Drivers Licenses_October 1935 to July 1937DRIVERS LICENSES
Book Page
City Manager and City Atty. to
prepare ordinance i e UI ttn
-drivers -0f s_ 10/16/35 _14__ 14
arc thanoe No. 405 -pas -gad -AA an
_emergency measure 10/23/35
14 157
-City-of Miami H
tivere_l.cenaes for Surf, ejde 10/25/35 14 161
Ord. 1 amending #405 fixing ex-
piratior--of inopeeti-o-n oertificat-es-.
7/21137 16 201__
Book Page
3rd Reading Ord.#545 raising auto
inspection fee to 50¢ 3/1/39 17 4g6
Council agree City driver's licenses
not compulsory 9-20-39 1g 279
Ord. given 1st and 2nd readings
amending Ord. 005 as to Drivers
licenses being -repealed -
10 19 497
3rc�reading of Ord. #'I3 repealing
portions of No_. 405-regniri
Driver's licenses 116/41 21 24
Book Page
Repairs authorized on building
at 234 Alton Road, to be used
by State in giving examinations
for driver's licenses 4-26-50 29 319
Mayor to send letter to Fla.
Highway Patrol asking them to
re-establish testing station at
234 Alton Rd.
6-2-54 36 16
Letter from Fla. Highway Patrol stating
reasons for closing testing station at
234 Alton Rd. City Mgr. to make effort
to have this testing station reopened
6-16-54 36 26