Docks & Wharves_August to September 1951DOCKS & WHARVES 1. Book Page Mr. Lipp advises that hearing date on Beach Boat Slips Corp. application for permit to extend dock 450 feet into Biscayne Bay to be set forward 8-27-51 31 489 Mr. Renshaw and Mr. Shepard to handle Beach Boat Slips Corp. application 9-5-51 32 40 DOCKS & WHARVES 1.a Book Page Permission granted M.B. Boat Slips to build docks at 1928 Purdy Ave. extending 125 feet into Biscayne Bay 12-12-51 32 242 M.B.Boat Slips ask for amendment to zoning ordinance so as to permit construction of dock extending into Biscayne Bay distance of 450 feet 12-12-51 32 242 Res. #7877 calling zoning hearing re. extending docks 450' into Bay 12-12-51 32 242 DOCKS & WHARVES 2. Book Page Zoning hearing re. extension of docks and wharves into Biscayne Bay. To be continued. 1-9-52 32 288 Hearing continued re. proposal to permit docks to be extended 450 feet into Biscayne Bay. To be continued. 1-16-52 32 295 Hearing continued re. proposal to extend docks into Biscayne Bay. Ordinance to be prepared making zoning change. 2-6-52 32 334 DOCKS & WHARVES 3. Book Page Albury & Co. apply for modification of Dept. of Army permit to construct wharf and 8 piers on Causeway Terminal Island. Council offers no objection. 4-2-52 32 465 No objection by Council to application of M.B.Boat Slips to Dept. of Army for 201 extension to existing boat lift and for two clusters of mooring piling at so. end of their property 7-2-52 33 135 Permissionrated M BB.foot at Slips to exxen existingyi dock an additional 20 feet7_16_52 33 158 DOCKS & WHARVES 4. Bok Page Mr. Lipp's report presented on application of Quitman Service, 1750 Alton Rd., for permission to operate boat dock in Collins Canal. Dock application denied. 9-17-52 33 268 Miami Beach Boat Slips, Inc. file application for permission to construct dock extending 125 feet into bay and 6 feet into canal. Hearing to be held 10/15/52. 10-1-52 33 296 DOCKS & WHARVES 5. Book Page Expenditure of $1,000.00 approved for providing dock facilities (small dock and mooring piling, water and electricity) on east side of Indian Creek near 65th St. for boats which will not be able to pass under temporary bridge at 63rd St. 10-15-52 33 324 Res. #8153 requesting U.S. Army permit for construction of above dock 10-15-52 33 324 Construction of addition to Chamber of Commerce docks to ac�$wdate new boat authorized. Res. requesting permission for above constrl8coR2 33 325 DOCKS & WHARVES 6. M.B. Book Page Application of/Boat Slips, Inc. for permission to extend dock 125 feet into Biscayne Bay at 1928 Purdy Ave. to be considered November 5th. 10-22-52 33 335 Permit granted M.B.Boat Slips to construct dock extending 125 feet into Biscayne Bayat north end of property 11-5-52 33 344` Hearing to be held regarding construction of pier near south line of Boat Slips property at next meeting 11-5-52 33 344 DOCKS & WHARVES 7. Book Page Hearing on application of M.B. Boat Slips Corp. for permit to construct dock near south boundary of property, extending 125 feet into Bay. Granted 11-19-52 33 371 Bids for construction of dock and mooring piles in Indian Creek off Lots 20 and 21, Blk 3, Ocean Front Sub. to temporarily accommodate 3 boats while new bridge is under construction, rejected. New bids to be taken. 11-19-52 33 373 DOCKS & WHARVES 8. Book Page Approval given to providing dock space for 4 boats which cannot dock at usual locations while 63rd Street Bridge is constructed, cost $2,580.00 12-17-52 33 44 Res. #8676 calling zoning hearing to permit erection of a dock extending into Biscayne Bay a distance of 450 feet from a business or multiple -family lot (request of Miami Beach Boat Slips) 3-3-54 35 361 DOCKS & WHARVES 9. Book Page Permission granted McCormick Shipping Co. to tie up boat at Sun Oil Company Dock for repair work. Rent to be paid. 4-7-54 35 406 Letter from Howard Bond, 1234 Bay Ave., advising that he has no objections to M. B. Boat Slips extending pier into Biscayne Bay 7-7-54 36 51 Permission granted Saul Sabad and Saul S. Cohen to operate commercial boat dock, including marine basin, sight- seeing boat cruises, charter and fishing boats at 1710 Purdy Ave. 8-11-54 36 114 ...t.s & WHARVES 9A Book Page Melvin Richard makes request to lease yacht docks at westerly end of Normandy Shores on behalf of client. Council withholds any action until more information is available. 11-3-54 36 300 DOCKS & WHARVES M.B. Boat Slips advises application will soon be made for permission to extend present dockage facilities - Council invited to make inspection trip 12-1-54 36 358 M.B. Boat Slips requestszoning change to allow them to extend north dock add'l footage to match existing main shed dock. Res. #8835 calling hearing. 1-19-55 36 4o6 Request of Lincoln Terr. Apartments, 1492 Lincoln Terr., for permission to extend 12 -foot dock to 30 feet approved 2-2-55 36 420 10. Book Page DOCKS & WHARVES Book Page Zoning hearing conducted to consider Miami Beach Boat Slipsdock extension, 1st reading ordinance providing extension of docks a distance of 125 feet into Biscayne Bay from a multiple -family lot, and 425 feet from business lots. 3-2-55 36 454 3rd reading zoning amendment re. extension of docks 125 feet into Biscayne Bay from Multiple -family lot, and 425 feet from business lots. Ord. #1158 3-16-55 36 474 11. iveKS & WHARVES 12. Book Page Permission to extend dock 425 feet into Biscayne Bay at M.B. Boat Slips premises at 1923 Purdy Ave. granted 5-18-55 37 168 Council approves permit for construction of finger piers in connection with the extension of M.B. Boat Slips pier at 1928 Purdy Ave, 6-15-55 37 218 Venetian Motel granted permission to extend their dock 125 feet into Biscayne Bay 9-19-56 38 403 DOCKS & WHARVES 13. King Cole -North Shore Hotel given permission to extend dock into Biscayne Bay with modification in location of northernmost pier 11_7-56 38 483 Little River Construction Co., representing Tin Ladd Corp., owners of the Carnival Motel, 2301 Normandy Drive, granted permission to extend their dock 45 feet into Biscayne Bay. 4-3-57 39 206 M. B. Boat Slips granted permission to extend pier 425' into Biscayne Bay,near its southerly property line 7-3-57 39 410 DOCKS & WHARVES M. B. Yacht Corp., 1928 Purdy Ave., granted permission to extend its southerly dock into Biscayne Bay a distance of 190 feet in a northerly direction 10-2-57 40 54 Application of David Klinger for permit to operate boat rental service at 1750 Alton Rd. (s.w. cor. Alton Road & Collins Canal) referrred to Mr. Lipp for study and recommendation 12-4-57 40 148 14. Bock Page