Dredging - Biscayne Bay_November 1931 to May 1946DREDGING - BISCAYNE BAY 1. BOOK,PAGE Res. 2+97 urging dredging to accommodate Seaplane Terminal 11-18-.31 11, 228 Rod & Reel C].ub request _City to protest against dregging for -commercial sand. 36/35 (Norris Ciat & Bears Cut) 13 322 Res. #6016 passed objecting to proposed dredging in Biscayne -Bay south of North Bay Causeway 5/15/46 24 85 DREDGING - BISCAYNE BAY 2. Book Page Res. #6017 is passed protesting proposed dredging in Florida Straits 1500 ft. east of Virginia and Biscayne Keys 5/15/46 24 86 Res. #6022 is passed protesting approval of plans to permit extension of Permit for dredg- ing in bay north of Biscayne Point (Steinhardt) 5/15/46 24 96 DREDGING - BISCAYNE BAY Res. #6143 is passed, protest- ing application for extension of time to dredge in Norris Cut 11/6/46 24 389 Res. #6151 is passed, protesting granting of permit to Alfred Destin Co. 11/20/46 24 407 Res. #6162, objecting to proposed sale of bay bottom land in Biscayne Point area 1/15/47 24 464 3. Book Page DREDGING - BISCAYNE BAY 4 Book Page Res. #6163, objecting to proposed sale of land on north edge of Horobin fill at 86th St. 1/15/47 24 465 Council objects to application of Point Holding Co. for extension of permit to dredge and fill near North Bay Causeway 4/2/47 25 80 DREDGING - BISCAYNE BAY 5. Book Page Res. #6515, protesting application of Watkins Towing Co. to dredge material in Norris Cut for commercial purposes 2/4/48 26 178 City Attorney instructed to protest application to War Dept. to extend Treasure Island, south of North Bay Causeway 1/5/49 27 292 Council does not object to Alfred Destin's applica- tion to. dredge sand in bay 2/2/49 27 412 DREDGING - BISCAYNE BAY 6 Book Page Council does not protest Des Rocher Sand Company°s application to dredge in Biscayne Bay 3/16/+9 27 x+99 City Engineer to advise Des Rocher Sand Co, that City will not protest their applications for dredging if they agree to do no night drying 8-27-51 31 489 DREDGING - BISCAYNE BAY 7. Book Page Des Rocher Sand Co. advises dredges will not be operated at night 9-5-51 32 4o Permit granted Arundel Corp. to dredge in Biscayne Bay for fill material for approaches to new MacArthur East span 7-17-57 39 442