County Commissioners_April 1928 to February 1955-Handwritten NotesCOUNTY COMMISSION,�''.+R3
61(411 ,6 ./it. - 444.44 &t Z& £167 /67-aGf
c7-24- 67 9/
a 7 o-ro,
Zr ss� d z Re,
City Mgr's report on County Road Tax 9, 287
Res. 2038 requesting repair of Causeway 9, .287
Commissioner from M. B. urged 4-15®31 11, 14
Res. 2416 urging County for pay cost of
lighting County Causeway. 4--15-31 11, 16
Res. 2-17 requesting new deed to City
owned Bay Front Property 4-15®31 11,, 17
Redistricting of County, so M.B. can
have Commissioner considered
Res. 2419 Authorizing advertisement of
bill for redistricting of
Dade County 4-25-31 11, 24
Question if City will claim their share 11,114
of road tax referred to City Mgr.
Mandamus proceedings for County Commission
DDisttgill on Miami Beach h
ized�-a 11, 276
Res.2541; Candidates to commit themselves -
as to re --districts g of Dade
County 5724732 11_, 331
Res. 2630 Urging Commissioners to
extend Harding Dr, thru Altos Del Max 12, 66
Dade County Commissioners advise of
their proposal to take over maintenance
of 79th St.Causeway and discontinuing
payment of 2 mill Road and Bridge
Fund Jan. 25, 1937 15 359
County Commissioners to requested to
condition Alton Hoad from 20th to
51st Street 2/8/40 i£ 464
Resolution passed looking towards
the creation of a separate County
Commissioner's Dist forhMia l,fkach
19 52
Resolution of County Commis—
signers filed authorizing the
• u
Book Page
to 51st treets April 3, 1940 19 67
Proofs of publishing Res. 824 re:
redistricting Miami Beach so as to
•av= s=para •un y 'omm ss • er
April 17,1940 19 84
Res.#4879 approving proposed Dade
County Commissioners $2,000,000.00
—Bond issue 512340 19 130
Reg.4925—thanking--Commts-si-oner r
assistpnce in purchase of Co u d P}2gp_
Book Page
Council authorized appropriation
to help promote vote on $2,000,000
Park Bond- I s sue -Electi on 10-21-40 19 363
Dade County Commissioners urge City
fo cooperate in traffic control
12/24/40 19 499
Resolution No. 5157 endorsing pro-
posed Road Program for loade County
2/26/41 84
Ray Sterling reports in re: proposed
Re -Districting of Dade County
4/2/41 20 135
Book Page
Council agree to give financial aid
to Re -Districting plan for Dade County
if Ccsunl.y Cumrissioners approve p
4/2/41 20 134
Dade County Commissioners reported as
in favor of Re -Districting Plan
n#% 1 a et
•t/ c?/ "r.i.
GAO .�.vc
_50. per weak auUiortzea-to be pari
to Ray T. Sterling for Co. Redistrict-
ing work. 12/18/41 21 12,
Right-of-way granted Dade #& Broward
Counties over City trash 4/15/42 ng tract 21 2g9
Res. #5605 urging Dade County Commissioners
and St. Road Dept. to change name of
79th Street Causeway .10/21/42 21 452
Letter from County Commissioners'ad—
vising they are agreeable to changing
name of 79th St. Causeway 11/18/42 21 464
Preston B. Bird, chairman, advises of
plan for Central Planning Committee
(SEE "PLANNING") 7/19/44 22 376
Book Page
Res, #5874 protesting the building
of an auditorium by Dade County
9/19/45 23 227
County Commissioners set aside
strip of Lincoln Lane for
street purposes 4/17/46 24 33
Committee is appointed to
confer with County Commissioners
to ascertain if they will be
willing to assume the cost of
repaving Alton Road from Surprise
Waterway to 63rd St. 5/15/3+6 24 93
Book Page
County Commissioners advise
they cannot assume the cost
of repaving Alton Road 7/17/+6 24 227
Council to meet with them re.
traffic problems 8/3/49 28 317
Board of County Commissioners
invites Council to meeting to
be held when matters re. housing
for negro population would be
discussed. 10-17-51 32 123
Book Page
Res. #7948 urging reduction in cost
of government, both by City and County
with viewto reducing taxes
3-5-52 32 403
Mayor Powell appoints committee
consisting of Councilman Roth,
City Mgr. Renshaw and himself to
meet with Dade County Commissioners,
County Budget Board and Dade County
School Board, to discuss curtailing
of operating expenses and reduction
of taxes (pursuant to Res. #7948)
4-2-52 32 466
Book Page
Board of County Commissioners
resolution filed requesting State
Road Dept. to take steps to realign'
westerly portion of MacArthur Causeway
to eliminatetwo sharp curves
Communication from 10-15-52 33 316
Board of County Commissioners
relative to proposal that City
elections be held in May of even
years; City Clerk reminds Council
if such change were made a serious
problem would occur relative to
voting machines, inasmuch as State
de 1 County primaries are held a 3 33 471
Book Page
Res. #8335 requesting Board of
County Commissioners , County Budget
Board and Dade County Board of Public
Instruction be advised of necessity for
reduction in county taxes 4_8_53 34 162
County Commissioners to be asked to
meet with City Council to discuss
proposal of Port Authority to establish
port south of Coast Guard base, and
other overall projects affecting city
12-16-53 35 247
Meeting between County Commission
and City Council to be held after
holidays 12-30-53 35 270
Book Page
Resolution passed by Bd. of County
Commissioners filed, requiring
municipalities to install such traffic
lights as may be needed on county -
maintained streets within municipality
3-3-54 35 367
Meeting to be arranged with County
Commissioners to discuss prOposed:Key
Largo Causeway 1-19-55 36 406
Councilman Powell suggests Council meet
with bade County legislators to discuss
City's legislative program
2-2-55 36 432