Fire Chief Stephenson_July 1936 to June 1943FIRE CHIEF STEPHENSON 2.
Book Page
Given 0.50.00 to attend Fire
Chief's Convention - 7-15-36 15 14
Pur4ase of new Buick Sedan for
firs"%tef authorized 2/010 It 4-76
Fire Chief authorized to buy firemen's
-uniforms-from FeChheimer Bros, at total
cost of_4785,45 12/9/4o. 19 461 -
City Mgr,advises Chief Steohenson wishes
to resign - appointment of new chief held
ce 67271.3 22 129
--R-es4567-6-honartng-Chief StepWson
6/16/43_ 137
Book Page
2 months'... additional salary authorized.
to J.S.Stephenson upon his retirement
6/16/43 3 137