Electrolysis Licenses_July to August 1950JCTROLYSIS LICENSES Book f Page
Mrs. Senna Robenson requests
ordinance to require all
applicants for electrolysis
licenses to be subjected to
an examination, etc.--Re-
ferred to City Physician for
report 7-19-50 29 484
City Attorney to prepare
ordinance embodying recom-
mendations of City Physi-
cian re. licenses ---(City
Physician's report sub-
mitted) 8/2/50 29 513
E6 bL L .(PRA6i 0i).
Book Page 2
1st & 2nd readings given ordi-
nance regulating the practice
of electrolysis 12/6/50 30 215
Ord. #959, regulating practice
of electrolysis 12/27/51 30 282