Direction Signs_September to October 1932DIRECTION SIGNS Erection of signs urged Sites recomriende.d±by Apt. House Association City Mgr.instructed to negotiate for sites City Mgr. instgucted to proceed with work Book, Page 9-30-32 11, 368 11, 379 11, 381 10-20-32 11, _._-- 10-12-32 10-12-32 Committee-to--award-contract 10-26-32 11,418 j Cont ract filed -minute -data 10-26-32) New direction bulletins contract authorized 12118/35 (Contracts filed DIRECTION SIGNS ,._ .. Book, Pad M. B. Apt. Ass. urge_ere-ction 9-30-32-_- 11 368 Comi pit tee appointed to work with City Mgr. on said work. 9-30-32 11,368 (Contracts filed with minutedata_of_10 r-32) MR.C.W.Chase,Sr. request two direction signs 2-1-33 11, 493 Mr.Goldstrom urges si at- wooc 11/15/33 12, 184 DIRECTION SIGNS • 3 Book Page Lease filed for sign on Federal Highway near Hallandale 2/17/7 15 401 Contract with i%.B.Elliott Co. renewed fo-r–a hithway $-igns 1..18 39 17 459—