Exhibition Hall (Contracts)_May to July 1957EXHIBITION HALL (CONTRACTS) Book Page Contract for foundations for Exhibition Hall awarded to Robert L. Turchin, Inc., $81,108.66 5-1-57 39 319 Contracts for 3 items structural steel awarded to Bushnell Steel Products 12,528.00; Ceco Steel Products Corp., 46,983.00 and unit price of $243. per ton for additions & deductions; C. J. Bryson, $650.00 7-3-57 39 413 Contract for pit rock for Exhibition Hall awarded to E. W. Anderson, $3,180.00 7-17-57 39 439 EXHIBITION HALL (Contracts) 02 - Book Page Contract for pit rock for tent area, Exhibition Hall, awarded to E. W. Anderson, $8,480.00 7-17-57 39 440 Contract for masonry portion of Exhibition Hall awarded to J. Frank Price, $78,613.50 7-31-57 39 465 Contract for asphaltic concrete for tent area, Exhibition Hall awarded to Pan American Construction Co., $6,090.00 8-7-57 39 473 EXHIBITION HALL(CONTRACTS) 2 Book Page Contract for Builders' Risk Insurance for Exhibition Hall awarded to association of Levinson Insurance Agency; Adae & Hooper; French Postol & Monfre; and Burritt, Subers & Worley, $13,928.79. One adjuster to be used in event of claims 8-21-57 39 491 Contract for electrical work awarded to Whitmore Electric Co., $424,680.76 9-4-57 40 8 Contract for roofing Exhibition Hall awarded to Giffen Industries, Inc. $192,589.00 9-18-57 40 28 EXHIBITION HALL (CONTRACTS) Contract for plumbing work at Exhibition Hall awarded to Frank H. Inscho Plumber, $262.500.00 H Book Page 9-18-57 40 28 Contract for 3,000 cubic yards of pit rock for Exhibition Hall awarded to Troup Brothers, Inc., $6,900.00 9-18-57 40 30 Contract for steel erection No. 2 for Exhibition Hall awarded to M. R. Harrison Construction Corp., $11,214.00 9-25-57 40 47 EXHIBITION HALL (CONTRACTS) Book Page Contract awarded Items A & B- air conditioning equipment, to Conditioned Air Corp., $219.095.00. Action in Item C tabled. 10-7-57 40 63 Contract for Item C of air conditioning equipment awarded to Conditioned Air Corp., $10,450.00 10-16-57 40 71 General contract for M. B. Exhibition Hall awarded to John B. Orr, Inc., _ $798,000. 11-14-5( 40 114 EXHIBITION HALL (CONTRACTS) Book Page Contract for Hardware awarded to Farrey's Wholesale Hardware Co., Inc., $21,892.00 1-15-58 40 222 Contract for all interior and exterior marble work except marble for 2 curved walls, North and South of the Main Entrance awarded to Bernardi, Heaton & Hill, $67,016.00 1-22-58 40 233 Contract for air conditioning duct work for Exh. Hall awarded to The Zack Co., $120,653.00 1-29-58 40 239 EXHIBMION HALL (CONTRACTS) Contract for automatic temperature control system for Exh. Hall awarded to Johnson Service Co., 40,691.00 1-29-58 4o 239 Mayor Oka requests estimated and actual cost of work in connection with Exhibition Hall contract awards 1-29-58 4o 239 Council votes stucco to be used at Exhibition Hall on curved walls instead of marble 1-29-58 4o 239 Book P7 age EXHIBITION HALL CONTRACTS S Book Page Contract for Items A and base bid of Item B, portable chairs for Ex. Hall, awarded to American Seating Co., $117,325.13 2-5-58 40 260 Contract for portable seating platforms for Ex. Hall awarded to Safway Steel Products, Inc., $123,138.00 2-5-58 40 261 Exhibition American and American 2-12-58 40 274 Contract awarded for Hall Sound System to Communications Corp. Antennae Co.,Inc. EXHIBITION HALL CONTRACTS Book Page Contracts awarded for 3 groups of lighting fixtures for Exhibition Hall. Action deferred on award of contracts for other three groups. 2-26-58 4o 306 Contract for furnishing and installing air conditioned cooling tower for Exhibition Hall awarded to Marley Co., $27,125.00 3-5-58 40 312 Contracts for 3 addl groups of lighting fixtures awarded. Bids for Group 7 rejected and readvertisement authorized 3-5-58 40 313 EXHIBITION HALL CONTRACTS JO Book Page Contract for tile work awarded to Metro Tile Co., $39,519.00 3-19-58 40 345 Contract for 3 fork lifts for Exhibition Hall awarded to W. E. Johnson Equipment Co., $13,112.00 3-19-58 4o 346 Contract for Lighting Contract #2 for EXH. Hall awarded to U. S. Distributing Co., $1,725.00 for Alternate No. 1. 4-2-58 40 350 EXHIBITION HALL CONTRACTS Book Page Contracts for cabinet work awarded to Milton Brand d//b/a Fleetwood Store Fixtures, and Euster Associates 4-2-58 40 350 Contract for refrigeration equipment for Exhibition Hall awarded to Domestic Refrigeration Co., $4,480.40. 4-16-58 4o 377 Contract for steel pallets for Exhibition Hall seats awarded to American Seating Co., $13,386.40 4-16-58 40 377 EXHIBITION HALL CONTRACTS Contract for curb, gutter and sidewalk for Exhibition Hall parking area awarded to Kent E. Kelley, Inc. $5,352.50 4-3o-58 4o 389 Book Page Contract for terrazzo work awarded to Hollywood Tile & Terrazzo Co., $43,210.00 4-3o-58 4o 389 Contract fordiesel generating plant for Exhibition Hall awarded to Shelley Tractor & Equipment Co., $16,750.00 4-30-58 4o 389 EXHIBITION HALL CONTRACTS Contract for 6 wet and dry vacuum cleaners for Exhibition Hall awarded to General Floorcraft, $1,130.40 4-30-58 4o 389 Contract for drapery fabric for Exhibition Hall awarded to Berke Displays, $4,512.00 5-7-58 4o 397 Contract for carpeting for Exhibition Hall awarded to Alexander Carpet Co., $927.00 5-21-58 4o 420 i Book Page EXHIBITION HALL CONTRACTS /4 Book Page Contract for Pit Rock for Exhibition Hall driveways awarded to Troup Bros., $6,540.00 5-21-58 40 421 Painting Contract for Exhibition Hall awarded to Goddard Painting Company, $18,500.00 5-28-58 4o 442 Contract forconcretefloor slab for portion of Exhibition Hall awarded to Kent E. Kelley,Inc. $46,429.00 5-28-58 4o 442 EXHIBITION HALL CONTRACTS Contract for curb and gutter and curb for Exhibition Hall Driveways awarded to Kent E. Kelley, Inc. $8,226.00 6-4-58 40 457 15' Book Page Contracts for Exh. Hall lighting fixtures awarded 6-4-58 40 458 Contract for portable folding platform stage for Exhibition Hall awarded to Drago Equip. & Supply, $9,757.90. Extra expenditure of $1,650 to increase strength of stage approved. 6-18-58 40 474 EXHIBITION HALL CONTRACTS Contract for asphaltic concrete for Exhibition Hall Driveways - 18th St. & Washington Ave. awarded to Pan American Construction Co. $4,657.50 6-18-58 4o 474 Contract for circuit plug fuse panels for Exhibition Hall awarded to Causeway Electric Co., $2,901.40 6-18-58 4o 475 jb Book Page Contracts for Exhibition Hall furniture awarded. Councilman Richard requests that more than one firm be contacted re. drawing of specifications for named product 7-16-58 41 3 EXHIBITION HALL CONTRACTS Contract for Exhibition Hall Sainting Contract No. 2 awarded to Goddard Painting Company, $3,192.00 7-16-58 41 5 Contract for Plastic Letters for Attraction Board at Exhibition Hall awarded to Neon Tube Light, $2,890.80 7-16-58 41 5 Contracts for mopping equipment for Exhibition Hall awarded to Royce Rolls and U. S. Chemical Co. 7-16-58 41 5 Contract for cold cathode lighting system for Exhibition Hall awarded to Claude Southern Corp., $8,765.00 8-6-58 41 31 /7 Book Page