agenda, to give both sides equal opportunity to be heard before Council takes action. 11-7-56 38 482 COUNCIL MEETINGS 14 Book Page Council requests Mr. Lipp to have a magnetic bulletin board erected in Council Chambers 11-21-56 38 529 Councilman Liberman advises he voted on adoption of Zoning Ord. #1253 (re- classifying oceanfront strip) in error and desires to change vote. Mr. Shepard advises how this can be accomplished. Mr. Liberman's vote on adoption of ordinance recorded as negative. 4-17-57 39 264 COUNCIL MEETINGS 15 Book Page Sept. 20th council meeting continued to Sept. 27th, it being rel.gious holiday for those of the Jewish faith. 9-20-61 44 216 Councilman Richard reads letter he had written to City Mgr. regarding open Council meetings. Introduces resolution urging support of measures -pefore State Legislature at present time relating to this subject. Res. #10965 adopted. City Atty reads a decision in a suit pertaining to holding of so-called secret Council meetings. 4-17-63 45 411 COUNCIL MEETINGS 16 Book Page Radio Station TWAT requests permission to broadcast portions of City Council meetings. Council authorizes "live" broadcasts. 8-28-63 46 113 Ordinance to be prepared changing time of Council Meetings from 10:00 A.M. to 8:30 A.M. 8-28-63 46 113 1st reading ordinance changing time of Council meetings to 8:30 A.M. 9-4-63 46 132 Action deferred on 3rd and final reading of ord. changing time of Council meetings to 8:30 A.M.-63 46 159 COUNCIL MEETINGS 17 Book Page 3rd reading ordinance changing time of Council meetings to 8:30 A.M. Ord. #1493 10-2-63 46 197 Motion to change time of Council meetings back to 10:00 A.M. fails. 11-20-63 46 284 Regular Meeting of City Council adjourned to January 2, 1964, it being New Year's Day and there being no quorum present.1-1-64 46 365 COUNCIL MEETINGS 18 Book Page Motion to hold Council meetings at 10:00 A.M. and that briefing sessions be held in City Mgr's office prior to this time fails. 1-2-64 46 373 lst reading ordinance changing time of Council meetings from 8:30 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. 2-5-64 46 418 3rd reading ordinance changing time of Council meetings to 10:00 A.M. Ord. #1505. 2-19-64 46 434 lst reading Ord. changing time of Council Meetings to 8:30 A.M. 5-6-64 47 47 COUNCIL MEETINGS 19 May20th meeting of City Council Book Page noheld due to the lack of a quorum. 5-20-64 47 48 Council tables ordinance re: 8:30 A. M. Council Meetings indefinitely. 6-3-64 47 59 September 16, 1964 meeting not held due to lack of quorum because of Yom Kipper. Meeting to be held September 17, 1964. 9-16-64 47 211 Councilman Galbut's motion to appeal ruling of the Chair fails. 3-3-65 48 384 COUNCIL MEETINGS 20 Book Page City Clerk instructed to set up tape recorder for future Council meetings and preserve tapes for sixty days. 3-24-65 48 419 Councilman Malek requests that Council be furnished with names of bidders and amounts of bids on contracts to be awarded by Council, by attachment of same to City Mgr's agenda or presentation to Council at pre -Council sessions. 7-7-65 49 153 No Council meeting on Oct. 6th because of Yom Kippur. 10-6-65 49 297 COUNCIL MEETINGS 3rd reading ordinance changing time of Council Meetings to 8:30 A.M. Ord. #1565 10-7-65 49 328 21 Book Page Ordinance to be prepared changing time of Council meetings to 10:00 A.M. 12-16-65 49 514 1st reading ordinance changing time of Council meetings to 10:00 A.M. Fails. Ord. to be brought up at next meeting. 1-5-66 50 29 Due to lack of a quorum, adjourned session from the er eylao Jan. 5 1966 meeting of Council 1/13/6. 1-5-66 50 30 COUNCIL MEETINGS 1st reading ord. changing time of Council meetings to 10:00 A.M. 1-13-66 50 35 22 Book Page 3rd reading ordinance changing time of Council meetings to 10:00 A.M. Ord. #1573 adopted. 1-19-66 50 49 No Council meeting on April 6, 1966 because of Passover. 4-6-66 50 210 June 15th Council Meeting not held due to lack of quorum. 6-15-66 50 352 COUNCIL MEETINGS Recommendation of M.B. Taxpayers Assoc. re. change of meeting place to Cypress Room - No action taken 6-22-66 50 392 23 Book Page Ord. #1594 adopted providing for holding of Council meetings outside of Council Chambers, (emergency measure). 8-24-66 50 498 Res. #11924 adopted setting 9/7/66 meeting to be held in Cypress Room of Convention Hall. 8-24-66 50 514 COUNCIL MEETINGS 24 Book Page Discussion re. holding of Council meetings. Hearings to be held in Council Chambers, City Hall until further notice. 9-7-66 51 30 Res. #11959 adopted approving adjourned meeting in City Mgr's office on 10/7/66 at 9 A.M. 10-5-66 51 89 Res. #11978 adopted approving recessed meeting in City Mgr's office on 11/7/66 at 4:00 P.M. 11-2-66 51 163 COUNCIL MEETINGS Book 2Page Resolution adopted requesting Dade Delegation to support enactment of pending Senate Bill prohibiting secret meetings of governmental bodies, including municipalities. 4-19-67 51 551 Due to lack of a quorum on June 21, 1967, (members of Council attending the International Conference of Mayors in Honolulu, Hawaii) meeting was not held. 6-21-67 52 78 Due to lack of a quorum on July 5, 1967, meeting was not held. (To be held July 6, 1967) 7-5-67 52 78 COUNCIL MEETINGS Report of City Atty re. Public Meeting Bill enacted in Florida State Legislature, stating that City's governmental procedures are in full compliance with new legislation. 7-19-67 Council voted to establish new procedure, effective January 15, 1969, whereby persons desiring to speak on any subject on agenda will so indicate in advance of the meeting. Form to be designed by City Manager and City Clerk -Finance Director. Procedure to avail on all subjects except public hearings, and speakers to be limited to no more than 26 Book Page 52 124 COUNCIL MEETINGS 27 BOOK PAGE three minutes. Public notice to be given in newspapers re. new procedures and notice placed in Council Chambers and lobby. 1-2-69 54 107 City Attorney to request Judge to expedite hearing re. "Sunshine Law" suit of Miami Beach Sun against the City set for January 20, 1969. 1-15-69 54 133 Weinstein's motion to start meetings at 9 A.M. failed of passage. 3/19/69 54 286 COUNCIL MEETINGS 28 Book Page Weinstein requested City Atty. to prepare ordinance re. Council meetings starting at 9 A.M., for 4/16/69 meeting. 4/2/69 54 315 Ord.failed on 1st reading to start meetings at 9 A.M. Powell's motion filed,re.open briefing sessions in Council Chambers prior to Council meetings. 4/16/69 54 348 Meeting date City Mgr. to establish procedure of supporting information for all matters scheduled before CC. 8-6-69 COUNCIL MEETINGS -29- Meeting date re Astronauts: CC approve, invitation to MB for rest, dedication of room at Conv. Hall in their name, naming street for them. 8-13-69 CC workshop session 9-10-69. 9-3-69 Sam Gyson appeared, requested revision of speaker sheets; CC will effect. 12-15-69 COUNCIL MEETINGS Offer rejected to video tape meetings. 30 Meeting date 12-17-69 New location on 2-18-70 agenda. 2-4-70 deferred to 3-4-70. 2-18-70 ....Maximum expenditure authorized of $25,000 to remodel Cypress Rm. 3-4-70 Discussion re fiscal condition, future funding of projects. 4-15-70 CC determined: meetings adjourned by 6PM, voting without qualifying statements, all matters not reached by 5 to be carried over, parties notified, etc. 5-20-70