Electrical Contractors_June 1929 to January 1933ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 1e
Book, Page
Present Petition for __ohang-e-of__Bond ._-__- ,439-
1St & 2nd Readings of Amendment 84.443
Petition presenting amendment to Ord. 9, 95
Above referred to Renshaw & Floyd 9:95_
let & 2nd Readin7,,s of Ordinance 6-5-29 9 , 237
License fees discussed 10-13-32 _ _ 11, 381
1st &.__2nd READING ORDI.#313 14=-1732 —. — 3$2
---3-TA-Reading ORDINANCE #313 10-21_32 11, 407
lArlamining Board appointed, 10-26-32___
lst _&2nd Reading Ord. amending_ #313 1-5-33 11,476
3rGF.eading Qrd.#32 _Amending
Ordinance No. 313 1-18-33 11, 489
1st & 2nd Readings Ordinance raising
Occupational license fee of Elect.
Contractors to $75.00 9-2-36 15 100
(Above ordinance did not come up for
3rd reading)
National Electrical Contractors Assn.
urge revocation of Hardly Elect.Co.
license 3-31-37 15 495
Carl Bankier and Fred C.Ast appointed to
Electrical Examining Board 3415--39 18 11
ijjazigc.AiniAcToR$ 3.
Book Pg.
Electrical Examining Board appo.nted:
Carl Bankier, Fred C. Ast,Ear3,.Forbee-
183 /41_
Mr.Margulies,-referred to City Manager
re: not -being granted I1 ense as
—Electrical Contractor 11/12/41 21 144
-s-tand--2nd--read-ings amending Bldg; God-e—
to provide for Elect.Examining Board
to be all master electricians
7/21/43 22 176
William Z. Ruth, Eugene F._ Holland
& Fred C. Ast appointed on Elec.
Examingng Board—Ir/17-/43- 22 217
Book Page
Eugene F. Holland appointed on
Electrical Examining Board 10/17/45 23 255