Elections_November 1973ELECTIONS
Resolution calling a special election
to amend City Charter to empower City
control rents within City of M.B. was
requested by Councilman Dr. Wikler and
withdrawn by him.
7 7
Meeting Date
Resolution providing for submission to
electors on 11/6/73 the following: Question 1,
to limit campaign expenditures to $7,500 for
primary elections, or $2,500 for general
elections. Councilman Wikler changed this
question (on 11/6/72 suggestions)to read -
Limit campaign expenditures to $7,500 for
Mayor and $5,000 for Councilman. Motion
that this be submitted to electorate did not
receive a second.
tLEC'1 I ONS 7 713
Meeting Date
Resolution calling• a special election 11/6/73
to require councilmen and candidates to make
public full disclosure withdrawn by Council-
man Dr. Wikler. 6/29/73
Resolution to limit term of all councilmen to
two years withdrawn by Councilman Dr. Wikler.
Originally suggested as item on 11/6/73 ballot.
Meeting Date
Council action deferred to 7/18/73 for City
Atty's opinion re: legality and constitutio
ality of above item.
Proposed draft of initiative petition for
referendum to provide that all Councilmen, City
Manager, and City Atty. be required to file full
financial disclosure - same as above; deferred
to 7/18/73 6/29/73
Proposed draft of initiative petition for
referendum to provide that commencing with
next scheduled Councilmanic election in M.B.,
the term of office for all Councilmen shall
be 2 yrs.- same as above, deferred to 7/18/73. 6/29/73
Meeting Date
Petition of Councilman Dr. Simon Wikler to
Atty. General of Florida, relative to above
four items. Deferred to 7/18/73
City Atty. gave oral report re: Judge Herin's
decision of 11/7/72 election. This was valid
and districting question #5 and #6 had prevailed.
He advised districting plan is a required pro-
visionfor holding 11/73 election. However, in
view of State House Bill #332, effective 7/1/73,
declaring every person in State who lives in a mun-
icipality for 60 days, is a qualified elector,
which supersedes 6 mos. residency requirement, and
City's Charter which provides that a resident who is
a qualified elector of the City may run for office,
the City Atty. advised that, in his opinion,
Meeting Date
the 6 mos. residency is invalid, and he therefore
would advise City Clerk to accept qualifying papers
of any candidate who has lived in City for 60 days.
In recognition of this being unique, City Atty's
opinion was approved by informal poll of Council,
except Councilman Rosen not in favor. Councilman
Magnes asked notice of City Atty's opinion and
directions to City Clerk be place in various
newspapers for info to public. Councilman Dr.
Wikler's motion to appeal decision of Judge Merin
failed of passage by 5 to 2, Vice Mayor Goodman
and Councilman Dr. Wikler being in favor.
Proposed draft of initiative petition for
referendum to provide for limiting campaign
expenditures to $7,500 for Councilmanic
Meeting Date
candidates, or $2,500 for possible run-off deferred
to 8/1/73. 7/18/73
Proposed draft of initiative petition for referendum
to provide that all councilmen, city manager and
city attorney be required to file full financial
disclosure deferred to 8/1/73. 7/18/73
Proposed draft of initiative petition for refer-
endum to provide that commencing the next
scheduled Councilmanic election in City of M.B.,
the term of office shall be 2 yrs. Deferred to
Meeting Date
Re: 11/7/73 meeting, upon being advised by City
Clerk that results of 11/6/73 election would
not be canvassed until the afternoon of 11/7
inasmuch as canvassing committee had to be
appointed and absentee ballots had to be counted,
it was concensus of Council that it would meet
at usual time on 11/7/73, appoint a canvassing
committee, take up such emergency matters as
there were, and adjourn until such time as
canvassing committee is prepared to canvass
election. 10/17/73
Meeting Date
Councilman Weinstein requested that the City 977774
Manager immediately meet with the County Mgr.
to discuss the possibility of utilizing City
policemen and firemen, and deputizing City
employees, to work in polling places in M.B.
during future elections, in view of the con-
fusion during the conduct of the Sept. 10th
election, and to report back to the Council.
Report given by City Clerk that there would 9/19/74
be space on 11/5/74 ballot, if an election
is held to fill unexpired term of Mayor
Harold Rosen.
It was pointed out that this was last date
for Council to fill vacancy by appointment.
There being no action taken in this respects
the Council agreed to set the ground rules
for the election on Monday, 9/23/74, at
7:00 p.m., prior to the budget meeting,
instead of on Friday, 9/20/74, at 10:00 a.m.
Discussion of ground rules for Special
Election to be held on 11/5/74, to fill
vacancy on the Council created by election
of Mayor Harold Rosen.
Combined report of City Atty and City Clerk
presented. Res. #74-14488 adopted calling
Special Election on 11/5/74. to fill unex-
pired term of Harold Rosen who was elected
to fill the Mayoralty vacancy created by
the death of Chuck Hall, providing for:
1) Candidates' Qualifying Period -
Oct. 1, 1974 thru Oct. 15, 1974.
2) Filing Fee - 25% of normal $450.00
or $112.50.
3) Qualifying by Petition - Inasmuch as time
frame in this election is shorter than
usual, the number of signatures of regis-
tered voters on each such petition shall
be 500 and the last day to qualify as a
candidate by petition would be Oct. 5, 1974.
4) No run-off - Candidate receiving the
highest number of votes cast in said
special election shall be deemed to be
elected and in case two or more persons
receive an equal and highest number of
votes, such persons shall draw lots to
determine who shall be deemed the
successful candidate.
Councilmen Dr. Haber and Sahl requested that 11/6/74
some action be taken to prevent attacks on
candidates during campaigns prior to an
election. Consensus of Council was that
there is sufficient time before the next
election to take action.
Res. #74-14534 adopted, declaring results of 11/7/74
election, as follows:
Harold (Hal)Spaet elected Councilman,
Group IV
The following Bond Question was approved:
Shall the City of Miami Beach issue negotiable
coupon bonds in the amount of $300,000 with
interest at a rate to be hereafter determined,
but not to exceed 72% per annum, for the
purpose of constructing the City's Bike Path
System, in conjunction with the Dade County
"Bikeways Plan"?
Adopting State Election Laws to correct
future election abuses. Requested by
Councilman Sahl. Deferred to 12/11/74.
Amending Chap. 10 of City Code pertaining
to Elections, requested by Councilman Sahl.
(Deferred from 11/20/74) Deferred to 1/8/74.
City Atty to review recent Supreme Court
decision striking down similar Lantana, Fla.,
Amending Chapt. 10 of the Code so as to
provide for appropriate measures to be
taken against persons making last minute
false charges against candidates running
(cont'd) Date
in City Elections.
At request of City Attorney, matter deferred 1/8/75
to Feb. 5, 1975 meeting to give him an
opportunity to prepare an appropriate ord. for
Council's consideration.
City Mgr., City Atty. and City Clerk requested
to meet with County Elections Supervisor to
discuss instituting election reforms in the
City, and to submit recommendations to Council.
Council members to be advised of meeting date
so that those who can, may attend, as well as
members of the public.
Councilman Spaet requested that City explore 1/8/75
possibility of utilizing new type of voting
system in the next City election.
Amending Chapter 10 of the Code so as to pro-
vide for appropriate measures to be taken
against persons making last minute false char-
ges against candidates running in City Elec-
tions. (deferred from 1/8/75 at City Atty's
request). Proposed ordinance failed of pas-
sage on first reading. Amended ord. to be
placed on 2/19/75 agenda for first reading. 2/5/75
From reports: City Atty. to re-examine and
re -draft ord. in view of Councilman Meyerson's
observation that violation of this ord. should
not be tried by a Municipal Judge but should
be tried in Co. Court where the defendant would
have the right of trial by jury. 2/5/75
Amending Chap. 10 of City Code so as to
provide for appropriate measures to be taken
against persons making last minute false
charges against candidates running in City
Elections. (deferred from 2/5/75). Ord.
passed on first reading. Hearing and second
reading scheduled for March 19, 1975.
Amending Chapt. 10 of the City Code to make
it unlawful for any person to falsely, mali-
ciously, with intent to injure any candidate,
charge or accuse candidates of any violation
of the Election Laws of the State of Fla.(1st
reading 2/19/75). Requested by Councilman Sahl
Per Councilman Sahl's request for more time to
do additional research into the subject, hearing
(cont'd) Date
continued to May 21, 1975 at 2:00 p.m. City
Clerk authorized to advertise continuation
of hearing. 3/19/75
Deferral of Public Hearing date of Ord. amend- 4/16/75
ing Chapter 10 of City Code to provide for ap-
propriate measures to be taken against persons
making last minute false charges against candi-
dates running in City Elections. (Public Hear-
ing now scheduled for 5/21/75). Public hearing
cancelled. Withdrawn from agenda by Councilman
Sahl for further study.
Request for workshop session or public hearing 5/21/75
for Dade Co. demonstration of their new GYREX
(cont'd) Date
MTB -1 Voting System. Public to be invited for
public input. Requested by Councilman Spaet.
Not reached. Deferred to June 4, 1975. 5/21/75
Request for Workshop Session or Public Hearing 6/4/75
for Dade Co. demonstration of New Gyrex MTB -1
Voting System. Public to be invited for public
input. Requested by Councilman Spaet, (deferred
from 5/21/75). Demonstration by Co. election
officials scheduled for July 16, 1975, at 4:00 p.m.
Discussion of wording of proposed referendum
to confirm City opposition to elevated tran-
sit system on MB as recommended by Dade Co.
Mass Transit Advisor (deferred from 6/4/75)
Res. #75-14748 adopted, approving wording of
straw vote question to be submitted to voters
at 11/4/75 election, as follows:
Request by Messrs. Howard Kaufman and Dave Taub 7/16/75
to present recommendation relative to enforce-
ment of existing City Election Laws. To be
placed on 8/6/75 agenda.
Demonstration of proposed new County Gyrex
Voting procedures by Dade Co. Election Officials.
(coned) Date
Action on motion to approve Gyrex system for
use in Nov. 1975 election, deferred to 8/6/75. 7/16/75
Request for proposed Charter Amendment to be 7/16/75
placed on Nov. 4, 1975 ballot to reduce all
Councilmanic terms to 2 yrs. beginning with
the 1975 election. Requested by Councilman
Dr. Wikler, failed of passage.
Request of Mr. Bayard Strell to amend presently 7/16/75
approved wording of the question to be sub-
mitted to electorate on the Mass Transit System
proposed for the CMB. Wording of ballot ques-
tion, as approved on 6/18/75 retained.
Consideration of using proposed new Co. Gyrex 8/6/75
Voting procedures on 11/4/75 City election
(demonstration made 7/16/75). Admin. recom-
mendation to decline offer, approved.
Request by Messrs. Howard Kaufman and Dave Taub 8/6/75
to present recommendation relative to enforce-
ment of existing City Election Laws. (Set by
Council 7/16). Recommendation referred to City
Atty. for report and suggestions on how proposed
changes can be implemented.
V. M. Meyerson suggested that Admin. explore pos- 8/6/75
siblity of City providing transportation to polls
for voters,
with candidates providing necessary
(cont'd) Date
funding for the service. 8/6/75
(NOT ON AGENDA) recommendation that City Atty. 3/17/76
be authorized to agree to and to stipulate to
entry of order....authorizing Dade Co. Public
Safety Dept. to open certain impounded absentee
ballots from the Nov. 4, 1975 election, as de-
scribed in Case of State of Fla. etc., v. City
Elections Canvassing Board. Res. #76-14996
'Request by Mrs. Mildred Falk for placement of 9/1/76
an item on ballot for General Election on
11/2/76, She advised of petition filing.
(continued) Date
City Atty. outlined procedure required; advised
it would be legally impossible to meet a time-
table for Nov. 2.
Mayor Rosen advises of notation of certifica- 9/27/766
tion by Dade Elections Supervisor of petition
submitted by Mrs. Mildred Falk for 2 amendments
to the City Charter. City Atty. advises that
it is too late for 11/2/76 election ballot;
that Special Election would be necessary. (P.29-30)
Appearance by Mrs. Mildred Falk to discuss
setting of date of election for referendum
petition re: changing requirements for issu-
ance of bonds, etc. Certificate presented.
(continued) Date
City Atty. advised that special election must be
called. (NO DATE DETERMINED.) City Atty. advised
that other matters could be placed on a special
election ballot. With respect to discussion as to
effect of Charter Amendment proposed by Mrs. Faik's
petition (limiting amount of bonds, revenue, general
obligation,etc., that can be issued by City without
referendum) on MB Redevelopment Agency, if they put
out revenue bonds, City Atty. indicated that MB Re-
e-development Agency was not affected...that it was a
separate agency under State Law. Councilman Meyerson
requested City Atty. to get an opinion for Atty.
General as to whether or not the Agency's powers
would be affected by this amendment. 10/6/76
Mrs. M. Falk request re: draft of proposed
Charter Amendments to be placed on ballot of
proposed Special Election. Deferred to
Nov. 24, 1976.
Mrs. M. Falk, request re: draft of proposed
Charter Amendments to be placed on ballot
of proposed Special Election, (deferred from
11/3/76). Council agreed to call a special
election on March 8, 1977. Administration
directed to arrange a special meeting of Coun-
cil, with members of Charter Review and Re-
vision Brd. to be present, to discuss any other
matters to be placed on the ballot.
Discussion of limiting campaign expenditures for 11/2 /76
Councilmen and Mayor to one year's salary ($6000
for Councilmen; $10,000 for Mayor). Requested
by Councilman Dr. Wikler. Deferred to 12/8/76.
Mrs. M. Falk appeared to continue her discussion 12/9/76
of proposed charter amendments to be placed on
ballot of proposed special election. City Mgr.
to expedite arrangement of Workshop session for
review and consideration of any Charter amend-
ments to be placed on ballot of special election
set to be held March 8, 1977. Charter Review &
Revision Brd. to be invited to attend.
Discussion of limiting campaign expenditures 12/9/76
for Councilmen and Mayor to one year's salary
($6,000 for Councilmen and $10,000 for Mayor),
(deferred from 11/24/76). Requested by Council-
man Dr. Wikler. City Atty. advised that State
and Federal laws have preempted the field of
elections and campaign expenditures; however,
he would research the law and submit a written
report for the Jan. 5, 1977 meeting.
Mrs. Mildred Falk to discuss special election 12/15/76
re: bond issues. Not reached.
Following discussion, the following items were 1/5/77
determined by Council to be placed on the