"D" Miscellaneous_December 1938 to February 1939"Dp MISCELLANEOUS 23 Book Page Decker,Don-asks renewal of license for Carpet Golf 12/7/38 17 382 Decker, Don -again applies for above license(granted 12/8/38 17 392 Davis Tours - no action on request for sightseeing bus 12/8/38 17 394 Dubbin,Atty.Albert L. seeks permit to sell beer and wine at Beach Riviera Club - denied 1-1$-39 17 446 Davis Tours request for Sightseeing permit referred to City Mgr.1- 18-39 17 446 Davis 'fours granted Travel Bureau license • 2-1-39 17 462 0D" MI6CELLANEJUS Dresnick, _Morris - complains of noises from garage at lst & Ocean -Drive 4-5-39 24 Book Page 18- 22 Dorchester Hotel -granted liquor T 3-9 cense 18 230 Dunn,Atty. James -representing owners ---of Million Dollar pier seeks perm4t- for musical comedies to be produced by Nat Levine 10-4-39 1$ 291 -- Dul-aney' s, Ine-.— E7lst -fit-:Y-granted lxeer and wine 10/5/39 18_ 314 UD" MISCELLANEOUS 25 Book Page Dorchester Hotel granted parking lot permit 10-18-39 18 325 DeBuchananne, J.D. ran ed parking tl lot permit for Lots 5 �c b,arrison &--Hay a--$ubdn, - -10-118/39- I 3 25 Deck Bar -grant -ad liquor license 10/18/39_ 18 328 Deauville Casino dented permit to construct tennis courts on property fronting on Ind-iar-geek 11/15/39 -- 37--- Dempsey-Vanderbilt Hotelgrant d nigh cub license 1/16/39 18 393 "D" MISCELLANEOUS 26'4 Book Page Dorchester Hotel given permit to construct cabanas 11/29/39 18 397 Deuce, Club- granted -liquor license 12/6/39 114 413 --Dade Pharmacies granted beer and wine license 12/13/39 - 16 416 Davis Tours given _permission to have sightseeing buses pick up passengers in front of t he-tr-place--o-f busies 1/17/40 18 439 Davis Tours granted travel bureau license 4_1 - "D" MISCELLANEOUS �7 Book Page Drexel Schoo ranted private school permit for 194 41 7/3/40-X9- 5 Distillerls Products,Inc. granted wholesale liquor license at 250 Alton Road 9-25-40 265 Dixie Ruilc'i ers_Aupp • 41 -. ._ mit for installation of gas tank and pump 9-25=440 Drexel Food Market -granted e-er-end wire license 10/2.440 I9 302- 19 314 "D" MISCELLANEOUS 28 Book Page Daoud, A. Jos. ask permit to have auction sales at 116-118 23rd St. 10-9-40 19 322 Delicate Frank seeks nht club license 10-9- 19— 323 Dresbach-John H. complains of over- crowded and unsanitary conditions at 1013 Penn. Ave. 19 323 Daoud, A. Jos. again seeks permit-- to operate auction sales on 223rd St. 10-16- r].9 351 "Dll MISCELLANEOUS 29 Book Page Dawson Corio.granted liquor license 10;-21-40 19 363 -Doherty Corp.granted liquor license for I y -P 40 arts- Kitty =Belmont Club granted liquor licenae & 19 363 night club license Dave's Billiards wine license Delicate Frankls 1$cense 363 - grant&I-beer and 10 21-40 19; 364 denied night club 10-21-40 9-9 365 "D" MISCELLANEOUS 3C Book Page Dresback -John H. complains of —rooming house at -I004 Penn Ave. not complying with Ordinance 11-13-40 19 406 Delicate Frank - ask permit to operate package store in connection s 0I 42-1 Dade-=aoie-s—eomplain of sightsee- ing ightsee- ing bus parking in front of their store 11/27/40 19 433 Dorgheater-iletel—complairr of no sea from uhildren s orner 11/27/40 19 434 Devine, 3C. granted -parking 10 • • B • • -:• ont Prop. 12-4-40 19 454 "D" MISC1 T.LANEOUS 31 Book__ Page D & D Corp. granted parking lot perms o .W.cor.Washing_ton Ave. 19 463 & 14th St. 12/11/40 Dempsey, Jack - bar granted night club license 12/11/40 19 4`i9 Delicate Frans plan for package —department—arid—his present ---restaurant and bar approved 12/16/40 19 480 Davis Tours - granted travel bureau license 12/24/40 19 —493 Dempsey -Vanderbilt Hotel granted parking lot on -Lots 2 & 4 BIk.4 0.F.Prop.M B.I. 12/24/40 19 494 "D" MISOELLANEOUS. 32 Book Pa_e Daniels, Anna B. - granted parking —lou n Lots 20 24/4 G.Hall 4 Dade Co.Chiropractic Society seek '-roprescntation on City Health Couuncil 12/24/40 19 494 --Dooley_,-A.?. of_fers to rchas Lots 30 and 32,2nd Ocean Front Sub. 1/3/41 20 14 Danielo, Danny - City authorizes pur- chase of his beach equipment for X250.00 "D" MISCELLANEOUS DiLullo's Restaurant at 1035 33 Book Page Collins Ave. granted beer and wine =tee„ 1-/-2.,14-1 20-- 20 Settlement with Danny Daniels for pur _ - _ Equlp_ went confirmed 2/22/41 20 23 Dale Corpepation - City fers--them $7500.00 for strip of land off north edge of Lot 1,B1k.19,0.B.#2 2/26/41 20 83 Dolgoff,Jack permit of Henry Schwartz transferred to hien. 3,5141 20 88 "D" MISOBLLANBOVS • ge Book Page DAVID BEN asks for zoning change on his tots -13 & 14, BIk. 7 Normandy each South 3/5/41 20 111 Devine, Gees. J. - transfers his taxi permit to Sydney R. Berger 3/19/41 20 .118 Go. Doher instrument to permit extension of Byron Avenue 4/2/41 20 153 De$tin,Alf'r�'[ce - awarded contract for transit mix concrete—on—Above—project (Collip s—o to 15th St.) 4./16/41 20 178 HD" MISCELLANEOUS 35 Book Pg. Dresbach, John H. - again complained of unsanitary conditions of rooming houses - at 1010 & 1020 Penna. Ave. 4/23/41 20 182 Downing, James -transfers his taxi permit to Paul Galbut 6/5/41 20 259 Davis,P.J. -contractor---on Lynmar Corp. hotel construction Lot 13;)B1k.12, 0.B.#1 (See card under L Miscellan- eous-(Lynrar Corp. Bards Nos. -39,40, 41 ) Dorfman,Nat - asks time to present bid for handling publicity contract 6/18/41 20,284 "D" MISCELLANEOUS Oto Book Page Davis, P.J. -claims printed copies of Bldg.Code are not the same as ori- ginal ordinance 6/18/41 20 284 Dade County Council of Social Agencies - granted appropriation of $600.00 a year (to be provided for in 1941-42 budget) 6/18/41 20 285 Dawson Corp.granted liquor license for Wit's End 6/18/41 20 306 Dixie Bldrs.Supply Co.given con- tract for 2000 cu.yds of sand 6/18/41 20 308 "D" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page 3'7' Downing, James - transfers his taxi permit to Irving Seligman 8/6/41 20 375 Dixie Bldrs.Supply Co. - estimate for delivery of sand and oiling of streets ordered paid($852.80) 8/6/41 20, 382 Distillers Products,Inc., - granted wholesale liquor license 10-2-41 20 427 Dave's Lunch Rook granted beer aid wine license 10-2-41 20 428 "D" M1SUELLANEOUS 38 Book Page Drexel School granted permit for 1941-42 10-2-41 20 431 Davis, Kitty - application for night club presented(no action) 10/2/41 20 431 Dixie Builders Supply Co. -estimate for sanding and oiling streets 10/2/41 20 439 Delicate Frank requests license for night club (no action) 10/15/41 20 467 D & D *Olt .granted parking lot for S:W.cor. 14th and Washington 10/15/41 20 468 UDrr MISC .LANEOUS 39 Book Page Delicate Frank given Night Club license 10/22/41 21 4 Davis,Kitty—granted nig tlli licensel Dancing School permit 'r' Kay Kastner at 1000 La "pplication of C.M.De]I us2/fo; 21 5 license as a Psychoanalyst referred to City Manager 11/6/41 21 23 Maurice Dansky requests permit to operate a sightseeing bus. 11/26/41 21 - 82 Liquor license granted The Deck Bar 12/5/41 21 87 "D" MISCELLANEOUS 40 Book Page Davidson & Greenwalk granted permit for parking lot Lots 5 to 1 Bik. 54, Fisher's s 1st Sub. 12i/5/41 21 87 Richard Goodhart employed as Dock and Harbor Master. 12/17/41 21 112 Mike Dallett asks for $1000, fine of tire stealing. 1/7/42 21 126 Request for $2000. for Dade Co. blood bank taken under adviseaent 1/7/42 21 127 Danny & Dock's at Fleetwood Hotel granted liquor license 12/18/41 21 120 t'T)f' MISC`1T.LANEOUS 404 Book Page Dade Co. Blood Bank given appropria- tion of $1500. 1/21/42 21 146 tt14 MSSCELLANEOUS 41 Book Page Mrs. Doyle granted pparkin lot permit for rear of 1317 Collins venue. 1/42 21 147 Mr. John Duff of Cromwell Hotel asks Council to pass new "Turkey Money" Ordinance to keep taxi drivers from diverting passengers to certain hotels. 1/21/42 21 152 M.B.Hotel Assoc. ask to have 3 sub -stations located on M.B. for draft registrations on 2/15/422 Delinquent 1941 taxes to/be"4 d- 21 155 vertised in M. B. Times 2/4/42 21 169 "D" MISCELLANEOUS 43 Book Page 1/2 Homestead Exemption allowed Tom Douglas on Lot 2,B1k.4D Sunset Island for 1941 Taxes 3/15/42 21 237 Dog House,The - granted beer and wine license at 2225 Park Ave. 5/6/42 21 301 Drexel School given permit to have license read 1676-1650 Collins Ave. 42 D ale Corp.objection to /1lien for pav- 21 ing 14th Lane referred to City Clerk and City P.gr. for 'compromise 7/1/42 21 355 358 MTSCtLLA11EOUS 42 Book Page 10 stations mouth-of-23rd St. have been arranged for draft registrations February 14, 15 and 16. 2/4/42 21 169 Council authorized refund of $100. -fee-paid by Christy M.Be±ma license as Phycho-analyst /42 21 171 Danny & Doc's (Fleetwood Hotel) granted Liquor license 12/18/41 21 120 Dorchester Hotel requests refund of liquor license fee and hotel occupational taken over by Army(referred t .R. SCELLANEOUS Derby Bar - transfer of Barnett Bros. to Derby Dave's Billiard Parlor and wine license 44 Book Page license from Bar, Inc.10/7/42 21 427 granted beer 10=7-42 Drexel Coffee Shop granted beer and wine license 10-7-42 Danziger,Harry - appointed as Deputy Clerk 10-7-42 Drexel School granted permit for 1942-43 10-28-42 21 428 21 428 21 437 21 453 ,LANEOUS '5 Book Page Douglas, Carl T. - files appli- cation for package liquor store 12/2/42 21 472 Daily News- full page ad authorized in their special edition 12/2/42 21 474 Douglass, C. T. - tentative approval given his application for package store license 12/2/42 21 475 Douglass,C.T. granted license for package liquor store at 21 1st St. 1l2/16 42 21 480 Dabney, R. E. - Res . #561.9 authorizing payment of back pay 1/20/43 22 17 N,,L.uLANEOUS Book Page Res. #5621 authorizing change in minute record of Feb.18,19 2, with reference to Daoud Auction Case — - 2/3/43 22 21 DREXEL COFFEE SHOP (Seftell)ranted beer and wine license 3/26/+3 22 61 DIRTY DICK'S application for liquor license considered but not granted 4/7/43 22 68 Dale Corp. asks'City to cancell street paving assessment their lot 1-.13' , B1k . 19 O B ff2 5/19/43 -----2-2- 96