Elections_September 1955ELECTIONS 26
Book Page
Harry Plissner presents proposed
ordinance regulating expenditures
in elections for City Councilmen.
Taken under consideration.
9-7-55 37 338
No action taken on proposed
ordinance re. solicitation of
voters at polls. City Atty to see
that proposed ordinance incorporates
language of pledge signed by candidates
at last municipal election.
9-7-55 37 348
1st reading ordinance
solicitation of votes
3rd reading ordinance
solicitation of votes
Ord. #1183
Book Page
on election day.
9-21-55 37 360
on election day,
10-5-55 37 378
Councilman Frank suggests that City
ask County to appoint one of the regular
city employees in City Hall as Deputy
Supervisor of Registration for the rose
of taking State and County registrations.5
Regulations regarding use of city faz i sties 0
�vecauonsates for State, Counji and N.tional 81
Book Page
Dade County Commissioner Stockdale
advises that Commission feels City's
request to have Deputy Voting Registration
Clerk in M.B. City Hall should be granted;
that books will be sent to City Hall as
soon as a case against the County in
connection with refusal to put books out
in precincts has been adjudicated.
3-7-56 38 94
City Mgr. advises that Supervisor of
Registration(County) had not agreed to
send adutto the City Hall for
registering Beach residents.
4-4-56 38
Book Page
Council declines to approve request of
Gerald Schwartz for use of Flamingo Park
for all -candidate political rally on
April 10, 1957. Council refersto
previously adopted regulations governing
use of city facilities for City election
rallies. Regulations revised as to
rental fees and insurance requirements.
Nominees for General Election to make
application for use of facilities by
10100 A.M. morning following Primary.
4+-3-57 39 204
Book Page
Petitions submitted asking Council to
call election on repeal of Zoning
Ordinance #1253 reclassifying oceanfront
strip. Councilman Frank's motion that
special election be held fails to carry.
4-17-57 39 264+-266
Clerk's certificate re. No. of signatures
on petitions requesting referendum on
repeal of ordinance rezoning oceanfront
strip. Mr. Shepard advises procedure to
be followed by Council. Discussion re.
State Law requiring books to close.
Councilman Richard urges Council to place
same restrictions on Fontainebleau Hotel
Book Page
and Eden Roc Hotel properties as will
apply to any multiple -family construction
in the strip north of the City Park.
Resolution #9486 calling hearing re.
classifying Eden Roc and Fontainebleau
properties in "Hi" Multiple -family District.
Comments re. possibility and outcome of
getting people to vote to buy oceanfront
strip and the detrimental effect it would
have on the City's financial standing.
5-1-57 39 311-313
Further discussion re. clQQsin books for
Special Election on Aug. bth,Cre. repeal
ford n a rezoning oceanfront strip)
Res. adopted calling Special Election
on Aug. th,1957 5-1-57 39 315
Book Page
Councilman Halperin requests City
Clerk to follow-up on candidates'
Police and FBI reports after they are
fingerprinted and photographed
5-1-57 39 337
Alexander S. Gordon, atty, authorized
to associate with City (without pay)
in defense of suit brought to enjoin
the August 6th zoning referendum;
Acting City Atty to be Attorney of Record
and Mr. Gordon to handle the defense.
5-15-57 39 344
Book Page
Councilman Spaet commends City Clerk
and his employees; also policemen and
firemen for their work and cooperation
in the conduct of the elections.
6-7-57 39 376
Entire method and procedure of
conducting City Elections to be
6-19-57 41 39S
City Mgr. to request that registration
for County elections be made available
in City lHall in M.B., the City of M.B.
to stand cost of providing such
registration. 7-2-58 40 485
Book Page
1st reading amendment to Code providing
for cancellation of registration of
persons who failed to vote in last
municipal Primary and General Elections.
10-1-58 41 146
3rd reading ordinance amending
Chapter 8 of Code, providing for
cancellation of registration of
persons who failed to vote in last
municipal Primary and General
Elections. Ord. #1320 10-15-58 41 174
Proposed amendments to Charter to be
voted on June 2, 1959, as provided by
Home Rule Charter . Res. #10039 proposing
amendmeAs to City Charter. 4-1-59 41 456
Book Page
Res. 410087 providing for 2 branch
offices for registration of persons
qualified to vote in municipal
elections on May 26 and June 2, 1959.
4-8-59 42 19
City Atty Wanick's opinion that it is
OK to distribute pamphlets, etc.
pertaining to Bond Election by persons
beyond the 300' mark prescribed by law.
6-1-59 42 95
Book Page
Young Democrats ask the Council to
call a special election to amend
the Charter to re-establish the
Primary Election Law. Simon Rubin
speaks on behalf of Civic League and
Taxpayers Assn. Discussion re. Primary
Election Law. No action.
7-1-59 42 140
Geo. J. Bertman on behalf of Lincoln Rd.
Association asks for Bond Election re.
Lincoln Road Mall. Action 8-19-59 42 229
Book Page
Councilman Oka suggests a committee
be appointed to consider revision of
the election laws. Action deferred
until August 26th.
8-19-59 42 255
Mayor Powell appoints Councilman Oka,
Spaet and Frank to committee to study
advisability of revising City's election
laws, and to present recommendations
at later date. 8-26-59 42 260
M.B. Taxpayers Assn discuss proposed
changes in Election Laws. Drafts of
proposed changes to be given to Election
Committee for distribution 3-2-60 43 2
Book Page
Dade County voting precincts to be
adopted by the City 3-16-60 43 40
Action deferred on proposed election
law changes 4-6-6o 43 45
Action deferred on proposed election
law changes 4-20-60 43 70
Council instructs =:-iayor Powell to
appoint committee to study type of
ordinance setting up qualifications for
3rd County Commissioner Election when
census figures are made available
6-1-60 43 101
Book Page
Mayor Powell appoints committee
consisting of Councilmen Oka, Spaet &
Richard to study qualifications, term
to begin, etc. for third county commissioner
who will be elected upon release of
official census figures
6-15-60 43 115
Discussion re. adoption of legislation
re. public official serving in two
public offices simultaneously. No
action taken. 7-6-60 43 123
Book Page
1st reading ordinance providing for
holding of Primary & General Election
of additional County Cornmissioner.(Metro).
Clerk to go over certain features
re. holding of elections with Council.
7-6-60 43 127
Ordinance re. Special Metro Election
amended as to change of dates of
Election. Ordinance as amended
adopted on 3rd reading....#1382.
7-20-60 43 163
Display Advs. to be inserted in
newspapers proclaiming week from
Seek. 12 thru 17th to be RRgiytg$tion3 196
Book Page
Election Law changes to be discussed
on Sept. 14, 1960. 9-7-60 43 209
Resolution read authorizing submission
of proposed amendment to City Charter
changing manner of holding Councilmanic
election to electorate on Nov. 22, 1960.
Couple amendments made. Res. adopted
as amended -- Res. #10385 9-14-60 43 227
Res. #10386 calling Primary Election
on Nov. 22, 1960 and General Election
on Nov. 29, 1960 for election of Metro
Commissioner; and Special Election on
Nov. 22, 1960 to consider Charter changes
re. Election Law 9-2
14-60 0o 43 227
Re #10392 Lhanging poll.pl.for Prec.59. 43 251
Book Page
Action deferred on Miami Beach Taxpayers
Association's proposal to change election
laws to provide for group system of
election for Mayor and Councilmen.
City Atty to draft ordinance for consideration
at next meeting. 3-15-61 44 3
At request of Taxpayers Association
matter relative revision of election
laws withdrawn until further notice
4-5-61 44 42
Revision of election laws proposo3
to facilitate registration for City ani
county elections through single registration,
e'Cemt eand Fnl der a inte
Book Page
Committee consisting of Simon E. Rubin,
Councilmen Cohen and Frank and any
interested Councilman to study a new
election law incorporating the group
system of election. 6-28-61 44 111
Councilman Cohen to submit his report
on proposed changes in the election laws
at next Council meeting. 1-3-62 44 344
Councilman Cohen submits and discusses
report of Elections Committee re. changing
election laws. Single registration urged;
group system recommended. Motion made to
have ordinance prepared and,indication given
to submit proposal at election when other
proposed charter changes may be submitted.
( continued)
(continued) Book Page
Mr. Powell raises question as to
manner of appointing Mayor. Mayor Oka
explains his objections to proposed
system; urges single registration.
Motion to table fails. Original motion
for preparation of ordinance carries.
1-17-62 44 347
Councilman Powell's motion that City Atty
prepare whatever is necessary to amend
Charter to require competitive bidding
when awarding concession contracts so
that same can be submitted to voters at
election to be held not later than 2nd
primary in May, 1962, carries.
2-7-62 44 363
Councilman Englander's motion that Book Page
Croposed amendments to Charter regarding
onflict of Interest and Zoning Appeals
also be submitted at same election (2nd
primary in May) carries. 2-7-62 44 364
Councilman Englander moves that matter of
proposed changes in Election Laws re.
group system of voting also be submitted
to voters at same election along with other
proposed Charter changes. Motion .
carri s
2-7-62 44 364
Book Page
City Atty explains purpose of meeting -
to call election re. 4 Charter Amend-
1. Competitive bids for concessions.
2. Group Election Law.
3. Zoning Board actions to be approved
by Council.
4. Conflict of Interest.
Res. #1072S adopted calling Special Election
on May 29, 1962. Ame dment -30-62 44 440
#10726proposing Char�er;.0 �!-30-62 44 450
Res. x$10762 appointing Clerks and Inspectors
to conduct Special Election on
May 29, 1962. 5-16-62 44 514
Book Page
Manner of selecting workers on Election
Boards discussed. Councilman Englander
suggests matter be further discussed
with City Clerk and Council in advance
of August franchise election. City
Clerk suggested as appointing official.
5-16-62 44 515
Res. #10768 accepting certificate as
result of May 29, 1962 Special Election.
Amendments 1 - 3 and 4 carried; Amendment
02 failed. 6-6-62 44 535
Book Page
Proposal of 4 year terms for all
members of Council referred to Election
Committee for study and recommendation
6-6-62 44 536
Res. =10789 appointing Clerks and
Inspectors for August 7, 1962 Special
Election (Mall Transport Franchise.
7-5-62 45 12
Councilman Richard discusses publicity
for Mall Transport Election. Ads to be
placed in newspapers, also flyers to be
inserted in water bills. 7-5-62 45 12
Book Page
Group asks that Mall Franchise Election
be called off. Discussion held.
Councilman Richard makes motion to call off
election. Motion fails to carry. Offer to
run trams made. Mr. Richard also refers to
other offers made. Motion to put election
over to August 21 withdrawn. Discussion
re. trams. Meeting continued to July 19th
to further discuss matter.
7-18-62 45 18
Mall Transport, Inc. requests that tram
election be cancelled. Res. #10795
adopted rescinding Resolution calling
Franchise Election on 8/7/62. City Mgr.
to interview all,interested bidders and
rPoort to Council. 7-19-62 45 34
_���PIONS 48
Book Page
Council votes to submit petition of
Police and Firemen requesting pay raise
to voters at June Election. City to
take proper steps to process petition.
4-6-63 45 386
Clerk's certificate re. number of
signatures on petition filed by Police
and Firemen re. amendment to Salary Ord.
for 10% across-the-board increase presented.
Accepted. Res. *10973 calling General
Election on June 4, 1963, for election of
4 Councilmen; $20,000 death benefit and
proposed Police and Firemen salary increase.
4-17-63 45 419
Book Page
Councilman Galbut asks City Atty to
see if suit brought by Joseph Malek
for recount in connection with June
election can be acted on within
immediate future. 9-18-63 46 299
Clerk advises necessity to make certain
determinations prior to next City Election.
No action. 11-20-63 46 299
( re. petition of Mrs. Gabrielle Nash
( and her proposed "Fair Play Amendments”
( to Charter which she requested be placed
( before electors.
Book Page
City Mgr. presents file re. acquisition
and development of area north of 75th St.
from Collins Ave. to Atlantic Ocean up to
Biltmore Terrace Hotel at 87th St. for
Park purposes..estimated cost $5,733,139.
Bond Election to be held on May 26, 1964.
3-18-64 46 469
Council rescinds action taken on
March 18 re. holding Bond Electionon
May 26,1964; votes to hold same on
November 6, 1964. 4-1-64 46 485
Attyy reliested to prepare amendment to
Co e prohibiting "bumper sttrips, bearing
candidaates' names, etc. on public property.
5-6-64 47 38