Firestone Estate_October 1958FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 67. Book Page Mr. Novack of the Fontainebleau Hotel discusses proposal to enlarge night club which would extend into present front setback. Asks change in setbacks from 65' (Area Dist. #69 "H-1") to 50' (Area Dist #71 "REA"). Mr. Novack objects to accepting other "REA" restrictions. Suggestion made that Mr. Novack make his request to Zoning Board and that the Board be advised of Councilman Richard's feeling about the matter - that if Mr. Novack wants a 501 setback he should be willing to accept restrictions of the "REA" zoning. 10-15-58 41 152 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 68 Book Page Hearing conducted re. reclassification of Lot 243, 1st Ocean Front, in "REA". Hearing continued to 11/5/58 when other shallow lots are considered. Mr. Lipp to make recommendations what setbacks should be placed on the shallow lots on the oceanfront strip. 10-15-58 41 156 Hearing conducted on reclassification of Lots 18, 19, 23, Indian Beach Sub. and Lots 1, 4-9 incl., 18, 20, 23, 24, 26, 29, 30 and 231, 1st Ocean Front in "REA". Ordinance passed on 1st and 2nd readings reclassifying lots accordingly. 10-15-58 41 157 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 69. Book Page 3rd reading ordinance creating Parking District #4 and placing following oceanfront property therein: Lots 2,3,4 and Si of 5; 10 to 17 incl., Lot 19, 21 and 22; 24 and 25; 27 & 28; Lot 243, FIRST OCEAN FRONT SUB. Lots 13 to 17 incl. 20 to 22 incl. INDIAN BEACH CORP. SUB. ORD. #1319 10-15-58 41 174 —FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 70 Zoning hearing re. reclassificationBook Page to "REA" of the following: Lots 232 to 242 incl; 244 and 245; 5 1st Ocean Front 332 to 345 incl; Lots 1 to 18, B1k 1; 1 to 18, Blk 2; Council reminded hearing on Lot 243, 1st Ocean Front was continued to this date. Further study to be given setbacks before ordinance is given 1st reading. Legal Dept. to prepare amendment reclassifying this property accordingly. 11_5_58 41 187 2nd Ocean Front FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) ti Book Page Ord. #1322 adopted,reclassifying Lots 18, 19, 23, Indian Beach Sub. and Lots 1, 4-9 incl., 18, 20, 23, 24, 26, 29, 30 and 231, 1st Ocean Front in "REA" 11-5-58 41 203 Letter from Melvin Grossman, architect, re. use of projections in side yards in ocean front strip. Res. #9920 calling hearing to consider permitting balconies to project 6 feet in side yards in area districts requiring side yards of 20 feet. (Hearing called on 1/7/59 12-3-5 41 238 FIRESTONE ESTATE (and ocean frontage north) 72 Book Page Res. #9944 calling hearing on 2/4/59 to consider requiring 100' setback from ocean on all oceanfront property in the "strip" (from s. boundary of Fontainebleau to s. boundary of Royal York property) 1-7-59 41 274 Res. #9945 calling hearing on 2/4/59 to consider incorporating the "Sun" Ordinance in Zoning Ordinance 1_7-59 41 274 Res. #9946 calling hearing on 2/4/59 to consider providing that no bldg. exceeding 140' in height shall be constructed in ocean front strip 1-7-59 41 275 'FIRESTONE ESTATE (and OCEAN FRONTAGE NORTH) 73 Book Page Hearing conducted to consider providing that in any Area District requiring side yards of 20 feet, balconies may project thereinto for a distance not exceeding 6 feet. Legal Dept. to prepare proper amendment to Zoning Ordinance. 1_7_591 �9 1st reading ordinance including both sides of oceanfront "strip" in "REA" and Parking District No. 4. 1-7-59 41 303 3rd reading ordinance placing oceanfront strip in REA Multiple Family Dist ict and Parking District No. 4. - Ord. ##133+ l 323 1-21-59 ,.irtESTONE ESTATE (AND OCEAN FI-{ONTAGE NORTH) 73A Book Page ist reading ordinance providing for conditions under which balconies may project 6' into side yard setbacks 1-21-59 41 324 ..,Jai ESTATE (ar OCEAN FRONTAGE NORTH) 74. Book Page Hearing to consider requiring 1001 setback from ocean on property in the "strip". Atty Ben Cohen withdraws setback petition until further study is made. 2-4-59 41 331 Hearing to consider incorporating "Sun" ordinance in Zoning Ordinance. Atty Ben Cohen discusses necessity of "shadow" ordinance. Zoning hearing continued to Feb. 18. City Mgr. to submit recommendations. 2-4-59 41 331 Hearing re. height of bldgs. to be constructed in strip" continued to Feb. 18. 2-4-59 41 331 __.,.:,a TONE ESTATE (AND OCEAN FRONTAGE NORTH) 75. Book Page 3rd reading ordinance, amending Sec. 17 of Zoning Ord., provding for conditions under which balconies may Ord. #1336. projectinto side yard setbacks,29 41 383 City Mgr. reports on "shadows". Zoning hearing to consider incorporating "shadow" ordinance in Zoning Ord. continued to March 4, 1959. 2-18-59 41 391 Hearing re. height of bldgs. to be constructed in strip continued to March 4, 1959 2-1g-59 41 391 __.....DTONE ESTATE (AND OCEAN FRONTAGE NORTH) 76. Book Page Mr. Lipp's report on study of amending Zoning Ord. to make proper provision for light and air on the oceanfront property presented. Mr. Ben Cohen asks that zoning hearings heretofore called be continued. Council determines new hearing is necessary. Res. #10028 adopted calling hearing on 3/25/59 to consider items referred to in Mr. Lipp's report. 3-44-59 41 435 ESTATE (AND OCEAN FRONTAGE NORTH) 77. Book Page Hearing anducted re. 1. Creation of height district. 2. Providing restrictions as to setbacks. 3. Placing certain oceanfront property in said height district. 4. Regulating type of structural accessories or appurtenances, etc. Mr. Lipp discusses conferences held on this matter. Hearing continued to 4/1/59• 3-2-5-59 41 452 Communication from Fontainebleau Hotel re. pending litigation presented. Action deferred until next meeting. 3-25-59 41 455 _,a111.6 ESTATE (AND OCEAN FRONTAGE NORTH) 78. Book Page Discussion re. litigation involving Fontainbleau Hotel, and letter from them re. City filing petition for certior.ri in Supreme Court. Councilman Frank's motion that petition not be filed, fails to carry 4-1-59 41 470 Hearing continued on consideration of amendments to Zoning Ord. re. Height District, etc. on certain oceanfront property. 3 plans demonstrated. Citizens express favor for Plan B. Hearing concluded. Study to be given type of ordinance needed. 4-1-59 41 371 _...:,u rUNE-- ESTATE (& OCEAN FRONTAGE NORTH) 79 Book Page Harry Singer requests public hearing re. placing property in Indian Beach Corp. Sub. in Height District wherein buildings cannot exceed 110' in height. Councilmen Frank and Richard say the whole strip should be considered. Change in Collins Ave. setback requested. Res. #10242 calling hearing re. Height District and Setbacks for Oceanfront strip on Feb. 3, 1960. 1-6-60 142 413 _�vNE ESTATE (& OCEAN FRONTAGE NORTH) 80 Book Page Hearing re. Height District and setback changes in Oceanfront strip: - Lots 13-23 incl. Indian Beach Corp. Sub. 1 - 30 incl. 1st Ocean Front Sub. 231 - 245 incl. 1st Ocean Front Sub. 1 - 18, Blk 1, Amended Plat 2nd Oceanfront Discussion. Hearing continued to Feb. 17th. Deep lots only to be considered. 2-3-60 42 469 City Atty explains proposed ordinance covering creation of Height Districts. Sam Halperin suggests provisions for erection of pen ouses be included. Discussion re. amount of space a penthouse should cover. Ordinance given 1st reading. 2-10-60 42 470 _..,NE ESTATE (& OCEAN FRONTAGE NORTH) 81 Book Page Height Ordinance hearing re. property on oceanfront from 46th St. Park to approx.. 54th St. Deferment requested. Discussion held. Mr. Lipp discusses Plan "B". Council examines schedule of permits granted for oceanfront strip. Mr. Lipp reviews analysis with Counci1.4 Discusses deviations from Plan "B". Proposed Height Ordinance amended. Action urged on Collins Ave. widening. 2-17-60 4 2 489 3rd reading Height Ordinance deferred until March 16, 1960 3-2-60 43 8 —.,luNE ESTATE (& OCEAN FRONTAGE NORTH) 82 Book Page Mr. Lipp discusses plans in progress for Four Seasons to be erected on Lots 20, 21, 22, Ind. Beach Corp. Sub., and architect's letter stating they will comply with so-called "modified B plan". Mr. Lipp says most construction in that area will meet "modified B plan". Refers to plans for Hamilton House. Height ordinance amended. Ordinance as amended given 3rd reading. Ordinance adopted, No. 1376. 3-16-60 43 24