Dade County Board of Public Instruction_September 1937 to April 1941BADE COUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 4 Board asks City women at public Aeoommendations to operation of Book 2. Page to place police- 16 260 dance halls 9-16-37 presented with reference private schools 7-6-38 17 Collection of liens standing against School Board discussed 9-7-38 17 278 Cle k instructed to treat liens against School Board the sae as in Individual cases 4/2341 Bgs liition No. 5261__vacatingthat portion of 76th St. lying wesof Dickens Avenue and that certain St. 'see card #3) 20 190 DADE COUNTY TRIATDOCOF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION' Book Page lying immediately west Mar No. 3 for the de -Public - In atr-uct-ion 3 - of Block 30, Altos Del Co. Board- of _5/21/41 20 240_ Res. #6203 authorizing exchange of properties fn - old -Polo- Fields between-- Ichod7 Board_anctaity -5/_4/49 28 123_ Exchange of properties -above authorized without waiver of ._deed restrictions 5/11/49 28 135 DADE COUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 5. Book Page Hearing re. proposed closing of 42nd St. bet. Prairie Ave. and Chase Ave. Action deferred until later meeting 6-2-54 36 10 Committee appointed to meet with Dade County School Board re. high school in north end of City; other Beach school problems. (Halperin, Chairman; Spaet, Shapiro and Richard) 6-15-55 37 235 DADE COUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC. INSTRUCTION 6. Book Page Mr. Lipp to send telegrams to Dade County School Board and State Board of Education requesting that their representatives meet with M.B. City officials in connection with bus service for children attending Treasure Island School 9-7-55 37 333 Also see cards captioned "SCHOOLS - PUBLIC"