"F" Miscellaneous_August to November 1945"F" Miscellaneous 50. Book Page F. H. Fischer requests permit for filling station and building for automobile -rental. Council asks him to submit plans 8/15/45 23 197 Fader Food Market, Flamingo Bar and Flojay granted beer and wine licenses 10/17/45 23 248 Filer Equipment given contract for bleachers for Flamingo Park 11/7/45 23 285 "F" Miscellaneous Famous Restaurant granted beer and wine license Flamingo Hotel granted liquor license Floridian Hotel Bar granted liquor license Floridian Hotel granted liquor license 51 Book Page 12/19/45 23 .32$ 12/19/45 23 328 1/2/46 23 342A 1/16/46 23 352 "F" ` kis cellane ous 52 Book Page Council advised that Fleetwood Hotel may close permanently Sth St. from Alto i Road to hotel propery on West Ave. 3/6/46 23 447 Miss Bertha Foster's request to give concerts in Pier taken under advisement 4/17/46 24 12 Beer and wine license granted Flamingo Bar 4/17/46 24 15 "F" Miscellaneous 53 Book Page Floridian Hotel Cocktail Bar granted liquor license 5/1/46 24 50 Bertha Foster denied permis- sion to use Recreation Pier For concerts 5/1/46 24 76 Mrs. Gertrude Faber addresses Council regarding polio 5/15/46 24 86 H. H. Farr asks Council to endorse proposed aero car service to 36th St. Airport 5/15/46 24 91 "F" MISCELLANEOUS Res. #6020 passed endorsing proposed aero car service to 36th Street Airport by M. B. Air Line Service (H. H. Farr) 5/15t46 24 91 Res. #6024 passed, rescinding Res. #6020 above 5/16/46 24 100 54 Book Page Michael Fox of M. B. Apt. Ass'n. protests trucks parked on streets at night and on Sundays - referred to Mr. Hice 6/19/46 24 149 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 55 Book Page Frank's Fine Foods granted beer & wine license 9/4/+6 24 272 Famous Food Market & Fader Food Market granted beer licenses 11/6/46 24 380 Fleetwood Bar and Flamingo Hotel granted liquor licenses 11/6/46 24 382 Flamingo Hotel given permission to operate water ski school as service to guests 11/6/46 24 390 "F" MISCELLANEOUS • 56 Book Page Bernard Schaffer's request to operate water ski school at Floridian Hotel Dock is referred to City Manager with power to act 11/20/46 24 408 Florida Supper Club's recommendations as to hours of night clubs is referred to City Attorney to draw an ordinance 12/4/46 24 414 Beer and wine license granted Fassa Morocco 12/27/46 24 440 "F" 'MISCELLANEOUS 57 Book Page George Fassa's request that liquor zoning ordinance be amended to permit service bar at 6950 Collins Avenue is denied 2/5/47 24 471 Flojay granted beer license 2/5/47 24 471 Jack Fishman's protest of low-flying planes is referred to City Manager 2/19/47 24 521 Council discusses 5 -day week 4/16/47 25 128 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 58 Book Page Frank Fine Foods granted beer and wine license 5/7/47 25 144 Flamingo Bar granted beer and wine license 5/21/47 25 175 Freddie Frank' on behalf of Marines, given permission to use Lummus Park beach for simulated beach landing 7/2/47 25 235 Famous Door granted liquor license 10/1/47 25 389 "F" MISCELLANEOUS Fan & Bill's, Floridian Hotel & Flamingo Hotel granted liquor licenses Lilyan Fisher claim to be settled for $2,000 Flojay granted beer and wine license Fleetwood Hotel Band Box granted liquor license Jos. Fenias given permit for news bulletin sign on Lincoln Building 11/5/47 11/5/47 11/19/47 11/19/47 11/20/47 59 Book Page 25 453 25 464 25 478 25 480 25 487 "F"" MIS C'EZLANE ODS 60 Book Page Food Mart granted beer license 12/4/47 26 3 Fla. Music Network's request for reduction in license fee is referred to City Manager 2/18/48 26 225 Food Mart granted beer and wine license 4/7/48 26 277 Famous Door granted liquor license 5/19/48 26 347 "F" MISCELLANEOUS Bernard Frank appointed Associate Municipal Judge Liquor license granted ►►43 Room" Bernard S. Feiner objects to parking lot on Lot 8, Blk. 53, Pine Ridge No action taken on Mike Faust's application for permit for skill game 6/2/48 6/16/48 7/7/48 7/7/48 61 Book Page 26 376 26 407 26 415 26 419 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 62 Book Page _Bernard Frank's request for awning extension for Dave's Chicken in the Rough is denied 7/7/48 26 443 Flamingo Park Tennis Club objects to appropriation requested for tennis tournaments 8/4/48 27 8 Res. #6622 urging Fla. East Boast to establish ticket office in M. Bch. 8/18/48 27 41 "F" MISCELLANEOUS Floridian Hotel granted liquor license 63 Book Page 9/1/48 27 58 Marion Sibley, attorney, appointed as Special Counsel to represent City in case of GEORGE FAIN VS. CITY 9/8/48 27 90 Famous Door and "43 Room" granted liquor licenses 9/15/48 27 95 Claim of George Fain settled in amount of $?7,500 (Res. #6702) - See Voucher #92663 for release 12/17/48 27 258 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 64 Book Page Florida Transportation Service objects to request of Segal Bros. for 10 for -hire permits for cars to carry passengers from airline terminal to airport 3/23/49 27 500 Res. #6974 urging Railroad Commission to recommend con- struction of FEC station in vicinity of N.E. 20th Terrace 7/22/49 28 272 Cuban government to give bust of Dr. Carlos J. Finlay to City - site to be chosen 7/27/49 28 277 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 65 Book Page Council appropriates $150.00 to send Fireman Jerry Fontanella to National Pistol matches in Ft. Sheridan, Illinois 8/17/49 28 353 Mori Freemon suggests ordi- nance requiring permit be obtained to hold benefits and requiring accounting of receipts 10-4-50 30 86 Res, #7550 authorizing settlement of Hiram Folsom injury suit 4-18-51 31 53 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 66 Book Page Irving Frankel urges acquisition by City of 18th Street ocean end 7-18-51 31 380 Julius Friedman complains of treatment received from Police Dept. in connection with over- time parking. 7-18-51 31 )404 Council offers no protest to application of Flamingo Hotel for Dept. of Army permit to construct pier and dolphins in Biscayne Bay 11-21-51 32 193 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 67 Book Page Dr. Richard Finchell asks Council tc appropriate funds to sponsor public debate on question of ownership of Fla. Power & Light Co. No action. 1-2-52 32 279 Fla. East Coast Railway Co. to establish ticket office in Miami Beach as soon as location can be found 4-16-52 32 484 Res. #8577 congratulating Florida Sun in its new quarters 11-18-54 35 163 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 68 Book Page Council asked by Mrs. Herbert Clark of Pompano, to help in attempt to bring Route 9 east of Farmer's Market, so that land purchased for expansion of market will be preserved 2-17-54 35 347 Edward Flatow asks permission to operate dance studios in hotels having less than 100 rooms. Advised to take up his request with Zoning Board 5-i6-56 38 216 Complaint re. noise and unsanitary conditions in connection with handling of garbage at Fan & Bill's Restaurant referred to Mr. Lipp 12-18-57 40 160'