Firestone Estate_March to September 1944FIRESTONE ESTATE 1.
Book Page
Committee appointed to investigate
desirability of Firestone Estate
for public park 3/1/44 22 28$
i c oh fe t
Qnergsk�q ""To 1»ie-e .6/7/V9 22. 33S
Mr. Rensnaw authorized to appoint
E. D. Keefer & 2 other appraisers
to make appraisal of Firestone
estate (east of Indian Creek) 9/6/44 22 405
Civic League of Miami Beach thru
Harry Zukernick urge acquisition
for public beach 9/20/44 22 405
Other civic organizations endorse
plan 9/20/44 22- 505
Book Page
Charles G. Tobin suggests Firestone
estate if acquired for park purposes
might be made war memorial 9/20/44 22 405
City Manager reports appraisal of
Firestone ,egtete is 0j,0001 0/ 0/44 22 416
Council authorizes City Manager
to confer with owners of Firestone
and Warner estates for purchase
at private sale 10/20/44 22 424
Firestone estate advise they may
consider selling for $2,000
per foot 11/8/44 22 428
Book Page
Mr. Renshaw advises Trustees of
the Estate have brought suit to
compel City to change zoning 11/g/44 22 42g
City Manager advises Attorney
W. G. Ward has agreed to repre-
sent City in zoning suit brought
by Firestone Estate 11/8/44 22 433
Bert Scheuer representing 41st
St. Business Assn. urges Council
to take steps to acquire Firestone
estate for public use 1/3/45 22 46o
Book Page
City. Attorney and W. G. Ward,
Special Counsel recommend filing
of condemnation proceedings against
Firestone estate - Council author-
izes institution of suit 5/17/45 23 102
Res. #5844 authorizing City
Attorney to institute con-
demnation proceedings on
Firestone and Warner
properties 7/5/45 23 146
Book Page
Council refers to City Attorney
& W. G. Ward question of whether
to appeal from order of Judge
Barns in zoning case on Firestone
estate 8/1/45 23 192
City Attorney instructed to
appeal in Firestone zoning
suit order 8/17/45 23 206
City Attorney advises that the
Supreme Court refused to review
Judge Barns' order stayingcon—
demnation suit until zoniig
suit is disposed of 10/17/45 23 255
Res. #5949 passed authors
City Attorney to dismiss
tion proceedings on Fires
Warner properties
Council votes to take an
appeal to Supreme' Court
in Firestone zoning suit
Council asked to appeal
Supreme Court decision
in Firestone Estate to
U. S. Supreme Court -
discussion but no action
Book Page
tone and
3/6/46 .23 443
27 90
3-15-50 29 238
(meetings from 1/7/48 thru 5/5/48)
Mr, Roth suggests that
conferences be held with
private citizens relative
to Firestone estate
Councilman Richard's
City Attorney advises
that Extraordinary
Motion for Rehearing
before Supreme Court
would be sent up in
day or two
Book Page
3-17-50 29 241
3-17-50 29 241
3-22-50 29 247
Book Page
Councilman Richard and
Roth favor condemnation 3-22-50 29 248
Council asks Mr. Renshaw
and Councilman Burbridge
to negotiate for purchase 3-22-50 29 248
Tallahassee attorney to
be employed to associate
in the case 4-5-50 29 273
City Attorney advises City's
request for hehearing de-
nied by State Supreme Court 5/10/50 29 346
Book Page
Committee consisting of Council-
men Burbridge, Richard and Mr.
Renshaw to negotiate with owners
of property north of Firestone
Estate to City Limits for park
purposes 5/10/50 29 346
Resolution of Planning Board
filed re. Firestone Estate 6-7-50 29 399
Councilman Richard urges
condemnation of property
north of Firestone Estate 8-2-50 29 513
FIRESTONE ESTATE(and ocean frontage north)
City Attorney to prepare
ordinance setting of Parking
Area for Firestone Estate
District 9-6-50 30 62
Offer of executors ofFirestone
Estate to sell property to
City for 52,800,000.00 filed 9-5-51 32 )40
Council discusses advisability
of passing ordinance requiring
provision for auto parking
space in connection with future 9-5-51 32 141
land development north of Firestone
estate. Committee to investigate.
FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 11
Book Page
Petition asking City to fight
suit seeking rezoning of 5 lots
north of Firestone Estate.
Bond Item covering purchase of
ocean frontage north of Firestone
to be submitted to Eastern Invest-
ment Banking Vol. Credit Restraint
Comm. Group represented by
Mr.Pallot permitted to retain counsel
at no cost to city, to work with
City Attorney in defense of lawsuit.
10-30-51 32 124
FIRESTONE ESTATE(and ocean frontage north) 12
Book Page
No action taken re. return of
Waxd & Ward $1,000. check in
connection with suit of Samuel
T. Haas against City, instituted
in 1945 and involving zoning of
oceanfront property north of
Firestone estate. 10-30-51 32 135
City Atty. advises of zoningsuit
of Sam Kay and Samuel T. Haas vs.
City, involving property north of
Firestone Estate. City Atty. to
contact Mr. Pallot and accept offer
to retain outside counsel to associate
with City Atty. in defense of suit.
32 135
FIRESTONE EST/TE (and ocean frontage north) 13
Book Page
Return of Ward & Ward $1,000.
check in connection with suit
of Samuel T. Haas vs. the City
to be accepted. (Zoning of
property north of Firestone
Estate) 11-7-51 32 146
Kiwanis Club resolution urging
Council to retain special counsel
to defend suit re. rezoning 5 lots
north ofFirestone Estate filed.
11-21-51 32 202
FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 14
Book Page
Civic League resolution urging
Council to defend pending lawsuit
seeking rezoning of 5 lots immediately -
north of Firestone estate and suggestions
relative to future plans for remainder
of area submitted. 12-5-51 32 221
North Bay Area Taxpayers Ass'n
adopt resolution re. plans for
purchase of ocean front park prorty
1-2-52 32 279
Civic League urges Council to take
action on resolution re. ocean
frontage between Firestone Estate `
and Royal York Hotel 2-6-52 32 349
FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north)15
Book Page
Communication from Van C. Kussrow
of Oscar E. Dooly's office asking
whether or not City would be interested
in acquiring Firestone Estate property
at price of $2,800,000. ordered filed.
2-20-52 32 378
Councilman Richard presents two
plans for acquisition of ocean frontage
north of Firestone Estate. Council
does not approve plans. 2-20-52 32 388
FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean fronge north) 16
Book Page
City Atty. advises re. Haas and Kay v.
City case - (mandamus action seeking
to compel issuance of bldg. permit
for construction of hotel on property
immediately north of Firestone Estate)
3-26-52 32 441
Mr. Pallot appears in support of his
written requests for rezoning property
north of Firestone estate to "RE"
Multiple -family classification. No
action taken. 4-16-52
32 1499
FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 17
Book Page
Ocean front parks committee recommends
condemnation proceedings be instituted
to acquire Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, Indian
Beach Corp.'s Sub., for park purposes
(this property being the closest to
southern extremity of area north of
Firestone estate). Res. #7971 authorizes
condemnation proceedings. 4-4-52 32 469
Discussion re. ocean front property
north of Firestone Estate. Res. #8043
authorizing condemnation proceedings
to acquire Lots 9 thru 12, Blk 1,
2nd Ocean Front Sub. for 6-18-52 33 116
public park purposes
FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 18
Book Page
City Atty to ask for continuance in
in condemnation hearing re. Lot 6,
Indian Beach Corp's Sub.(Hogan v.
City) 7-2-52 33 138
Communication filed suggesting
development of tropical garden
on ocean front area north of Firestone
estate 7-16-52 33 158
City Mgr. authorized to have
appraisals made of the 8 lots
the City is preparing to acquire
between Firestone estate and Royal
York Hotel 7-16-52 33 164
FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 19.
Book Page
Discussion re. employment of
additional counsel to help City
Atty in defense of suits brought,
seeking rezoning certain property
north of Firestone estate 12-10-52 33 420
2 petitions filed favoring reclassi-
fication of ocean front strip between
Firestone Estate and Royal York Hotel,
so as to permit construction of hotels.
1-21-53 33 469
Communication from Councilman
Burbridge re. oceanfront rezoning
1-21-53 33 470
FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 20.
Book Page
City Atty reports on Reid,et al
suit (10 cases consolidated)
involving 142 lots on ocean between
Firestone Est. and Royal York Hotel.
Court held that provision limiting
use of these properties to Single-
family is invalid 1-21-53 33 478
FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 21
C of C urges Council to appeal Book Page
from decision of Circuit Court
in ocean front zoning case
(Reid, et al). City Atty advises
petition had been filed for rehearing
in case. 1-21-53 33 478
Question brought up of taking appeal
from Court decree in oceanfront
rezoning case (Jessie Reid, et al
142 lots between Firestone Estate
and Royal York Hotel). Discussion
held. Two communications filed.
Vote taken; -- in.favor of appeal
2-18-53 34 10
FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 22.
Book Page,
City Atty reports on oceanfront
rezoning suit (Jesse Reid et al):
Court enters order denying motion
for re -hearing filed by City.
2-18-53 34 16
Discussion re. condemnation of Firestone
Estate and entire oceanfront north to
Royal York Hotel; Councilman Frank's
statement. Richard's motion re.
condemnation defeated. 2-25-53 34 26
Negotiations for purchase of 700 feet
presently under condemnation, between
Firestone Estate and Royal York Hotel
authorized; also for purchase of
Kay property 3--53
314 127
FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 25.
Book Page
1st and 2nd reading ordinance changing
zoning on Firestone Estate property
to "RE" Multiple -family District,
in compliance with court order
(Lot A, Indian Beach Corporation's Sub.) 2475-13-53 34
3rd reading zoning amendment re-
classifying Firestone Estate property
in "RE" District, to comply with court
order. Ord. #1054 5-20-53 34 270
FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 214'.
Book Page
Discussion re. condemnation suits --
Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12, Blk 1, 2nd Ocean
Front Sub. Further discussion to be
held in week
12-16-53 35 250
Action deferred re. condemnation of
property in ocean front strip between
Firestone Estate and Royal York Hotel
12-23-53 35 251