"F" Miscellaneous_December 1929"F" MISCELLANEOUS Boom,_Page. Flagler Monument -Illumination authorized 9, 31 .Estimated and Bids presented on above 9, 4o Appropr.iati.on increased. - Flagler Mon. 9, 4o Glare from lights on above referred to City Mgr. and City Eng. 9, 52 Release of F. E. C. on payment of claim for lost carload of pipe authorized or Fla. Motor Lines request $2O0Booklet Federal Radio Commission: Res. _2084 9 , 77 9 , 299 9, 347 Fenimore Ap V cc tr cn Rew . 2110 12/4/29 11 396 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 2. BOOK, PAGE Fla. East Coast Canal-Shutts' Letter 9, 408 Fishing prohibited on Bridges,Roads & Private property -Ordinance t be prepared` by City ttorney 1-15-30 9, 439 Feigenbaum,N.-Request for charge off of BH -5 assessment 1-15-30 9, 445 Feigenbaum,N.- " " " 1-22-30 9, 450 Fay -Complaint re: Closed Street Ends in 10, 1)Ij1 M.B.I. Ocean Front 5-21-30 Florida Real Estate Journal -Page Ad 5-21-30 authorized 10, 149 _IEC LLANEOUS 3. BOOK, PAGE Mr. Fleeman request for permit to have 10, 305 office on wheels on 5th nrmt.38enied "FRIDAY NIGHT" request for ad 3-4-31 10, 476 _Fr_ee, an, -Alen: Compliments City on ap- pearances of Lvmmus Park 6r-3-31 11, 67 Flag Pole at Opa-Looka Naval Hangar bill ordered- paid -- -7-1731 11, 97 " Letter of Thanks fog f-15-31 F. F. Farr granted TraveldBureau License Ferrin, Ali gran re un 3_1_33 11, 144- 11,485 12, 5 1° F" MI SCELLANEOUS 4. Book Page Fickling, W. I. requests privilege of rebuilding present Shell Co. filling station on 5th St.& Jeff. venue 1/9/35 13 230 QY e Y1 Flamingo TerraoeAddn. plat presented and referred back to developers for revision 7/3/35 13 466 "F" MISCELLANEOUS Forge Clubs Inc., liquor application considered 2-11-35 sf /� Book Page 13 289 Forge Club,Inc., granted liquor kens e 3=i2=35 13 325 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 5> Book, Page W.J.gicklirag j.etter to Council_8-/16/33 _ 1.2, 126 Fralinger Estate offer to sell Lots 1, 2 & 3, Bik. 114, 0. B. #4 for $30,000. accepted (For Park Purposes) 13, 287 Farr Tours granted Travel Bureau license 3/20/35 --13+--331-- _Fowler, Chas.A. letter making suggestions on proposed bulkhead construction 8/14/35 14 39 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 6. 5 O'CLOCK CLUB granted liquor Book Page license 2218 Collins Ave. erp 35 14 102 Florida Motor Lines granted per- mission mission to extend service to M. B. by way of Hollywood. 9/30/35 14 115 Dr. H. H. Fox asks change in zoning ordinance to permit con- struction of Apartment on his Lot 2, Blk. 1, Mid Golf Sub. 10/2/35 14 118 FRIEDMAN, WM. granted beer permit 10/17/35 14 157 Fickling, W. I. asks permit to reconstruct Shell Oil Co.filling station -5th St. 10/30/35 14 166 4 Aces granted Liquor license permit 11/7/35 14 180 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 7. Fleetwood Garage damage reported by City Mgr. & Councilman Hice. 11/15/35 14 192 Four Aces liquor permit urged by Atty. Wm.J.Dunn 11/13/35 14 188 41st Street Market granted beer and wine permit 11/15/35 14 193 French Casino granted night club license 11/20/35 14 198 Fleetwood Apts.- agreemei n by owner on its reconstruction 171/44 1/55 14 216 "F" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Forge Club night club license protested and endorsed 12/4/35 14 219 "Ask Mr.Foster Travel Service" granted Travel Bureau license 12/4/35 14 223 French Casino granted liquor license 12/6/35 14 230 Flamingo Hotel granted liquor license 12/6/35 14 230 -Forge- te&1iquer .license 6 35 14 Floridian Hotel granted liquor 230 license - 12I& W- i i. 2�fl 1° F 11 MISCELLANEOUS 9. Book Page -Forge Club- gran-te4 ?Night Club license 12/18/35 14 238 Fleetwood Ho -el granted Night Club license 12/18/35 14 23g Farr Tours - granted travel bureau license 12/18/35 14 240 Fleetwood Hotel Hangar and Continental .. _ nsea 1/8/36 14 25g Fleetwood Sundry Shop granted beer and wine permit. 1/8/36 14 25g MISOEUANEOUS 9h Book Page Five 01Glook Club granted night -nub lieentm 1/V36- 14 265 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 1O Greyhound Book Page Faust, M. granted license for/Dime - fie -Prize game 1/8/36 3- - 259 -- _Freight Rate Hearing - City of M:B. agrees to participate with Miami 1/8j Floridian Hotel granted permit for sky sig` — 1/8/36. -1-4 264 Federation-af-Womena Clubs ask donation of_ $25O.QO__for convention -1/29/36 14 279 Request of Federation of Womens Clubs for above donation denied 2/26/36 14 315 "F" MISCELLANEOUS fl Book Page French Casino -objections filed to sale of liquor in their establich- icture theatre 3/436 14 _316 Fruit shippers- bond to be required .-when+—talking out license 4/15/36 14 394 Florida National Exhibits request a - propriation for 1936 summer 6/3/36 14 468 Florida National Exhibits appropria- tion of $600.00 6/17/36 14 484 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 12. Book Page Fleetwood Apts. given pei ldit to operate building as garage 9-30-36 15 153 Fbote,Mary Elisabeth - City agrees to reimburse for beach protacti rn Res. #3709 9-30-36 15 155 Five O'clock Club granted for 2218 Collins Avenue 10-7-36 15 161 Forge Club liquor license discussed -by-attorneys 10=21==*-- 15 177 -ramous Gardens granted permit to erect __awning___ 10/21/36 5 183 Fi eaQ;C look Club graritep.11-ia for lic. 15 191 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 13. Book Page Friend, Samuel F. granted liquor license 2206 -Park Ave. 10-21-36 15 191 Five O'clock Club granted night clUb-lieenTe 11=2?ad St. 10-21-36 15 191 Flamingo Co. granted permit for dock construction 11-4-36 15 205 French Casino -night club permit 11-4-36 15 209 -Farr-;-.H-11. grant-edTravel Bureau lice`11-12-36 15 218 FA,e ° - i / - /.-36 ♦ 5 --)424.9 ►i F 1° MI S CELLANEOUS 14. Book Page. Fan & Bil1,.Inc..-granted liquor license 11-18-3, 15 232 Fogg, R. S. - asks permission to establish seaplane service 12-2-36 15 ?54 Farr, H.H. - granted permit to o erate travel bureau 12-2-36 15 2 3 Famous Gardens granted beer and wine permit 12-2-36 Fan & Bill as1 parking 1st -permit 15 263- 12-16-36 15--2 UFUU MISCELLANEOUS 15. Book Page Forge Club grams 1 gtub license 12 bf3b 15 304 Fickling., W. 1. - presents form of ordinance for- regulati ng sale, of certain drugs - 12/30/36 15 lor Famous Gardens request to add side awnings denied Yom, - 15 31 -41st Street Business Subdn.plat ap- proved 1-6-37 15 Friedman, Ben - given parking lot per- mit,Lots 13 & 14,B1k.1,0.B. 1-6-37 15 331 BF" MISCELLANEOUS 1G Book Page Florida Transportation Co.granted permit for busses 1-20-37 15 33g Fleetwood Hotel ask for permit to construct new dock 1-20-37 15 352 Fair Practice Bureau file letter re Sunday merchandise selling 1- _- Fe1si nger Mrs. W. -damage claim ordered paid 3-10-37 15 429 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 17 Book Page $1,003.50 Water Lien charged off appearing off appearing against Fleetwood Hotel 5,5.37 16 90 James D/ & Lillian M. Fulton give City 5' Easement through Lot 39, Indian Creek Sub. 5/17/37 16 94 Florida National Exhibits, Inc. given appropriation of $665 .00 5/19/37 98 "F" MISCELLANEOUS $2,893.58 appropriated for hydrants on Allison Island Councilman Meyer presented for use of a floor of City Federal Art Gallery. fire 6/7/37 request Hall for 6/16/37 16 139 18 Book Page 16 12g Geo. Fassa requests permit for liquor service bar at 41st St. and Prairie Ave. Denied. 7/21/37 16 190 41 Club files new application for liquor license 9-16.37 ) 16 260 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 19 Book Page John P.Ford and W.A.Fingles -file objections to proposed _ = ---pr-o-per ty 10-11-37 Ford -John P. against object to gr-a-t-ing--of-perm it for above 10-20-37 16 330 Farr, H. H. requests permit to erect neon post sign 11-3-37 16 30 6 Farr Tours,Inc. license 337 granted travel bureau 11-3-37 16 bureau license, 11-3-37 339 16 339 "F" MISCFT I ANEouS 20 . Book Page Frooks,B.V.-grante' tr 1 bureau license 1I.— - i6 339 Forbes,Graee - accident case settle- ment in the amount of 41500.11-3-37 16 347 5 01Clock Club granted night club license 11-17-37 16 371 Farr Tours,Inc.given permit -to erect -- _n-eo-n goat --sign ._- 11--19-37 1.6 3S6 FassaMoulin Rouge granted beer and wine license 11-24-37 16 3g9 r• MISCELLANEOUS 21 Book Page Finestein,Robt. denied liquor license in Gulf Filling Station 12-1-37 _ 16 405 Consideration of 41 Club licenses for bar and night club postponed until Dec. 22, 1937 12-15-37 16 446 Foster -Ask Mr. -granted travel bureau permit 12-15-37 16 451 Falkenburg,C.F. grantedarking lot llins(�� 12-15-37 16 454 Discission on issuance of 41 Club r! u fu Night Club licenses 37 16 457 -f" MISCELLANEOUS - 22 Hook Page Fleetwood Hotel granted Liquor license 1-5-3 7 DeFeo,Jerry S. permit withheld for bar license in Patrician Hotel 1-5-3ffi 16 . 467 Frey,Mr.Louis - settlement on accident case authorized 1-19-3 16 490 - Faust, Mike - granted licenses for 3 games on pier 2-16-3 allows Oorn-e%ius -- files application for package spode store 5--4-38 17 137 ..�" MIBC1J,ANEOUS 23 Book Page Parr- H.H. granted Travel Bureau license - 601 Collins Ave. 5-25-38 17 163 Fassa,Geo. granted liquor license for Monte Carlo Bar 6-8-38 17 173 Fox, Mrs. Ida -accident case settled in the amount of $316.50 6-10-38 17 176 Franceschini, Mary Aymonin,granted beer and wine license 10-19-38 17 300 Farr Tofu° s, Inc. granted travel bureau lic ena a 11/16/3g 17 7o -- r MISCELLANEOUS 24 Book Page Frank,' Irving - denied beer and wine license on 41st St. 11/23/3g j.7 -3-61 Frank,Irving- again asks fnr beep & wine permit for his delicatessen i1/30/38 -.17 36 Five 01Olo ck Club granted night club license 12/1/3.ES_ 17- _ 379 /arver, Dr_ F_ F_ reimbursed $119.99 interest on 1931 Lien Sale Oertficate purchased by him 12/1/38 1/ 3g0