"E" Miscellaneous_April 1941 to October 1942"E" MISCELLANEOUS 21
Book Page
Editor's Conventio 5500.00
appropriated L+/23 41 20 181
Elsener, Joseph - asks Council to
permit construction of liquor ware-
house on 20th Street for Mr. Dougla
Wheeler 6/11/41 20 276
Elks, B. P. 0., No. 1601 granted
liquor license 7/2/4 37 20 1
Exotic Gardens awarded contract for
landscaping on Normandy Isle Golf
Club House grounds 10/3/41 20 459
Ellis, Guy appointed to Real Estate
Examining Board to 10/31/42 20 462
Book Page
1941 taxes on Elks Club property
to be pro -rated as of June 1st.
1941. 10/22/61 21 3
Night Club license granted "El
Chico" 11/6/41 21 23
Embassy Hotel Bar granted liquor
license 11/19/41 21 50
G. Ehrenfeld requests Council
to accept payment of a lienw thout
interest. Refused. 11/24/41 2L 69
Book Page
Ebb Tide Restaurant granted beer
and wine license . 1/7/42 21 131
1st and 2nd readings of Ord.
changing. date of Tax Equalization
meeting. 1/22/42 21 169
Final reading of Ord. #639 changing
date of tax equalization meeting.
2/4/42 21 172
El Chico granted liquor license under
corporation name of Copacabana btlub,
Inc. (New application 4/1/42 21 253
filed by Al Gainee9/17/4V
Book Page
Eskay Drug Co.granted beer and wine
license 5/6/42 21 301
Emilio's Rest. application for beer
and wine license considered but no
action taken 5/20/42 21 319
Eastman, Esther J. -action on her
beer and wine application deferred
5/20/42 21 320
Emile's Restaurant granted beer and
wine license 6/3/42 21 335
Eastman,Esther J. granted beer and
wine license at 341 Lincoln Rd.6/3/42 21 343
Ehrlich, Jacob R. granted beer and
wine license for 500 Collins Ave.
Everglades Cabana Club, Inc. granted
liquor license (see 23rd St.Realty
Corporation) Sept.6, 1939
Book Page
21 346
18 230
Eastman, Katrin - asks that 1942 Homes-
tead Exemption be granted her - referred
to Tax Assessor 11/18/42 21 462
Episcopal Church granted temporary permit
for use of Adams Estate on Belle Isle
for duration 12/2/42 21 473
morons protests issuance of Book �e
p r it orI Church In AdY ,l to on 21 Ley
%y. isorehead appears before Council
on behalf of EPISCOPAL CHURCH seeking
temporary permit for use of Adams
Estate on Belle Isle 12/21/42 21 490
Capt.J.C.Crosson,Sr.Air Base Chaplain
calls attention to need of Episcopal
Church on Miami Beach for. Army 21 490
-Resolution No. 5616 granting temporary
permit to EPISCOPAL CHURCH for use of
Adams Estate for duration 12/21/142 21 492
No action on request of EVERGLADES CABANA
CLUB to mom their liquor license 3/17/43 22, 56
ttf f aa tii/L/9 (,zBg BUBotxaWW s I ustT2nsA d IBH ao
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paq.uBaB (4.400ty aunt) aostd siatddg
6Lt E2
aDva x00E
snoMNVY O K flan
"E" Miscellaneous 2$
Book Page
EL CHICO granted liquor license 7/19/44 22 375
(Schmuckler & Honigsberg)
El Chico granted liquor license
(Erving Moss) 9/6/4 22 401
Chas. Erickson denied permit for
ice cream concession along beach 9/20/4+ 22 405
Beer and wine license granted
Elbow Room, Eskay Drugs, Eppie's
Place & Embassy Restaurant 10/1/)H 22 412
2 taxicab permits of Bert Elliott,
deceased transferred to Edna
Elliott, his widow 10/20/44 22 417
"E" Miscellaneous 29.
Book Page
M. B. Lodge #1601 BPOE endorse
purchase of ocean front property
for parks and beaches 11/8/44 22 432
Emile's Restaurant granted beer
and wine license 12/6/44 22 443
Ehrenreich's Little Hungarian
Restaurant granted beer and
wine license 12/20/44 22 450
Elbow Room (Berk) granted beer
& wine license 1/17/45 22 465
Beer & wine license granted
"E" Miscellaneous
El Chico granted liquor
license 5/16/45
E. & M. Food Market granted
beer & wine license
Liquor license granted El
Embassy Hotel granted
liquor license
Beer and wine licenses
granted Elsie's Restaurant
and Epicure Market
Book Page
23 91
23 143
23 267
23 293
23 317
"E" Miscellaneous 31
Book Page
Council accepts resignation
of Guy W. Ellis on Real
Estate Examining Board 5/15/46 24 97
qteN use of room in
municipal golf club house
for boxers' workouts 6/5/46 24 126
Normandy Isles Improvement
Assn, ask that 71st St.,
Everglades Concourse, North
Bay Causeway and 79th St.
be renamed "Everglades
Concourse" 7/3/46 2'T 112
Book Page
County Commissioners advise
that several protests have
been received to changing
name of North Bay Causeway
to "Everglades Concourse" 7/17/46 24 214
Dorothy Evans objects to
any extension of time for
playing music in hotels 7/17/46 24 223
Beer and wine license
granted Empire Market 8/7/46 24 234
Edison Restaurant granted
beer & wine license
Book Page
9/4/46 24 272
Guy W. Ellis reappointed
on Public Relations Advisory
Committee 11/6/46 24 378
Economy Exterminators is
advised that no adjustment
can be made in their
occupational license fee 11/6/46 24 379
Book Page
Embassy Restaurant granted
beer and wine license 11/6/46 24 380
Elks Club asks for use of
football field for charity
boxing show 12/18/46 24 438
Elks Club is given permission
to use baseball field for
boxing show 12/18/46 24 439
given 1st & 2nd readings 12/27/46 24 439
Book Page
ORDINANCE - is given 3rd
reading 1/2/47 24 450
Council endorses efforts
of Fla. League of Municip-
alities to obtain passage
of state law permitting
cities to waive encroach-
ments of buildings on
public property 1/2/47 24 454
1st & 2nd readings of ord.
amending Excreta Disposal
ord. by providing penalty 2/5/47 24 477
Book Page
Arthur Einstein's request
to use Pier for weekly
boxing matches is referred
to City Manager 2/19/47 24 521
Council denies Joseph Edell's
request for cancellation of
paving liens on Lots 10 and
15, Block 34, Ocean Front
Property 3/19/47 25 39
Eskay Package Store's request
to move license from 2947
Collins to 2927 Collins is
referred to City Attorney 4/16/47 25 104
Book Page
Eddie's Market granted beer
and wine license 4/16/47 25 104
Eskay Package Store is'
given permission to move
liquor license from 291+7
Collins Ave. to 2927 Collins
Ave, 5/21/1+7 25 173
El Morocco Restaurant
granted liquor license 6/11/1+7 25 204
Dave Emmer's complaint
about parking meters is
referred to Parking Committee 6/11/1+7
25 219
Council denies claim of
Edna Eggenberger
Book Page
6/18/47 25 226
Malvin Englander asks for
better street lighting at
8th St. & West Avenue 7/2/47 25 235
El's Coffee Shop granted
beer license 9/19/47 25 366
Embassy Hotel granted
liquor license 11/5/47 25 453
Book Page
Dave Emmer's complaint about
construction on new hotel
is referred to Rat± City
Attorney 11/20/47 25 489
Club El Chico granted
liquor license 4/7/48 26 278
El Morocco Bar granted
liquor license 5/5/48 26 321
Elbow Room granted beer
license 7/214+8 26 445
Book Page
Joe Elblonk granted beer
license 9/1/48 27 57
Guy W. Ellis resigns from
Pub. Relations Advisory
Committee 11/3/48 27 181
Bill of V. Edwards in
connection with telephone
rate hearing approved 5/4/49 28 131
Malvin Englander asks for
ordinance amending #828
re. radio broadcasts
emanating from hotels 7/64+9 28 232
Book Page
Elks Lodge given permit to
hold charity bazaar just
north of Fleetwood Hotel 12-21-49 29 90
Nay- Fleisher asks permis-
sion --o use name EGOSEXIA
for ar+ exhibi+. - Council
refuses 2-15-50 29 184
Lucille Boule's application
for permit for male
ESCORT BUREAU denied 3-15-50 29 233
Book Page
Embers, Inc. granted permission
by Council that requirement of
double doors (in connection with
night club permit) waived 11-15-50 30 179
Res. #7347, commending Eastern
Air Lines (sign in N.Y.) 11-22-50 30 196
Eagle Tire Co. files complaint
re. tire bids 8-8-51 31 438
Electric Light and Power Ass'n
representatives ask City to contest$ -15-51 31 X475
legislative act delegating rate-
making powers to Fla. Public Utilities
& Railroad Commission. Also ask
QoVimuni to al ownership practicable. No action.
Book Page
Request of Dave Emmer that City
dedicate 35 feet of city dump
property near Ojus, for road purposes,
taken under advisement 10-7-53 35 53
Dave Emmer again requests City to
dedicate 35' of City's dump property
at Ojus for road purposes. No action.
Matter re. Emmer buying property
referred to City Manager 10-21-53 35 100
Empress Hotel granted permit to construct
new bulkhead and return wall at their
property -4333 Collins Ave. (Lots 3 & 4,
Bik 39, O.F. Prop.)