Democratic National Convention -'72_June 1971DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION -'72 (for background see cards 16-20 ) funder CONVENTIONS -POLITICAL, ) Recommended contract revisions being prepared by all concerned (City Mgr); full discussion at spec. meetg on 6-30, including Fontainebleau hqs.possibility and reimbursement. ...City Mgr to meet with reps. of Committee, etc., to discuss contract, costs,etc., and report to CC on 7-21. -and to meet with Fontainebleau and Committee reps. re Hotel reimbursemt if Hotel is hqs. -1- Meeting date 6-23-71 6-30-71 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION - '72 2 Meeting date City Mgr reported re goods, services, costs involved. Steve Winn in accord. 8-13-71 RES.13375 authorizing agreement with Convention Committee for July 10-14,172. City Mgr to make arrangements for contract execution. 9-8-71 RES.13390 ratifying agreement execution (directed by Res.13375). 9-15-71 City's cooperation was requested by Hal Spaef in effort to house non -delegate youths planning to attend Nat'l. Democratic Conv. 2/2/72 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION '72 j Meeting Date Request by Ambassador Caterers for 4 -day liquor permit removed from agenda. Council approved request of Democratic Nat'l. Committee for issuance of 5 -day alcoholic beverage permits for period July 5 -July 19, 1972. Report from City Mgr. to Council re: appropriations for 1972 Convention.. shuttle bus, service cost, etc. City Mgr. will refer to Council, when figure of $500,000 is reached for approval to exceed or for consideration re: same. 4/5/72 4/5/72 4/5/72 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION - '72 4 M eetinq Date The request of Operation Snowplow (assisting housing of non -delegates during Democaatic Nat'l. Conv. was referred to City Mgr. for complete evaluation and recommendation 4/19/72 meeting. 3/15/72 City Mgr. requested to provide Council with detailed expenditures for Demo. Nat'l. Conv. and if it will exceed $500,000. 4/5/72 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION -'72. Meeting Date. Awarded to C.A.Davis,Inc. $111,900. for podium construction . Democratic Party Committee had agreed to pay $8,000, towards the cost. 4/11/72 One bus for Police use for above conv. awarded to second bidder, The Flexible Co. to deliver no later than June 1, 1972. 4/19/72 Rental of 5,000 to 7,000 chairs for above cony. & Church of Nazarene Cony. for 35 days: Dowd Rental Serv.-3,000@ 80 plus overtime if any Party Time =4,000 @$1.95 plus over,if any. 4/19/72 bEMOCIATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION -'72 Memo 3526, Waiver of Formal bid procedures for last minute purchases of goods and services - Administrations policy has follow- ing conditions: $20,000 limit, 72 hr. notice with copy of Purchase Order to Council for over $20,000, Policy effective through Demo Cony. 6 Meeting 6/7/72 Agreement with Dade Co. School Bd. for use of school buses to transport law enforcement personnel during political conventions. RES. 13636, authorizing execution of agreement for appx. 18 buses. 6/7/72 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION 6A....... Meeting Date Deferred - re: upcoming Political Conventions- tty E. Rubin re: Code Adoption to prevent Viet-Cong and No. Vit. symbols being worn; enforcing all City & State Laws 6/7/72 Appearance by Mr. G Engel re: 5 -day rally for young non -delegates 6/7/72 Appearaoce by R. Seiderman to discuss arrangements for political conventions. Council voted to refer all matters to City Mgr to study and report to City Council at special meeting for full discussion 6/7/72 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION - '72 7 Meeting Date Council approved under Memo 3526, award of closed circuit TV equipment co Lykes Electronic Corp. (Items 1,2,3,5,6,7,8) $10,981. Cramer/E.W. Inc., (Item 4) $1,712. Midwest Telecommunications, (Items 10,11) $1,895. Council awarded contract to Richter Exhibits and Displays $3,644. for installa- tion and removal of draperies for Convention Caucus rooms Ordinances re: riot, disorderly conduct, etc. withdrawn 6/4/72 6/4/72 6/2/72 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION - '72 Meeting Date Petition filed by J. Gorde,student M.B. High School, supporting use of H.S.area for non - delegate assembly...during political convention. 6/21/72 City Mgr. reported catering arrangements re: food and beverage concession held by Oscar Markovich and provisions of Convention contract 6/2$/72 Also advised he would insist on payment of catering fee by any firm which Demo. Conv. may hire to provide catering. 6/4/72 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION - '72 Meeting Date Councilman Haber;s motion that Miami Beach designate one campsite for non -delegates on an experimental basis for Demo. Nat'l Conv. only, failed of passage by a vtbte of 5 to 2. 6/23/72 6y a vote of 5 to 2, City Mgr.'s recommendations, were approved, as follows: 1) Watson Isl. for non -delegates, 2)Flamingo Park for on-going programs to stage marches; Free speech areas along Washington Ave. in front of Convention Center Complex 3) Lummus Park and Pier Park as cultural bazaars . 6/23/72 Inter=local Police agreement with City of Miami, for period July 1, 1972 to Aug. 21, 1972 pgfia6AriNWfd, to exchange and inter -change 7/5/72 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION - '72 10. Meeting Date RES. 13657 re: agreement with U.S.Govt. and Metro Dade Co. that City will assume expense of expendable riot control materiel from Govt. storehouse 7/5/72 Democratic party voiced objections to payment to City of 17% catering fee by the Party's caterer, First Southeastern Caterers, Inc. re; Auditorium and Convention Hall during Convention. 7/5/72 Council voted to escrow funds that may come from catering and City and Demo. Committee go into Court for declaratory decree to determine rights involved 7/5/72 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION - '72 Res. 13659 adopted, authorizing execution of agreement With First Southeastern Caterere during Demo. Cony. July 6-15, 1972 11 Meeting Date 7/5/72 After discussion Council approved City Mgr.'s voiced intention to investigate Fla. Dept. of Law Enforcement inquiries locally as to allegations of "pressure" re: catering controversy.7/5/72 RES. No. 13658 adopted, authorizing execution of revised draft of contract with ABC, CBS and NBC re: payment of storage fees, etc. between Democratic and Republican conventions. 7/5/72 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION - '72 Meeting Date Council voted to grant campsite in Flamingo Park as recommended by City Mgr. and Police Chief, subject to possible rules by City Mgr. 7/5/72 This will be the only site granted within the City Limits; allocation of park space is Administration duty; overflow would have to go to Watson Is. or Baker's Haulover; and this pertained to Democratic Nat'l. Conv, only. 7/5/72 Council approved recommendation of the City Mgr. for extension of liquor permit for Democratic National Committee to include date of July 15. 7/5/72 Re: Issuance of liquor permits to First South- eastern Caterers Inc. at request of City Atty. DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION '72 13 Meeting Date Council approved issuance of a permit for company to provide liquor free for consumption on permises of Convention Hall "Railroad Room" for July 9-13 for American Assoc. of Railways & 72 Club Sponsor Lounge. 7/5/72 Councilman Greene stated he would like further investigation of U.S. rejection of Government Cut Park area as campsite for non -delegates Council heard Mr. Ellis Rubin re: alleged events in Flamingo Park and his request that an inquiry be conducted as to why the City Mgr. and Police Chief allowed violations of law in the Park apd what would be done about 7/5/72 bEHOCMTIC NATIONAL CONVENTION +72 Meeting Date future campsites. Mr. Rubin was advised by Mayor that City Mgr. would review matter, and re: future campsites,. they would come before Council at an appropriate time. Resolution. 13667 commending Metro personnel, City of Miami and Coral Gables for duties during Democratic Convention. 7/19/72 7/19/72 Res. 13668, commending all city employees of Miami Beach for duties performed during Democratic convention. 7/19/72 Statement made by Mr. Michael Wiley, represent- ing Vietnam Veterans against the war, in apprecia- 44444444 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION '72 A5, Meeting Date $t eyAi5htizens' reactions during Democratic 8/2/72 Memo 3979; evaluation and documentation of nat'1. political conv. law enforcement services project, awarded to Int'I. Assoc. of Chiefs of Police, $53,906. 4/18/73