Court Cases_January 1941COURT CASES
Book Page
Appeal to Supreme Court on follow-
ing cases authorized: Mc -Donald Zon-
ing Case;Occan-Inland Zoning Case,
Epicure Liquor Case and Delicate
Frank Liquor Case 1/15741 20 17
Atty.W.G.Ward engaged to assist City
Atty. Robillard on Ocean -Inland Zon-
ing Case-- 1/29/41
Bart J.Rel.11y-submit-b op nlon on
Carpenter -Yocum case 1/29/41 20 31
Book Page
Appeal and posting of supercedeas
bond ordered on Al Hickland case
(Itr.-Robillard to handle same) -6/11/41 -2Cr 278
Appeal authorized on Roney Zonin
suit 6/11/41
20 278
Council agree to grant 30 day_exten-
sion on-i&en Davis case to grant him
time to-appcal case 6111141---
City won favorable decisions in
Supreme Court in Eliai and
Al Hick land cases. 1/22/42
Book Page
21 168
Mr. Snedigar asks that something
be done about holding night
court or court each day - he
asks the City Manager to
investigate 9/4/46 24 284
Comm cation from .City Atty.
to City Manager re. Court
Action in Auction Sales
Zoning Cases (Jalard & Perel) 6/20/51 31 289
Book Page
City Atty to request postponement
of trial of Picciolo's Restaurant
case until Sept. 26, 1952 9-3-52 33 237
Decision of Supreme Court in Old
Forge's favor. Liquor license to
be granted 9-17-52 33 269
Report of City Atty read, relative to
case of St. Petersburg vs Pfeiffer,
involving Act providing for 60 -hr
work week for firemen. Decree held
Act to be unconstitutional and void
10-21-53 35 109
No action on request for dismissal of
suit re. Sherry Frontenac Hotel
laundering linens of Sovereign Hotel
in Sherry Frontenac's laundry
1-20-54 35 296
Council requests City Mgr. to arrange
conference with City Atty to discuss
Supreme Court decisions in Biltmore
Terrace and Fontainebleau Hotel cases.
7-20-55 37 274
Council fails to accede to request
of J.J. Perlmutter that City Atty bbe�j
directed to waive ora argument e ore �'�
Supreme Court in connection with suit ` 06
pga�rIirni R roa�e on 8o���ns be ult�,p h & 39th Sts.
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