Dade County Ocean Front Protective Commission_June to July 1927DADS COUNTY OCEAN FRONT PROTECTIVE COMMISSION Joint meeting held with City Council and Dade County June._ 24, 1927 Bk.7,Page 489 Couno4-.recommends that Beach Protection Contract (1st Unit) be let to G. 0. -Reed, --Inc. July 5,-1927 "7, " 504 Funds authorized deposited to acct. -of -LC C. 0. F' P. C Res.1629 Bk.g- *--- 3 - Depositories designated by 10_-_C. O.F. P. Cora. Bk.B n (See next c2.ra - .- ---------.----- DADE COUNTY OCEAN FRONT PROTECTIVE COMAISSIOIT7. Financial statement presented 10-19-27 Bk.8 P.84 Expenditures aud,contract ap- proved Reso_. #14o95 10-30-27 Bk.8 P.129 Certain payments authorized by Res. 17O1-12--27 Bk.8 P. 137 Council goes on record as favoring additional bulkheading by Comm. 12-14-27 B. P.138 Commission requested -to do Res .17011. additional _pzojaective work 12-21-27 8.8 I P 142 0•Reed Inc. estimate ordered paid for Jan.1,1928 Res.1713 B.8, P.152 DADE COUNTY •CERN FRONT. P'OTECTIVE COISSIN 3. Quarterly1 statement of receipts & Disbursements 1-18-2E Bk.8 P.159 Final estimate to G. O.= Reed, Inc. ordered paid 1-25-28 Res.1722 Bk.8 P.166 First Estimate to G. 0. Reed, Inc. ordered paid 3--7-28 Res.1739 Bk.8 P.201 Second & Final Est. G. 0. Reed, Inc. 3-7-28 Res.1739 Bk.8 P.201 Receipts & Disbursements approved 3-21-28 Res.1750 Bk.8 P.217 -yOCEAN FRONT PROTECTIVE COMMISSION 4. Final Papers: Original Bank Record, Record of G. 0. Reed, Inc. Contracts, Expense Record, Statement of Receipts and Dis- bursements, etc. filed with Minute Data of March 21, 1928.