"D" Miscellaneous_June to November 1943MISCELLANEOUS
Book Page
Da1letx Michael - permits for
taxis transferred to Henry Freanan
6/16/43 22 133
Dade County Democratic Executive
Committee - Al Galbut appointed their
official representative at Council
meetings 11/6/43 22 207
Jos. E. Davies accepts invitation to
attend annual meeting of Fla. State
Chamber of Commerce 11/6/43 22 •20g
Drexel Private school given renewal
permit 11/17/43 22 212
Geo. P. Dane granted 1943
homestead exemption 12/1/43 22 221
Thos. O'H. DuPree objects to any
modification of Court Order as to
Philbrick's at 1553 Wash. 1/19/44 22 249
Harold R. Davis appointed on
Real Est. Examining Board 1/19/44 22 251
No action taken on request of E. H.
Dine for cabana on lot 3, block 5
Altos del Mar #1 2/2/4+ 22 254
"D" Miscellaneous
E. H. Dine again asks
build cabana on Lot 3,
del Mar #1,- referred
for permit to
Block 8, Altos
to Mr. Hice 22 282
Daughters of Israel given permit for
clubhouse in Block 80, Ocean Beach
Add. #3 3/15/44 22 293
Delicate Frank's liquor license
transferred from 1675 Alton Road
to 1685 Alton Road 4/5/44 22 310
20tz Zz ttt/9/6 *4S t4
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"D" Miscellaneous 51
Book Page
Beer & wine license granted Dave's
Billiard Parlor (Jos. Thomas) 9/2o/44 22 406
Beatrice Dee Private School
granted license 9/.20/44 22 4O
Jos. Dube granted parking lot
permit on 11-12, B.1, Ocean Bch. 10/20/44 22 420
Dion's Spaghetti House granted
beer and wine license 12/20/44 22 451
Davis Meat Market granted license
for fish market 1/3/45 22 462
Deauville Cocktail Lounge granted
liquor license 1/17/45 22 465
"D" Miscellaneous 52.
Book Page
Application of Dave's Bar held up
pending distance survey 1/17/45 22 465
Mrs. Calvin Adams Dort complains
of rooming house at 281 41st St.
2/21/45 22 484
Beer & wine licenses granted
Dave's Ballard Parlor & Dog
House Bar 6/6/45 23 108
Dade Co. Veterans Service Center's
request for appropriation of
$1,500 taken under advisement
7/5/45 23 148
"D" . Miscellaneo.us
Dorn' s Grocery granted "HOT BEER"
license 11/7/45
Book Page
23 264
"D" Miscellaneous 53,
Book Page
Deauville Package Store
granted liquor license 9/5/45 23 209
Deauville Club given
liquor license 10/3/45 23 235
Dale Dorf given boat
livery license at 930
Biscayne Street 10/3/45 23 235
Harold R. Davis appointed
on Real Estate Examining
Board 10/17/45 23 255
"D" Miscellaneous 54
Book Page
Charles Danton urges that signs
reading "Restricted" be
prohibited 11/21/45 23 289
Dorchester Hotel granted
liquor license 11/21/45 23 294
Deauville Package Store
granted liquor license 1/2/46 23 342A
Dave's Billiard Parlor
granted beer & wine license 3/20/46 23 454
"D" Miscellaneous 55
Book Page
Derby Bar given liquor license 5/1/46 24 50
Dutch Kitchen granted beer
and wine license 5/15/46 24 89
De Layo's Restaurant granted
beer and wine license 6/5/46 24 108
Carl T. Douglass' request for
permit to operate golf driving
range on the municipal golf
course is referred to the
City Manager 7/17/46 24 187
Book Page
Carl T. Douglass' request for
permit to operate golf driving
range on municipal golf course
is denied 8/7/46 24 254
Derby Bar granted liquor
license 9/4/46 24 273
Res. #6094 is passed, authorizing
entering into lease agreement
with Duncan Meter Corp. for any
number of meters the City sees
fit to order 9/4/46 24 280
Book Page
Di Russo's Restaurant
granted beer and wine
license 10/16/40 24 346
Dale Dorf Docks granted
beer and wine license 11/6/46 24 380
Deauville Cocktail Lounge
is granted liquor license 11/6/46 24 382
Ralph Daugherty granted park-
ing lot permit for application
for cabanas is taken under
consideration 11/20/46 24 397
Boob Page
George Durgin's request for
permit to operate amphibious
sightseeing boats is taken
under advisement 12/18/46 24 438
George Durgin's request
for permit to operate
amphibious sightseeing
boats is referred to Mr.
Hice with power to act 1/15/47 24 467
Jack Diamond's request for
permit for diving bell is
taken under advisement 2/5/47 24 470
Dorchester.Hotel granted
liquor license
Jack Diamond's request
for permit for diving
bell referred to City Mgr.
Council enters into agree-
ment with L. Murray Dixon
to draw plans for baseball
Book Page
2/5/47 24 472
2/19/47 24 540
5/7/47 25 140
25 144
Drexel Coffee Shop granted
beer and wine license 5/7/47
Book Page
Dade Beverage Co. granted
license to deliver beer 7/16/47 25 279
Martin Drexel's request
for traffic light at 17th
St. and Collins Ave. is
referred to Mr. Renshaw 8/20/47 25 347
Jack Diamond's request
for permit to install
diving bell is referred
to City Manager 10/1/47 25 387
Dave's Delicatessen, Diamond
Boat Rentals & Diamond Soft
Drink Co. granted beer licenses 11/5/47 25 453
Book Page
Disabled War Veterans request
for Special Vehicle Identification
cards is referred to Mr.
Renshaw 12/10/47 26 19
D.A.V. request to use foot-
ball field or baseball field
for prize fight is referred
to Mr. Renshaw with power
to act 1/28/48 26 164
Mr. Frink calls attention
at east end of Lincoln
Road 3/17/48 26 255
Book Page
Council authorizes transfer of
liquor license for DECK BAR
from 717 5th St. to 627 5th
st. 4/7/48 26 277
Council denies beer license
to Dave's Chicken -in -the -
Rough at #1 Lincoln Road 4/7/48 26 201
Deauville Package Store
granted liquor license 4/21/48 26 299
Beer and wine license
granted Dillard's Restaurant 6/16/48 26 405
Book Page
Drexel Coffee Shop
granted beer license 7/7/48 26 421
Request of Dave's
Chicken in the Rough
for extension of awning
is denied 7/7/+8 26 443
Martin Drexel complains
of bad drainage condition
at 17th St. & James Ave. 9/1/48 27 87
August Dorr awarded
advertising contract for
year ending 9/304+9 9/15/48 27 100
Res. #6690 approving in
application for through
plane service to
California 12/1/48 27 231
Book Page
Court costs in amount of
$46.50 ordered paid in
amonntzaf case of Lawrence
Deshazior vs. City and
no appeal to be taken 12/15/48 27 244
Book Page
Res. #6697 passed, auttrorizing
City Attorney to file petition
to intervene in behalf of the
City at hearing before C.A.B.
on Delta Air Lines' application
for through plane service to
California 12/15/48 27 249
Disabled American Veterans
seek permit to operate
private club at 345 Lincoln
Road - Council denies 1/5/49 27 272
Book Page
Disabled American Veterans
bring suit against City re.
private club on Lincoln Road 1/12/49 27 333
City refuses to sell property
to Disabled American Veterans
for club house 2/16/49 27 435
Louis Daoud's application for
permit for auction gallery
in Block 7, 2nd Ocean Front,
denied - he is referred to
Zoning Board 4/6/49 28 1
Book Page
Request of Disabled American
Veterans to put up Lustron home
referred to City Manager 7/20/49 28 254
Danny Davis objects to
extending hours for
hotel dancing 9/7/49 28 366
Book Page
Daughters of American Revo-
lution file request for use
of room in new auditorium
for meeting place 9/7/49 28 392
Martin Drexel asks that
policemen and firemen be
permitted to attend base-
ball games free 4-19-50 29 313
D.A.V. Given permission to
use room in Youth Center 5-3-50 29 335
Book Page
Dixon, DeJarnette and Bradford
retain paid (Suit of Goldstein,
Burris and Klein versus the
City) 7-12-50 29 474
No action taken on request
of Drexel School to erect
canopy on school property 8-2-50 29 519
Instrument to be prepared
waiving encroachment in
utility easement Lot 6,
Bik. 3 Hayfrsworth Sub. 9-6-50
kwners Max and Sonia
anon tz) 9-6-50 30 58
Book Page
DAV requests that some City
property be made available
to them for their meeting
place - Link to investigate 11-15-50 30 178
Mr. Bishop of Delta Airlines
acquaints Council with par-
ticulars of promotion in
Chicago 1-24-51 30 339
Statement of Dixon,DeJarnette
& Bradford for services in
defense suit of Cohen v.
C of MB, amount $1,519.87 less 5-2-51 31 113
$750. retainer, approved for payment.
Book Page
Petition submitted objecting
to unsanitary conditions in
\connection with sewer serving
Dubrow's Cafeteria referred
to County Health Inspectors 5-2-51 31 136
Auditorium Advisory Board's
recommendation re. Chris
Dundee submitted 9-19-51 32 69
Letter of objection re.
beer & wine sale in Drexel
Market filed 9-28-51 32 76
Book Page
Discussion held re. beer and wine
license at Drexel Food Market.
10-3-51 32 96
Chris Dundee's Auditorium
Boxing contract renewed 10-17-51 32 111
Chris Dundee given 3 -year
extension of his present contract
for boxing promotions at
Auditorium 8-6-52 33 189
Book Page
Communication filed from Coral Gables
Post #98 Drum & Bugle Corps, advising
that they are now state champions
9-3-52 33 236
Dade County Federation of Women's
Clubs compliment Council on its
stand in regard to club
entertainment 12-3-52 33 412
Permit granted Geo. E. Bunnell, Inc.
to construct two groins and repair
existing groin easterly of Di Lido
Hotel 6-2-54 36 17