"D" Miscellaneous_May to July 1930AP / / 124-d1-4 -5245' 74 0.116,21 Deauville Casino Groins: Objections of M.B. Bay Shore Co. Filed 5-21-30 10, 146 Distillate Tank in Alley rear of Gold- stroWs Bakery -Permit granted 7-16-30 Distillate Tank -Objection to 7-16-30 re L76 ", 201 ", 201 "D" MISCELLANEOUS 2 BOOK, PAGE Dickens, Geo.W.-Permit to move cottage 10, 244 Dougherty,C.J,-Objection to closed street ends 9-3-30 10, 256 Delmores-Objection to certain improve- ments in Altos del Mar 10, 281 Draymen'scharges objected to 1-21-31 10, 442 Drive -A -Golf Games referred to Purchasing Agent 2-18-31 10, 475 Detective Agency -Southern: request 10, Ogg "D" MISCELLANEOUS 3. BOOK,PAGI Deauville Casino assessed value complaint 10,E Daniels Oscar: Virginia Key property 11, 22 Diamond Bali (See Flamingo Park - 7 Deauville Casino:Aseeeaed Value Complaint 11,327 Daniels,Oscar: Objection to use of Virginia-_--__- _-- Key for colored bathing beach 5-1S-32 11,329_ Drivers'License OrdinanoeZ City of Miami_ 11,3.2 Daniels, Mrs. Bertha M._ - 0bjec,s- to Beach parties,etc. 8-32 11060 PUffy, J'P', resigns from Exam.Bd.1O-5-32 11,3.71 "D" MISCELLANEOUS Zi-. Boot,, Page_ Daniels, Bertha M. requests waiving of interest in payment of tax certifi— cates. (RefuseFeb. 15th, 1933' 12, 4 Doherty, Henry L. given certificate of Testimonial March 1, 1933 12, 10 Dr.F.H.Davis protests closing of 29th St.end and other street ends in that vicinity Jan. 3, 1934 12, 217 Diefenderfer,Mr.& Mrs.A,J. urge, enforce- ment of Bldg.restrictions 2/2$/3+ 12, 296 "D0 MISCELLANEOUS 5• Book Page_ Dulaney's_Market request permit -__-- to install Fish, Market 8/8/34 13 4+2 Danielson, F. E. requests permit to use property at 5th & Lenox Ave. l'or-ear -en-tal-Idiaglay-{granted } 9/ 5/3 13, 67 Dade --Co. Master -Painter's Assn., -request pa ssage of Ora, (na_ao ti, o*)-- 11/21/34- --- _ 13 _162_ Davis Tours, Inc. granted license 13 238 1/16/35 ID" MISCELLANEOUS 6. . Book Page Deauville Service Station tanks ordered moved 4/17/35 13 357 Dunn, Wm. J. - letter requesting sanitary Sewer facilities in northern part of City 5/15/35 13 421 Deauville Service Station given 30 days additional time to remove tanks 6/5/35 13 436 Dougherty, C.J. requests vacation of encroachment 6/13/35 13 445 Res.#3219 "D" MISCELLANEOUS ?. Book Page Deauville Filling Station ordered to comply with former order in removing tanks 7/3/35 13 466 Dade Pharmacy -denied liquor permit 10-17-35 14 152 Wm.J.Dunn urges that liquor sales be permitted on Lincoln Rd.8/21/35 14 21 Danielson, F. E. gran ed permit for parking lot 10/23/35/ 14 153 Dulaney"s1,,,n g anted bee Wm. J. Du�ht'i� gelietHat lig0uor lCense 14 151 e be granted Four Aces at 1111 Dade Blvd. 14 DIXIE SODA GRILL -beer 1 cense 10/30/35 14 170 "D" MISCELLANEOUS 8. Mrs. Don Dickerman requested permit to reconstruct "Pirates Den" on County Causeway. Permission granted, but to be removed by May 1st, 1936. 11/15/35 14 191 Mr. Carl T. Douglass requests permission to install gasoline tanks in private garage constructed opposite Archway Ocean Villas on Collins Ave. 11/15/35 14 191 $3600. appropriated for re- construction of Municipal Dock. 11/15/35 Dunn Wm.J. urges liquor license for 4 Aces 11/13/35 14 14 18 "D" MISCELLANEOUS 9. Book Page__ Deauville Service Station again ask permit that they be allowed =-te rebuild 11/20/35 14 198 Deauville Casino- granted permit for reconstruction of cabanas 11/20/35 14 216 Drew,Austin - complains of damaged condition of Tom Harbin= -house 12/6/35 DeLuxe Mammoth Bingo (Game) granted 14 231 license to operate 12/11/35 14 236 x e avern, no. gra — 1icense or 12L23/39 14, 211-3 "D# MISCELLANEOUS 9 Book rage 4 Dutch Stand -granted beer and wine lie-errse 2f19t3 14 296 "D" MISCELLANEOUS 10. Book Page Dade Pharmacy_granted permit to _ sell beer and wine 12730735---111- 253 Dine Proper_ties_, Inc. , granted_ liquor__ license 1/8/36 14 258 _Deauville_Hotel_granted liquor license 1/15/36 14 270 Diefenderfer,A.J.urges that unnecessary noise at night be curbed 1/29/36 14 276 Dunn, WM.J. asks for approval Pickwick -Club liquor apffrUmWtt 14 284 "Do MISCELLANEOUS 11. Book Page Davis Tours granted license for Travel Bureau 2/26/36 14 312 Dade County Planning Board ask City to 0000l��r��;///e�����jr��Sate with other cities in Dad -n-ty- in employment -of City Planner -Engineer 9-24-36 -Derby Bar • • • • : • 15 153 tised for hearing 9-30-36 Derby Bar granted liquor license at 9],5 Wash.Ave. 10-21-36 Deauville Beach Club deied liquor license 10-21-36 15 16o 15 191 15 191 D" MISCELLANEOUS 12. Book Page Deck Bar granted_11qmr_ license 11-4-36 15 204 _.,Dade County Flaming Board Mettar If/led re Federal Aid 11-4-36 15 20g Dual Parking Meter Co.askpriVilege of demonstrating machine 11-18,-36 15 246 Dempsey, Jack - granted liquor • license 12-3-36 15 275 Dade Motor Sales Co.awarded contract for automotive equipment 12-9-36 15 2g4 "-D" MISCELLANEOUS _Dansky Harry- permit for V ne ian Way jitney asked 12-1b- 13. Book Page 15 2$8 Davidson,Louis -application for permit to operate group game 12/16/36 15 304 Dixie Tire Co.& Pig Trail Inn ask permit to cross alley for installa- tion in ^^- eot ^•� •••It-h-the#r-proposed light plant 1-6-37 15 Dempsey,Jack of nightclub Dempsey -Jack license - discussion on issuance license 1-20-37 15 - granted night club 1-20-37 15 330 336 337 "D" MISCELLANEOUS 14, Book Page Danziger, Bettye $100..00_appropria tion to American Legion to applied to her - credit in contest 4-7-37 15 497 Danziger, Betty - $500.00 approp- riated to Miami Drum & Bugle Corp. to be applied to contest a c unt 5%5%37 16 64 Detective Agency to be employed to work on election fraud. 5/17/37 16 95 A. A. DeLage requests appropriation to contact foreign S. S. Cos. on U. S. Tours. 6/23/37 16 155 "D" MISCELLANEOUS 15 Book Page Alice C. & Wm. H. Dane protest against 14' wall in Bik. 1, Beach View Sub. 7/7/37 16 176 Dulaney's granted permit to install gasoline pump at their new store on 1st Street. 7/7/37 16 176 Dulaney's,Inc., granted beer and wine license 10-11-37 16 306 Ruth andSunny Duval granted dancing school permitO.71g Bay) 10-20-37 16 333 "D" MISCELLANEOUS 16 Book Page Dempsey -Vanderbilt Hotel granted permit to construct cabanas in accordance with agreement 11-10-37 16 1- • night club license anted 11-17-37 16 GayJIineties granted night club license 11-17-37 16 Duval ,Ruth and Sunny -charge location of Dancing School to 417 Espanola Way (referred to City u-17-37 Permit ganted Ruth and Sunny Duval l permit -11-24-37 16 1 359 371 371 372 1n "D" MISCELLANEOUS Dovsky Louis - Public donverrie 17. Book Page of 12-8-37 16 440 D teh ill re.gUeat'Termit to hang non -conforming sign (referred to City Mgr. and Mr.Hice) 12-15-37 16 445 Teck Bar -granted beer and -wine _permit- _12-15-37 16 452 Dovsky-Louis, transfers his Gert. to W.R.Pritchard 12-22-37 16 464 Delta Properties granted liquor license to operate Sans Souci 12-22-37 16 458 "Da MISCELLANEOUS 18. Book Page Davis Tours granted Travel Bureau license 12-22-37 16 458 DeFeo-Jerry 8. -liquor license with- held for Patrician Hotel bar 1-5-38 16 467 Doveky-Louis, asks for additional taxi permit (referred to committee) 1-19-38 16 490 Mr.Dulaney requests widening of 41st _ - -- - - 7 82 . •• - :•.= •. • I U . $100.00 4-6-38 Dixie Tavern granted beer and wine 17 93 "Dn MISCELLANEOUS Application of J.D.Dorman for filling station permit referred to-MriHHoe-;MrT,Renshaw--and Mr. Farrey 5-163$ 19. Book Page 17 137 Dunayer ,Sam.N. request City to -help finance Nellie Scheer tennis --trip- (denied) -4- - 142 Request of Wm.J.DUNN-for vacation -of encroachment --denied 5-11-3g 17 14g .DESGTU-.-HOT-E-arty.i1ee ab j-eet-i on to American Legion Home on Lot 4,B1k 7,?11 17 l4 20. PDn _ Book Page Derby Bar - request for refund of fee paid for restaurant license ---denied 5-11-3$ 17 150 -Dunayer_,. _ gm. N. again requests City to held finance tennis -trip of Nellie Scheer 5-18-38 17 152 Di Prima Restaurant -application for lleense to sell beer and wine presented 7-6-3g- -_ -_-- _ -.__- 2O2 Dooley1D.J.-asks permit to use Jas. Mathews residence on Belle Isle as hospital 7-20-3g- 17 20. .u,.bOELLANEOUS 21. Book Page Dooley, D. J. requests liquor Zoning Ord.amended to permit bar on Alton Road just south of Lincoln Road. 9-7-38 17 264+ Deegan -Wm. allowed expenses for making trip on proposed PWA project for City Auditorium 9-27-35 17 293 Derby Bar noises complained of 10-19-38 17 296 Dooley, D.J. asks Council to amend Liquor Zoning Ord. re Alton Rd. 10-19-38 17 290 mI SCELLANECU S 22 Book Page Deck Bar granted liquor license 10-19-35 17 300 DiPrirni Restaurant granted beer and wine license 10-26-35- 17 313 Complaint against the Derby Bar noises withdrawn L� 11/16/38 17 3 Dempsey -Vanderbilt granted night club license 11/16/38 17 348 Detwiler, Mrs. W.A. granted refund on account of over assessment of her lot 11/16/30 17 349 MISCELLANEOUS 22)1 Book Page - Doyle, Ethel - appoint ed de uty 11/16/38 17 349