Eighth Street_December 1953EIGHTH STREET Book Page M.B. Apt Assn suggests Council purchase right-of-way for extending 8th St. from Alton Rd. to West Ave. Mr. Lipp to ascertain how much right-of-way should be procured. Bldg. Dept. requested not to issue bldg. permit for this property 12-2-53 35 206 Mr. Lipp reports on results of his study re. acquiring right-of-way in 8th St. between Alton Rd. and West Ave. City Atty to prepare resolution authorizing condemnation proceedings to acquire property 12-16-53 35 236 EIGHTH STREET Book Page 111,9142.75 appropriated to construct 8th St. from Alton Rd. to West Ave. from unappropriated current funds 2-17-54 35 341 City Mgr. advises that owners of Fleetwood Hotel property requested changes in agreement re. purchase by City of portions of Lots 1 and 29, Fleetwood Sub., for construction of 8th St. Condemnation proceedings to be instituted unless owners are willing to eliminate certainrovisions 3-3-54 35 357