Firestone Estate (And Ocean Frontage North)FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 25. Book Page Discussion re. acquisition of oceanfront property for park purposes and condemnation proceedings heretofore instituted. City Mgr. recommends: dropping proceedings against Hogan property (Lot 6, Indian Beach Sub.) continue proceedings against Lots 7, 8 and 9, and take vacant lots north of these---- (purchase :2 ':lots immediately south of Royal York and 6 lots immediately north of Hogan property, or abandon idea of purchasing property at northern end entirely and buy 8 lots north of Hogan property. (cont.) FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 26. Book Page (cont.) Motion - Sp_ad t ) authorizing condemnation of Lots 7,8,9,10,11,12,13 and 14, Indian Beach Corp.'s Sub. Substitute Motion - (Roth) of Lots 17 Front Sub. Lots 7, 8, Beach Sub. authorizing condemnation and 18, Blk 1, 2nd Ocean at north end, and 9, 10, 11 and 12, Indian at south end. Postponement of action requested. Councilman Frank's substitute motion carries: - Acquire Lots 7 - 12, Indian Beach Sub. Drop a is9-12, Blk 1, 2nd Ocean Front, Indian con emnatii�Beach Sub. from 12-30-51 35 257-59 FIRESTONE ESTATE,(and ocean frontage north). 27. Book Page Res. #8628 authorizing dismissal of Lot 6, Indian Beach Corp. Sub. from pending condemnation proceedings 12-30-53 35 266 Res. #8629 authorizing institution of proceedings to acquire Lots 10, 11, 12, Indian Beach Corp. Sub., for public park purposes 12-30-53 35 268 Res. #8630 authorizing dismissal of Lots 9 - 12, 2nd Oceanfront from condemnation proceedings 12-30-53 35 268 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 28. Book Page Res. #8669 calling zoning hearing re. placing Lot "A" Indian Beach Corp. Sub., in 2 -story Cabana District (Firestone Estate) 2-17-54 35 346 Abraham Rosen, owner of Surfside Plaza Hotel, opposes rezoning of Firestone Estate 3-3-54 35 367 Hearing re. request to place Firestone Estate in 2 -story cabana district. Ordinance to be prepared making this zoning change 3-17-54 35 368 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 29 Book Page Res. #8729 calling zoning hearing to include Lots 1 to 5 incl. of Indian Beach Corp.'s Sub. in "RE" Multiple - Family District (500 feet immediately north of Firestone Estate) 5-5-54 Report of City Engr. covering request of Fontainebleau Hotel for 2 -story Cabana District and desirability of establishing harbor line in this location. Sketches presented. 5-19-54 35 485 35 463 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 30 Book Page Discussion re. Fontainebleau Hotel property problems,ie location of harbor line; front yard requirement back of harbor line, etc. Ordinances to be prepared. 5-21-54 35 490 Zoning hearing held to include Lots 1 to 5 incl. of Indian Beach Corp's Sub. in "RE" Multiple -Family Dist. Ord. to be prepared reclassifying above in "RE" and Area Dist. No. 51 (500 feet immediately north of Firestone Estate) C-2-54 36 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 30A Book Page 1st reading ordinance reclassifying Lots 1 to 5 incl. Ind. Beach Corp. Sub., in "RE" Multiple -family Dist. and Area Dist. No. 51 6-2-54 36 10 1st reading ord. establishing setbacks on ocean side of Fontainebleau Hotel property. (placing strip on e.side of hotel property in 2 -story cabana dist. and Area Dist. No. 1.) 6-2-54 36 19 3rd reading zoning amendment placing easterly side of Fontainebleau property in 2 -story Cabana Dist. and Area Dist. No. 1. -- Ord. #1113 6-16-54 36 24 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 30B Book Page Letter from City Atty re. Fontainebleau Hotel setbacks. 1st reading ord. creating Area Dist. No. 57, and placing all of Lot A, Ind. Beach Corp. Sub. (Fontainebleau property) except portion of east side, in said Area District, and remainder in Area District No. 43. 7-7-54 36 53 Ord.providing for creation of Area Districts for Fontainebleau amended on 3rd reading by inserting Area District No. 58 instead of No. 43. Ord. #1120 adopted. 7-21-54 36 88 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 31 Book Page Letter from B.L. Slater, realter re. "motel" signs advertising establishments in Surfside; also suggesting that ocean front strip north of Firestone cettaibe used for construction of motels. Other letters on subject held over until next meeting. 8-11-54 36 116 Letters filed asking rezoning of ocean front strip north of Fontainebleau in order to permit construction of motels. City Mgr. to study and make recommendations. b-18-554 36, 126 city - 1st eord. establishing harbor .Line port riadai of ntaineb.Leau to north line of city- owne park property (LOV A to Lots 7 thru 12 Indian Beach Corp. Sub.)10--54 36 225 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 32 Book Page Res.#8791 calling zoning hearing to place property immediately north of Fontainebleau in 2 -story Cabana Dist. (e. portion Lots 1 to 5 incl.) and remainder of these lots in appropriate Area District. 10-8-54 36 226 3 rd reading ord. establishing harbor line from north line of Fontainebleau to north line Lot 12, Ind. Beach Corp. Sub. (acquired. f or city park) Ord. ##1137 10-20-54 36 267 Zoning hearing re. cabana and area districts of property north of Fontainebleau. 1st reading ordinance establishing setbac s i�� 10-27-54 36 287 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 33 Book Page 3rd reading ord. placing easterly portion of 500 feet immediately north of Fontainebleau in 2 -story Cabana Dist. and Area Dist. No. 43, and remainder in Area Dist. No. 57. Ord. No. 1138. 11-3-54 36 308 Council formally approves association of outside counsel - Anderson & Nadeau in oceanfront zoning case 4-18-56 38 154 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 33A Book Page Request of Eden Roc for change in harbor line taken under advisement. (N.1/2 Lot 3, all of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Ind. Beach Corp Sub.) 12-14-55 37 491 1st reading ord. relocating harbor line at Eden Roc Hotel 1_4_56 38 5 3rd reading ordinance relocating harbor line at Eden Roc Hotel - Ord. #1195 1-18-56 38 30 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 34 Book Page Ben Shepard reports on suits involving oceanfront zoning north of Eden Roc Hotel. Judge Crawford entered decree against City, holding that zoning for Single -Family Estates as to this property is unreasonable and requiring City to permit construction of hotels and multiple -family dwellings. Mr. Shepard advised that there is a very good chance of reversing this decree if appeal is taken to Supreme Court. Matter to be brought up before full Council to consider taking appeal 5-16-56 38 208 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) Hotel Assn urges Council to appeal Circuit Court decision in oceanfront zoning case (600' of property north of Eden Roc). Also suggests Harland Bartholomew & Associates render opinion as to whether or not this property should remain residential. Resolutions of 71st St. & North Shore Assns; Godfrey Road Assn and Washington Ave. Assn filed. South Shore Assn urges appeal be taken. Lincoln Rd. Assn resolution filed. Mr. Novagk (Fontainebleau Hotel owner) urges City to appeal. City Mgr. advocates holding public hearing. (continued) 35 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 36 Book Page Motion to take appeal and hold public hearing when City has received Bartholomew report tabled. Open forum to be held 5oon 38 218 6/26/56. Council votes to appeal decision of Circuit Court in suit involving rezoning of 600' strip north of Eden Roc Hotel 6-27-56 38 263 Lincoln Road Merchants' Guild favors planned rezoning of property on "strip" area and presents resplution urging immediate rezoning 'Charles Danton outlines steps to be followed in connection with oceanront zoning so nthat oels wou d be able to have onl service stoes. (continued 7-5-5c 38 266 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 37 Book Page Discussion re. rezoning 8ceanfront"strip" north of Eden Roc, and restricting uses in new 100 -room hotels in the "RE' Multiple - family districts. City Atty asked to prepare ordinance that would be upheld in the courts, to limit types of stores permitted in these hotels. Resolutions presented supporting rezoning filed. 7-5-56 38 269 Shepard Board requests hearing to rezone his Lot 235, 1st Oceanfront Sub. (55th & Collins). Mr. Broad to be placed on Council Agenda for Feb. 20th meeting. 1-16-57 39 58 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 38 Book Page Irving Cypen requests Council to call public hearing to consider rezoning Collins Ave. property between 46th and 58th Streets. Councilman Richard asks Mr. Renshaw to get together with Zoning Board and give full report to Council on how it should be restricted as to use. Res. #9396 calling zrtng hearing5o39 91 n March 7, 1957. FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 39 Book Page Hearing to consider rezoning Collins Ave. property between 46th and 58th Streets, scheduled for March 7th and informally postponed by Council on March 1st, to be set for March 21st. Quorum to meet at Oceanfront Auditorium on March 7th in order to postpone hearing to the 21st. City Clerk to advertise. 3-6-57 39 152 Above hearing postponed until March 21, 1957 - Oceanfront Auditorium 3-7-57 39 161 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 40 Oceanfront rezoning hearing conductedBook Page at 10th St. Auditorium (Collins Ave. property bet. 46th and 58th Streets). City Engineer outlines capital improve- ments which would be necessary in connection with development of strip if rezoned. Hearing concluded at 8:18 P.M. 3-21-57 39 X89 Ordinance reclassifying both sides of Collins Ave. North of City Park at 46th St. for restricted Multiple -Family Use given 1st ana second readings. (see "ZONING" ) 3-�7-57 39 1203 FIRESTONE ESTATE and ocean fronta e north 41 Book Page Ordinance rezoning oceanfront strip amended before third reading (Sections 1, 112 and 9) Amendment re. flashing lights discussed. Mr. Lipp asked to look into regulations to control flashing lights city-wide. Preparation of ordinance requested, providing that no structures except groins and steps leading to the ocean can be erected eastward of bulkhead. Mr. Richard suggests plan to relocate Collins Ave. without expenditure of lot of money. Parking area at 46th St. park discussed. ORDINANCE ADOPTED - No. 1253 4-17-57 39 264 FIRESTONE ESTATE _.(and ocean frontage north) 42 Book Page Councilman Liberman advises he voted on adoption of Ord. #1253 in error, and desires to change vote. Mr. Liberman's vote recorded in the negative 4-17-57 39 264 Petitions submitted asking Council to call election on repeal of zoning ordinance #1253 reclassifying ocean- front strip. Councilman Frank's motion that special election be held fails to carry. 4-17-57 39 Council discussc sq of actio in connection with uity its appeal from Sg ggBioceanrfootvstripg4-17-57 311 264-266 39 riniSTONE ESTATE and ocean fronta:e north 43 Boo Page Clerk's certificate re. No. of signatures on petitions requesting referendum on repeal of ordinance rezoning oceanfront strip. Mr. Shepard advises procedure to be followed by Council. Discussion re. State Law requiring books to close. Councilman Richard urges Council to place same restrictions on Fontainebleau and Eden Roc hotel properties as will apply to any multiple -family construction in the strip north of the City Park. Res. #9486 calling hearing re. classifying Foden Roc and Fontainebleau properties in H1" Multiple -family D1 tract. Comments made re. possibility and outcome or getting aetrlmentaY °e?fec°tbYY woua--navvet5s r4 d 111 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) Book Page Alexander S. Gordon, atty, authorized to associate with City (without pay) in defense of suit brought to enjoin the August 6th zoning referendum; Acting City Atty to be Attorney of Record and Mr. Gordon to handle the defense 5-15-57 39 344 Hearing conducted re. classifying Eden Roc and Fontainebleau in "H-1" Multiple -Family District. Marion Sibley, atty for Fontainebleau objects; directs Council's attention to Circuit Court's injunction against City, Sept. 1, 1948) which is applicable to Lot A (Fontainebleau) permanently enjoining City from changing the "RE" classification on 4-hie nroner V. On ff1RESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 45 (cont.) Book Page Matter discussed and tabled. Legal Dept. to study court order and submit written report. City Mgr. to make investigation as to whether or not it would be advantageous to City if Eden Roc and Fontainebleau were placed in "H-1" District. 6-19-57 39 389 Mr. Shepard's written opinion submitted re. placing Fontainebleau and Eden Roc in"H-1" District. City Mgr. submits plat showing how proposed zoning change would affect both hotel properties; states that change is desirable. Owner of Eden Roc MEW botninnotelslst 1n x11-1tadi• 7 3-57nce 39 4.11 a �ntSTONE ESTATE (and ooean frontage north) 46 Book Page Res. #9540 calling zoning hearing re. placing Fontainebleau and & Eden Roc properties in Parking District No. 3. No action taken re. suggestion of Councilman Liberman to require parking spaces at the ratio of 3 cars per hotel room 7-3-57 39 427 3rd reading ord. rezoning Fontainebleau & Eden Roc Hotel properties in "H-1" Multiple -family District and in Area District No. 69. Ord. #1257 7-17-57 39 461 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 47 Book Page Mr. Renshaw gives figures on approximate cost of acquiring oceanfront strip for park purposes. Mayor Oka asks City Mgr. if survey has been made of possible revenue if property is used for public beach purposes. 7-31-57 39 471 Res. #9573 declaring result of Special Election re. repeal of ordinance rezoning oceanfront strip. 4,296 votes cast of which 3,178 were "FOR ADOPTION" and 1,118 votes were "AGAINST ADOPTION". Mr. Shepard advises that an ordinance repealing the oceanfront zoning ordinance is not necessary. 8-7-57 39 488 F.SRESTONET ESTATE (and ocean frontago0 Cor 48. Hearing to place Fontainebleau and Eden Roc Hotel properties in Parking District No. 3. • Mr. Shepard a plains" that the ordinance. repealed by voters at the Special Election,, created Parking District #3 and that it no longer exists because of that vote. City TMIgr. and City Atty. to work out set of restrictions for all property in the so-called Ocean Front Strip. -8-=21-- -57 39 .509 Councilman Richard's motion that resolution be pcallingrepared oefElectiont purUlase ailoceanfront p between City Park and Royal York Hotel fails for want of a second. o-21-57 39 509 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 49 Book Page Mr. Renshaw outlines proposed use of oceanfront lots rezoned by Supreme Court. Council indicates support of ordinances more restrictive than present ordinance. Mr. Siegel(owner of former Trees property) told he can prepare plans accordingly. 10-16-57 40 82 Res. #9628 calling zoning hearing for purpose of establishing the restrictions on the use of the oceanfront property re0oned for multiple --family use by Court Order (Robert Siegel"s request) Lots 15,16,17 and Lots 20, 21 and 22, Indian Beach Corp. Sub. 11-6-57 40 105