Dickens Avenue-Widening And Straightening_August 1950DICKENS AVENUE - WIDENING AND 1. STRAIGHTENING Book Page 71st St. Improvement Assn. requests that Dickens Ave. be opened through North Shore Park 8/16/50 30 24 Asst. City Manager Link to have diagram of proposed improvement and sketch of contemplated development at next regular meeting 8/16/50 30 24 DICKENS AVENUE- WIDENING AND STRAIGHTENING 2 BOOK PAGE City Manager authorized to negotiate with owners to- ward purchase of Lots 8 - i+, Incl. Blk. 5, Harding Townsite 9-6-50 30 58 City Manager authorized to make offer of $8,500.00 for Lot 10 Block 5, Harding Townsite. 9-20-50 30 81 DTCK`ENS AVENUE - WIDENING AND STRAIGHTENING 3 Book Page City Manager authorized to offer $9,000.00 for Lot 11, Block 5, Harding Townsite, plus $500.00 for the building plans - report to be madei :at next meeting 9/20/50 30 81 Councilman Richard suggests adoption of ordinance re- quiring owners of property in Block 5 to face their buildings on Carlyle Ave. 9/20/50 30 81 DICKENS AVENUE WIDENING 4 Book Page Res. #7288 closing transaction with owners of Lot 10, Blkc 5, Harding Townsite to purchase said lot -for widening pur- poses for the sum of $8,000.00 less $800.00 10-4-50 30 100 Mr. Renshaw to call for bids for paving of Dickens Ave. through North Shore Park 11-1-50 30 145 47 500.00.authorized from CPS for construction of temporary.roadway 11-22-50 30 193 Council discusses Dickens Avenue widening 12-7-50 30 230 Res. #7388, authorizing pur- chase of Lots 8 & 9 Block 5, Townsite of Harding 12-20-50 30 274 Res. #7389 authorizing pur- case of Lot 12, Block 5, Townsite of Harding 12-20-50 30 275 Book Page DICXt148 WI DRN i c 6 Book Page Res. #7390 authorizing purchase of tots 13 and 14, Block 5, Townsite of Harding 12-20-50 30 275 $54,875.00 authorized from CFS for same 12-20-50 30 275 $4,400.00 authorized from CFS for relocation of Dickens Ave. between 74th and 75th Sts 12-27-50 30 290 Res. #7400, authorizing purchase of Lot 11, Block 5, Townsite of Harding 12-27-50 30 290 DICKENS AVENUE WIDENTNO 7 Book Page Res. #7506, authorizing City to take possession of Dot 12, Block 5, Harding Townsite for street widening purposes - pending securing of marketable title 4-4-51 30 529 MCIMNS AVENUE WIDENING $. Book Page Res. #8473 authorizing agreement with Wm. Greenfogel, to convey for street widening, easterly 2i feet Lot 6, Blk 29, Altos del Mar #3, and closed portion of 76th St. immediately south thereof, if City agrees no assessment would be made against land for paving, sidewalks, curbs, and lights (Dickens Ave. widening) 8-5-53 34 447