Elections_January 1977FLECTIONS 102
(continued) Date
March 8, 1977 ballot. 1. Two amendments ap-
proved by Council on 11/24/76 per Mrs. Falk's
petition. 2. An amendment to provide that
beginning with the Nov. 1977 election, and
every 4 years thereafter, the term of office
to which each Councilman shall be elected
shall be 4 years. 3. An amendment to pro-
vide that beginning with Nov. 1977 election
and every 4 years thereafter, the term of
office of the Mayor shall be for 4 years.
4. An amendment to provide that members of
the Board of Adjustment must be either resi-
dents or have their principal place of busi-
ness in M.B.; said amendment to include pro-
vision that term of existing members will not 1/5/77
(continued) Date
be affected. Res. #77-15234 adopted, calling
election on March 8, 1977, for submission of
foregoing Charter amendments. Discussion re:
petition for referendum to extend rent control
to 12/31/78, City Atty. advised it was in order
for City Clerk to accept petition and to for-
ward same to Dade Co. Elections for verifica-
tion of signatures; subsequent action will be
taken by Council following notification re:
number of signatures, etc. Mr. Davis appeared
and was present during disucssion of matter. 1/5/77
Report on elections and campaign expenditures. 1/5/77
Requested by Councilman Simon Wikler. Oral
report rendered by City Atty., reiterating
(continued) Date
advice of Dec. 9, 1976, to the effect that
State and Federal laws have preempted the field
of elections and campaign expenditures. 1/5/77
Authorizing negotiations with Dade Co. for 1/19/77
transfer of Beach Patrol and/or cost sharing.
Requested by Councilman Meyerson. Deferred to
2/2/77, for full Council, per request of Coun-
cilman Meyerson. Councilman Dr. Haber suggested
that discussion be held later in meeting re:
possible submission of a ballot question at
March 8 election, re: transfer to Metro of
Beach Patrol function; however, the matter
was not reached.
Request by Councilman Hal Spaet to reconsider 1/19/77
his vote on proposed Charter Amendment on bal-
lot of Special Election March 8, 1977, relating
to four-year terms for Mayor and Councilman.
Deferred to Feb. 2, 1977 meeting for full Council.
Councilman Dr. Wikler requested that the matter 1/19/77
of elections and campaign expenditures again be
placed on the Feb. 2, 1977 agenda, 3:30 Time
Certain, for discussion. City Atty. requested
to submit report, in writing, explaining consti-
tutionality involved.
Councilman Dr. Wikler discussed Election mat 2/2/77
ters.1) His motion to amend the Code so as to
(continued) Date
limit campaign expenditures to $6,000 for Coun-
cilmanic candidates and $10,000 for Mayoral candi-
dates, died for lack of a second.2) His motion to
place question on ballot of Special Election on
3/8/77, to provide for each candidate to run in a
group, with the candidate receiving highest number
of votes to be Mayor, and second highest number of
votes to be Vice Mayor, died for lack of a second. 2/2/77
Res. #77-15258 adopted, amending Res. #77-15234, 2/2/77
removing Question No. 4 "Shall Sec. 8 of the
Charter be amended so as to provide that be-
ginning with next City election to be held, the
terns of office of Mayor shall be 4 yrs." from
the ballot of the March 8, 1977 election.
(continued) Date
Motion to remove Question No. 3 re: four-year
term for Councilmen, failed of passage. City
Clerk to notify Metro election officials of
Council's approval of punchcard absentee
ballots. (Deferred from 1/19/77). 2/2/77
Mayor Rosen appointed U.M. Wikler and Council- 3/16/77
man Spaet to serve as Canvassing Committee.
Res. #77-15284 adopted, declaring results of
Special Election, namely, that Charter Questions
Nos. 1, 2 and 4 were approved, and Charter
Question No. 3 was disapproved by the electorate.
Mrs. Falk appeared and comments heard.
Mr. Ted Kennedy, Chairman of COCO, to discuss 4/6/77
Primary elections. Councilman Spaet's motion
to place question on June 7, 1977 ballot, died
for lack of a second.
Mayor Rosen requested placement on the July 20, 6/1/77
1977 agenda of his request to place on the
Nov. 1, 1977 election ballot the question of
repealing the Charter provision requiring
electorate approval of all bond issues over
(Not on agenda) set meeting date to canvass
June 7, 1977 election. This meeting to be
ad•ourned to Th r d_
1•S• - of
Councilman Meyerson referred to County's recently 7/6/77
approved computer-type voting machines, and he
requested City Clerk and Administration to meet
with Metro's election officials so as to investi-
gate and to then furnish Council with a report
as to what City will be faced with during forth-
coming election in November, when this new method
of voting is scheduled to be implemented.
Report on meeting with Metro Election Officials 7/20/77
regarding use of computer method of voting in
the forthcoming elections. Not reached. De-
ferred to July 27, 1977.
Report on meeting with Metro Election officials 7/27/77
regarding use of computer method of voting in
the forthcoming elections. Not reached. De-
ferred to Auq. 3, 1977.
Request of Mr. Robert Skidell to propose chang- 8/3/77
ing the system of placing names of candidates
on ballots. Council voted that names of candi-
dates be placed on the 11/1/77 ballot by lot in
each of the seven groups, instead of in alpha-
betical order. City Atty. to prepare appropri-
ate ord. for Council's consideration on 8/17/77.
Memo #6441, report on meeting with Metro Elec- 8/3/77
tion Officials regarding use of computer
(continued) Date
method of voting in forthcoming elections, (defer-
red from 7/27/77). Workshop meeting scheduled for
Sept. 8, 1977, at 3:30 p.m. 8/3/77
Motion for passage of ord. on 1st reading,
died for lack of a second, re: amending City
Code so as to change system of placing names
of candidates on ballots of General Elections.
Proposal referred to Elections Task Force for
study and recommendations.
Mr. John J. McElligott questioned whether the 9/7/77
Democratic Party has authorized local Party
officials to form a coalition to involve itself
in endorsing non-partisan candidates for the
(continued) Date
City's forthcoming Councilmanic election,
Nov. 1, 1977. 9/7/77
Mr. Robert Skidell appeared to request City 9/21/77
to mail information to each registered voter
explaining new voting system. Request heard.
City Atty. and City Clerk recommended against
mailing of a sample ballot or instruction book,
citing confusion which could result. City
Clerk enumerated various locations in City
where machine is being demonstrated, and also
advised that if any group requests a demon-
stration, Dade County's Election Div. will do
so at any time and at any place. No action
taken by Council on request.
Mr. Milton Gordon appeared and expressed his
opposition to the new method of voting, and
advised that he will make a full report, in
writing, as to the results of his appearances
before the Metro Commission and in Tallahassee.
Per his request, matter scheduled for Feb. 1,
1978 meeting.
Discussion of voting machines (requested by 4/19/78
V.M. Wikler)(deferred from 4/5/78). Deferred
to May 3, 1978 as Priority Deferred Item.
Consideration of proposed bill to establish 4/19/78
uniform election dates for municipalities.
Deferred to May 3, 1978 for full Commission.
Discussion of Energy Committee, Rapid Transit 5/3/78
Vote and voting machines (requested by Com-
missioner Wikler)(deferred from 4/19/78).
Commissioner Wikler advised that he is party to
a suit objecting to the voting system utilized
by Dade Co., during Nov. 1977, elections, but
in view of Judge Klein's ruling, the question
is now moot.
Consideration of proposed bill to establish 5/3/78
uniform election dates for municipalities.
City Clerk advised no Legislative action
likely to be taken in this session, and no
action was taken.
Discussion held re: suggestion of "Straw Vote" 5/17/78
Ballot on creation of New County (continued
from 5/3/78). Administration directed to pro-
vide additional reports as to: (1) start-up
costs, (2) method of funding public schools;
and to include on the package alternatives to
separation from Dade Co., such as a two-tier
government system. Motion for adoption of a
resolution calling for a non-binding referendum
election upon following question: "Do you favor
the Legislature taking Miami Beach, Surfside,
Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor Islands and Golden
Beach out of Dade Co. and placing them in a new
and separate county" failed of passage. (See
Miami Beach County)
Memo #6962, public hearing called for 8/2/78 6/28/78
at 2:30 p.m., to consider placing on 10/5/78
ballot the question of issuance of $2.5 million
general obligation bond issue to finance re-
construction of following area; Arthur Godfrey
Road from Biscayne Bay to Atlantic Ocean; Indian
Creek Dr. from 39th St. to 44th St.; Collins Ave.
from 44th St. to 46th St. (See Bonds, Arthur
Godfrey Road.)
Hearing held and concluded. Res. #78-15687 8/2/78
calling election adopted, authorizing placement
of bond question on 10/5/78 ballot to finance
reconstruction of Arthur Godfrey Road from
Biscayne Bay to Atlantic Ocean; Indian Creek Dr.
continued) Date
from 39th to 44th Sts Collins Ave. from 44th St.
to 46th St., (called 6/28/78). Public Informa-
nforma-tion Officer requested to cooperate with M.B.
Chamber of Commerce and all other local civic
organizations to assist in dissemination of
information to the public. Memo #7020. (See
Arthur Godfrey Road) 8/2/78
Memo #7025, Res. #78-15691 adopted, amending 8/2/78
Res. #78-15687, so as to place on 10/5/78
ballot as Question No. 2., a $6,000,000.00
Parking Revenue Bond Issue for the purpose of
paying the cost of acquiring additional
automobile parking facilities for CMB. (See
Parking Revenue Bonds)
Memo #7064 Res. #78-15706 adopted, rescinding 9/6/78
Res. #76-15016 providing for issuance of
$6,000,000.00 Parking Revenue Bonds, Series
1976, of C.M.B., Fla., providing for sale,
security and payment thereof, and making
certain covenants and agreements in that
connection. (See Parking Revenue Bonds, Bonds,
Special Election 10/5/78)
Commissioners Weisburd and Weinstein,
together with City Clerk, appointed to serve
on Canvassing Committee of Special Election
held Oct. 5, 1978, Res. #78-15736 adopted,
declaring results of Special Election held
Oct. 5. 1978. as follows:
(continued) Date
Bond Question No. 1 approved - issuance of
$2.5 million bondissuesfor purpose
of improving and reconstructing Arthur
Godfrey Rd. and immediate vicinity.
Bond Question No. 2 approved - issuance of
$6 million Parking Revenue Bond issue
for acquisition and improvements to
parking facilities in various locations.
Mr. Allen Weiss appeared and claimed that people
voting on Oct. 5, 1978 did not know that pro-
perty acquired for parking purposes with $6
million Parking Revenue Bonds would come off
the tax rolls. City Atty. Wanick advised
that acquisition of property and loss of taxes
is regarded `in law as "de minimus" and was 10/18/78
(continued) Date
offset by the advantageous results of use of
properties for parking. 10/18/78
Mrs. Mildred Falk appeared and was heard on 10/18/78
amendment #7, Sections #6, #12, #17 to the
Florida Constitution to be voted upon by the
people on Nov. 7, 1978. No action taken.
Memo #7238, opinion of Third District Court of 12/6/78
Appeal upholding validity of the election of
Joseph W. Malek as a member of the City Com-
mission. For information only. (See Malek,
Joseph W.)
Memo #7306, Southern Bell franchise agreement 1/17/79
negotiations and timetable. For information
only. City Clerk was requested to notify
County of possibility that the City will be
placing this matter on ballot for Special Elec-
tion scheduled for 5/8/79. (See Southern Bell
Telephone System)
Memo #7378, Res. #79-15846 adopted, calling and 3/7/79
providing for a Special Municipal Election to be
held on the 8th day of May, 1979, for the purpose
of submitting to the qualified voters of CMB, Fla.,
for their approval or disapproval a measure known
as Ord. No. 79-2152, passed and adopted by City
Commission on the 7th day of March, 1979,
(continued) Date
authorizing S. Bell T & T Co., to use public
streets and public property of CMB, Fla., for
purpose of erecting, constructing, maintaining
and operating lines, poles, conduits, cables
and other fixtures of telephone and telegraph
thereon and thereunder, providing for the com-
pensation to be payable to CMB for said purposes,
providing for a term of 25 yrs. retroactive to
Jan. 11, 1978, and providing for an effective
date; providing for conduct of said election by
appropriate Metro-Dade Co. Election officials
in such manner as prescribed by law. City Clerk
reported that County Election officials had ad-
vised her that they had been notified by Landow
Yeshiva, 1140 Alton Rd., that the premises may 3/7/79
(continued) Date
no longer be used as a polling place for Pre-
cinct #617, and that thus far, a substitute
location has not been found in the area. She
asked for any assistance that could be given.
Later in the meeting, Mayor Haber advised that
he had contacted Administrator of school and
had been assured that facilities may be used
for forthcoming May 8th Special Election, and
the November 6th General Election. (See Special
Elections, Southern Bell Telephone) 3/7/79
Dr. Wikler's motion for passage of an ord. 7/18/79
limiting expenditures in connection with
Municipal elections for office of Mayor and
(continued) Date
City Commissioner, to $5,000, died for lack of
a second. City Atty. reiterated his opinion
contained in his 7/5/79 report that, based on
U. S. Supreme Court ruling in the Buckley v
Valeo case, such an ord. would be ruled un-
constitutional if challenged. 7/18/79
Ord. - 1st reading - deferred to 9/19/79 re: 9/5/79
amending Chapter 10 of City Code of C.M.B.
relating to elections; to conform same to
current State law and Dade Co. election
practices; to delete therefrom certain re-
strictions; to make Chapter 2, Article 11
of City Code of C.M.B. part of Chapter 10
(continued) Date
amending and deleting certain provisions
thereof in adding them to Chapter 10; pro-
viding for all sections of Chapter 10 as
amended to be renumbered consecutively;
repealing all ordinances in conflict; and
providing for an effective date. 9/5/79
Ord. amending Chapt. 10 of City Code of 9/19/79
CMB relating to elections; to conform same
to current State law and Dade Co. Election
practices; to delete therefrom certain re-
strictions; to make Chapt. 2, Article 11 of
City Code of CMB part of Chapt. 10 amending
and deleting certain provisions thereof in
adding them to Chapt. 10; providing for all
(continued) Date
sections of Chapt. 10 as amended to be re-
numbered consecutively; repealing all ordi-
nances in conflict; and providing for an ef-
fective date. (Deferred from 9/5/79)
Deferred to 9/20/79. 9/19/79
Ord. 1st reading, an ord. amending Chap. 10 9/20/79
of City Code of C.M.B. relating to elections;
to conform same to current State Law and Dade
Co. Election practices; to delete therefrom
certain restrictions; to make Chap. 2, Article
11 of City Code of C.M.B. part of Chap. 10
amending and deleting certain provisions
thereof in adding them to Chap. 10; providing