Firestone Estate_November 1957FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 50 Book Page Councilman Richard asks that a hearing be called at early date so as to place similar restrictions on the Eden Roc and Fontainebleau properties, as well as any other oceanfront area on which City can establish restrictions. 11-6-57 40 105 Hearing conducted re. reclassifying Lots 15,16 and 17, and 20, 21 and 22, Indian Beach Corp. Sub. for multiple - family Use with restrictions, pursuant to mandate of Supreme Court. 1st reading Zoning amendment creating "REA" Multiple -family District, etc. 11-27-57 40 137 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 51 Book Page 1st reading Zoning amendment so as to provide that structures connected with underground automobile parking spaces as provided in ParkingDistrict No. 3, be permitted in yard areas provided they shall not project more than 5' above grade 11-27-57 40 143 2 ordinances reclassifying oceanfront lots (15,16, and 17, and 20, 21 & 22, Ind. Beach Corp. Sub.)for multiple -family use, held over until next meeting 12-4-57 40 157 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 52 Book Page 3rd reading Ordinance rezoning 6 oceanfront lots in newly created "REA" Multiple -family District and in proper area and parking districts Ord. #1280 (Lots 15,16, & 17, and Lots 20, 21 and 22, Indian Beach Corp's Sub.) 12-18-57 4o 166 3rd reading Zoning amendment so as to provide that structures connected with underground automobile parking spaces as provided in Parking District #3, be permitted in yard areas,provided they shall not project more han 5' above grade -- Ord. #1281 12-18-57 40 166 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 52A Book Page Res. #9683 authorizing law firm of Sibley, Grusmark, Barkdull & King to associate with the City in defense of oceanfront zoning suit (Muroff et al plaintiffs) 1-22-58 40 236 Res. #9735 authorizing law firm of Sibley, Grusmark, Barkdull & King to enter certain zoning suits now pending in Circuit Court, without compensation. City Atty to advise Council of anyattempt to take one suit (Lachman) to an outside court 4-2-58 40 357 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 53 Book Page Request for change in zoning on certain lands to a classification which will allow use thereof for hotel and apartment house purposes denied. All property in 1st Ocean Front Sub. (ocean front strip) 24--2--58 40 356 Report from Legal Dept. re. suit Turchin et al v. City in connection with oceanfront rezoning. Judge Kehoe entered final decreee in which Res. #9487 and the Election held pursuant thereto were held invalid and void. Council votes not to take an appeal. 5-7-58 4o 394 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 54 Book Page Marion Sibley requests Council to reconsider its May 7th action re. motion not to appeal Judge Kehoe's decision in oceanfront zoning election. Motion to rescind action fails. 5-21-58 40 417 Councilman Richard's motion for resolution calling an election for issuance of bonds for purchase of ocean- front property fails to carry. 5-21-58 4o 417 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 55 Book. Page Atty Ben Cohen asks that necessary set- backs be eztablished in oceanfront strip to assure adequate light and air for adjoining properties. City Mgr. instructed to look into matter and make recommendation for preparation of ordinance 7-2-58 40 496 .ate ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 56 Book Page Report re. suit Jappe et al and Lachman; re. oceanfront zoning: Judge Crawford in final decrees held that any attempt by the City to restrict the land to single-family uses was unconstitutional and void and he further enjoined the City from attempting to enforce any requirement under its zoning ordinance limiting this land to single-family estate purposes. 7-16-58 41 13 Council votes against taking appeal from Judge Crawford's deqisions in oceanfront zoning cases (Jappe and Lachman) 8-20-58 41 49 ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 5T Book Page Mr. Shepard explains resolution calling zoning hearing correcting error in Area District numbers: 1. When ord. rezoning oceanfront strip X1253) was passed, 2 new area districts were created - Area District No. 69 and 70. 2. As result of referendum election, ordinance was nullified, leaving No. 69 and No. 70 no longer in existence. 3. New Area District No. 69 created when ordinance rezoning 600' oceanfront strip was passed. (#1280) 4. Court declaring Ord. #1253 to be valid, there were 2 Area Distrigt Nos, 69. ��ruNE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 58 Book Page (cont.) Res. #9829 passed calling hearing to correct error by creating Area District No. 71, and placing therein Lots 15, 16, 17, 20, 21 and 22, INdian Beach Corp. Sub. 8-6-58 41 47 Request for public hearing to amend Zoning Ord. so as to exclude from "H-1" and to include in "REA" District and appropriate Area District, Lots 2,3, 10-14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 25, 27 and 28 1st Ocean Front Sub., ALSO Lots 13 and 14, Indian Beach Corp. Sub. Res. #9830 and #9831 calling hearing. (Atty Hoffman) 8-2o-58 41 49 „,vr.; ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 59 Book Page Request for public hearing to rezone Lot 4 and S.2 of Lot 5, 24 and 243, 1st Ocean Front Sub. from "H-1” to "REA". Res. #9832 calling hearing. (Atty Muroff) 8-20-58 41 50 _...„alt; ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 60 Book Page Mr. Shepard discusses mix up in Parking District numbers: 1. When ord. rezoning oceanfront strip was passed (#1253) Parking Dist. #3 was also created. 2. As result of referi�iy uu election, ordinance was nu 1 ie . 3. Parking Dist. #3 again used whn ord. rezaing 600' strip was passed (#1280). 4. Courts having declared Ord. #1253 to be valid, there were 2 Parking Dist. #3. Res. #9855 calling hearing to correct this error by creating Parking Dist. #4 and placing therein Lots 2,3,4 and S2 of 5; Lots 10-17,1n 1.; Lots 19,21,22,24,25,27, 28 and Lot 243,1st OE; Lots 13-17 incl; 20-22 incl. Indian Beach 9-3-58 41 90 _.�. ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 61 ' conducted Book Page Hearing/to change Area Dist. No. 69 to No. 71 and to place therein Lots 15,16,17,20,21 and 22, Indian Beach Corp. Sub. Ordinance given 1st reading. 9-3-58 41 95 let reading ordinance reclassifying Lots 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28, 1st Ocean Front; and Lots 13 and 14, Indian Beach Corp Sub. in "REA" ?4ULTIPLE FAMILY, and portions of said lots in 2 -story Cabana District 9-17-58 41 113 _...L i24E ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 62 Book Page Mayor Oka suggests Council call a hearing on 10/15 to consider placing all of the lots in the oceanfront strip, not heretofore rezoned, up to and including Lot 231, 1st Ocean Front Sub. in the "REA" classification. RES. #9859 adopted calling this hearing. (Lots 18, 19, 23, Indian Beach Sub. & Lots 1, 4-9, 18, 20, 23, 24, 26, 29, 30, 231, 1st Ocean Front) 9-17-58 41 119 _..� ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 63 Book Page Hearing scheduled for 9/17 re. rezoning Lots 4 and Si of Lot 5, and Lot 243, 1st Oceanfront, called off. Hearing on these lots scheduled on Oct. 15, as per Res. #9859 and Res. 9860. 9-17-58 41 119 Mr. Lipp asked by Council to submit his recommendations on the shallow oceanfront lots. 9-17-58 41 119 3rd reading Ordinance changing Area District 69 to 71, and placing therein Lots 15,16,17, 20, 21 and 22, Indian Beach Corp. Sub. - ORD. #1308 9-17-58 41 122 ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 64 Book Page Res. #9865 calling hearing to consider rezoning to "REA" all property on ocean- front north of City Park to Royal York Hotel not heretofore rezoned; also all Indian Creek front property on the w. side of Collins Ave. north of City Park to north line of Lot 18, Blk 2, 2nd Ocean Front Sub. (Lots 232 to 242; Lots 244, 245; Lots 332 to 345 1st Ocean Front; ALSO Lots 1 to 18, Blk 1, Lots 1 to 18, Blk 2, 2ND Ocean Front Sub. (Cypen's request) 10-1-58 41 124 _�1vNE ESTATE(and ocean frontage north) 65 Book Page Zoning hearing conducted creating Parking District No. 4, and placing the following oceanfront property therein: Lots 2, 3, 4 and Si of 5; 10 - 17 incl; Lot 19; 21 and 22; 24 and 25; 27 and 28; and Lot 243 FIRST OCEAN FRONT SUB. Lots 13 to 17 incl. 20 to 22 incl. INDIAN BEACH CORP. SUB. Ordinance given 1st and 2nd readings. 10-1-58 41 136 ami STONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 66. Book Page 3rd reading ordinance reclassifying the following lots in REA Multiple -Family District: Lots 2, 3, 10-17 incl. 19, 21, 22, 25, 27 and 28, FIRST OCEAN FRONT SUB. Lots 13 and 14, INDIAN BEACH CORP. SUB. and portions of said lots in 2 -story Cabana District. ORD. #1314. 10-1-58 41 143