Fingerprinting_October 1936 to July 1946FINGERPRINTING
Book Page
lst & 2nd_Reading_of Ordinance
requiring registration and finger-
-prInting of certain employees in
the City of M. B. 10/e1/36 15 186
-15iSi Reading abiiVe Ord. #457
11-4-36 • 15- —196
lst & 2nd readings of
ordinance adding new
classifications to above
_ordinamee_and Increasing
fee to $1.00 7/17/46 24 222
Book Page
3rd reading Ord. #775,
new classifications to
No. 457 and increasing
fee to
8/7/46 24 247
Meat Cutters Local Union
ask for relief from Finger-
printing ordinance require-
ment 12/4/47
3rd reading Ord. 0871,
requiring renewal of
identification cards
every year
26 2
12/1/48 27 223
Volunteer defense workers
to receive identification
Book Page
cards without charge 8-16-50 30 44
Police Chief asks for amendment to
fingerprinting ordinance, so as to
include store clerks among those who
must be photographed and finger-
printed. Action deferred. 7-6-55 37 256
1st reading Code amendment re. finger-
printing employees, by adding "saleswomen".
9-7-55 37 250
3rd reading Code ame dm nt re. finger -
saleswomen - Ord. 11b09-21_55 37 365
Book Page
Hearing requested on proposed
amendment to fingerprint ordinance,
to require fingerprinting of union
officials. Hearing set for April 8th.
Clerk to give notice.
3-18-59 41 452
Hearing conducted on proposed amendment
to civilian registration ordinance, to
require union officials, etc. to be
fingerprinted and photographed.
4-8-59 42 2
1st reading of proposed amendment to
Code re. fingerprinting union officials, etc.
Motion for passage of ordinance calla.
Discussion on ordinance. City At yavi5942s
re. proposed ord. Discussion concl- d
Book Page
Councilman Richard asks that proposition
requiring union officials to be finger-
printed be placed on ballot. Council
discuss matter. City Atty Wanick's
opinion given. Motion to submit finger-
printing of union officials to voters
fails to receive second.
5-6-59 42 59
Mr. Richard reads letter from Atty Gen.
Ervin re. proposed ordinance to require
union officials to be fingerprinted.
No action by Council. 5-20-59 42 79