Exhibition Hall_March 1953 to July 1955EXHIBITION BUG // A L L 1. Book Page City Mgr. to procure information relative to cost, etc. of building an exhibition bldg. near the Auditorium 3-4+-53 34 54 City Mgr. advises considerable data has already been assembled re. building an exhibition hall and that preliminary report should be made to Council in near future 6-15-55 37 235 Mr. Renshaw reports re. progress on construction of proposed exhibition hall. 7-20-55 37 280 EXHIBITION fie?-- fid A- 1- L 2. Book Page City Mgr. advises that County Commissioners cannot be depended upon for help in connection with proposed exhibition hall and City will have to find means of financing the project. 8-3-55 37 306 Meeting to be held on Feb.2, 1956, City Mgr. and Council, to discuss further the plans in connection with construction of the proposed exhibition hall. 2-1-56 38 42 Architect's sketch of proposed Exhibition Hall approved in principle 3-28-56 38 118 EXHIBITION HALL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RESOLUTION RE. EXHIBITION HALL filed with Council Minutes of April 18, 1956 3. Book Page EXHIBITION HALL 4. Book Page $3,000 appropriated for educational campaign re. bond issue for Exhilition Hall, from unappropriated current funds 4-23-56 38 170 NIr. Lipp authorized to continue employment of air conditioning, electrical, structural and acoustical engineers in connection with Exhibition Hall construction. (Robert Swartburg to continue as architect; Henry J. Nelson to be engaged as mechanical, air conditioning and electrical engineer; Oboler & Clark to be en- gagas structural engineers; Bolt, Beranek & Newman of Boston to e enga ed as acoustical engineers; and consulting mechanical engineer who desi ned Coliseum in N.Y.C. to be engaged orfconsurting basis. 6-20-56 38 261 EXHIBITION HALL 5. Book Page Jules Channing asks Council to give consideration to engaging his firm as structural engineers for Exhibition Hall. Council to discuss request on June 27th; Mr. Lipp to make recommendations 6-20-56 38 261 Discussion re. appointment of structural engineers for proposed Exhibition Hall. Firm of Oboler & Clark employed as recommended by Mr. Lipp 6-27-56 38 264 Engagement of Guy B. Panero to assist Henry Nelson in connection with the mechanical and engineering work on Exhibition Hall approved 8-15-56 38 356 EXHIBITION HALL 6. Book Page No bids received for sale of Exhibition Hall Bonds. Mr. Renshaw to explore means of obtaining funds to start Exhibition Hall 1-23-57 39 79 Two proposals submitted for Exhibition Hall Bonds. Atwill & Co. bid read first. Telegraphic bid of Peabody & Co. read. Atwill & Co. voice objections. Offer of Kidder Peabody accepted. Res. #9414 formally accepting bid. 2_20_57 39 138 EXHIBITION HALL 7 Book Page City Mgr. advises that dates from Apr. 26 to June 26, 1956 have been taken fro the Exhibition Hall 6-19-57 39 395 American Legion suggests Exh. Hall be named Miami Beach War Memorial Exhibition Hall and requests placing plaque commemorating the war dead of M.B. Motion to name Exh. Hall tabled for 2 weeks. Council indicates approval of request to erect plaque. Report from Convention Dir., Audit. Mgr. & Publicity Consultant requested. 8-7-57 39 475 8• EXHIBITION HALL Book Page Mr. Lipp's report re. bids received for Builders' Risk Insurance for the Exhibition Hall presentedand discussed. Action deferred until next meeting. Mr. Lipp to determine if group bidders will use one adjuster. Mr. Lipp advises City will be self -insurer for 2 weeks until contract is awarded. 8-7-57 39 14714 EXHIBITION HALL .9. Book Page Mr. Lipp reports further developments re. Builders' Risk Insurance for Exhibition Hall. Discussion held. Contract awarded to association of Levinson Insurance Agency; Adae & Hooper; French Postol & Monfre; and Burritt, Subers & Worley, $13,928.79. One adjuster to be used in event of claims. 8-21-57 39 491 Report re. naming Exhibition Hall presented. Largest meeting room in Exhibition Hall to be designated as the veterans memorial room; Mrs Lipp to handle wording, etc. of plaque. 8-21-57 39 513 EXHIBITION HALL 10. Book Page Adjourned meeting scheduled for award of contract for air conditioning equipment for Exhibition Hall 10-2-57 4o 53 General contract for Exhibition Hall awarded to John B. Orr, Inc. $798,000. City Mgr. advises that over-all cost of project will exceed the bond funds available by $250,000 to $300,000 11-14-57 4o 114 1st reading Ordinances changing title of Auditorium Mgr. to Auditorium and Exhibition Hall Mgr. with no increase in salary, and creating office of Asst. Mgr. with salary of $5755- per 57mo. 40 180 EXHIBITION HALL 11. Book Page Res. #9663 consenting to assignment of monies due John B. Orr under contract for construction of Exhibition Hall to First Nat'l Bank of Miami 1-2-580 195 3rd reading Ord. changing title of Audit. Mgr. and creating office of Asst Mgr. - Ord. #1285 1-2-58 40 198 3rd reading Ord. providing salary for Office of Asst. Audito±ium & Exh. Hall Mgr. - Ord. #1286 1-2-58 40 198 EXHIBITION HALL 12 Book Page Resolution authorizing first Exhibition Hall contract; with Rotary International for a convention, May 26, 1960. Res. #9678 1-15-58 40 225 Mr. Renshaw advises of proposed appointment of Mr. Robert H. Kent as Asst. Manager of Auditorium and Exhibition Hall 1-15-58 40 231 Two parts of contract for marble for Exhibition Hall discussed Contract awarded for all marble and concrete work except two panels on front o building. Stucco instead of marble forane s disc ssed. Mr. Lipp to make further studyplr �o • 40 233 EXHIBITION HALL 13 Book Page Mr. Robert H. Kent appointed as Asst. Auditorium & Exhibition Hall Manager 1-22-58 40 234 Several contracts awarded in connection with construction of Exhibition Hall. Mayor Oka advises he would be interested in knowing the estimated cost of work as compared to the actual cost 1-29-58 40 239 Council votes stucco to be used at Exhibition Hall on curved walls instead of marble 1-29-58 40 239 CHIBITION HALL 14 Book Page Redesign of Exhibition Hall ceiling in lobby approved at approximate saving of $40,270.00. Engineering Dept. to proceed with final negotiations and completion of work. 2_5_58 40 274 Offer of John B. Orr to do stucco work on two front walls of Exhibition Hall in lieu of marble, at price of $4,075.00 accepted. 2-5-58 40 274 EXHIBITION HALL 1,5 Book Page Res. #9722 authorizing 2nd Exhibition Hall lease -- with American Assn for Health -Physical Education -Recreation for convention and exhibition on 4722 to 29, 1960. 2-26-58 40 307 Councilman Spaet suggests consideration be given to adequate reimbursement to City for out of pocket expenses in connection with conventions and exhibits at the Exhibition Hall 2-26-58 40 307 EXHIBITION HALL 16 Book Page Written offer of Oscar Markovich, `Auditorium Food & Beverage Concessionaire) to pay City 10% of all gross sales to laborers working on new Exhibition Hall, accepted 4-16-58 4o 377 Oscar Markovich asks for renewal of food and beverage concession at Auditorium and to include Exhibition Hall. Concession to be put out for bids. 3-19-58 40 334 EXHIBITION HALL 17 Book Page Food, tobacco and beverage concession at Auditorium and Exhibition Hall for 4 5 year period (Nov. 1, 1958 - Oct. 31, 1963)/ 0 awarded to Oscar Markovich, Res. #9765 5-21-58 4o 418 Res. #9784 authorizing Auditorium and Exhibition Hall lease agreement with Wilding Picture Productions for an auto trade showing 6-4-58 40 459 Res. #9790 authorizing Exhibition Hall lease agreement with Robert Oppenheim for /24/59 thru 3/10/59 6-18-58 40 476 EXHIBITION HALL 18 Book Page Use of Exhibition Hall by M. B. Police and Firemen's Benevolent Assn (date to ge agreed upon) for annual All Star Show next year for flat fee of $1,150.00 authorized. 7-16-58 41 11 Res. #9803 authorizing supplemental agreement with Oscar Markovich, food and beverage concessionaire, covering operations in Exhibition Hall until new agreement goes into effect on Nov. 1, 1958 7-16-58 41 11 EXHIBITION HALL 19 Book Page $475,000 appropriattaon from unallocated current funds to cover deficit in Exhibition Hall account authorized 7-16-58 41 12 Res. #9811 authorizing lease agreement with General Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star for convention at Auditorium on Nov. 5, 1961; Exhibition Hall on Nov. 4-10, 1961 8-6-58 41 35 Res. #9812 authorizinglease agreement with Holiday on Ice Shows, Inc. for Ice Show, March 26, April 68-1959 41 35 EXHIBITION HALL 20 Book Page Council questions rates charged for use of Exhibition Hall. Meeting with Mr. Ritter and City Manager to be set up. 8-6-58 41 36 Res. #9813 authorizing lease with U of M for Homecoming Dance on Nov. 22, 1958 8-6-58 41 36 Res. #9814 authorizing lease with U of M for Commencement Exercises on June 11, 1959 8-6-58 41 37 Contract for Fire and Explosion Insurance on ,exhibition Hall awarded to Miller - Levenson Associates 9-17-58 41 97 RYHTRTTTON HALL 21 Book Page Variety Club to hold charity boxing match at Exhibition Hall on Nov. 5, 1958, subject to Chris Dundee's letter of approval 10-1-58 41 124 Res. #9867 authorizing lease agreement with 59th Episcopal Convention Inc. for Auditorium and Exhibition Hall for convention 10-1-58 41 128 EXHIBITION HALL 22 Book Page Revolving Fund established in Oct. of 1957, for use of Auditorium, increased from $5,000 to $15,000 /il to cover both Auditorium and Exhibition Hall; and Fund increased as high as $25,000 for specific events. City Clerk er to control expenditures up to $15,000; City Mgr. to control expenditures from this Fund in excess of $$15,000. 10-1-58 41 129 EXHIBITION HALL 23 Book Page American Legion authorized to dedicate one room at Exhibition Hall as War Memorial Room. Matter of selection of room referred to Mr. Lipp. 10-15-58 41 150 Res. #9880 authorizing lease agreement with Nat'l Assn of Plumbing Contractors for convention and exhibit space -- Auditorium - May 30 to June 6, 1959 Exhibition Hall - May 27 to June 6, 1959 10-15-58 41 169 Res. #9881 authorizing Exhibition Hall lease with M.B. Police & Firemen's Benevolent Ass'n for "All Star"Charity Show on Feb. 22, 1959 10-15-58 41 170 EXHIBITION HALL 24 Book Page October 27th, 1958 declared Dedication Day of Exhibition Hall 10-15-58 41 170 Communication filed from Chris Dundee advising that he is waiving his exclusive on Exhibition Hall for Variety Club boxing event to be held on Nov. 5, 1958 and that Mr. Dunee will run the event. 10-15-58 41 175 Res. #9885 authorizing lease agreement with American Dental Assn for convention Oct. 24 thruNov. 1962 (Auditorium , and Exhibiton Hal 10-29-48 41 177