"F" Miscellaneous_December 1938'" MISCELLANEOUS 25 Book Page Fleetwood Hotel Cocktail Lounge & Hangar granted liquor license 12/7/38. 17 382 Findies Package Store given license 12/7/38 17 382 Frank's Delicatessen again ask for beer & wine license on Last St. 12/7/38 17 382 Florida Transportation Co.apply for 3 Sightseeing bus permits 122/703g 17 383 (1 permit granted to be parkea a Chamber of Commerce) Fleetwood. Hotel DockHQsg®gven beer �.nd wine r�Arm i t 17 393 tit Lt $ Ta/ZT sns ant v er;4" .xo.; DoT =Plated pa4us.tB Ta4OH uTPlu ail 66C LT VC/ttT/dT .1oot- -uoo oa Tmaed�s8 T_azog uBppT„Td • .z- a 8M .ot BuTgaud .zoa We Te.oH uTT4us zd $6� ) T /-4T/aT ueorr au1 I puu .zaaq ,ZoJ 3188 UT808 uassaVOTIeQ a lquv zd C6C LT RUVET ssaATBM ;o 4dTeoei oq 4oafgns 4Tmzad 4oT 9up{.zud •pa.us.z •p •g 'sstoo.zd avid Moog 9a_ snoZNYTISOSI t udo "F" MISCELLANEOUS 27 Book Page - Co„a k_for additional permit for s :htseeing (no action Refund of liquor license to NAT FINER authorized 1-4-39 434 Fla. Transportation Co. regue st permit to operate additional bus 3/1/39- 17 486 Farr Tours granted trave l- bureau license (601 Collins Ave.) 3/1/39 17 488 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 28 Book Page Fountain, He D. awarded contracts for sand and soil at Normandy Isle _God nurse 3-15-39 1g II Fishman, Rose - Clerk to issue dupli- cat tax certificates 4/I9/39 18 49 Fisher -Carl G. - Res.#4587 - sympathy on his death- 7-17-39 18 161 Fassa - George -requests transfer of his liquor license to address across street Frank's Fine Foods granted7beer- -- 1g 176 and wine license 7-26-39 1g 177 N1bU4LLANEOUS FASSA,GEO.denied transfer of liquor license from 1711 to 1702 Alton Road 8/16/3. 7 -77 -2T57 - Book. Book. Page FRIEDMAN, CHAS. -denied beer and wine permit at ---5.W. eor:2Oth Bt . & -Collins g/16/39 18 213 Fassa,Geo-granted liquor license at 1207 1.7th-st. 9-&-39- 18 230- Franceschini,Mary A. denied beer & wine license at 1628 Penn.Ave. 18 265 Firestone Tire-- Store -i& Filling Sta. permit referred to committee 9/20/39 1g 265 tIr MISCELLANEOUS 30 Book Page Fleetwood Hotel granted liquor license 18 32$ 10218-39 Five O O1ock Club granted night club i-eense - --x/3/39 18 364 Friedman`s Restaurant granted beer and wine -tense 11/15/39 18 375 41 Club -denied litdor permit 11/15/39 18- 376 Floridian Bar & Graille granted beer and wine license 11/.29/39 188 license ant 12/6/39 eau 18 413 'IFl MISCELLANEOUS 31. Book Page Friedman,J. - request permit to disilay fruit and vegetables back of sidewalk �irre - 12/13/39 18 415 - Friedman, Milton - granted parkin lot at N.W. cor.6th 1c Wshington -12/13-/39 -18,416 Friedman,Adolph - granted parking ftean _ B e aeheriai torr h ' 12/20-399 18 421 Permission refused Julius Friedman for displaying produce on City property back of widewal _1 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 32 Book Page Fla.Trans. Co.denied additional sight- seeing penrit-s—reque-st to make arrange- ments with others for handling sightseeing tours referred. to City Mgr. 12/20/39 18 420 Fassa,Geo. to be advised that he must n-ot adveti-quor salits -f-r-om 1702 _Alton Road 1/3/40- 18 438 Old 41 Club denied liquor license 1/3/4p 18 433 -71a---.4fransportation Co.request additional -permits_for sightseeing_huse_a_2/7/4o 3.8 453 Firestone Service Stationgranted per- -Sit—to erect Nn sign 2/12/40 18 503 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 33 Book Page Florida As sn. of Workers for the Blintask for Financial assis- tance in next year's budget 5/1/40-- 19 104 Florida Wonderland cruises ask for - appropriat-ion — — — 5/29/40 19 136 Farrell & Pyle seek permit to ins= stall gasoline tank & pump 6/19/40 19 174 —Farrel-1 & Pyle granted permit for installation of gas tank & pump 7/3/40 19 186 Fla. Motor Lines ask for sight- seeing permits 7/26/40 19 201 "FU MISCELLANEOUS 34i Fire line conne tion authorized Book Page at 3925 Meridian ave. 9/25/40 19 301_ at cost of $958,00 Fleetwood Hotel - request permit to extend dock 150 feet into bay 9/25/40 19 301 Fleetwood Hotel - again request permit to extend dock 150 feet 10/2/14-- 1.9 312 council agreed to grant FLEETWOOD HOTEL PERMIT T-O-EXtend- dock 1251-upon-passage of Ord.amending. Zon.0rd.—_1.4/2./I0— 19 Farr Touts granted travel Bureau license 10-30-40- 19 376 FIVEOt0LOCK CLUB granted_ f ul_-39 386 313 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 35 Book Page Florida League of Municipalities appropriated S1200.00 11/20/40 413 rrFla. State Chamber of Commerce ask City to take membership in their organization - no action 11/20/40 ransportatlon 'o.granteu sightseeing bus permit 11/27/40 19 429 Fine, Irving - granted beer and wine license 11/27/40 19 433 Fleetwood Hotel to be advised to dis- continue the tying vn of charter boats at their docks 12/4/40 19 458 OZuanuo0/Ifrsaouar0u�ssesuo0 ypTaota 0 c� PT t3 8Lt 61 O /Tt-/ t f teotme--eq- esoTo ooh asuaoxt auTnn puB aaeq paTuep eaogs Lapung puB SMQN-liver `uBWPt01 Z9t 61 Ofi/tt/ZT PQTueP - £Mous aaB40 04BIRTWTgTT 5iluTWB4s ao3 aeTd uo OWBet 4oec •oui‘uown-rdlaao s,aeuTe,j Z9t 61 Ob/Tt/ZT • 4_.s t( -R T2Tt 4B amok Tsaaunj ao3 4TM -aed Nsas uI'uowBzTu8 xo s,aauTaa 9211-d 3100a sll0mirriaooiw "du 'F" MISCELLANEOUS 37 Book Page Temporary permit given Flaalotor Lines to park sightseeing busy on Alton Roa.d outh of t. 1/15/43 15 French,Oharlotte - offers settlement for back -personal proparty-taxes (not accepted by Council) 3/19/41 20 114 Farrey Hdwe,_ to_b_e_compelled to dis- continue pfactice of parking and plac- ing -trash on of West Ave. �/4I 20 156 Fildes, Mrs. Anne - denied beer and wine license for 1731 Purdy Ave. 4/41741 20 157 t!Ftt MISCELLANEOUS Fv_tanchu Restaurant granted beer 5/7/41 20 200 and wine license 38 Book Page in full settlement of personal prop. taxes refused 5/7/41 20 201 Fia.Engineering Society - letter filed from them as to examining and register- ing of all engine a eyors 5/7/41 20 21b Frink,Councilman-asks Council to with- draw bill pro osin e t not of f n..,e mars as -ro lae unler of /41 20 220 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 39 Book Page Farrey, J. J. - reappointed Building Inspector 6/6/41 20 271 Four -O -One corp. granted liquor license for Picadilly Club 10-2-41 20 427 Forge, The Old - granted liquor license Fla.Transportation Co. bequest 10/22/ i 2ID 421 Five O'Clock Club granted Night Club license. 10/22/41 21 4 Harry Fink granted Parking Lot permit for N.W.corner 38th St. and Collins Ave.. 11/5/41 21 11 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 40 Book Page M. Fedison granted Parking Lot permit for Lots 6, 7 & 8, Blk. 5, Ocean Beach Sub. 11/5/41 21 12 Harry H. Farr granted Travel Bureau license 11/10/41 21 28 Four -O -One Corp. name changed to "Circus Bar" (401 Ocean Drive) Fleetwood Hotel granted rl�fu2d4 of 21 44 liquor license fee paid 12/5/41 21 86 Five o'clock Club granted parking lot permit, Lots 6,8 & 10, Blk. 2, Ocean Front Prop. 12/17/41 21 102 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 41 Book Page Floridian Hotel granted liquor license 12/17/41 21 102 Chas. Friedman granted Night Club license 12/17/41 21 103 Dr. Elias Freidus appointed to serve on Health Advisory Committee 12/18/41 21 120 Council appropriation $100. for membership in Florida State Chamber of Commerce. 1/22/42 21 161 Danny & Doc's at Fleetwood Hotel granted liquor license 12/18/41 21 120 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 42 Book Page Florida Music Corp. complain of high occupational license fee for music by "Muzak" 2/20/42 21 212 Fugle,Delmar J.-1941 Homestead Exemption denied for 1941 taxes 3/4/42 21 236 Futch,M.D.-offers to sell to City, Lot 26, Blk. 2, Fleetwood Subdn. 7/1/42 21 358 Flamingo Bar - granted beer and wine license 10-7-42 21 42g Fay, Gertrude- files objection to pay- ing paving assessments 1O_7-42 21 436 " F U MISCELLANEOUS 43 Book Page Fay, Gertrude - files objection to street paving assessments 10-7-42 21 436 Fields, Mr.& Mrs. Harry W. ask change in zoning for their property known as 1434 Collins Ave. - complain of exhaust fan at Eskay Drug Co. 11/4/42 21 458 Friedman, Atty. Arthur explains to Council indebted ness of Palm Island Latin 'quarter and Club Casanova 11/4/42 21 459 Futch,M.D. offers Lot 22,B1k.2,Fleet- Ibod to City for '3500. 11/18/42 21 467 --"F" MISCEL•LANEOU'S I. Book Page Florida State Chamber of Commerce dues ordered paid in the amant of $100.00 1/20/43 22 18 Flamingo Taxi Service transfer 8 taxi permits to Henry Barenblatt 2/3/43 22 18 Freanan,Henry J. -asks Council to grant him one taxi permit 2/3/43 22 18 Freeman,Henry J. -granted one taxi - permit 2/4!43 22 31 FrEE'MAN-HENRY J. given 6 permits formerly held by Mike Dallett 6/16/43 22 133 "F" MISCELLANEOUS 45 -_B00K_PAGE_ Homestead exemption granted Clara L. Fuller on lot 9, block 4B, 43 10% a/Isl. 22 190 Fan & Bill's ask that Ord. #391 be amended to permit sale of liquor at 6950 Collins for duration only 22 212 11/17/43 Above taken under advisement 11/17/43 22 212 Mr. Shepard & Mr. Tomlinson instructed to attend Florida League of Municipalities session in Jax 12/7 & 8 12/1/43 22 222 "F" Miscellaneous 46 BOOK PAGE Forde Ocean Apts. given permission to erect temporary cabanas for duration only 12/15/43 22 236 1943 taxes prorated on First Church of Christ Scientist 12/20/43 22 240 Council refuses permit to Flamingo Cabana Club for locker room at 6331 Collins Avenue 1/5/44 22 248 Committee appointed to investigate desirability of Firestone estate for public park 3/1/44 22 288 "F" Miscellaneous 2 taxicab permits of transferred to Henry Application of C. B. dancing school taken advisement Fithian Dance Studio for 323 47th St. HENRY FREEMAN Barenblatt 4/19/44 FITHIAN for under 7/19/44 given permit 8/16/44 Florida Music Corporation ask for adjustment of their occupational license fee - Council takes under advisement 10/20/44 47 Book Page 22 313 22 369 22 382 22 417 "F" Miscellaneous 48 Book Page Flamingo Restaurant granted beer and wine license (Hoffman, etc.) 12/6/44 22 443 Council denies request of Florida Music Corp. for adjustment of license fee 12/20/44 22 450 Application of Phtlip B. Foffe for beer and wine license at 960 Ocean Drive referred to City Attorney for opinion as to zoning status 1/3/45 22 461 "F": MISCELLANEOUS Frank's Fine Foods & Foffe Caterers Restaurant granted beer & wine licenses 1/17/45 22 465 Farr Tours granted travel bureau licenwe 3/7/45 23 6 Milton Friedman's claim for $750 damages authorized to be settled 5/10/45 23 SS Cornelius Feliowes asks for liquor license on 41st St. if and when ordinance is amended 8/1/45 23 192 49• Book Page