Elections_April to May 1945ELECTIONS
also (See cards under special Caption
',City Elections")
Election boards to be paid $10
per day plus meals 4/13/45 23 43
Mr. Frink urges Council to go
.on record as favoring change of election
date to -follow Miami's 5/2/45 - 23 69
Council unanimously endorses amend-
ing Charter to provide for elections
in December 5/2/45 23 69
Book Page
Res. #5861 directing City Attorney
to prepare amendment to Charter for
passage by Legislature providing
that city elections will be held on
the first Tuesday in December,
beginning with the year 1947 8/1/45 23 193
Council instructs City
Attorney to prepare
resolution calling another
bond election 11/21/45 23 304
Book Page
Council moves to call another
bond election at earliest
possible date 3/6/46 23 424
Hotel Association of M. B.
urges that present dates of
holding general elections
be retained 12/18/46 24 427
AMVETS also urge that pres-
ent election dates be
retained 12/18/46 24 427
Book Page
Kiwanis Club objects to
any change in general
city election dates 12/27/46 24 44o
Res. #6243, increasing
fees to be paid Election
Clerks & Inspectors 4/2/47 25 62
J. C. Kimball asks for
publicity on April 8
election and Council
authorizes display ads
in papers 4/2/47 25 86
Book Page
$850 extra compensation to
be paid C. W. Tomlinson for
handling elections 5/21/47 25 193
Council votes to advertise
State and County regis-
tration 2/4/48 26 181
M. B. Apt. Ass'n., August
Geiger and I. N. Parrish
ask that another bond
election be held 3/17/48 26 247
Book Page
Council agrees to hold
bond election around
February 1, 1949
$300.00 appropriated for
disseminating information
about bond election 3/8/49
Council discusses advis-
ability of charter amend-
ment re. bond elections
Council votes to ask for
Charter change re. election
(general) date 5/4/49
27 233
27 425
27 474
28 89
Book Page
Council rescinds action to
ask for Charter change re.
year general election is
held 5/11/49 28 135
2 watchers to be permitted
in each polling place (to
represent all candidates) 6/6/49 28 191
Mr. Powell urges bond
election this winter 12-21-49 29 104
Mr. Shepard asked to
determine whether city bond
election can be held on
County primary election day 3-1-50 29 212
ELECTIONS rAiso See Special Captai 8
ile "City Elections" ok Page
Council decides not to hold
bond election at this time 3-8-50 29 225
Res. 7512 calling general
Election June 5, 1951 4-4 51 30 534
$1,500.00 authorized for
bond election educational
program 4-18-51 31 43
No action on absentee
balloting for June election. 5-2-51 31 105
Book Page
Res. #7575 calling Bond
Election - June 5, 1951
($6,632,000) 5-2-51 31 120
Res. #7656 thanking Radio &
Television Station for
cooperation during election 6-8-51 31 258
Res. No. 7871 calling Fla.
Power & Light Co. franchise'
election 12-5-51 32 230
Advertisements authorized
explaining who is qualified to
vote in Fla. P&L Franchise election
1-16-52 32 306
Book Page
Resolution to be prepared calling
special election on March 11, 1952 re.
1. Increase in Councilmen's salaries.
2. Changes in Pension Plan adopted
in Ord. #1008 1-16-52 32 308
Council discusses suggested changes
in Registration and Election
procedure 2-13-52 32 355
1st reading ordinance providing
for striking a voter from registration
books if he misses one general
municipal election 5-7-52 33 15
Book Page
Mr. Renshaw to look into possibility
of having one registration for both
City and County]. 5-7-52 33 16
Ordinance providing for striking
a voter from registration books amended
before 3rd reading. 3rd reading liven,
Ord. #1020 5-21-52 33 46
No action On. proposed ordinance by
Jr. Chamber of Commerce re. elections
and campaign expenditures
s_21_52 33 59
Action deferred on request that election
e held for freehders re. increasing
millage for publicity and advertising
purpo es 5-21-52 33 59
Book Page
Resolution to be prepared calling
election on July 15,1952, re.
increasing present 1 mill for
publicity to 2 mills.
6-4-52 33 87
Res. #8041 calling election
on July 15,1952 for purpose
of increasing millage by one mill for
publicity and advertising purposes,
the millage increase to apply for
year 1952 only 6-11-52 33 97
Res. #8049 appointing and designating
clerks and inspectors to conduct election
6-18-52 33 110
Book Page
City Mgr. authorized to advertise
election to be held 7/15/52 re.
additional 1 mill tax for publicity
purpose 7-2-52
33 135
M.B. Jr. Chamber of Commerce submits
proposed ordinance relative to changes
in election laws 9-3-52 33 237
Civic League of M.B. submits proposed
ordinance relative to changes in
election laws 9-3-52 33 238
Book Page
Report on "home rule" amendment, which
is to be voted on 11/4/52, to be
mailed to all M.B. voters
10-15-52 33 330
Request for passage of ordinance
making it unlawful for employer to
penalize employee who absents himself
from work in order to vote, taken under
advisement 11-19-52 33 380
Action deferred on proposed ordinance
governing general elections until
some charter provision may be set up
by Legislature 12-3-52 33 413
Book Page
1st and 2nd readings ordinance providing
for time and method of qualifying as
candidates for office of City Councilman
12-10-52 33 416
3rd reading ordinance re. qualifications c
of candidates for office of Councilman �4 k�
Ord. #1035 12-24-52 3 445
M.B. Taxpayers Assn file 3 resolutions
making suggestions as to conduct of
elections, constitution of Council, salary
of members, etc. Taken under advisement.
1-7-53 33 463
Book Page
Communication from Board of County
Commissioners relative to proposal
that City elections be held in May
of even years; City Clerk reminds
Council if Euch change were made a
serious problem would occur relative
to voting machines, inasmuch as State
and County primaries are held at that
time. To be discussed 1-21-53 33 471
with Dade County legislators.
Paper ballots prescribed for
absentee voting,Expedition of
necessary wcOnnec i n with
absentee ballot law urea �y ouncil
so that it may -be used 3-20-53 34 121
in June election.
Book Page
Numbers of candidates as shown on official
ballot to be adopted, regardless of
whether or not one or more candidates
should later decide to withdraw
4-15-53 314 187
3 readings given ordinance re.
publishing any attack or charge
upon any candidate during 18 days
preceding any municipal election.
Ord. #10+8 5-13-53 34 237
300 foot law to be enforced relative
to distributio of litertur, etc.
near po ng places on election ay
5-20-53 34 273
Book Page
3 readings given Ord. #1055 amending
#1048, placing penalty clause in
Ordinance (charges against candidates)
(emergency measure) 5-20-53 34 286
1st .readingyCode: amendment -ref.' provisions
for qualifying as candidate for City Council.
(Charter amendment passed at last session
of Legislature) 3-17-54 35 385
3rd reading ordinance, amending Code
re. provisions for qualifying as candidate
for City Council. --- Ord. #fl07 adopted
(which repeals Ord. #1035) 407
-7-54 35
Book Page
Councilman Roth's motion that Pier
Park, Ocean Front Auditorium and
21st Street Community Center not be
leased for political rallies except
on nights when there is no regularly
scheduled event, and that Flamingo Park
and Municipal Auditorium be leased the
night before an election only, fails
6-2-54 36 21
City Atty to report on discrepancies
in Bill passed by State Legislature
relative to holding of Primary and an
Election for office of City Councilman
7-21-54 36 99
Book Page
Council discusses Primary Election Act
passed at last session of Legislature
and asks City Atty to give some thought
to means of clarifying Act before it is
submitted to the voters
8-4-54 36 108
Res. #8818 calling election on
Dec. 14, 1954 for purpose of submitting
Ord. #1140 (M.B.Railway Co. franchise)
to vote of people, and also submitting
measure known as Chapter 29289, Laws of
Florida, Acts of 1953,(primary election act)
to electors 11-5-54 36 320
Res. #8827 declaring results of
Special Election on 12/14/54 --
both measures approved by voters
12-15-54 36 374
City Atty to redraft Senate Bill
No. 1138 (primary election law)
so that it may be re-enacted at the
next session of Legislature
1-19-55 36 416
Council agrees to permit men and women
in armed services to vote by mail
3-2-55 36 463
Book Page
Book Page
City Mgr. presents following bills
for passage by Legislature:
1. Primary election bill (with referendum)
2. Act providing for absentee voting
by those in armed forces.
3. Act providing for qualifications of
candidates for City Council.
Res. Nos. 8858, 8860 and 8861 endorsing
above bills.
3-9-55 36 467
Bond election date fixed - June 7, 1955.
3-16-55 36 483
-4JneTIONS 23
Book Page
Councilman Roth's motion to permit
physically incapable electors to vote
by being personally furnished a ballot
by the City Clerk or his deputy fails
to carry. 4-6-55 37 74
Melvin Richard asks change in Primary
Election Bill re. provision that man
receiving a majority vote in Primary
did not have to be in run-off election.
No action. 4-20-55 37 96
Book Page
Mr. Melvin Richard refers to present
method of assigning councilmanic
candidates for use of City facilities
for political rallies as being inequitable.
Discussion held. Suggestion made that
all candidates be asked to give their
suggestions in writing regarding this
matter. 5-4-55 37 131
Candidates agree to have no solicitations
of voters on primary election and
general election days. 5-4-55 37 132
Book Page
Communication from Miami Multiple
Sclerosis Assn, urging Council to pass
legislation to permit shut-ins to vote
by absentee ballot. Councilman Turk
proposes such Bill. Resolution endorsing
proposed Bill fails to carry.
5-4+-55 37 133
Councilman Spaet's suggestions re. use
of park facilities for political rallies
submitted. Resolution of M.B. Taxpayers
Assn filed. Letters from 4 candidates
filed. Councilman Spaet's alternate
suggestions to be put into effect for
1957 elections 5-18-55 37 X69
No trWIn nt4.keon vre t. e permittin5-18-55 37i69